The man accused of the Claremont serial killings has made his first court appearance since being charged with murdering teenager Sarah Spiers, who vanished more than 22 years ago.
Bradley Robert Edwards, 49, was already facing murder charges over the deaths of 23-year-old Jane Rimmer and 27-year-old Ciara Glennon, who disappeared in 1996 and 1997 in similar circumstances to Ms Spiers.
All three women had been on a night out in Claremont's popular entertainment strip when they disappeared after leaving friends.
Ms Rimmer's and Ms Glennon's bodies were found in the weeks after they were reported missing, but 18-year-old Ms Spiers's body has never been located.
Mr Edwards was charged with the murders of Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon in December 2016, but he was only charged with Ms Spiers's murder last week.
Three young Perth women disappeared in the mid-1990s. Two decades later, a man faces court.
Mr Edwards was charged with the murders of Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon in December 2016, but he was only charged with Ms Spiers's murder last week
He appeared in Stirling Gardens Magistrates Court today via video link from Hakea Prison, with the charge of murdering Ms Spiers officially read out to him.
Mr Edwards was not required to enter a plea and was remanded in custody with his case adjourned until July.
PHOTO: Bradley Robert Edwards (inset) has been charged with the murder of Sarah Spiers. (Supplied)
His lawyer, Genevieve Cleary, said her client had initially intended for his case to be committed to the WA Supreme Court today, but the new charge laid last week of murdering Ms Spiers meant an adjournment was necessary.
The court heard the delay will also allow the prosecution to disclose all the material in the case, which prosecutor Carmel Barbagallo said ran in excess of 1.5 million documents.
Mr Edwards showed no emotion during the appearance as Ms Spiers's father, Don Spiers, and Denis Glennon, the father of Ms Glennon, watched on in a packed public gallery at the court.
Neither made any comment as they left the court accompanied by detectives.
Ms Cleary would not comment on her client's state of mind, nor could she give any indication of how long the case would take.
"I really don't know until we get on top of what's been provided by the State," Ms Cleary said outside court.
"It's extraordinarily different to other cases.
"A million and a half pages would strike fear into the heart of any lawyer I think, but it is what it is and it's an exceptional case and that's to be expected."
Date: Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 7:37 AM
Subject: International Press Update on set up and frame up of Bradley Robert Edwards
Roger Cook <>,,,,,,,,,
Mark McGowan MLA
Premier of Western Australia
Roger Cook MLA
Deputy Premier of Western Australia
John Quigley MLA
Attorney General for Western Australia
Michelle Roberts MLA
Minister for Police for Western Australia
Chris Dawson
Commissioner of Police for Western Australia
Amanda Forrester
Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia
Please note that we have noticed since our press release that we forwarded to you over the weekend to see if you had any objections or complainants with what was said in the press release, the website..
has published our letter to you all on their webpage headed:
Yours faithfully
Date: Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Subject: Update on the DPP sets aside one floor to help set up and frame Bradley Robert Edwards
To: "" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>
Mark McGowan MLA
The Premier of Western Australia
Roger Cook MLA
Deputy Premier of Western Australia
John Quigley MLA
Attorney General for Western Australian
Michelle Roberts MLA
Minister of Police for Western Australia
Chris Dawson
Commissioner of Police for Western Australia
Amanda Forrester
Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia
We have not had any real reply from you, to this most urgent matter, except a robot computer generated response.
What has been emailed to you is the most important issue that has faced the Government and Police in Western Australia, since the state of Western Australia was colonized
Date: Saturday, June 30, 2018
Subject: The DPP sets aside one floor to prosecute Bradley Robert Edwards
John Quigley MLA
The Attorney General for Western Australia
Mark McGowan MLA
The Premier of Western Australia
Roger Cook MLA
Deputy Premier of Western Australia
Michelle Roberts MLA
Minister of Police for Western Australia
Commissioner Chris Dawson
Commissioner of Police for Western Australia
Amanda Forrester
Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia
For Your Attention and Information
Date: Sun, Jul 1, 2018 at 8:15 AM
The DPP sets aside one floor to help set up and frame Bradley Robert Edwards
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>
Date: Saturday, June 30, 2018
Subject: The DPP sets aside one floor to prosecute Bradley Robert Edwards
To: The Editor of the Sydney Morning Herald
CC: The Editor of the Melbourne Age
CC: The Editor of the Queensland Courier Mail
CC: The Editor of the Western Australian Paper
CC: The Editor of the Perth Sunday Times Newspaper
CC: The Editor of the Australian Newspaper
CC: The Editor of the UK Guardian Newspaper
CC: The Editor of the London Times Newspaper
CC: The Editor of the UK Telegraph Newspapers
CC: The Editor of the UK Daily Newspapers
CC: The Editor of the Scotsman Newspaper
CC: The Editor of the New York Times Newspaper
CC: The Editor of the USA Today Newspaper
CC: The Editor of Huffington Post Newspaper
CC: The Editor of the Irish Times Newspaper
CC: The Editor of the Irish Journal Newspaper
From: Keith Hodgins <>
Just for your personal interest as you have previously visited the Claremont Hotel in Perth Western Australia which is where the three girls that were drinking the night they were in the 1990's when they were abducted and murdered ... now known world wide as
" The Claremont Serial Murders ..."
The evidence and Information on the 20 years of the Investigation files which the film we have been asked to make
"The Claremont Serial Murders - The True Untold Shocking Story" ....
indicate that that Bradley Robert Edwards is being framed by the Western Australian Police Service and the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia to appease the families of the victims and
the general public, that the Western Australian Open, the Western Australian Government and the Director u of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia, are able to solve these most serious crimes and to help protect powerful people which include police and other extremely powerful people and networks, that were involved in The Claremont Serial Murders.. and the 20 plus years of cover up and protecting those responsible for the Claremont Serial Murders..
The shocking story which will be told in the Film ...
".. The Claremont Serial Murders - The True Untold Shocking Story" ..
we have been asked to help make will not be well considered and received my the authorities in Western Australia ...
The truth is that the previous Liberal Western Australian Government, headed by Liberal Freemason Premier Colin Barnet, and the previous Western Australian Police Freemason Police Commissioner Karl O'Callahan and other powerful Freemasons in the Western Australian Police and Government, carefully selected Bradley Robert Edwards as a person that they could set up and frame and charge for the Claremont Serial Abductions and Murders, just prior to the Western Australian State Elections were held.
This way the Western Australian Liberal Freemason controlled Government could get the credit that under the reign of Freemason Liberal Premier Colin Barnet, and under the reign of Western Australian Freemason Police Commissioner, Karl O'Callahan, the Western Australian Police and Government, had finally solved the Claremont Serial Abductions and Murders after 20 years of extensive police investigation with no stone left unturned.
Of course, the truth is that the well planned timing of the arrest of Bradley Robert Edwards, just before the Western Australian State Elections, was simply a well orchestrated and well planned political stunt and manouver, to help the Colin Barnet Freemason controlled Liberal Government win the Western Australian State Elections.
