"Could become as important a journalistic tool as the Freedom of Information Act." - Time Magazine
WikiLeaks is a non-profit media organization dedicated to bringing important news and information to the public. We provide an innovative, secure and anonymous way for independent sources around the world to leak information to our journalists. We publish material of ethical, political and historical significance while keeping the identity of our sources anonymous, thus providing a universal way for the revealing of suppressed and censored injustices.
On Sunday 28th Novembre 2010, Wikileaks began publishing 251,287 leaked United States embassy cables, the largest set of confidential documents ever to be released into the public domain. The documents will give people around the world an unprecedented insight into the US Government’s foreign activities.
Due to recent attacks on our infrastructure, we’ve decided to make sure everyone can reach our content. As part of this process we’re releasing archived copy of all files we ever released - that’s almost 20,000 files. The archive linked here contains a torrent generated for each file and each directory.
The 391,832 reports (’The Iraq War Logs’), document the war and occupation in Iraq, from 1st January 2004 to 31st December 2009 (except for the months of May 2004 and March 2009) as told by soldiers in the United States Army. Each is a ’SIGACT’ or Significant Action in the war. They detail events as seen and heard by the US military troops on the ground in Iraq and are the first real glimpse into the secret history of the war that the United States government has been privy to throughout.
From here, you can browse through all of the documents that have been released, organized by type, category, date, number of casualties, and many other properties. From any document page, clicking on the green underlined text will open a popup that links to other documents that contain those phrases, making it possible to see important search terms and connections that you might not otherwise notice.
WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad — including two Reuters news staff. Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-sight, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue were also seriously wounded.
WikiLeaks brings truth to the world by publishing fact-based stories without fear or favour. You can help support our independent media by donating financially.
Our organisation exists because of the work of many volunteers who have contributed thousands of hours to building WikiLeaks from the ground up. You choose how much you can donate; we don’t recommend any particular amount. Just do what you think is right.
Your donations are vital to pay for Wikileaks’ servers and infrastructure, staff and travel expenses, and for the legal protections and advice Wikileaks needs to operate.
There are two ways to donate to the WikiLeaks Defence Fund and four ways to donate to WikiLeaks the organisation:
What is Wikileaks ?
WikiLeaks is a not-for-profit media organisation. Our goal is to bring important news and information to the public.
We provide an innovative, secure and anonymous way for sources to leak information to our journalists (our electronic drop box). One of our most important activities is to publish original source material alongside our news stories so readers and historians alike can see evidence of the truth. We are a young organisation that has grown very quickly, relying on a network of dedicated volunteers around the globe. Since 2007, when the organisation was officially launched, WikiLeaks has worked to report on and publish important information. We also develop and adapt technologies to support these activities.
WikiLeaks has sustained and triumphed against legal and political attacks designed to silence our publishing organisation, our journalists and our anonymous sources. The broader principles on which our work is based are the defence of freedom of speech and media publishing, the improvement of our common historical record and the support of the rights of all people to create new history. We derive these principles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In particular, Article 19 inspires the work of our journalists and other volunteers. It states that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. We agree, and we seek to uphold this and the other Articles of the Declaration.
1.2 How WikiLeaks works
WikiLeaks has combined high-end security technologies with journalism and ethical principles. Like other media outlets conducting investigative journalism, we accept (but do not solicit) anonymous sources of information. Unlike other outlets, we provide a high security anonymous drop box fortified by cutting-edge cryptographic information technologies. This provides maximum protection to our sources. We are fearless in our efforts to get the unvarnished truth out to the public. When information comes in, our journalists analyse the material, verify it and write a news piece about it describing its significance to society. We then publish both the news story and the original material in order to enable readers to analyse the story in the context of the original source material themselves. Our news stories are in the comfortable presentation style of Wikipedia, although the two organisations are not otherwise related. Unlike Wikipedia, random readers can not edit our source documents.
As the media organisation has grown and developed, WikiLeaks been developing and improving a harm minimisation procedure. We do not censor our news, but from time to time we may remove or significantly delay the publication of some identifying details from original documents to protect life and limb of innocent people.
We accept leaked material in person and via postal drops as alternative methods, although we recommend the anonymous electronic drop box as the preferred method of submitting any material. We do not ask for material, but we make sure that if material is going to be submitted it is done securely and that the source is well protected. Because we receive so much information, and we have limited resources, it may take time to review a source’s submission.
We also have a network of talented lawyers around the globe who are personally committed to the principles that WikiLeaks is based on, and who defend our media organisation.
1.3 Why the media (and particularly Wiki leaks) is important
Publishing improves transparency, and this transparency creates a better society for all people. Better scrutiny leads to reduced corruption and stronger democracies in all society’s institutions, including government, corporations and other organisations. A healthy, vibrant and inquisitive journalistic media plays a vital role in achieving these goals. We are part of that media.
Scrutiny requires information. Historically, information has been costly in terms of human life, human rights and economics. As a result of technical advances particularly the internet and cryptography - the risks of conveying important information can be lowered. In its landmark ruling on the Pentagon Papers, the US Supreme Court ruled that "only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government." We agree.
We believe that it is not only the people of one country that keep their own government honest, but also the people of other countries who are watching that government through the media.
In the years leading up to the founding of WikiLeaks, we observed the world’s publishing media becoming less independent and far less willing to ask the hard questions of government, corporations and other institutions. We believed this needed to change.
WikiLeaks has provided a new model of journalism. Because we are not motivated by making a profit, we work cooperatively with other publishing and media organisations around the globe, instead of following the traditional model of competing with other media. We don’t hoard our information; we make the original documents available with our news stories. Readers can verify the truth of what we have reported themselves. Like a wire service, WikiLeaks reports stories that are often picked up by other media outlets. We encourage this. We believe the world’s media should work together as much as possible to bring stories to a broad international readership.
1.4 How WikiLeaks verifies its news stories
We assess all news stories and test their veracity. We send a submitted document through a very detailed examination a procedure. Is it real? What elements prove it is real? Who would have the motive to fake such a document and why? We use traditional investigative journalism techniques as well as more modern rtechnology-based methods. Typically we will do a forensic analysis of the document, determine the cost of forgery, means, motive, opportunity, the claims of the apparent authoring organisation, and answer a set of other detailed questions about the document. We may also seek external verification of the document For example, for our release of the Collateral Murder video, we sent a team of journalists to Iraq to interview the victims and observers of the helicopter attack. The team obtained copies of hospital records, death certificates, eye witness statements and other corroborating evidence supporting the truth of the story. Our verification process does not mean we will never make a mistake, but so far our method has meant that WikiLeaks has correctly identified the veracity of every document it has published.
Publishing the original source material behind each of our stories is the way in which we show the public that our story is authentic. Readers don’t have to take our word for it; they can see for themselves. In this way, we also support the work of other journalism organisations, for they can view and use the original documents freely as well. Other journalists may well see an angle or detail in the document that we were not aware of in the first instance. By making the documents freely available, we hope to expand analysis and comment by all the media. Most of all, we want readers know the truth so they can make up their own minds.
1.5 The people behind WikiLeaks
WikiLeaks is a project of the Sunshine Press. It’s probably pretty clear by now that WikiLeaks is not a front for any intelligence agency or government despite a rumour to that effect. This rumour was started early in WikiLeaks’ existence, possibly by the intelligence agencies themselves. WikiLeaks is an independent global group of people with a long standing dedication to the idea of a free press and the improved transparency in society that comes from this. The group includes accredited journalists, software programmers, network engineers, mathematicians and others.
To determine the truth of our statements on this, simply look at the evidence. By definition, intelligence agencies want to hoard information. By contrast, WikiLeaks has shown that it wants to do just the opposite. Our track record shows we go to great lengths to bring the truth to the world without fear or favour.
The great American president Thomas Jefferson once observed that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. We believe the journalistic media plays a key role in this vigilance.
1.6 Anonymity for sources
As far as we can ascertain, WikiLeaks has never revealed any of its sources. We can not provide details about the security of our media organisation or its anonymous drop box for sources because to do so would help those who would like to compromise the security of our organisation and its sources. What we can say is that we operate a number of servers across multiple international jurisdictions and we we do not keep logs. Hence these logs can not be seized. Anonymization occurs early in the WikiLeaks network, long before information passes to our web servers. Without specialized global internet traffic analysis, multiple parts of our organisation must conspire with each other to strip submitters of their anonymity.
However, we also provide instructions on how to submit material to us, via net cafes, wireless hot spots and even the post so that even if WikiLeaks is infiltrated by an external agency, sources can still not be traced. Because sources who are of substantial political or intelligence interest may have their computers bugged or their homes fitted with hidden video cameras, we suggest that if sources are going to send WikiLeaks something very sensitive, they do so away from the home and work.
A number of governments block access to any address with WikiLeaks in the name. There are ways around this. WikiLeaks has many cover domains, such as https://destiny.mooo.com, that don’t have the organisation in the name. It is possible to write to us or ask around for other cover domain addresses. Please make sure the cryptographic certificate says wikileaks.org .
2. WikiLeaks’ journalism record
2.1 Prizes and background
WikiLeaks is the winner of:
the 2008 Economist Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression award
the 2009 Amnesty International human rights reporting award (New Media)
WikiLeaks has a history breaking major stories in major media outlets and robustly protecting sources and press freedoms. We have never revealed a source. We do not censor material. Since formation in 2007, WikiLeaks has been victorious over every legal (and illegal) attack, including those from the Pentagon, the Chinese Public Security Bureau, the Former president of Kenya, the Premier of Bermuda, Scientology, the Catholic & Mormon Church, the largest Swiss private bank, and Russian companies. WikiLeaks has released more classified intelligence documents than the rest of the world press combined.
2.2 Some of the stories we have broken
War, killings, torture and detention
Government, trade and corporate transparency
Suppression of free speech and a free press
Diplomacy, spying and (counter-)intelligence
Ecology, climate, nature and sciences
Corruption, finance, taxes, trading
Censorship technology and internet filtering
Cults and other religious organizations
Abuse, violence, violation
War, killings, torture and detention
Changes in Guantanamo Bay SOP manual (2003-2004) - Guantanamo Bay’s main operations manuals
Of Orwell, Wikipedia and Guantanamo Bay - In where we track down and expose Guantanamo Bay’s propaganda team
Fallujah jail challenges US - Classified U.S. report into appalling prison conditions in Fallujah
U.S lost Fallujah’s info war - Classified U.S. intelligence report on the battle of Fallujah, Iraq
US Military Equipment in Iraq (2007) - Entire unit by unit equipment list of the U.S army in Iraq
Dili investigator called to Canberra as evidence of execution mounts - the Feb 2008 killing of East Timor rebel leader Reinado
Como entrenar a escuadrones de la muerte y aplastar revoluciones de El Salvador a Iraq - The U.S. Special Forces manual on how to prop up unpopular government with paramilitaries
Government, trade and corporate transparency
Change you can download: a billion in secret Congressional reports - Publication of more than 6500 Congressional Research Reports, worth more than a billion dollars of US tax-funded research, long sought after by NGOs, academics and researchers
ACTA trade agreement negotiation lacks transparency - The secret ACTA trade agreement draft, followed by dozens of other publications, presenting the initial leak for the whole ACTA debate happening today
Toll Collect Vertraege, 2002 - Publication of around 10.000 pages of a secret contract between the German federal government and the Toll Collect consortium, a private operator group for heavy vehicle tolling system
Leaked documents suggest European CAP reform just a whitewash - European farm reform exposed
Stasi still in charge of Stasi files - Suppressed 2007 investigation into infiltration of former Stasi into the Stasi files commission
IGES Schlussbericht Private Krankenversicherung, 25 Jan 2010 - Hidden report on the economics of the German private health insurance system and its rentability
Suppression of free speech and a free press
The Independent: Toxic Shame: Thousands injured in African city, 17 Sep 2009 - Publication of an article originally published in UK newspaper The Independent, but censored from the Independent’s website. WikiLeaks has saved dozens of articles, radio and tv recordings from disappearing after having been censored from BBC, Guardian, and other major news organisations archives.
Secret gag on UK Times preventing publication of Minton report into toxic waste dumping, 16 Sep 2009 - Publication of variations of a so-called super-injunction, one of many gag-orders published by WikiLeaks to expose successful attempts to suppress the free press via repressive legal attacks
Media suppression order over Turks and Caicos Islands Commission of Inquiry corruption report, 20 Jul 2009 - Exposure of a press gagging order from the Turks and Caicos Islands, related to WikiLeaks exposure of the Commission of Inquiry corruption report
Bermuda’s Premier Brown and the BCC bankdraft - Brown went to the Privy council London to censor the press in Bermuda
How German intelligence infiltrated Focus magazine - Illegal spying on German journalists
Diplomacy, spying and (counter-)intelligence
U.S. Intelligence planned to destroy WikiLeaks, 18 Mar 2008 - Classified (SECRET/NOFORN) 32 page U.S. counterintelligence investigation into WikiLeaks. Has been in the worldwide news.
CIA report into shoring up Afghan war support in Western Europe, 11 Mar 2010 - This classified CIA analysis from March, outlines possible PR-strategies to shore up public support in Germany and France for a continued war in Afghanistan. Received international news coverage in print, radio and TV.
U.S. Embassy profiles on Icelandic PM, Foreign Minister, Ambassador - Publication of personal profiles for briefing documents for U.S. officials visiting Iceland. While lowly classified are interesting for subtle tone and internal facts.
Cross-border clashes from Iraq O.K. - Classified documents reveal destabalizing U.S. military rules
Tehran Warns US Forces against Chasing Suspects into Iran - Iran warns the United States over classified document on WikiLeaks
Inside Somalia and the Union of Islamic Courts - Vital strategy documents in the Somali war and a play for Chinese support
Ecology, climate, nature and sciences
Draft Copenhagen climate change agreement, 8 Dec 2009 - Confidential draft "circle of commitment" (rich-country) Copenhagen climate change agreement
Draft Copenhagen Accord Dec 18, 2009 - Three page draft Copehagen "accord", from around Friday 7pm, Dec 18, 2009; includes pen-markings
Climatic Research Unit emails, data, models, 1996-2009 - Over 60MB of emails, documents, code and models from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, written between 1996 and 2009 that lead to a worldwide debate
The Monju nuclear reactor leak - Three suppressed videos from Japan’s fast breeder reactor Monju revealing the true extent of the 1995 sodium coolant disaster
Corruption, finance, taxes, trading
The looting of Kenya under President Moi - $3,000,000,000 presidential corruption exposed; swung the Dec 2007 Kenyan election, long document, be patient
Gusmao’s $15m rice deal alarms UN - Rice deal corruption in East Timor
How election violence was financed - the embargoed Kenyan Human Rights Commission report into the Jan 2008 killings of over 1,300 Kenyans
Financial collapse: Confidential exposure analysis of 205 companies each owing above EUR45M to Icelandic bank Kaupthing, 26 Sep 2008 - Publication of a confidential report that has lead to hundreds of newspaper articles worldwide
Barclays Bank gags Guardian over leaked memos detailing offshore tax scam, 16 Mar 2009 - Publication of censored documents revealing a number of elaborate international tax avoidance schemes by the SCM (Structured Capital Markets) division of Barclays
Bank Julius Baer: Grand Larceny via Grand Cayman - How the largest private Swiss bank avoids paying tax to the Swiss government
Der Fall Moonstone Trust - Cayman Islands Swiss bank trust exposed
Over 40 billion euro in 28167 claims made against the Kaupthing Bank, 23 Jan 2010 - List of Kaupthing claimants after Icelandic banking crash
Northern Rock vs. WikiLeaks - Northern Rock Bank UK failed legal injunctions over the ¡Ì24,000,000,000 collapse
Whistleblower exposes insider trading program at JP Morgan - Legal insider trading in three easy steps, brought to you by JP Morgan and the SEC
Censorship technology and internet filtering
Eutelsat suppresses independent Chinese-language TV station NTDTV to satisfy Beijing - French sat provider Eutelsat covertly removed an anti-communist TV channel to satisfy Beijing
Internet Censorship in Thailand - The secret internet censorship lists of Thailand’s military junta
Cults and other religious organizations
Church of Scientology’s ’Operating Thetan’ documents leaked online - Scientology’s secret, and highly litigated bibles
Censored Legion de Cristo and Regnum Cristi document collection - Censored internal documents from the Catholic sect Legion de Cristo (Legion of Christ)
US Department of Labor investigation into Landmark Education, 2006 - 2006 investigative report by the U.S. Department of Labor on Landmark Education
Abuse, violence, violation
Report on Shriners raises question of wrongdoing - corruption exposed at 22 U.S. and Canadian children’s hospitals.
Claims of molestation resurface for US judo official
Texas Catholic hospitals did not follow Catholic ethics, report claims - Catholic hospitals violated catholic ethics
3. Short essays on how a more inquiring media can make a difference in the world
3.1 The Malaria Case Study: the antidote is good governance born from a strong media
Malaria is a case study in why good governance not just good science is the solution to so much human suffering. This year, the mosquito borne disease will kill over one million people. More than 80% of these will be children. Great Britain used to have malaria. In North America, malaria was epidemic and there are still a handful of infections each year. In Africa malaria kills over 100 people per hour. In Russia, amidst the corruption of the 1990s, malaria re-established itself. What is the difference between these cases?
Why does Malaria kill so many people in one place but barely take hold in another? Why has malaria been allowed to gain a foothold in places like Russia where it was previously eradicated? We know how to prevent malaria epidemics. The science is universal. The difference is good governance.
Put another way, unresponsive or corrupt government, through malaria alone, causes a children’s "9/11" every day. [1]
It is only when the people know the true plans and behaviour of their governments that they can meaningfully choose to support or reject them. Historically, the most resilient forms of open government are those where publication and revelation are protected. Where that protection does not exist, it is our mission to provide it through an energetic and watchful media.
In Kenya, malaria was estimated to cause 20% of all deaths in children under five. Before the Dec 2007 national elections, WikiLeaks exposed $3 billion of Kenyan corruption, which swung the vote by 10%. This led to changes in the constitution and the establishment of a more open government. It is too soon to know if it will contribute to a change in the human cost of malaria in Kenya but in the long term we believe it may. It is one of many reforms catalyzed by WikiLeaks unvarnished reporting.
3.2 The importance of principled leaking to journalism, good government and a healthy society
Principled leaking has changed the course of history for the better. It can alter the course of history in the present, and it can lead us to a better future.
Consider Daniel Ellsberg, working within the US government during the Vietnam War. He comes into contact with the Pentagon Papers, a meticulously kept record of military and strategic planning throughout the war. Those papers reveal the depths to which the US government has sunk in deceiving the American people about the war. Yet the public and the media know nothing of this urgent and shocking information. Indeed, secrecy laws are being used to keep the public ignorant of gross dishonesty practised by their own government. In spite of those secrecy laws and at great personal risk, Ellsberg manages to disseminate the Pentagon papers to journalists and to the world. Despite criminal charges against Ellsberg, eventually dropped, the release of the Pentagon Papers shocks the world, exposes the government lying and helps to shorten the war and save thousands of both American and Vietnamese lives.
The power of principled leaking to call governments, corporations and institutions to account is amply demonstrated through recent history. The public scrutiny of otherwise unaccountable and secretive institutions forces them to consider the ethical implications of their actions. Which official will chance a secret, corrupt transaction when the public is likely to find out? What repressive plan will be carried out when it is revealed to the citizenry, not just of its own country, but the world? When the risks of embarrassment and discovery increase, the tables are turned against conspiracy, corruption, exploitation and oppression. Open government answers injustice rather than causing it. Open government exposes and undoes corruption. Open governance is the most effective method of promoting good governance.
Today, with authoritarian governments in power in much of the world, increasing authoritarian tendencies in democratic governments, and increasing amounts of power vested in unaccountable corporations, the need for openness and transparency is greater than ever. WikiLeaks interest is the revelation of the truth. Unlike the covert activities of state intelligence agencies, as a media publisher WikiLeaks relies upon the power of overt fact to enable and empower citizens to bring feared and corrupt governments and corporations to justice.