However, even with setting up and framing Bradley Robert Edwards with the Claremont Serial Abductions and Murders, the Western Australian Freemason Colin Barnet Government, still lost the election with a land slide to the Western Australian Labour Mark McGowan Government.
There was never any truth belief at the time of the arrest of Bradley Robert Edwards, by Western Australian Police and the Director of Public Prosecutions acting on behalf of the Western Australian Government, that Bradley Robert Edwards would ever stand trial for the Claremont Serial Abductions and Murders ... the plan was to have Bradley Robert Edwards murdered in prison by strangulation, while falsely making out that Bradley Robert Edwards had committed suicide because of the shame of being publicly arrested and claimed by the Western Australian Police Service, that the Western Australian Police Service is convinced that Bradley Robert Edwards was the sole person responsible for organising, planning and carrying out the Claremont Serial Abductions and Murders.
However, the investigative journalists that have been investigating the Claremont Serial Abductions and Murders for 20 years warned the Western Australian Australian Prison Department that there was a plan in place to have Bradley Robert Edwards murdered in prison, and falsely claim that Bradley Robert Edwards had committed suicide.
As a result, the Western Australian Prison Department has placed Bradley Robert Edwards under 24 suicide watch. This would make it much harder for a corrupt prison officer or officers to sneak a person like self confessed Serial Killer, from Victoria, Donald Victor Moray, who specializes in murdering his victims by strangulation, as Donald Victor Moray did to Sarah Ann McMahon under orders the police and criminal networks that were involved in the Claremont Serial Abductions and Murders, because Sarah Ann McMahon had made a statement to others that she knew who was responsible for the Claremont Serial Abductions and Murders and had named those involved.
The Western Australian Police Service have enough evidence to arrest Donald Victor Moray for the Murder of Sarah Ann McMahon, and thus and thus stop the release from Prison this year of Donald Victor Moray, who is completing a 14 year sentence for the attempted murder of a street prostitute. There is also claims that Donald Victor Moray murder other women in Western Australia and in the Eastern States of Australia.
You can understand why this film could not be made in Western Australia.
The DPP sets aside one floor to prosecute
Bradley Robert Edwards for his alleged involvement in the Claremont Serial Abductions and Murders.
Alleged Claremont serial killer trial: DPP sets aside entire office floor
Tim Clarke The West Australian
Friday, 25 May 2018
The DPP has set aside $1.8 million dollars, hiring out an entire office floor for the prosecution team in the Claremont Serial Killer case.
AN entire floor of the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions has been put aside for the specialised team working on the prosecution of the alleged Claremont serial killer, it has been revealed.
As reported earlier this month, $1.8 million has been specially set aside in this year’s state budget to fund the work going into what is already one of the biggest criminal cases in WA legal history.
And answering questions about that allocation in parliamentary estimates last night, attorney general John Quigley and DPP Amanda Forrester revealed more details about the massive
Mr Quigley confirmed that such is the scale of the case, a “special secure floor has been leased” for the prosecution team, which is being led by Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions Carmel Barbagallo.
And Ms Forrester said on that floor are rooms of documents which are having to be catalogued, redacted, and scanned so it can be produced to defence lawyers “in a manageable way”.
“We cannot just back it up in a truck and give it to the defence lawyers,” Ms Forrester said.
“It involves three homicides allegedly committed at different times plus two other historical offences. We envisage that it will be a very long trial, if there is a trial.”
Bradley John Edwards has yet to enter a plea on accusations that he murdered Sarah Spiers, 18, Jane Rimmer, 23, and Ciara Glennon, 27. Mr Edwards, who has been in custody for nearly 18 months, is due in court again in July,
Ms Forrester said at that hearing disclosure is meant to be complete
“At this stage of proceedings, the DPP, or the prosecution, does not have any idea what the defence is. It simply has to provide everything that might be potentially relevant to any issue. The member can imagine how enormous a 20-year investigation is,” Ms Forrester said.
“We are well experienced, particularly my deputy director is well experienced in massive prosecutions —not one this big because we have not had one this big — but if I had to assign anyone to make sure that everything was disclosed, I could not find a better person.”
Mr Quigley said that as much money as was needed would be made available to see the case through.
“At the outset, the accused is presumed to be not guilty so the director has to prepare the case as though it is going to trial and will go the full distance at trial,” Mr Quigley said.
“As the director said, not only has it been under investigation for 20 years, but also the member can imagine over that time the police were advertising for information: “Ring Crime Stoppers”. All manner of people rang Crime Stoppers with information.
“It all has to be assessed and prepared for disclosure. It is a mammoth task.”
From: Quigley, Minister <>
Date: Sun, Jul 1, 2018 at 8:15 AM
Subject: Thank you for contacting the Office of the Attorney General, the Hon John Quigley MLA, Member for Butler
To: Keith Hodgins <>
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The Attorney General cannot give legal advice. If you require legal advice, please contact a private law firm. Depending on the nature of your matter you may be able to seek assistance from:
· Legal Aid Western Australia – 1300 650 579
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We aim to assist and respond in the most helpful and fastest means possible and thank you for writing to the Hon John Quigley MLA, Attorney General of Western Australia.
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Date: Sun, Jul 1, 2018 at 8:15 AM
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Claremont serial killings: Bradley Robert Edwards faces court over Sarah Spiers murder
By Joanna Menagh - 28 Feb 2018
Three young Perth women disappeared in the mid-1990s. Two decades later, a man faces court.
The man accused of the Claremont serial killings has made his first court appearance since being charged with murdering teenager Sarah Spiers, who vanished more than 22 years ago.
Bradley Robert Edwards, 49, was already facing murder charges over the deaths of 23-year-old Jane Rimmer and 27-year-old Ciara Glennon, who disappeared in 1996 and 1997 in similar circumstances to Ms Spiers.
All three women had been on a night out in Claremont's popular entertainment strip when they disappeared after leaving friends.
Ms Rimmer's and Ms Glennon's bodies were found in the weeks after they were reported missing, but 18-year-old Ms Spiers's body has never been located.
Mr Edwards was charged with the murders of Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon in December 2016, but he was only charged with Ms Spiers's murder last week.
He appeared in Stirling Gardens Magistrates Court today via video link from Hakea Prison, with the charge of murdering Ms Spiers officially read out to him.
Mr Edwards was not required to enter a plea and was remanded in custody with his case adjourned until July.
PHOTO: Bradley Robert Edwards (inset) has been charged with the murder of Sarah Spiers. (Supplied)
His lawyer, Genevieve Cleary, said her client had initially intended for his case to be committed to the WA Supreme Court today, but the new charge laid last week of murdering Ms Spiers meant an adjournment was necessary.
The court heard the delay will also allow the prosecution to disclose all the material in the case, which prosecutor Carmel Barbagallo said ran in excess of 1.5 million documents.
Mr Edwards showed no emotion during the appearance as Ms Spiers's father, Don Spiers, and Denis Glennon, the father of Ms Glennon, watched on in a packed public gallery at the court.PHOTO: Sarah Spiers' father Don Spiers did not speak to the media as he left the Supreme Court. (ABC News: Rebecca Trigger)
Neither made any comment as they left the court accompanied by detectives.