With its anonymous drop box, WikiLeaks provides an avenue for every government official, every bureaucrat, and every corporate worker, who becomes privy to damning information that their institution wants to hide but the public needs to know. What conscience cannot contain, and institutional secrecy unjustly conceals, WikiLeaks can broadcast to the world. It is telling that a number of government agencies in different countries (and indeed some entire countries) have tried to ban access to WikiLeaks. This is of course a silly response, akin to the ostrich burying its head in the sand. A far better response would be to behave in more ethical ways.
Authoritarian governments, oppressive institutions and corrupt corporations should be subject to the pressure, not merely of international diplomacy, freedom of information laws or even periodic elections, but of something far stronger - the consciences of the people within them.
3.3 Should the press really be free?
In its landmark ruling on the Pentagon Papers, the US Supreme Court ruled that "only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government." We agree.
The ruling stated that "paramount among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people and sending them off to distant lands to die of foreign fevers and foreign shot and shell."
It is easy to perceive the connection between publication and the complaints people make about publication. But this generates a perception bias, because it overlooks the vastness of the invisible. It overlooks the unintended consequences of failing to publish and it overlooks all those who are emancipated by a climate of free speech. Such a climate is a motivating force for governments and corporations to act justly. If acting in a just manner is easier than acting in an unjust manner, most actions will be just.
Sufficient principled leaking in tandem with fearless reporting will bring down administrations that rely on concealing reality from their own citizens.
It is increasingly obvious that corporate fraud must be effectively addressed. In the US, employees account for most revelations of fraud, followed by industry regulators, media, auditors and, finally, the SEC. Whistleblowers account for around half of all exposures of fraud.
Corporate corruption comes in many forms. The number of employees and turnover of some corporations exceeds the population and GDP of some nation states. When comparing countries, after observations of population size and GDP, it is usual to compare the system of government, the major power groupings and the civic freedoms available to their populations. Such comparisons can also be illuminating in the case of corporations.
Considering the largest corporations as analogous to a nation state reveals the following properties:
The right to vote does not exist except for share holders (analogous to land owners) and even there voting power is in proportion to ownership.
All power issues from a central committee.
There is no balancing division of power. There is no fourth estate. There are no juries and innocence is not presumed.
Failure to submit to any order may result in instant exile.
There is no freedom of speech.
There is no right of association. Even romance between men and women is often forbidden without approval.
The economy is centrally planned.
There is pervasive surveillance of movement and electronic communication.
The society is heavily regulated, to the degree many employees are told when, where and how many times a day they can go to the toilet.
There is little transparency and something like the Freedom of Information Act is unimaginable.
Internal opposition groups, such as unions, are blackbanned, surveilled and/or marginalized whenever and wherever possible.
While having a GDP and population comparable to Belgium, Denmark or New Zealand, many of these multi-national corporations have nothing like their quality of civic freedoms and protections. This is even more striking when the regional civic laws the company operates under are weak (such as in West Papua, many African states or even South Korea); there, the character of these corporate tyrannies is unregulated by their civilizing surroundings.
Through governmental corruption, political influence, or manipulation of the judicial system, abusive corporations are able to gain control over the defining element of government the sole right to deploy coercive force.
Just like a country, a corrupt or unethical corporation is a menace to all inside and outside it. Corporations will behave more ethically if the world is watching closely. WikiLeaks has exposed unethical plans and behaviour in corporations and this as resulted in recompense or other forms of justice forms of justice for victims.
3.4 Could oppressive regimes potentially come to face legal consequences as a result of evidence posted on WikiLeaks?
The laws and immunities that are applied in national and international courts, committees and other legal institutions vary, and we can’t comment on them in particular. The probative value of documents posted on WikiLeaks in a court of law is a question for courts to decide.
While a secure chain of custody cannot be established for anonymous leaks, these leaks can lead to successful court cases. In many cases, it is easier for journalists or investigators to confirm the existence of a known document through official channels (such as an FOI law or legal discovery) than it is to find this information when starting from nothing. Having the title, author or relevant page numbers of an important document can accelerate an investigation, even if the content itself has not been confirmed. In this way, even unverified information is an enabling jump-off point for media, civil society or official investigations. Principled leaking has been shown to contribute to bringing justice to victims via the court system
Mirrors Wikileaks is currently under heavy attack.
In order to make it impossible to ever fully remove Wikileaks from the Internet, you will find below a list of mirrors of Wikileaks website and CableGate pages.
In what appears to be a calculated dig at the US, the Kremlin urged non-governmental organisations to think seriously about "nominating Assange as a Nobel Prize laureate"."Public and non-governmental organisations should think of how to help him," the source from inside president Dmitry Medvedev's office told Russian news agencies.
In what appears to be a calculated dig at the US, the Kremlin urged non-governmental organisations to think seriously about "nominating Assange as a Nobel Prize laureate"."Public and non-governmental organisations should think of how to help him," the source from inside president Dmitry Medvedev's office told Russian news agencies. Speaking in Brussels, where Medvedev was attending a Russia-EU summit yesterday , the source went on: "Maybe, nominate him as a Nobel Prize laureate."Russia's reflexively suspicious leadership appears to have come round to WikiLeaks, having decided that the ongoing torrent of disclosures are ultimately far more damaging and disastrous to America's long-term geopolitical interests than they are to Russia's.
Of course, the leaked cable did also call Russia a "mafia state" and I can see why Putin was not amused. But unfortunately for Putin, that descriptor is hardly inacccurate.
Julian Assange Enemy of the State Hero of the People By Lucy Carne LONDON SEEDS OF CHANGE:
Julian Assange the boy and the thorn in the side of governments, and a rally by his Brisbane supporters this week
In front of an adoring crowd at the Frontline journalist’s club in London last month, Australia Julian Assange explained why he’s risking the wrath of the world’s most powerful governments.
In his face could still be seen traces of the sweet natured, sensitive little boy his Sunshine Coast-based mother has described and, smiling, the Queensland born 39 year old leaned into the microphone.
“They say I enjoy crushing bastards and. Yes, that’s part of my motivation,” Assange said.
“For some reason, the White House finds that offensive.”
Today, the founder of whistle blowing website WikiLeaks and the man on whom the world’s spotlight is focused, sits is a grey tracksuit in one of western Europe’s biggest prisons.
This week he was remanded in custody of rape, sexual assault and unlawful coercion stemming from alleged non-consensual sex without a condom with two women in Sweden.
Assange’s imprisonment, after he handed himself in, was met with relief in the US, where authorities were angered by his website’s release of embarrassing diplomatic cables last week.
The man who kicked the hornets’ nest had been silenced they thought.
“I hadn’t heard that, but it sounds like good news to me,” US Defence Secretary Robert Gates said on being told of Assange’s arrest.
But while Assange grows restless behind bars – he has already complained about the “boring” daytime television and his request to be reunited with his own laptop has been denied – a global groundswell of support has grown.
The strongest act of revenge is coming from a group of ”hacktivists” known as Anomymous, which temporariiy shut down the websites of US and Swedish corporations this week.
The group also froze the websites of credit-card companies Visa and Mastercard, which had cancelled financial donations to WikiLeaks.
Post Finance – the Swiss bank that froze Assange’s private account – was disabled too, as was the Swedish prosecution office and the Swedish lawyers representing the two women who claim to have been sexually assaulted by Assange.
The Anonymous group’s spokesman, known only as Coldblood, told reports they had not met Assange and were not connected to his organization but felt the need to defend him.
“If we let WikiLeaks fall without a fight then government will think they can just take down any sites they wish or disagree with,” Coldblood said.
In Brisbane on Thursday, some 300 protestors took to the streets in anger at Assange’s imprisonment.
Protests in London were due to be held today.
More than 35,000 people have joined a Facebook group to support Assange, with calls for all members to donate to his legal fund, while around 28,000 Australians have signed a letter to US President BARACK Obama supporting him.
In an open letter published yesterday, prominent supports, including Australia documentary film maker John Pilger, Monty Python member Terry Jones, English actress Miriam Margolyes and author Iain Banks, call for his immediate release from jail
Assange’s unusually harsh imprisonment for allegedly ignoring two women’s requests to use contraception has caused this sudden swell of skepticism and fury.
Many believe it is a flimsy excuse to keep Assange, who was placed on Interpol’s most wanted list, within reach of the US Justice Department so it can prosecute him under the Espionage Act.
Even while he is hailed by the public as a champion of transparency, to the governments of Australia and the US he remains a menace. To them he is not an innocent messenger but an anti-government terrorist who wants to harm the US and governments across the world.
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard labeled WikiLeaks’s activities illegal but, despite calls for her to do so, has failed to outline any Australian law that Assange has broken.
Federal Attorney-General Robert McClelland also has stood by his condemnation of Assange, while arch-conservative US politician Sarah Palin called him an anti-American operative with blood on his hands.”
How did the tousled-haired boy in overalls grow up to become an Andy Warhol-esque hero of the people.
“He can seem – with his spectral white hair, pailed skin, cool eyes, and expansive forehead – like a rail thin being who has rocketed to Earth to deliver humanity some hidden truth,” The New Yorker wrote in June.
Born in Townsville in 1971, Assange has described his childhood as “pretty Tom Sawyer”’ filled with horseriding, building rafts and fishing.
I was, however, far from Idyllic. By the age od 14, his family had moved 37 times, living everywhere from Magnetic Island to Byron Bay.
It set the scene for his future nomadic life.
The young boy was home schooled, sporadically educated by university professors and even taught himself in hours spent alone in council libraries.
But his life changed when his mother’s abusive boyfriend tried to gain custody of Assange’s half brother in order to submit him to religious sect The Family.
His mother and her young family “disappeared”, constantly moving, never leaving a trail.
But at the age of 16, in 1987, Assange got a computer and modem and his life was suddenly transformed.
He embraced the random problem-solving and solace of life as a computer hacker.
“We were bright sensitive kinds who didn’t fit the dominant subculture and fiercely castigated those who did as irredeemable boneheads,” he wrote of himself and a teenage friend.
He was arrested in the early 1990’s for hacking into the computer system of a major Canadian telecommunications company, but avoided a prison sentence of up to 10 years.
A brief spell in hospital for depression soon followed, as well as time spent living rough in the Dandenong Ranges National Park in Victoria and a stint motorcycling across Vietnam.
While working towards a physics degree at the University of Melbourne in 2006, he founded WikiLeaks.
It was a site for anyone wishing to “reveal illegal or immoral behavior in their own governments and corporations” he wrote at the time of the site’s launch.
“ I am the one who takes that risk,” he said prophetically, explaining his role at WikiLeaks while addressing the Frontline club last monthly. “As a consequence, I also get a lot of undue credit. I also get all the criticism.”
His original WikiLeaks mandate was to “make the news, not be the news”.
But that seems to have backfired, with Assange now a household name around the world.
“Is is weird?” an audience member asked him of his new celebrity status.
“No,” Assange shrugged.” Actually, I find it quite boring.” Lucy Marne is The Courier-Mail’s European correspondent
Dear Friend,
Sarah Palin wants Julian Assange hunted as a terrorist.1 She's among a swelling chorus of American politicians calling for the arrest - and even the death - of the Australian citizen who runs WikiLeaks. It's a shame that real terrorists, the kind we should be focusing our attention on, don't show up at British Police stations with their lawyers, as WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange did yesterday.
Here in Australia, Prime Minister Gillard pre-emptively judged Mr. Assange "illegal," even as the Attorney General confirmed that no Australian nor international crime by WikiLeaks has been identified.2
The death penalty? Judgment before trial? This isn't the kind of justice system we have in Australia. If our Government won't stand up for the rights of Australian citizens, let's do it ourselves.
We're printing ads in The Washington Times and The New York Times with the statement our Government should have made, signed by as many Australians as possible. Will you add your name to the signatories, and invite your friends to join too?
The statement:Dear President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder:
We, as Australians, condemn calls for violence, including assassination, against Australian citizen and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, or for him to be labeled a terrorist, enemy combatant or be treated outside the ordinary course of justice in any way.
As Thomas Jefferson said, "information is the currency of democracy."3 Publishing leaked information in collaboration with major news outlets, as Wikileaks and Mr. Assange have done, is not a terrorist act.
Australia and the United States are the strongest of allies. Our soldiers serve side by side and we've experienced, and condemned, the consequences of terrorism together. To label WikiLeaks a terrorist organisation is an insult to those Australians and Americans who have lost their lives to acts of terrorism and to terrorist forces.
If WikiLeaks or their staff have broken international or national laws, let that case be heard in a just and fair court of law. At the moment, no such charges have been brought.
We are writing as Australians to say what our Government should have said: that all Australian citizens deserve to be free from persecution, threats of violence and detention without charge, especially from our friend and ally, the United States.
We call upon you to stand up for our shared democratic principles of the presumption of innocence and freedom of information.We're printing this statement in The Washington Times and The New York Times early next week - and the more Australians sign, the more powerful the message will be. Please add your name by clicking below, and forward this message to friends and family:
What has started with WikiLeaks being branded as terrorists won't end there.
In fact, just yesterday U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman, Chair of the Senate's Homeland Security Committee, said thatThe New York Times should also be investigated under the U.S. Espionage Act for publishing a number of the diplomatic cables leaked to WikiLeaks.4 We can help stop such plans in their tracks, by showing how they are affecting the image of the US in the eyes of their staunchest friends and allies.
Click here to sign the statement before it's published in The New York Times and Washington Times.
Thanks for being part of this,
The GetUp team
1 Beckford, M., 'Sarah Palin: hunt WikiLeaks founder like al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders', The Telegraph, 30 November 2010.
2 Oakes, L., 'Oakes: Gillard gushes over US leaks', Perth Now, 4 December 2010.
3 The quote is widely attributed to Jefferson, but some now dispute whether he actually said it. We know, at least, that he said "knowledge is power," even if Francis Bacon did say it first.
4 Savage, C., 'U.S. prosecuters study WikiLeaks prosecution', The New York Times, 7 December 2010.
Do you think that Jillian Assange of Wiki Leaks is a hero or villian? We think that he is a hero because he tell truth about Government and Corporate Corruption to the people, so they can have better future! Many bad corrupt government and corporate establishment hate him because they are evil and self-serving people! We believe that Jillian Assange will be hero for common people in the world!!
Assange probably did not censor the leaked documents to protect the innocent. For example, the names of individuals who provided information to foreign governments like the USA revealing crimes against humanity within their own countries. In other words did Assange, the Wikileaker, protect all the other whistleblowers?
I got nothing but love for a person who risks their life to tell the truth.
Truth is the only thing that is real. Its hard to find any media that's supports him which makes it apparent that perspective is dictated. We need to seek the truth to find it. But that is the big question, "do we really need to know the truth?" Heck yea! Secret information will always get leaked. Governments spend our hard earned billions of on spying on eachother and it's just a game. The real problem here is that Jillian Assange told the public. And you would think that any journalist with integrity would support him. Xoxoxo jillian
That should bear repeating, many many times over!!
If he actually did commit ra*pe, I would have a lot to say about that, but it's just so clear (to me, from the way these charges just seem to be trumped up, from all angles), that he didnt commit a crime like that. Those in authority knew he was about to leak some big stuff, so they tried to smear him with the worst possible thing they could - falsely accuse him of being a rapist and put a cloud over his integrity just before he leaked it through his Wikileaks site. B@astards.
I think Julian Assange is a good guy. Good on him for blowing the whistle on all this corruption all around the world. As if people didnt know about it, this just confirmed it.
By the way, his name is spelt Julian, not Jillian, which is a girl's name
TheDude02 wrote::D I got nothing but love for a person who risks their life to tell the truth.
Truth is the only thing that is real. Its hard to find any media that's supports him which makes it apparent that perspective is dictated. We need to seek the truth to find it. But that is the big question, "do we really need to know the truth?" Heck yea! Secret information will always get leaked. Governments spend our hard earned billions of on spying on eachother and it's just a game. The real problem here is that Jillian Assange told the public. And you would think that any journalist with integrity would support him. Xoxoxo jillian
Julian Assange from Jail to Masion
Former Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks. Photo: Jacky Ghossein
Assange gets bail but still locked up (01:12)
British judge grants bail to WikiLeaks founder under strict monitoring conditions, but he remains in jail as Sweden appeals the ruling.
Assange will never receive a fair trial: Hicks
Cameron Atfield
December 15, 2010
Hicks answers the tough questions
Former terrorism suspect David Hicks has come out in support of jailed freedom-of-speech campaigner Julian Assange, saying he feared for Mr Assange's safety should he end up in American hands.
Mr Assange, the founder of the WikiLeaks website, has been returned to London's notorious Wandsworth prison despite winning bail from a British Court.
He will be held there for another 48 hours while Swedish prosecutors, who want to extradite him to Sweden to face allegations of sex crimes, mount a High Court appeal against the decision.
Supporters of Mr Assange, including his lawyer, have claimed the charges are politically motivated after the release of thousands of secret diplomatic cables, causing embarrassment for several governments.
Yesterday, Mr Hicks told Fairfax Radio he was concerned about what might happen to Mr Assange if he was extradited to the United States.
"He will never receive a fair trial," he said.
"We have already established that it's a political decision rather than a legal one. It's important that our governments are held to account for any war crimes they may be involved in and that is why the work of WikiLeaks is so important."
Mr Hicks spent six years at Guantanamo Bay, the US-run prison camp in Cuba, before he returned home to Australia to serve nine months at Adelaide's Yatala jail.
He was convicted by a US military commission of "providing material support for terrorism".
Mr Hicks said he believed future WikiLeaks releases could contain information about his incarceration.
"I will watch with interest in more leaks released because I have heard that they might contain information about my treatment in Guantanamo and the political interference in my case," he said.
"I just hope the Australian government doesn't abandon him like they did to me."
WikiLeaks: Julian Assange sex assault court case branded a 'show trial'
The Swedish authorities are turning the sexual assault case against Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, into a "show trial", his lawyers claimed.
Mark Stephens attacked the decision by the Swedish authorities to appeal against a judge's ruling to grant the 39 year-old Australian bail.
He said their decision was now a "'persecution" rather than a prosecution and was politically motivated.
He accused the authorities of stopping at nothing to have the Wikileaks founder behind bars, a claim they denied.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is refused bail
15 Dec 2010
WikiLeaks: summary of the latest disclosures
15 Dec 2010
Julian Assange: is 'Wikileaker' on a crusade or an ego trip?
15 Dec 2010
Julian Assange: Jemima Khan comes to aid of Wikileaks founder in Swedish extradition fight
15 Dec 2010
Julian Assange: 'don't shoot the messenger'
15 Dec 2010
Julian Assange: 'don't shoot the messenger'
Governments around the world must not "shoot the messenger" by attacking disclosures by WikiLeaks, Julian Assange said on Tuesday.
Julian Assange says his whistle-blowing website deserves protection and has not cost a single life despite the claims of critics
The former computer hacker said his whistle-blowing website deserves protection and has not cost a single life despite the claims of critics.
Writing for The Australian newspaper, Mr Assange quoted its founder, Rupert Murdoch, as once saying the truth will inevitably win over secrecy.
He said: "Nearly a century later, WikiLeaks is also fearlessly publishing facts that need to be made public."
Mr Assange said WikiLeaks has coined "scientific journalism" that allows readers to study the original evidence for themselves.
He added: "Democratic societies need a strong media and WikiLeaks is part of that media. The media helps keep government honest.
"WikiLeaks has revealed some hard truths about the Iraq and Afghan wars, and broken stories about corporate corruption."
The campaigner denied he is anti-war, but said Governments must tell the truth about their reasons for fighting.
He claimed the United States, supported by its "acolytes", has attacked WikiLeaks instead of other media groups because it is "young and small".
Branding the website "underdogs", he accused Australia Prime Minister Julia Gillard of "disgraceful pandering" to the Americans.
He said: "The Gillard government is trying to shoot the messenger because it doesn't want the truth revealed, including information about its own diplomatic and political dealings."
Mr Assange highlighted some of the most high-profile revelations made by his website over the last week.
He added: "The swirling storm around WikiLeaks today reinforces the need to defend the right of all media to reveal the truth."