Ms Cleary would not comment on her client's state of mind, nor could she give any indication of how long the case would take.
"I really don't know until we get on top of what's been provided by the State," Ms Cleary said outside court.
"It's extraordinarily different to other cases.
"A million and a half pages would strike fear into the heart of any lawyer I think, but it is what it is and it's an exceptional case and that's to be expected."
Jane Rimmer's sister, Lee Rimmer, said outside court that the wait for justice had been very difficult for the family.
"But you have to learn to live in the moment and Jane wouldn't want me being upset all the time," she said,
She said her sister's positive personality was a lasting memory of her.
"[She was] just a fun-loving girl that loved everyone and treated everyone with respect," she said.
In addition to being charged with killing Ms Spiers, Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon, Mr Edwards was also charged 14 months ago over two sex attacks which pre-dated the alleged murders.
The first relates to the indecent assault of a woman in her Huntingdale home in February 1988, while the second involves an allegation he forced a 17-year-old girl into a car as she walked along Gugeri Street in Claremont in 1995.
Mr Edwards is accused of taking the teenager to Karrakatta cemetery and sexually assaulting her.
That alleged crime happened just 11 months before Ms Spiers disappeared in the early hours of January 27, 1996.
Topics: murder-and-manslaughter, courts-and-trials, law-crime-and-justice, claremont-6010, perth-6000, wa
Angela Pownall, News Corp Australia Network- December 27, 2016
A FRIEND of Sarah Spiers, the first suspected victim of the Claremont serial killer who has been missing for almost 21 years, has spoken of her hope that the teenager’s remains will be found.
Brodie Hudson, who became friends with Ms Spiers after the pair met at secretarial college, said she was a beautiful person with a dry sense of humour who looked like she “had love behind her eyes”.
Ms Hudson, 38, said last week’s news that Bradley Robert Edwards had been charged with the murders of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon — who were abducted in Claremont in the 13 months after Ms Spiers and were later found dead — was a shock and she was grateful to police for not forgetting about the three women.
Sarah Spiers' friend Brodie Hudson says she is grateful to WA Police for the breakthrough in the cold case. Picture: Simon Santi/The West Australian
“I really hope they find her. It’s been such a horrible long time,” she said. “You can’t really truly grieve because you’ve got nothing.
They (Ms Spiers’ family) still have unanswered questions.”
Video of the mystery man. The last person to see Jane Rimmer alive
The Devils Garden Author Debi Marshall Missing and never founed- Sarah Spiers Found murdered in the bush near Wellard, Jane Rimmer Found murdered in the bush north of Perth, Ciara Glennon. Video of the wanted mystery man Haayley dodd, missing feared murdered- she may be a victim of the same serial killer The three girls, all abducted and murdered Corrupt cop David Caphorn Mark Dixie, a suspect murdered his girlfriend Sally Anne Bowman murdered by Mark Dixie
An inept police force unable to stop a killer
This book is a literary documentary by investigative journalist Debi Marshall into the Claremont Serial Killings Police Investigation in Perth in Western Australia. To this day the killings which occurred in 1995/6 have never been solved.
In 1995 three girls went missing in the wealthy, fairly serene and innocent, leafy outer western suburb of Perth, Claremont. Sarah Spiers, 18, went missing on 26 January 1996.On 9 June 1996, Jane Rimmer, 23 went missing and was found dead at Woolcott Road at Wellard on August 1996, she was a child care worker.
Her body was found on 3 April, near a track in scrub off Pipidinny Road in Eglinton, a northern suburb of Perth. All spent a Friday or Saturday evening at both the Claremont Hotel and Club Bayview a nightclub close by. On 14 March 1997, Ciara Glennon, a 27-year-old lawyer
A twist though is that CCTV in club Bayview picked up Jane Rimmer talking to a mystery man who has never been identified. All the hundreds of other people in the club that night were identified, hunted down and interviewed. The mystery man was the last person to see her alive and police are still searching for him.
It is thought at least three other girls were also possible victims of the Claremont Serial Killer. 22 year old Julie Cutler went missing in 1988 from the same area. Her Volkswagen car was bizarrely found floating in the surf at Cottesloe beach the day after she went missing, she was never seen again. 17 year old Hayley Maree Dodd went missing in Badgingarra on, a country town about 50 kilometres west of Perth in 1997, while hitching a ride on the road.
Circumstances- Hayley made a telephone call at 10.30am on Thursday 29/7/1999 and was given a lift by a lady to the North West Road, Badgingarra, WA. She was then sighted by a motorist on the North West Road walking towards the farm where she was going at 11.35am on the same day. That was the last sighting of her. At the time of her disappearance she was wearing, light brown hiking boots, blue denim jeans, black v-neck top, grey men's jacket with a hood, silver sunglasses and carrying a light brown backpack with the word " EQUIP" on the flap.
The book covers the controversial, and sometimes ridiculous methods the police used in their search for the Claremont serial killer. Initially it was thought the girls were taken by a taxi driver, so the police interviewed and took DNA samples from every taxi driver in Perth. There were over 1500 of them. Police then had local businesses print, and donate wanted, and information posters in regard to the horrific crime, and had them handed out or posted all over Perth. This author owned a company called Eureka printing at the time and donated 10,000 posters.
The state government then introduced a one million dollar reward, and the Macro Taskforce was formed. Headed by Detective Paul Ferguson, who later had to resign from this position, as he was charged with the rape of two prostitutes and later acquitted. He was later accused of stealing a dealers drugs, and again nothing happened to him. The next head of the task force was corrupt cop David Caporn.
Controversially and rather stupidly this taskforce invited members of the public to ring in and nominate suspects. These mostly innocent people were then interviewed and DNA tested, in other words harassed. There were over 4000 suspects! . I was later nominated as a suspect and interviewed and DNA tested only to be cleared and then 15 years later interviewed again and cleared in June, 2011 as were another 2000 innocent men! I am not happy about it.
The ironic part about this is I was living in Perth at the time of course and had rung the police nominating a suspect of my own. A promiscuous, eccentric, lawyer mate of mine had started acting rather suspiciously. He had come to my home at 4 am one morning and broke down crying drunk in front of my wife and I, claiming he had killed somebody, but when questioned further he would not elaborate.
The matter was forgotten until much later, when this blokes wife informed me that he had been at Club Bayview and the Claremont Hotel the nights all three girls went missing. He also had in his possession a replica 9mm Beretta which I had lent him. I reported all this to the police and he was investigated but refused to provide DNA or account for his whereabouts on the nights of the killings and abductions. He is still a suspect to this day. This author has since had discussions with the author of this book, Debi Marshall and made a full written statement to her.
David Caphorn the head of this investigation then focused his attention on a male public servant caught suspiciously cruising the streets of Claremont late at night several nights in a row. This person was relentlessly followed and harassed by police for weeks. He was questioned at length and his house was searched and his car and phone bugged. He was innocent. He is still a suspect. The investigation into this man was badly thought out, blinkered and hampered by the tunnel vision of Detective David Caphorn.