In news
The WikiLeaks bunker
WikiLeaks: 10 greatest scoops
WikiLeaks: do they have a right to privacy?
The key WikiLeaks revelations
Why law is powerless to stop WikiLeaks
WikiLeaks 'will continue releasing documents'
15 Dec 2010
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is driven into Westminster Magistrates Court in London Photo: Stefan Rousseau/PA
WikiLeaks 'will continue releasing documents'
WikiLeaks has pledged to continue releasing confidential documents after Julian Assange, the website's founder and chief, arrived at court for an extradition hearing.
Wednesday 15 December 2010
Richard Edwards and Nick Collins 2:53PM GMT 07 Dec 2010
Mr Assange handed himself over to police in central London on Tuesday morning after a warrant was issued for his arrest on rape charges.
But ahead of his first court appearance a spokesman for the website insisted the arrest would not prevent the planned release of further cables on Tuesday evening.
The spokesman wrote on Twitter: "Today's actions against our editor-in-chief Julian Assange won't affect our operations: we will release more cables tonight as normal."
The 39-year-old Australian was due to appear before a district judge at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court on Tuesday afternoon, where his lawyers were expected to fight extradition proceedings.
A Metropolitan Police spokesman said: "Officers from the Metropolitan Police Extradition Unit have this morning arrested Julian Assange on behalf of the Swedish authorities on suspicion of rape.
"Assange is due to appear at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court today."
Supporters of Assange were told to protest against censorship outside the Horseferry Road court house on several websites.
His arrest came after an Australian newspaper published an editorial written by Assange, in which he urged governments around the world not to "shoot the messenger".
He wrote: "Democratic societies need a strong media and WikiLeaks is part of that media. The media helps keep government honest."
He accused the Australian government and prime minister Julia Gillard of "disgraceful pandering" to the Americans, adding: "The Gillard government is trying to shoot the messenger because it doesn't want the truth revealed, including information about its own diplomatic and political dealings."
Mr Assange has not been seen publicly for 31 days, since an appearance in Geneva, and was believed to have been in hiding in the south-east of England as the latest tranche of WikiLeaks material was released.
A European Arrest Warrant was issued by the Swedish last month but could not be acted upon because it did not contain sufficient information for the British authorities. A spokesman for Marianne Ny, the Swedish prosecutor, said the extra details were sent last week.
Police processed the warrant yesterday and arrangements were made with Mark Stephens, Mr Assange’s British lawyer, for the Wikileaks founder to attend a central London police station.
Mr Stephens said his client was keen to discover what allegations he was facing so he could clear his name.
"It's about time we got to the end of the day and we got some truth, justice and rule of law," he said.
"Julian Assange has been the one in hot pursuit to vindicate himself to clear his good name.
"He has been trying to meet with her (the Swedish prosecutor) to find out what the allegations are he has to face and also the evidence against him, which he still hasn't seen."
The 39-year-old Australian has been under intense pressure since the release of thousands of secret documents in recent weeks.
Kristinn Hrafnsson, spokesman for WikiLeaks, said Mr Assange had been forced to keep a low profile after several threats on his life.
Sweden’s Supreme Court upheld a court order to detain Mr Assange for questioning on suspicion of “rape, sexual molestation and unlawful coercion” after he appealed against two lower court rulings. He denies the allegations.
His details were also added to Interpol’s most wanted website, alerting police forces around the world.
Mr Stephens said he would fight any bid to extradite his client. He added that Mr Assange “has been trying to meet with the Swedish prosecutor since August this year”.
Mr Assange’s troubles deepened when his Swiss bank account was shut down after it was found he had given a false address. Postfinance, the financial arm of Swiss Post, said: “The Australian citizen provided false information regarding his place of residence during the account opening process.”
Mr Assange had allegedly told Postfinance he lived in Geneva but could offer no proof that he was a Swiss resident.
News of his potential arrest came as WikiLeaks was criticised for publishing details of hundreds of sites around the world that could be targeted in terrorist attacks.
Among the British sites listed are a transatlantic undersea cable landing in Cornwall; naval and motoring engineering firm MacTaggart Scott, based in the small Scottish town of Loanhead; and BAE Systems sites, including one in Preston, Lancashire.
The revelations prompted Sir Peter Ricketts, David Cameron’s national security adviser, to order a review of computer security across all government departments.
Julian Assange: Jemima Khan comes to aid of Wikileaks founder in Swedish extradition fight
Jemima Khan appeared in court to lend her support to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange as he was put behind bars over sexual allegations originating from Sweden.
By Andrew Hough, and Caroline Gammell 07 Dec 2010
Khan, the socialite and charity worker, offered to provide a £20,000 surety to prevent the 39-year-old Australian from being remanded in custody in Britain over the claims.
Swedish officials want him extradited to answer questions over the alleged rape of one woman and molestation of another while he was in Stockholm this summer.
Mr Assange, who was also supported in court by film director Ken Loach and four others, has repeatedly denied the claims.
The 36-year-old former wife of Imran Khan said she would pay “whatever sum was required” to ensure he was granted bail.
However, a district judge at City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court decided he was too much of risk as it emerged that there was no record him ever arriving in Britain.
During Tuesday's hearing he was accompanied by officials from the Australian High Commission after asking for consular assistance.
Outside court, Khan said: “I am not here to make any kind of judgement on the Julian Assange as an individual as I do not know him and I have never met him.
“I am here because I believe in the principle of the human right to freedom of information and our right to be told the truth.”
Mr Assange’s supporters believe his arrest is a political stunt to detract from the revelations being made on a daily basis on the Wikileaks website.
Geoffrey Robertson QC, a prominent Australian human rights barrister who was a defending lawyer at the Brighton Bombing trial in the mid 1980s, has reportedly agreed to act for Mr Assange in future hearings.
The former computer hacker claims he had received several death threats since the secret documents were published and that someone had called for the kidnap of his 20-year-old son in Australia.
Julian Assange in British prison on rape charge
08 Dec 2010
Julian Assange: Extradition case involving Wikileaks founder could last many months
08 Dec 2010
Julian Assange: question of consent
08 Dec 2010
Julian Assange: 'don't shoot the messenger'
07 Dec 2010
The Scarlet Pimpernel of cyberspace
07 Dec 2010
US Attorney General taking 'significant' action
07 Dec 2010
Julian Assange: is 'Wikileaker' on a crusade or an ego trip?
Julian Assange, the man who published the Afghan war files on his Wikileaks website, is unlikely to be chastened by Admiral Mike Mullen’s claims that he might now have “blood on his hands”.
Julian Assange outside court in Melbourne in 1995, where he was later convicted of hacking offences.
Julian Assange, pictured in London this week, relies on donations and the hospitality of wellwishers as he travels the globe.
WikiLeaks: summary of the latest disclosures
The latest round of WikiLeaks releases disclose more detail about the US's relationships with allies and foes across the globe. Here is a round-up of today’s headlines.
Prince Andrew criticised a variety of governments, including those of Britain and America, as corrupt, stupid and backward in a conversation with a US diplomat.
In his wave of “almost neuralgic patriotism”, the Duke also made the bizarre claim that British geography teachers are the best in the world.
Families of British servicemen killed in Sangin, Afghanistan have reacted furiously after it was claimed WikiLeaks would disclose dismissive remarks by US commanders on British efforts to secure the town.
The Welsh family of Bradley Manning, the US soldier suspected of handing the classified documents to WikiLeaks, have flown to America but been prevented from visiting him in prison.
The internet has been rife with speculation about which former Labour minister was labelled “a bit of a hound dog” with women by an American official.
David Cameron was seen as “lightweight” by Barack Obama after the first meeting between the two leaders, leaked files will show.
Prince Charles does not command the same respect as the Queen, according to a senior Commonwealth official.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, dismissed claims that Arab countries had asked the US to attack his country as a deliberate attempt by the US to destabilise the Middle East.
Released Guantánamo Bay prisoners should have electronic tagging devices implanted so that they can be followed by security officials, the King of Saudi Arabia suggested to a White House official.
Silvio Berlusconi responded to leaked claims by American diplomats that he has a penchant for “wild parties” by claiming he only throws parties in a “proper, dignified and elegant way”.
One of the more unlikely stories to surface from the leaked documents was that of a 77-year-old American dentist who fled Iran on horseback after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
American officials suspect that North Korea has been secretly aiding Iran in its attempts to build nuclear weapons under the auspices of the Chinese government.
Colonel Gaddafi was believed to be very close to a “voluptuous” Ukrainian nurse who followed him everywhere he went, a US cable claimed.
An exile from Iran was living in London when he was targeted in an assassination plot by an Iranian agent, who was later arrested in America.
Hillary Clinton asked US diplomats in Argentina about the mental health of President Cristina Kirchner and questioned whether she was using medication to help her “calm down”.
The White House has told federal agencies to tighten security around the US military computer network following the leaking of classified information.
China would support a unified Korea controlled from Seoul because it believes the North is behaving like a “spoiled child”, documents show.
Sarah Palin has accused Barack Obama of taking insufficient action to prevent the release of the latest batch of WikiLeaks files.
The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, could die within months from terminal cancer, an Iranian informant told American officials.
Angela Merkel is the only leader “man” enough to lead the European Union, according to American cables.
The United Nations has angrily hit back at American “interference” after learning that Hillary Clinton ordered what amounted to an espionage campaign on its senior officials.
Julian Assange
The WikiLeaks founder is in hiding after an international warrant was issued for his arrest on rape allegations.
Assange’s next target will be the banking sector, with one American bank in particular to suffer from his next revelations, which he compared to the Enron scandal.
Assange has accused Barack Obama of attempting to smother the freedom of the press.
A criminal investigation is underway into how the latest batch of documents was made public, and Barack Obama could take legal action against Mr Assange.
Kazakh defence minister 'was openly drunk'
01 Dec 2010
WikiLeaks: Best quotes from Duke of York's Kyrgyzstan breakfast with US ambassador
30 Nov 2010
WikiLeaks: bereaved families' fury at US 'insult' over Afghanistan
30 Nov 2010
WikiLeaks: British and US governments stupid, says Prince Andrew
30 Nov 2010
WikiLeaks: Criminal investigation underway into leak of classified diplomatic documents
30 Nov 2010
WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton states WikiLeaks release is "an attack"
30 Nov 2010
Alleged Victims Arina Ardin and Sofia Wilen
Rape accuser took "trophy photo", says Assange December 27th 2010
founder, Julian Assange,
claims a woman accusing him of sexual assault
took a "trophy photo" of him lying naked in her bed.