Detective Caphorn had a history of this type of behaviour. In later years he had negative findings registered against him by the West Australian Crime and Corruption Commission for framing an innocent man for murder. Andrew Mallard served 12 years in jail before they realised he was innocent and had been framed, eventually they found the real killer Simon Rochford, who had already been convicted of murdering his girlfriend and was in jail. He killed himself when they found out about the second murder.
The police then continue to harass another innocent Perth resident Claremont psychiatrist Peter Weygers, also the lord Mayor of Claremont who had been critical of police publicly. A twist in the story is that he was a suspect because he was renting his house out to a taxi driver mate of his, who because of his suspicious actions, had attracted police attention, and was a leading suspect.
This story has some weird and interesting twists and turns, and when you think you have heard it all the police make a shocking revelation. When asked by the author it they had DNA material from the murder crime scenes to compare DNA they were collecting from suspects, the answer was a positive no. Why then had they spent thousands of man hours and millions of dollars harassing the frightened, and totally innocent men of Perth?
The answer was that in the future, the police hoped that science and technology may have advanced to the point where they could extract DNA from crime scene exhibits they held from the killings. This was a huge long-shot and showed how totally helpless and inept the police and the investigation really was.
In October 2006, it was announced that Mark Dixie (AKA Shane Turner),who was convicted in the United Kingdom for the 2005 murder of 18-year-old model Sally Anne Bowman is a prime suspect in the killings, and the WA Police's Macro Taskforce has requested DNA samples from Dixie to test against evidence taken during the enquiry.
Debi Marshal fell out with the police in a big way over this book. The story is so sad and frustrating but one that must be told. Nobody has ever been caught for these killings but as mentioned above the police are still questioning innocent men by the thousands and have no idea what they are doing. Well investigated. Well written and well worth a read.
A fantastic story about a serial killer on the loose in Perth, Western Australia
The Devil's Garden: The Claremont Serial Killings by Debi Marshall (2007-06-01) Buy Now
Comments 8 comments
Andrew 3 years ago
I sent information to the police, but it's been ignored. I give you one name and one clue.... drug dealer.... Stockely Davis
Clarise 3 years ago
I am English, and believe you must look at serial killer Mark Dixie who is in Long Lartin prison Worc's to rot for the rest of his vile day's take a good look at this sociopath. He was in Perth at this time, also girls would have accepted a lift from a man with an English accent.
Parkie 3 years ago
East of Parkie amphitheatre..
Parkie 3 years ago
Oops I mean West..
wildchild1962 3 years ago from Geraldton Author
Parkie, what exactly is west of Parkie Ampitheatre, be more specific, what are you telling us? How far West? That's a big area be more specific
eyes 23 months ago
I will write my own book about Claremont serial killer and I bet it would be more accurate when done .
Claremont review police feel public pressure
FRI NOV 05, 2004
A detective appointed to review one of Western Australia's biggest murder investigations admits he is feeling pressure to achieve results.
A four-person panel will look at the evidence of the eight-year-old Claremont serial killer investigation to determine what course it should take.
The Macro Task Force was formed after Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon disappeared from the centre of Claremont in 1996 and 1997.
This year the former police commissioner Barry Matthews ordered an independent assessment of the case in the hope of making a breakthrough.
Detective Inspector Russell Oxford, from New South Wales Police, says it is very difficult to predict the outcome of the review.
"I think there'll be a lot of pressure on us, I think there'll be a lot of expectations and I just hope we can acquit ourselves," he said.'
The panel, which consists of detectives from the United States and other parts of Australia, arrives in Perth next week and will spend a month on the case.
An excerpt from the book and film
The History of the Darkest Side of Perth, Western Australia…
the shocking untold full story that will shock Western Australians, Australians and the world....which will help Western Australians unerstand whya d how the serial killers and other involved where allowed to continue to abduct, rape and murder innocent girls in Western Australia in the last 50 odd years .... with such abductions, rapes and murders increasing without those involved in such horrendous crimes being properly investigated and/or charged....
Paul Musarri was arrested and jailed in the 1980’s for selling heroin in Perth, Western Australia. When he was on trial in the District Court of Western Australia for these charges, he yelled out from the dock and pointed to the Western Australian Police Officers that had charged him with the supply and selling of heroin criminal offences and said to the District Court Trial Judge… “….. you Honour, I accept that I have been running a business of supplying and selling heroin … but I want to ask why those police officers sitting in the front row of the court are not also charged with me because they for many years were my partners in my heroin business….”The trial judge and the prosecution all took no notice of what Paul Musarri had yelled… Paul Musarri ended up with a long jail term and was sent out of the way down to Albany Prison … what happened was after and five years of Paul Musarri being in prison, members of the Western Australia Drug Squad then came to visit Paul Musarri and put a deal to Paul Musarri…“ … the new Western Australian Police Commissioner Robert Falconer had approved for you to be released from jail on the condition that you sell heroin and other drugs for the Crime Syndicate he runs and is involved with …..”Paul Musarri took the deal ….…after 3 years of again becoming one of Perth’s top heroin dealers and buying a number of homes and cars including a luxurty home in the same multi-million City Beach Street, where the new Western Australian Police Commissioner Robert Falconer lived … with the new Western Australian Police Commissioner Robert Falconer and Paul Musarri and their families having Sunday barbeques together … just before the Western Australian Police Commissioner Robert Falconer had finished his term as Western Australian Police Commissioner and was about to return to Victoria ….. Western Australian Police Commissioner Robert Falconer arranged for Paul Musarri to be arrested again for heroin dealing … this meant all of Paul Musarri’s assets would be seized under the proceeds of crime act and Paul Musarri would again go back to jail…. There was a massive story in the Sunday Times, Western Australia’s Sunday newspaper … about Paul Musarri’s arrest…
".. in another instance a well known Perth justice and truth campaigner was attending a Neighbourhood Watch Meeting in Fremantle, in the 1990's, which was attended by Fremantle community leaders and chaired by the then Western Australian Police Commissioner, Robert Falconer ... the well known Perth justice and truth campaigner stated to the then Western Australian Police Commissioner, Robert Falconer during the Fremantle Neighbourhood Watch Meeting ..."..Sir I would like to make an appointment with next week to go through evidence I have of Western Australian Police being involved with the importing, manufacture, growing and distribution of illegal drugs in Western Australia and protecting well known illegal drug dealers ...... for various monetary and other rewards ...." ... the response the well known Perth justice and truth campaigner had from the then Western Australian Police Commissioner, Robert Falconer was that he ordered security to throw out the well known Perth justice and truth campaigner from the Fremantle Neighbourhood Watch Meeting .. and threatened to have the well known Perth justice and truth campaigner arrested by the Western Australian Police if he ever tried to come back into the Fremantle Neighbourhood Watch Meeting or every tried to repeat again the claim that Western Australian Police Western Australian Police being involved with the importing, manufacture, growing and distribution of illegal drugs in Western Australia and protecting well known illegal drug dealers .....
on others occasion the well known Perth justice and truth campaigner had the following information given to him:
1. At a by chance meeting with a lady who used to be a doctor for the Western Australian Police Force/Service ... stated to the well known Perth justice and truth campaigner that is was normal and common that on a Monday morning when she entered the lift at the main CIB Police headquarters situated at 1 Adelaide Terrace, Perth, Western Australia ......for members of the Western Australian Police Force Drug Squad to be also in the lift with a few large bags of marajuana which had been confiscated from Perth and Western Australian drug dealers over the weekend .... the general and usual conversation would go like this .... the police officer that seemed to be in charge would say to the other police officers .....".... what will e done with these 5 bags of marajuana is that four of them will be given to our drug dealer to sell back on the streets and the 5th bag you will take and book into the police property room as evidence to be used in court against the drug dealers we have arrested .... they will not dare to complain about us stealing four of their bags of marajuanja because they would all e confiscated form them ion any event, and the less marajuana that is presented in court as the amount of marajuana found in their possession when they were arrested ....the lesser jail sentence they will get . in fact if the drug dealers arrested play ball with us ... and agree to work for us ... we will do our best to get them probation or a suspended prison sentence .... or at the worst ..... make sure their get a short prison sentence wit early parole ... so that they can be out on the streets as soon as possible selling marajuana, heroin, and other illegal drugs for us ..."
2. One day when the well known Perth justice and truth campaigner and his other friend, dropped into see a female friend who lived in Northbridge .... to have a cup of coffee and a chat .... she had another female friend with her staying for a few days at her flat ... during the conversations over coffee and biscuits . her female friend stated among other things ..... " ....the police that are in the Western Australian Drug Squad all well know I am a heavy heroin drug user ..... I bumped into western Australian Police officers James Cave and and his offsider in the Bat and Ball tavern in Rivervale ... who came up to me and said ..... " .. the police know that you are are well known heroin user ... if you try to score heroin in this tavern you will be charged and arrested .. however is you go the Charles Hotel in North Perth .... where our dealer has the green light from the police to sell illegal drugs without fear of being charged ro arrested and the people ... and if yo buy off our drug dealer at the Charles Hotel you will not be arrested and charged for buying and using an illegal substance ..."
3. The well known Perth justice and truth campaigner, whose business was closed as a result of robbery and smashing up of his business, with the person who was proven to have organised the robbery and smashing of his business being deliberately charged with the wrong charge so that we was aquitted of the charge that he was charged by the prosecution being with robbery in company, but clearly of the evidence presented and proven at trial, was guilty of violence in company .... bumped into a a young man that used to work for him in the business, a few years back when he was around 17 years old .. that was robbed and smashed up to make sure he was put out of business ... well known Perth justice and truth campaigner asked the young man ..." .. I have not seen you around the streets of Perth for a few years .. where have you been and what had you been up do since I have seen you last .... when you were working for me at the age of 17 years old ..." ... The young man replied ..." .... oh .. io have just come out of a few years in prison for a bank robbery I was involved with ....... I ended up with a huge heroin habit and did a stupid thing and robbed a bank to pay for my heroin habit...... the strange part about what happened to me after I was arrested and charged with the bank robbery ..... is that the Western Australian Police that arrested and charged me put a deal to me .... they then warned me if I did not co-operate with the deal they were are about to propose .. then they would make sure I ended up locked up in prison for at least 20 years....they then they put the deal to me..... we want to sign a statement that you stole $250,000 from the bank .. even though we all know that you only stole $50,000 from the ANZ Bank ....that way the bank can claim $250,000 insurance money form the Insurance Company ... and the bank makes extra money, the bank mand and us can be a pay off too ,,,,,, we also want you to sign a further statement that you were responsible for three other bank robberies we all known that you were not involved with .. that way we can clean our our arrest, charge and solved crimes records as well ..." .... The well known Perth justice and truth campaigner then asked ..."..did you take the deal?" ... the answer was from the young man was ..",,yes I felt I had no choice but to take the deal ... I had met a nice girl and wanted to have a child with her and wnated to star a new life as soon as a could and get out of prison as soon as I could ... I ended up with only 5 years jail and was out in 3 years on parole, instead of 20 years jail ...."
JOHN KIZON, NOVEMBER 1999: There's corruption in senior ranks in the police department and has been for years. They've just moved them sideways. It's an absolute disgrace. You've got the public that sit at home and believe that -- There is some honest coppers. And I do respect honest police officers. Your normal police officer that does his job, goes home, and is by the book, I respect him. But in this State, without a Royal Commission, it's a complete disgrace, let me tell you.
STEPHEN McDONELL: How do you feel at the end of all this? You've spent many years working on this operation. What are you left with at the end?
UNDERCOVER OFFICER: A sense of waste. A sense of dismay that it could've come to that. A sense of questioning about the motives of the people who shut it down. Most of all, I guess, I'm concerned that the syndicate is now stronger than it was before.
West Australian Police Corruption$file/S020729.pdf
Jul 30, 2002 - various motels in and around Perth, including the Eastway. Lodge in Rivervale .... Robbery Squad received a telephone call from Police. Communications. ..... Cave from the Break Squad had also attended at Belmont detectives office ..... by officers of the Drug Squad; Detective Peribonio in particular, and I ...
West Australian Police Corruption
Australians Against Corruption (AAC) have an enormous dossier of Police corruption in Western Australia that is all out of proportion to the relatively small size of that state's Police force. This indicates that corruption there is out of control. On 14th October 1997, a Federal Parliamentary (Senate) Inquiry was given substantial evidence at a Melbourne hearing, stating that Bob Falconer the current WA Police commissioner was involved in serious corruption in Victoria in the early 1990's, when head of that state's Police Internal Investigations section, either in a role of facilitating or covering up illegal Police activity.
Time constraints prevent AAC from placing much of this material on the World Wide web, but we expect it to become the focus of books in the future. Avon Lovell has written a number of books about corruption in Western Australia, most notably The Mickelberg Stitch and Split Image. The WA Police force have attempted to ban both books and served a number of vexatious defamation writs on the author. Notably the author of that book, Avon Lovell, wrote a foreward for Raymond Hoser's book, The Hoser Files, which was about Police corruption in Victoria. That book was unlawfully banned by Police in Victoria, following unprecedented pressure on media and the book distributors. In spite of that ban, the first print run has sold out and the book has been reprinted to satisfy demand.
Accused Claremont killer Bradley Edwards has had his October court appearance date pushed back by three months.
Mr Edwards was due to make his third appearance in Stirling Gardens Magistrates Court on Wednesday, with a plea likely to have been indicated, but instead will appear on February 28.
The reason for the delay is not publicly known.
The 48-year-old last appeared in court in March via video link from Hakea Prison.
He has been in custody since being arrested by police on December 22, 2016 following a search of his Kewdale home.
During his last court appearance, state prosecutors were instructed to provide Mr Edwards' lawyer with additional documents.
He is charged with the wilful murders of Jane Rimmer, 23, and Ciara Glennon, 27, after allegedly abducting the women off the street in Claremont in 1996 and 1997 respectively.