Assange, 39, who
is fighting two allegations of sexual assault, was arrested earlier this
month in London and later released on bail pending an extradition
He admits to
Britain’s The Sunday Times he is confused by the allegations, as the
woman had invited him to stay in her flat in Stockholm in August. He
claims she had also invited him to bed with her.
"We went to bed, and things went on from there," he was reported as saying.
He claimed the
night began with the 31-year-old woman, known in legal documents as Miss
A, taking the nude photograph. She apparently gave no indication there
was a problem between them, even reportedly inviting friends to her flat
for dinner "in honour" of Assange.
"Does that sound
like someone who was upset by what had happened? And at the dinner were a
couple who had offered to have me as their guest. Instead, she insisted
I remain with her. I stayed the rest of the week," Assange told The
Sunday Times.
The other young
woman at the centre of the second allegation says she invited him back
to her flat and had consensual sex with him, but woke up the next
morning to find him having intercourse with her.
When she asked him if he was using protection, he allegedly said: "I am wearing you."
Assange has
denied the allegations in both cases and is fighting extradition to
Sweden for further questioning. His British lawyer has said the
suspicions stem from a "dispute over consensual, but unprotected sex."
While unprotected sex cannot in itself be interpreted as rape in Sweden,
sexual intercourse with a person who is asleep is considered
8 Dec 2010 ... The second woman who accuses Assange is Sofia Wilen. Both alleged victims, who went to the police together “to seek ... Also have a look at http://engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php?301387-Anna-Ardin-and-Sofia-Wilen... www.indymedia.org.au/.../assange-prosecutor-“lock-the-men-up-anyway” - Cached
Alleged victims ... Anna Ardin, left, and Sofia Wilen. ..... the julian assanges head over and above anyone else in that particular arena. ... www.w54.biz/showthread.php?949-WikiLeaks-founder...p... - Cached
Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilén approached the Klara police station in ... according to Borgström and Ny - but the alleged victims don't decide ... forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=129738483&page... - Cached
19 Dec 2010 ...Alleged victims ... Anna Ardin, left, and Sofia Wilen. ..... Italy, November 7th, Saturday - Jako Arena, Bamberg, Germany, November 8th, ... www.yesfans.com/showthread.php?t=62197&page=5 - Cached
21 Dec 2010 ...sofia wilen worked hard to bed assange (typo). Inappropriate? ... release the obnoxious spy jonathan pollard!..anna ardin worked for a cia front ... of it all and focus on thriving outside that mental arena. ... As far as the "Alledged" Rape charges, that is a seperate issue, or at least should be. ... www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/.../comments-newest.html - Cached
5 Dec 2010 ... At first the two women, Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilen, tweeted and texted, ... Exactly what you are doing to the alleged victims right now. ... portland.indymedia.org/en/2010/12/404194.shtml - Cached
16 Dec 2010 ... Problem: It's been proven that Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilen fabricated the .... Circulating the names of possible r@pe victims; leave it to ... www.huffingtonpost.com/.../keith-olbermann-suspends-twitter-account_n_797845.html - Cached
Google brings back "Sofia Wilen." Yeh thats the one. Was close :rofl: .... but you can't really compare a speeding ticket to an alleged act of sexual .... Movie Ratings, |---- Wall of Sound, |-- The Sporting Arena, The Archive ... www.neowin.net/.../959396-who-is-anna-ardin-one-of-assanges-accusers/ - Cached
8 Dec 2010 ... Indeed after the alleged rape et al Ardin arranged a "crayfish party" ..... of taking a rape allegation to court is notoriously hard for the victim. ... luis posada carriles, rape, remand, sofia wilen, spying, sweden, ... www.allvoices.com/.../7565838-who-is-anna-ardin-one-of-assanges-accusers - United States - Cached
Funny how this all turned nasty when Anna Ardin (Miss A) met up with Assange's other girlfriend Sofia Wilen (Miss W). ... wincoast.com/forum/showthread.php?101543-Julian... - Cached
Assange prosecutor: “Lock the men up anyway”
http://www.indymedia.org.au/2010/12/08/assange-prosecutor-%E2%80%9Clock-the-men-up-anyway%E2%80%9D Wed 08 Dec 2010
By Diet Simon
The Swedish prosecutor out to get Julian Assange, described as
“overzealous” in the prestigious German weekly, Die Zeit, once advocated
that men accused of mistreating women be locked up even without a
conviction to give the accusing women time and space to think.
There is heated debate in Sweden whether the hard line taken against Assange by the state attorney is right, the paper says.
“Not an international conspiracy of secret services, but an
overzealous state attorney is regarded as the main reason for
(Assange’s) arrest.
“Even an association of young feminist women within the Social
Democratic Party now doubts the seriousness of the accusations and the
professionalism of the state attorney.
“That is remarkable inasmuch as Assange’s alleged victim (Anna Ardin) is a member of this group.”
Even within the group, Die Zeit writes, it is assumed that the
allegations rest only on Assange allegedly not having used a condom
against the will of his sex partner.
“These claims are not officially confirmed, however. But they would fit
with the behaviour of the Swedish judiciary in the Assange case.”
When the accusations were first voiced to the Swedish police in August, the prosecutors did not lay charges.
Then personnel changed.
A new prosecutor, Marianne Ny, took over the case, distanced herself from the previous decision and laid a rape charge.
Marianne Ny is regarded as a prosecutor who goes especially far. “In
one case of a woman being mistreated she voiced the opinion that men
accused by women but not convicted should in any case be preventively
locked up – to give the women “space to think things over”.
"Only when the man is in captivity and the woman in quietude gets
time to look at her existence with some distance, does she get the
opportunity to discover how she was treated,” she is quoted as saying at
the time.
To Swedish media Assange’s British lawyer has likened Marianne Ny to
an "unsecured firearm on the tossing deck of a ship in stormy sea”.
WikiLeaks: Julian Assange fears he is subject of an 'illegal investigation'
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has claimed that there could be an "illegal investigation" being carried out into him.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange celebrates as he prepares to address
the media outside the High Court in central London yesterday. Photo:
1:26PM GMT 17 Dec 2010
Speaking on his first day under house arrest, the 39-year-old Australian
said he had not been provided with any evidence relating to claims he
sexually assaulted two women.
He was let out of prison on Thursday after a judge ruled he should be
released ahead of Swedish extradition proceedings in the new year.
Bail conditions require Mr Assange to remain in the country until the
extradition hearing next year and he is now staying at Ellingham Hall, a
country retreat on the Norfolk/Suffolk border owned by Vaughan Smith,
the founder of London's Frontline club.
Speaking from the grounds of the mansion, he claimed certain
institutions were "engaged in what appears to be, certainly a secret
investigation, but appears also to be an illegal investigation.
"We can see that by how certain people who are allegedly affiliated with
us were contained at the US border and had their computers seized, and
so on."
Asked if he was facing a US conspiracy, Mr Assange said: "I would say
that there is a very aggressive investigation, that a lot of face has
been lost by some people, and some people have careers to make by
pursuing famous cases, but that is actually something that needs
"We've seen the Swedish government, let's not say the government, a
Swedish prosecutor in these representations to the British Government
and British courts said he needed not to provide a single shred of
Mr Assange reiterated that he had spent 10 days in solitary confinement
at Wandsworth Prison, south west London, and had still not been
presented with "a single piece of evidence".
He claimed his organisation had been attacked primarily not by
governments, but by banks in Dubai, Switzerland, the US and the UK and
added that WikiLeaks is continuing to release information about the
He added: "Over 85 per cent of our economic resources are spent dealing
with attacks, dealing with technical attacks, dealing with political
attacks, dealing with legal attacks, not doing our journalism. And that,
if you like, is a tax upon quality investigative journalism.
"An 85 per cent tax rate on that kind of economic activity. Whereas
people who are producing celebrity pieces for Vanity Fair have much
lower tax rates."
Mr Assange said that he had support from a "large Washington law firm"
and from "colleagues in California" but called for more help.
He said: "We need more, and not just at a reactive level."
After emerging from the High Court in London, Mr Assange vowed to "continue his work and protest his innocence".
Assange believes further leaked information relating to the sexual
assault claims are to be made public later today. He has also indicated
that the US is preparing to indict him on espionage charges.
A spokeswoman for the US Department of Justice would confirm only that
there is "an ongoing investigation into the WikiLeaks matter".
Assange is wanted in Sweden for alleged sex offences, which he denies.
His lawyers have accused the Swedish authorities of waging a "vendetta"
against him.
Earlier this week at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court he was granted bail pending the bid to extradite him.
But the whistleblower remained in prison while the authorities
challenged his release at the High Court in London, arguing that there
was "a real risk" he would abscond.
However, on Thursday Mr Justice Ouseley released Assange after rejecting
submissions that the risk he posed made it impossible to set him free.
The judge said his cooperation with police suggested he was not "a
person who is seeking to evade justice" and accepted offers by Assange's
supporters to stump up £200,000 as a cash deposit and a number of other
Rape accusers in a 'tizzy' after cops 'bamboozled' them: Assange
December 22, 2010 - 10:17AM
Julian Assange feels he has been unjustly persecuted.
"They know not what they do 'cos they are only
women"........................you sexist pig! Bamboozled by Police my
arse...........the prick still doesn't understand or accept that he has
done anything wrong........
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said the Swedish women who have accused
him of sexual assault had got into a "tizzy" about the possibility they
had caught a sexually transmitted disease from him.
Assange told the BBC that one account of what happened in August - the
month at the centre of allegations against him - was that the two women
had panicked when they found out they had both slept with him and went
to police who "bamboozled" them.
He insisted he was fighting a Swedish extradition warrant because he believes "no natural justice" would occur in Sweden.
Alleged victims ... Anna Ardin, left, and Sofia Wilen.