Jane Rimmer
Ciara Glennon
He is also accused of raping a 17-year-old girl in Claremont in 1995 and the indecent assault of an 18-year-old woman in a Huntingdale home in 1988.
Mr Edwards was 27 and 28 when Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon were found dead.
He has not been charged in relation to the suspected murder of Sarah Spiers after she disappeared from a nightclub in Claremont in 1996.
Her body has never been found and the investigation into her disappearance is ongoing.
The hunt for the Claremont serial killer has become Australia's longest running and most expensive murder investigation with more than 3000 people investigated under the 'Task Force Macro' operation.
3:07 PM (37 minutes ago)
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Name: Sarah Anne McMAHON, Age when missing: 20 years, Eyes: Green, Hair: Auburn, Height: 173cms, Build: Slim
Circumstances: Sarah McMahon has not attended work since Wednesday 8 November 2000. Sarah was last seen driving her vehicle, a 1986 White Ford Meteor Sedan, registered number 7FO-731 in an easterly direction on Great Eastern Highway, Greenmount.
Sarah Anne McMahon was last seen wearing dark jeans, black turtle neck sweater and black suede jacket. Concern is held for her safety and welfare.
Fears for the safety of a 20-year-old woman missing for 13 days
have increased following the discovery of the woman's car at a hospital carpark.
Sarah McMahon was last seen leaving her workplace in suburban Claremont on November 8, although there have been a number of unconfirmed sightings of her since then. She has made no contact with her family. Ms McMahon's white Ford Meteor sedan was found last night in the emergency department car park of Swan District Hospital. Police today refused to say who discovered the vehicle or whether anything of significance
had been found inside.
Sarah McMahon was 20 when she disappeared after leaving work in the Perth suburb of Claremont on Wednesday, November 8, 2000. She lived with her parents Danny and Trish and younger sister Kate. Ten days later, her white Ford Meteor sedan was found in the car park of Swan Districts Hospital. A bag containing personal items was on the front seat, her empty wallet was in the boot and her mobile phone was on the ground nearby. Her mum Trish tells her story ...
"We haven't seen or heard from Sarah since November 8, 2000, when she left for work in the morning. Apparently she received a call at work from a friend who was "suicidal" and intended to visit the mysterious caller. The police believe she's been murdered and we have all tried to accept this as a possibility, but in our hearts we know she is out there somewhere. At the time of Sarah's disappearance she was depressed ... a romance had soured, university had lost its appeal and she had a mobile phone bill for $800 she hadn't mentioned to us. Sarah felt as though she was in rough waters being tossed this way and that, and she had mentioned to a family friend that she wished she could just "go away and start again". We thought a visit to her older brother Paul and his family, who live near Melbourne, might break the cycle, but unfortunately that wasn't so. I visited Melbourne and Sydney putting up posters, giving out photos and talking to anyone who was willing to listen. Two years ago, a couple who had taken a photograph of Sarah rang to say they had distributed it at a youth seminar. The father of one of the children worked in security at Newcastle nightclubs, and he came across a young man who recognised her and confirmed her name when shown the photograph. But that was it. There have been no further sightings or news. We, Sarah's family, believe with all our hearts that our darling daughter, sister and granddaughter is out there. We will never believe otherwise. We love you, Sarah, please let us know you're all right. May the sun shine warm on your face, and until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of His hand."
If you have any information, call Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000.
Man (Donald Morey) was 'too interested' in missing girl (Sarah McMahon:
sister speaks out...
Rania Spooner
Man was 'too interested' in missing girl: sister
Rania Spooner
Amanda Smith, Sarah McMcMahon's sister
outside Western Australia's Coroner's Court.
Sarah McMahon was 20 when she was last seen in November, 2000.
Sunday Times article with Sarah McMahon's younger sister Kate asking for her sister Sarah to just come home..
The sister of a Perth girl who vanished more than ten years ago after developing a friendship with an older man who has since been convicted of attempting to murder a prostitute has told the inquest into her sister's suspected death she always found the man "creepy".
Sarah Anne McMahon was 20 years old when she disappeared on October 8, 2000.
The last phone call Ms McMahon answered was from Donald Morey, then 45, who has since been convicted of attempting to murder a prostitute in 2003.
Counsel assisting the coroner at the inquest into the suspected death of Ms McMahon told the court Morey's attempt to strangle the woman to death came days after a fellow sex worker from the same Highgate strip had gone missing.
Ms McMahon's sister Amanda Smith giving evidence to the Coroner's Court on Monday said Morey met her sister at her house a couple of years before her disappearance.
When Ms Smith returned from living in regional Western Australia after a period of months she discovered "Don" and her sister were speaking on the phone "all the time", something that worried her, she said
"He was very interested in her – too interested," Ms Smith said.
"He was always trying to charm her."
Ms Smith said she found Morey "creepy".
Morey has never been ruled out as a suspect in the suspected death of Ms McMahon, Detective Darryl Cox told the Coroner's Court.
A special police unit that manages WA's cold cases reopened the case of Ms McMahon's disappearance last year and reinterviewed several witnesses.
One witness – a prostitute whose name has been protected – changed her original statement to make shocking claims that she saw the naked body of a woman she believed to be Ms McMahon in Morey's bedroom with a robe looped around her neck, counsel assisting the coroner Philip Urquhart told the inquest in his opening submissions.
The inquest is expected to hear the woman claimed she helped clean up the house after something wrapped in a quilt was removed from the bedroom.
The woman told police she wanted to "tell the whole truth" about what happened to Ms McMahon last year because she believed she was suffering from a terminal illness, Mr Urquhart told the inquest.
Donald Victor Morey, aka Matusevich,Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #6
Donald Victor Morey, aka Matusevich crabstick said:10-28-2016
There is enough reports to suggest he is ex army. Im not sure how old he is. Yes, there is a few guys around that use the Im ex SAS as a shield when they fear someone might give them a clobber. He might have been a mechanic? selling $10,000 bundles
of amphetamine is organised crime connections. ' the was selling Sarah McMahon $10000 blocks of amphetamine,
its not like he wouldn't have the cash for access to new vehicles, and cut and shut rebuild vehicles he could set up himself.
Built fake taxis even. Because a fake taxi didn't have to buy a taxi plate, fake taxis were a cash cow.
If Morey is SAS or ex-military, he may have been trained in all the above.
Mechanic being one of the core subjects for SAS. (SAS barracks are a stones throw from Stirling road, Claremont.)
Being SAS with a station wagon set up with a LSD diff, Morey could have driven any the back dirt tracks off the main roads up
and down to the dump points with an element of ease. Police have said, it is someone who polishes their car a lot, with care to detail.
Career Criminal and self confessed SAS killer of many people, Donald Morey ..
and has admitted he was the last person to see or talk to
26-07-2016 Ausgirl Enough Is Enough!
A cold case review of both investigations was launched last year and Morey said he was still in contact with Ms McMahon, who he claimed was living in Canada with her two children.
Coroner Alastair Hope said on Thursday that because Ms McMahon had not contacted her loved ones in more than 12 years, he was confident she was dead.