"There are some serious problems with the Swedish prosecution," he said
in an interview from the mansion of a wealthy supporter in eastern
England where he must stay as part of his bail conditions.
Sweden wants Britain to extradite the 39-year-old Australian to face
questioning over allegations from two women that he raped one of them
and sexually assaulted the other in Stockholm in August.
Assange said he was used to attention from women but would not reveal how many women he had slept with.
"A gentleman certainly doesn't count," he said. "I've never had a
problem with women. Women have been extremely helpful and generous with
me and put up with me, assisting me in my work, caring for me, loving me
and so on. That's what I'm used to."
Assange claimed that the Swedish authorities had asked that his Swedish
lawyer be "gagged", adding that his offers to be interviewed by video
link or by Swedish officials in Britain had been rejected.
"I don't need to be at the beck and call of people making allegations," he said.
"I don't need to go back to Sweden. The law says I... have certain
rights, and these rights mean that I do not need to speak to random
prosecutors around the world who simply want to have a chat, and won't
do it in any other standard way."
He said that one account of what occurred in August was that after
having discovered they had each had sex with him, they had got into a
"tizzy", or a panic, about the possibility of sexually transmitted
As a result, he said, the women had gone to the police for advice "and
then the police jumped in on this and bamboozled the women".
WikiLeaks has enraged Washington by releasing thousands of US diplomatic
cables and US Vice President Joe Biden described Assange as a "hi-tech
US officials are believed to be considering how to indict Assange for espionage.
In an interview with The Times on Tuesday, Assange compared WikiLeaks'
"persecution" to that endured by Jews in the US in the 1950s.
Assange also confirmed that WikiLeaks was holding a vast amount of
material about Bank of America which it intends to release early next
"We don't want the bank to suffer unless it's called for," Assange told
The Times. "But if its management is operating in a responsive way there
will be resignations," he said, without giving details about the
Shares in Bank of America have fallen amid speculation that it was a WikiLeaks target.
CIA’s WikiLeaks Task Force: WTF, Indeed
By Spencer Ackerman December 22, 2010 | 9:33 am | Categories: Info War
It can set up mirrored sites. It can bounce from server to server. But
whatever impact WikiLeaks continues to have on the U.S. government after
dumping tens of thousands of military reports and diplomatic cables,
the CIA’s WikiLeaks Task Force is watching, studying, learning. It’s
literally a WTF operation.
Actually, what makes it a WTF operation isn’t just the task force’s
acronym. It’s the WTF’s mandate: not to launch any subterfuge against
the radical disclosure entity — that would be a job for NSA, most
likely, or maybe Saturday Night Live — but rather to study its
disclosure’s impact on the CIA’s ability to recruit snitches and retain
the trust of spy agencies worldwide.
According to the Washington Post’s Greg Miller, it takes an entire task
force to determine that CIA came out of the WikiLeaks saga with minimal
exposure. While WikiLeaks appeared to show CIA operations in Iraq, its
biggest-hyped disclosure was a boring piece of analysis on homegrown
terrorism. The Pentagon and the State Department can only wish they had
such limited breaches.
Score one for the CIA’s distaste for sharing information. It didn’t
participate in the government-wide SIPRNet secret internet that allowed
an Army private like Bradley Manning to allegedly put hundreds of
thousands of State Department cables on a Lady Gaga CD. While the
Defense Department is rushing to ban thumb drives, an ex-CIA official
tells Miller that if he ever put a thumb drive into his work computer,
“there would probably be a little trap door under my chair.” For all the
carping about CIA’s reluctance to share information from earnest
think-tankers and angry congressional panels, here’s an enormous
information-security upside.
That’s partially the result of an institutional culture of secrecy. But
CIA’s also had a lot of early experience with cyber-insecurity. In 1995,
then-Director John Deutch put classified information on his home
computer, which his AOL account left vulnerable to cookies, malware or
phishing – though a CIA inquiry found no harm was done. More seriously,
in what might be the biggest reply-all-FAIL of all time, a CIA agent
accidentally emailed the agency’s entire spy network inside Iran in
2004, allowing a double agent to identify and then neutralize all the
CIA’s snitches.
And the CIA might not WikiLeak, but it leaks like a sieve. In his first
public speech as director of national intelligence, Jim Clapper said
that President Obama was pissed at “widely quoted amorphous and
anonymous senior intelligence officials who get their jollies from
blabbing to the media.” All those are WTF moments — though, as a
reporter, I’m not complaining — but chances are they’re not going to
merit their own task force.
Photo: CIA
The truth lies trapped in a web of intrigue
December 24, 2010
A murky situation ... Julian Assange outside a police station this week in Britain, where he is on bail. Photo: Reuters
This sexual and political drama has more mysteries than any thriller, writes Guy Rundle in London.
Whatever prompted Naomi Wolf to defend Julian Assange by penning a
satirical article for The Huffington Post titled ''Julian Assange
Captured by World's Dating Police'', one assumes she is now regretting
it. Ditto Michael Moore's ex cathedra statements on whether the sex
crime allegations made against the WikiLeaks founder constituted rape or
not: ''His condom broke during consensual sex. This is all a bunch of
hooey as far as I'm concerned.''
Two weeks ago, when he was on remand in Wandsworth prison, it was
broadly accepted that the man responsible for humiliating and
challenging great powers across the world had been railroaded by a
series of accusations relying on scorned female fury.
But now people more critical of the ethereal 39-year-old former hacker
have hit back, as tabloid articles and a long piece in The Guardian
detail the allegations against him blow by blow. The tabloid pieces in
Sweden's Expressen and Britain's Mail on Sunday seemed more interested
in his sexual encounters that were unquestionably consensual than in the
criminal accusations. It is the report from The Guardian, one of
WikiLeaks' publishing partners, that may do him more damage. Yet even
this assessment is more interesting for what it left out - stories of
influence, tampering, shadowy establishments and hidden agendas that
leave the late Stieg Larsson out in the cold.
The story begins in early August, with the first complainant, Miss A, a
woman now universally acknowledged as Anna Ardin, a rising star in the
Social Democratic Party and an organiser of Assange's speaking
engagement in Stockholm. Ardin had put up Assange in her apartment and
organised a crayfish party for him, a traditional Swedish summer
get-together attended by journalists and the leaders of Sweden's
libertarian anti-censorship Pirate Party.
Assange and Ardin had begun a sexual relationship but, according to Nick
Davies in The Guardian report, Ardin had told two friends that the sex
had been ''violent''; Assange had pinned down her arm to prevent her
applying a condom. She had let him stay in her apartment, but not her
Unbeknown to her, Assange was also seeing Sofia Wilen, a photographer
who, by her own account to police, had become a little obsessed with
Assange after seeing him on TV. Though she had told him she never had
unsafe sex, she said she had woken to find him having sex with her
without a condom. According to her account to prosecutors, they joked
about pregnancy, had breakfast and returned to Stockholm by train, with
Wilen paying for the tickets - as she had paid days earlier for the
cinema, the meal and the train out.
On the Wednesday, August 18, Wilen rang Ardin, whom she did not know, to
find out where Assange was. They compared notes and, on Friday, August
20, went to Klara police station to inquire how they could force Assange
to take a test for sexually transmitted infections. Fifteen minutes
into the interview the police decided to ask the duty prosecutor to open
a rape investigation.
Though it would be months before it began to be adjudicated in The
Huffington Post, the case became murky and mysterious from the get-go.
Wilen's experience had been the basis for the rape accusation, Ardin's
for two misdemeanour accusations. The senior prosecutor threw out the
rape accusation, leaving a case barely worth pursuing.
But then Claes Borgstrom entered the scene. Battered and feisty, a
real-life Kurt Wallander, Borgstrom is both a celebrity lawyer and a
major figure in the Social Democratic Party, its gender equality
spokesman. He petitioned the appeals prosecutor, Marianne Ny, to revive
the accusations. When she did, in early September, there were four
accusations, not three, the most serious being a new one - that of
violent sexual coercion of Ardin.
The new accusation created a substantial difference between the first
and later account of events to the police. It was at this time that
material began to disappear from the internet. Two tweets were removed
from Ardin's Twitter feed in early September - one saying ''Julian wants
to go to a crayfish party, anyone around'' and another from the
crayfish party Ardin organised for him that night ''2am - sitting
outside with the most exciting, interesting people in the world'', both
tweets sent in the 24 hours after the alleged violent sexual encounter
took place.
Simultaneously, two items disappeared from blogs written or co-written
by Ardin: a record of events making no mention of a violent sexual
encounter, and a ''7-step guide to revenge'' on ex-lovers. All four
deleted items were retrieved from internet caches by Swedish bloggers.
One of those who retrieved the deleted material was Goran Rudling, an
activist involved in a campaign to revise Sweden's 2005 Sex Crimes Act,
which he believes has rendered the law unworkable. No fan of Assange,
whom he describes as a ''villain - he wants to make himself more
important by saying there is a conspiracy to get him'', Rudling
nevertheless points out that the investigation of his case has been
hamstrung by a routine disregard for the proper procedures.
''There is, for example, no full record of the first interviews, written
or audio/video. So we don't know what questions were asked, or how they
were answered,'' Rudling says. ''The arrest warrant was issued before
the interview proper had even begun, and one of the complainants was
only interviewed the next day, by telephone.''
Why was a warrant for a serious allegation issued so quickly? One
possibility is so that it could be leaked in time for the afternoon
news, especially to the right-wing tabloid Expressen, which painted such
a harsh picture of Assange that it prompted Ardin to give an interview
to the rival paper Aftonbladet the next day, in which she said that
''Assange is not violent and we do not fear him … this is about someone
who has problems with women''.
It is this quote that has become a headache for Borgstrom, since it
contradicts Ardin's later claims. Questioned about this by reporters,
Borgstrom replied that said the women ''weren't jurists - they don't
know what rape is''. This claim was shaky. As gender equality officer at
Uppsala University, Ardin had issued a new edition of the student
union's gender equality procedures, including a guide to legal recourse.
By now, however, attention had turned to Borgstrom and the passion with
which he was pursuing the case. His decision to take the case had been
met with bemusement by many as his party was on the verge of contesting
the September general election, one it lost badly.