"The circumstances in which Ms McMahon disappeared are sinister and I have confidently been able to exclude the possibility that she died by way of natural causes, accident or suicide,'' he said.
If Morey (the murderer who was last seen with her) was in contact with Sarah all these years -- can't he provide proof she is alive? Like .. an address? Phone number? Something? And why would she speak him and him alone and not her family - for 12 years?
How is this Morey guy NOT charged with something in this case? Thank goodness he's inside, anyhow, and not roaming free.
The woman decided to "tell the complete truth," about what she knew of events on November 8, 2000, counsel assisting the coroner Philip Urquhart said in his opening address on Monday.
In her most recent statement to police, the woman claims she was called to a house where Morey was living and was told "he's killed her," by the man who owned the house, the court heard.
"She says that when she walked into Mr Morey's bedroom she saw a naked girl on the bed and that she had a piece of robe about 1 cm think looped twice around her neck," Mr Urquhart said.
Philip Urquhart said the inquest is also expected to hear evidence from several witnesses about a bag Morey carried with him containing a reel of silver gaffer tape, rope, two knives and explicit pornographic material.
Morey claimed he never saw Ms McMahon the day she vanished, but had helped her formulate a plan to flee the country illegally.
"She's overseas, she's alive and she has two children," he said.
"I have been in contact with Sarah basically ever since."
If you want to put her life in danger you f..king wear it.
But he refused to say where Ms McMahon was living, claiming he was protecting her and her children from danger by not revealing her whereabouts.
Morey would also not say how he has been communicating with Ms McMahon after he was imprisoned in 2005, for fear of being "locked up in maximum security indefinitely".
"Do not put her life in danger," he told Mr Urquhart when questioned about where Ms McMahon was and how she left the country.
Morey also maintained his innocence in relation to the attempted murder conviction, which he suggested he'd been set up for because of Ms McMahon's "disappearance".
"It was Sarah's decision to leave - not mine," he said.
Sarah's family have not heard from her in 12 years.
Morey met Ms McMahon at her older sister's house months before she disappeared and maintained there was never a sexual relationship between the pair.
"She could confide in me," he said. "We just talked".
Ms McMahon had intended to call her mother before she left, but had lost her phone, Morey told the inquest.
He said he was unable to contact her for more than a month after she left but sent her text messages and repeatedly tried to call.
"All I can tell you is I sent a hell of a lot of text messages," he said.
But Mr Urquhart told the Coroner there were no records of Morey trying to contact Ms McMahon by phone after November 8, 2000.
Morey then refused to answer any further questions and accused Mr Urquhart of "winding" him up when he had a "crook heart".
"Mr Morey it seems to me you just don't want to answer the hard questions," Mr Urquhart said.
Morey requested a medic and was taken back into lockup.
"If you want to put her life in danger you f..king wear it," he said.
Ms McMahon's sister Amanda Smith giving evidence earlier in the week described Morey as "creepy" and "too interested" in her younger sister.
The inquest has also heard evidence of a black bag found in Morey's bedroom after Ms McMahon's disappearance, which according to three witnesses contained gaffer tape, rope, knives and graphic pornographic magazines which involved fake corpses in compromising positions.
Morey accepted he had a black bag he used to carry his lunch in for work, but rejected ever buying the pornographic material.
A serious question that needs to be answered by Karl O'Callaghan, the Western Australian Commissioner of Police is:
Why did it take over a week for the Western Australian Police for come and collect a bag belonging to career criminal and convicted attempted murderer Donald Morey which the two owners of the house in Marangaroo, Mr and Mrs Gareth Allen who were the bosses of Donald Morey say contained a real of silver, gaffer tape, two knives and explicit pornograpghic material of what looked like dead women in sexual positions...
which is similar to the items that Western Australia Police officer Con Bayers, who was the former head of the prostitution taskforce said he found in Donald Morey's Commodore Holden car boot driving through Northbridge, Perth, Western Australia, that looked liked and unmarked police car
Gambling and heroin pave road to riches
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Club owner Carl Rispoli of Godfathers night club.
It's 1938 and Italian migrant Giuseppe Rocco Rispoli is eyeballing a Northbridge building as a possible illegal gambling club.
The location is perfect but there's a problem. The bank which owns it told the dapper 27-year-old from Calabria he can rent 155 James Street on one condition: he must open a food store rather than a club. The last tenant tried to run a gambling den until police raided it so often it was forced to close. The bank didn’t want history repeating.
"It was a good spot for my club, though," Rispoli wrote in his memoirs before his death in 2005, "so I went to see if a friend of mine could help me."
Arthur Gallagher was a good friend to have. He was a WA police officer who had known Rispoli since their days in Wiluna, where one was the town barber and the other was the local cop.
"I talked to Arthur about the premises in James Street that I wanted to run as a club," Rispoli wrote. "Arthur was a great friend of mine so he told me he’d see what he could do."
The Rispoli memoirs, revealed in The West Australian for the first time, say the police officer visited the bank's manager.
"Arthur then came and saw me and told me to go and see Mr Clark (the bank manager) again," Rispoli wrote. "When I next see Mr Clark he said: 'Come in Mr Rispoli. You’ve got a good friend. The keys are here, you can do what you like'."
The Rispolis' infamous Roma Club was born and so, it could be argued, was Perth's underbelly.
Only World War II and the internment of migrants such as Rispoli, a member of the pro-Mussolini fascist Black Shirts, put a hold on the spread of Perth's colourful illegal gambling venues. Once the war ended, it was business as usual and by the time the swinging 60s came along, Rispoli was entrenched in his second club.
He and his brother Vince, a partner in Roma, had fallen out and Rispoli found a new James Street location to start Il Trovatore, one of a handful of clubs in Northbridge before Burswood Casino stole the market. Others were the International Club, Club 27, the Latin Quarter and the Patris Club.
Another memorable character from those lively days was Rocco "Ginger" Antonetti, the boss of Ginger's in William Street for 20 years after migrating to Australia in 1952 from Fondi, a town half way between Rome and Naples. But it was Il Trovatore which drew the biggest crowds and the most attention from police.
"I had gambling in the club but, of course, that was illegal," Rispoli recalled. "The police would raid the club. It was something that would happen regularly and it was just part of doing business.
"I had connections in the police force who would let me know about an upcoming raid on our club so we could make sure we were seen to be doing the right thing on that night."
Nowhere in his memoirs does Rispoli discuss what the police wanted for tipping off the illegal club bosses, but he gives more than a hint that money changed hands.
"I never resented the inconvenience of the raids or the arrangements with the police," he wrote. "It was a good arrangement. If they arrested us, we'd go to court and the magistrate would fine us 20 or 50 pounds, sometimes 100 pounds.
"But we were mostly protected by the police."
Stepping up from illegal gambling, by the mid-1940s, organised crime in WA had graduated to murder. Visiting Sydney standover man George "The Midnight Raider" Wallace was stabbed in a toilet outside Perth’s European Club. He died two weeks later after refusing to name his killer or the motive for the attack.
But unlike the waves of organised crime violence in the Eastern States, Perth's underbelly has only had the occasional murder, usually from turf wars, personality clashes or disputes over money. Much more common were bashings, stabbings and intimidation, especially by the local gangs who ran prostitution rackets and collected their take from the poor Northbridge shop owners.
Rispoli, meanwhile, never considered himself a criminal for simply running a gambling club.
He said in his memoirs he had always resisted Perth's "mafia", which was also referred to as the Black Hand. Of Sicilian origin, the mafia was rumoured to have been established in WA as early as 1922. The Calabrian crime organisation L’Onorata, or Honoured Society, came later.
In 1956, the murder of Archangelo Macri near Russell Square in Northbridge had mafia overtones. He was stabbed with a long, double-edged blade by Salvatore Stillitano and screamed "Mama mia, he has killed me" as he fell to the bitumen. Their feud stretched back to the old country and the Italians of Northbridge kept their mouths shut while police investigated. The southern Italian code of silence, or "omerta", still applied in Australia.
Even Rispoli could not avoid the local mafia altogether. Once he intervened to help a doctor friend who was being stood over. He showed one of his patrons, tough guy Mick Pellegrini, an extortion note from the Black Hand. Pellegrini then went to the mafia boss, who agreed to leave the doctor alone.
"The boss told Mick that he could tell the doctor to sleep with two pillows from now on — an Italian saying that means he can sleep easy," Rispoli said in his memoirs.
Even if the mafia was frozen out of Il Trovatore officially, unofficially many criminal connections were made inside the cabaret lounge. Some would go down in history.
Before Rispoli cut his ties to the club in January 1983, there was another fracture in his family and this time another iconic Northbridge name was embroiled in the trouble.
The Tudori brothers, Bert and Laurie, who had run the Zanzibar in Northbridge since the 1960s, became partners in Il Trovatore in the 1970s despite Joe Rispoli claiming in his memoirs that he was unhappy about the arrangement. Vince Rispoli had married a Tudori and so they had become family.
Bert Tudori
"I didn’t trust them and I don’t think Vince trusted them either, but he didn't want to admit it because they were his wife’s brothers," Rispoli wrote. "Things were not good after that. My son Ricki was in charge one night and he told me that $2000 was missing from the takings and that he’d seen one of the brothers-in-law take it."
Rispoli did not say whether it was Bert Tudori, the brother who became Perth’s deputy lord mayor.
In the end, plans to license a casino at Burswood in the early 1980s made Joe Rispoli's decision to pull out of Il Trovatore easy.
The memoirs say that the then police commissioner told Rispoli his club's days were over. By that stage, the relationship between Joe and Vince was toxic and the bad blood continued until the day Vince died% in 1996.
"I’ve never been able to forgive Vince for the trouble he caused me," Rispoli said. "He passed away and I never even went to his funeral."
But the Rispoli name remained strong in Perth's entertainment scene for years to come. Joe's son Carlo continued to run Il Trovatore and opened his own Subiaco nightclub, The Godfather.
The death of illegal gambling in Northbridge ended an era for underworld punters, who lost more money than they’d care to admit. One was the Sicilian-born drug dealer Paul Musarri, who used the clubs for business and pleasure.
While winning, losing and laundering hundreds of thousands of dollars of his ill-gotten gains across the tables at Il Trovatore and Ginger’s, Musarri was always thinking up criminal enterprises.
Heroin was crowned king back in the late 1970s and Musarri could always find pawns to smuggle a package from Asia's Golden Triangle to the streets of Perth.
He wasn’t the only one. The Asian heroin connection was strong and Perth was a major landing point for the drug from the late 1970s.
Drug barons with links from Christmas Island to Amsterdam pioneered a route overland from WA to Sydney.
Smugglers who crewed Chinese ships into Fremantle would simply walk the drugs off the dock. From there, the "commodity" would be sent to Sydney and then sold to dealers across Australia. Some heroin came back to Perth.
One of the first men caught over a Perth heroin importation was Christmas Islander Kok Juan "Ray" Foo, who was jailed for 10 years in 1978 for possession with intent to sell or supply. Foo later became a senior member of the Chinese/ Singapore-run Sing Ma triad and was jailed again in 2001, this time for 17 years. A National Crime Authority operation codenamed Cha Cha seized $6 million of heroin and $740,000 cash from triad members in Australia.
But Foo wasn’t the senior Sing Ma member in Perth at the time. That was Alex Chan, aka Victor Chan, who was born in China, raised in Singapore and schooled in Hong Kong. Now 59, the father of four was a mad gambler and referred to by at least one Sing Ma member as "Dai Lo", meaning Big Brother.
Before being jailed for 20 years in 2000 as the kingpin behind a 3.4kg heroin importation from Thailand to Sydney, Chan part-owned a Perth market garden which exported vegetables to Asia, a Kuala Lumpur construction company and a Sydney firm that exported wine to China.
In sentencing Chan, the judge said he was "a man of strong personality who used others to carry out his bidding. Without any apparent source of legitimate income, he led a lavish lifestyle which included substantial gambling activities".
Another intriguing event for police tracking Asian organised crime links to Australia occurred in dramatic style on the Nullarbor in 1996 when NSW kitchenhand Mok Ka Kui was nabbed with $258,000 on a bus from Perth to Sydney. The day before, investigators watched him meet three members of the so-called John Kizon group. Kui was deported to Hong Kong after being acquitted on separate heroin possession charges because he had been living in Australia illegally.
The links between Sing Ma and Perth's criminal networks are still strong. Many of Perth’s crime gangs import drugs themselves, but just as many rely on Sing Ma for supplies.
In the 1980s, Musarri also relied on Asian-based suppliers for his deals, including the one which gave him notoriety and became known as the Barlow and Chambers affair.
Musarri was aged just two when% he arrived with his parents and four siblings from Sicily, home of the Mafia. He gave up on education at% 14 when expelled from yet% another school. He learnt to box% and, more importantly, that crime %did pay.
He also developed a gambling addiction and in the 1970s, to feed this habit, he set up his O’Connor smash repair shop to process stolen cars to send east. He kept his ill-gotten gains in his mattress because he hated banks and, for a time, the car racket satisfied him — until he decided the really big money was in "smack".
By the early 1980s, Musarri was in a group of about a dozen men responsible for most of Perth’s street heroin trade. Many were linked back to the old gambling parlours, such as Victor Karapetcos, who once operated the Russian poker game at Il Trovatore and was jailed after being caught with half a kilo of heroin at a house owned by professional gambler Michael "Blondie" Onuszkanycz.
Blondie later ended up in jail over a separate deal linked to professional gambler Ralph Romeo, though Romeo was acquitted on appeal.
But police eventually got their man. Romeo was acquitted of drugs offences with members of the Combi family, who police alleged wanted money to buy a brothel, but %was later convicted with %former gambling club operator Anthony "Cannon" Ricciardello. Co-accused Ivan Jack Marinovich was acquitted on appeal.
As will be revealed in The West Australian tomorrow, the tentacles spread further to names still synonymous with the WA underworld.