When the Social Democrats were last in power, Borgstrom had helped draft
the 2005 Sex Crime Act, which had made it possible to charge people
with what has become known as ''sex by surprise''. Since losing power in
2006, his party has claimed that the ruling centre-right coalition has
done nothing to give the new laws any force. Opponents of the law
contended that it was unworkable, prompting investigations into matters
that would be reduced to two conflicting stories in court and open to
misuse for reputation damage and revenge.
Crucially, the 2005 law had gone beyond simple notion of consent and
elaborated the idea of ''violation of sexual integrity'' and
non-financial ''sexual exploitation'' - that is, psychological or
situational manipulation. It thus became possible to charge someone with
a sex crime even if consent was present throughout, a feature of at
least two, and possibly all four, of the accusations against Assange.
The accusations against him occurred at a highly charged time, as the
centre-right government received an exhaustive review of the law. The
review had been prompted by bitter struggle between those who said it
was unworkable - people drawn from the left and right - and those on the
centre-left, feminists and greens who argued that the justice system
should be further transformed to overcome the low conviction rate it
One of the players in the debate had been Gothenburg's crime development
unit, a department of the prosecutor's office responsible for exploring
new modes for the development of sex crime legislation, and headed by
the appeals prosecutor Marianne Ny.
Does this add up to a possible hidden agenda? Yes and no. Unlike the
experience of Larsson's character Lisbeth Salander, Sweden has less
explicit corruption than a lot of countries. What it does have is a
suffocatingly tight political elite, much of it grouped around the
Social Democratic Party, which has huge cultural power even in
Some, such as the law blogger Marten Schultz, are impatient with
Assange's repeated claims of especially bad treatment, arguing that the
most surprising decision from the prosecutors was the second one,
stating that Assange was not a suspect - without carrying out any
Others, such as Christian Engstrom, a Pirate Party member of the
European Parliament, suggest that it would be difficult for Assange to
get a fair trial in Sweden, as the judge and ''lay examiners'' who
assess each case are appointed by the political parties in proportion to
their numbers in parliament. ''Usually Swedish justice works well,'' he
argues. ''But in cases like Julian's everything goes strange.''
His chief of staff, Henrik Alexandersson, is more forthright, saying
that as Assange has antagonised all major parties ''there is no chance
of him getting a fair trial''.
Few cases in recent times have been so argued about on the basis of so
much misinformation. Even Davies's account in The Guardian has been
criticised as one-sided by a WikiLeaks associate in Sweden who was one
of several people who tried to mediate between Assange and Ardin, before
she went to the police. ''I would say that it is simply the case for
the prosecution,'' he says. ''The police record contains Assange's early
interview with the police on the 'misconduct' [accusations], yet none
of that has been included.''
Assange has at no time been charged with any crime. His arrest warrant
was issued in relation to questions the prosecutors' office wishes him
to answer regarding the accusations. Assange is next due in court in
Britain on January 11 for the beginning of his extradition hearing.
The WikiLeaks associate suggests the case may never come to trial,
noting that ''one of the complainants has refused to sign off on her
statement''. Even if that proves to be the case, Julian Assange has
entered history, though it remains to be seen whether in triumph or
Days of his life
August 20 Julian Assange is accused of the rape and sexual assault of
Sofia Wilen and of ofredande (''unfreedom'' - a misdemeanour crime under
Swedish law) in relation to Anna Ardin. The accusations are leaked to
the tabloid Espressen.
August 21 Stockholm's chief prosecutor withdraws the arrest warrant for
Assange, saying she sees no description of rape or assault. An
investigation into the ofredande accusation stands.
August 31 Police in Stockholm question Assange and formally tell him of the allegation against him. He denies the accusations.
September 1 Marianne Ny, an appeals prosecutor, reopens an investigation into rape in relation to Ardin.
November 18 An arrest warrant is issued in Sweden for Assange to answer questions from the prosecutor.
November 30 Interpol issues a ''red notice'' for Assange's detention.
December 6 A European arrest warrant is issued.
December 7 Assange gives himself up to British police. The Crown
Prosecution Service reads out four accusations: rape: that Assange had
held Ardin down, forcibly parted her legs and had sex with her;
ofredande: that Assange had unsafe sex with Ardin, thereby violating her
sexual integrity; ofredande: that Assange had pushed his erect penis
into Ardin's back, thereby violating her sexual integrity; sexual
assault: that Assange had had unsafe sex with Wilen while she was
December 16 Assange is released on bail of £200,000 ($308,000) plus
several sureties. An initial extradition hearing is set for January 11.
The substantive hearing will begin in early February.
US Army launches WikiLeaks probe
Nancy A Youssef of McClatchy Newspapers
December 24, 2010 - 2:59PM
WASHINGTON - The US Army has launched a wide-ranging investigation into
how a private suspected of downloading thousands of secret reports and
diplomatic cables and handing them over to WikiLeaks was able to do so
and whether other soldiers should face criminal charges in the case.
An army official familiar with the investigation told McClatchy
newspapers that the six-member task force has been given until February 1
to complete a report that will look at everything from how Private
Bradley Manning was selected for his job and trained to whether his
superiors missed warning signs that he was downloading documents he had
no need to read.
The army confirmed the investigation, but wouldn't release details.
Advertisement: Story continues below The report could change how the
army - the largest distributor of government security clearances -
grants access to government documents as well as lead to recommendations
of charges against soldiers who worked with Manning and may have been
aware of his activities.
Manning was working as an intelligence specialist in Baghdad during 2009
and the early months of 2010 when he allegedly downloaded hundreds of
thousands of classified documents.
Those documents reached WikiLeaks - army officials have said they're not
certain how - and have been published by the website in four separate
bursts that began in April with the release of a video showing an army
helicopter firing on civilians in Baghdad, killing two Reuters news
agency employees.
The website also released tens of thousands of documents related to the
wars in Iraq and Afghanistan before the current, ongoing publication of
hundreds of thousands of US State Department cables, which began on
November 28.
Manning allegedly downloaded the documents while pretending to listen to
music by Lady Gaga on headphones, a cover story, investigators say, to
explain the sound of the computer's CD drive whirring as he copied the
He's being held in solitary confinement at the Quantico Marine Base in
Virginia on charges that could lead to a 52-year prison sentence.
Some human rights groups charge that Manning is being mistreated, with no ability to exercise or access to news.
The Defense Department has denied the claims.
Army Lieutenant General Robert Caslen Jr, the commander of the Army
General Command and Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, will lead
the study, which was ordered by John McHugh, the Army secretary.
"Lt Gen Caslen has a very broad investigative mandate and he has been
assured of the co-operation of both the Department of the Army and the
US Central Command as he proceeds. Lt Gen Caslen's investigation will
not interfere nor conflict with the ongoing criminal investigation,"
Army spokesman Lt Col Christopher Garver said in a statement prepared in
response to questions from McClatchy.
No other service branch is conducting a similar investigation, but the
army findings could lead to changes throughout the military. With more
than 800,000 uniformed personnel, the Army issues more security
clearances than any other government organisation.
The US Justice Department also is conducting an investigation into
whether to bring charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange,
though such a prosecution faces a number of challenges, including the
apparent difficulty prosecutors are having tying Assange directly to
Manning, now 23, reportedly isn't co-operating with investigators, and
Defense Department officials who have been briefed on the case said
according to their most recent information, now months old, that no
direct tie has been established between Manning and Assange.
The only reason there'd be a "high chance" is
because he is such a mouthy, obnoxious little prick and people would
want the peace his non-existence would bring.............his paranoia
and media manipulation continues.............
WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange says there is a "high chance" he would be
killed in a US jail if he were to be extradited from Britain on
espionage charges.
The Australian is on bail in Britain fighting a bid by Sweden to
extradite him over sex assault claims, but Washington is believed to be
considering how to indict him over the leaking of thousands of US
diplomatic cables.
Assange told The Guardian it would be "politically impossible" for
Britain to send him across the Atlantic, adding that the government of
Prime Minister David Cameron would want to show it had not been
"co-opted" by Washington.
"Legally the UK has the right to not extradite for political crimes.
Espionage is the classic case of political crimes. It is at the
discretion of the UK government as to whether to apply to that
exception," he said.
He said US authorities were "trying to strike a plea deal" with Bradley
Manning, the US army soldier suspected of providing WikiLeaks with the
Assange added that if the United States succeeded in getting him
extradited from Britain or Sweden, then there was a "high chance" of him
being killed "Jack Ruby-style" in an American prison.
Ruby, a nightclub owner, shot dead Lee Harvey Oswald at a police station
in Dallas, Texas days after Oswald was arrested for the assassination
of US President John F Kennedy in 1963.
Ruby's alleged links to organised crime sparked conspiracy theories
about his involvement in an overall plot surrounding the assassination
of Kennedy.
Assange has previously said that he and other WikiLeaks staff have
received death threats since the website began to release a cache of
about 250,000 secret US State Department cables in November.
The 39-year-old has been staying at a friend's country mansion in
eastern England since his release from jail last week on strict bail
conditions that include reporting to police daily and wearing an
electronic tag.
A court in London is due to hold a full hearing on the Swedish extradition request starting February 7.
The only reason there'd be a "high chance" is because he is such a
mouthy, obnoxious little prick and people would want the peace his
non-existence would bring.............his paranoia and media
manipulation continues...........
Wow, are you serious?
Not sure if it was posted here but finally got to read the police report summary, what an arse! Doesn't change anything though
Originally Posted by Deks
Wow, are you serious?
No I wrote that to pass the time of day..................
Originally Posted by buglerbilly
No I wrote that to pass the time of day..................
h fair enough, I thought you may respond with some reasoning into your thoughts though.
For myself, I haven't yet decided whether on balance wikileaks is a good
thing or not. I'm certainly not calling for the julian assanges head
over and above anyone else in that particular arena
I thought my views on Mr Assange were very clear: -
1) Personally, I think he's an obnoxious little prick who's ego is only
matched by his inability to keep his zip up..........this doesn't only
refer to the Swedish instances............
2) He's of a left-wing "society" that believes TOTALLY in its own
supreme correctness ensuring that the rest of us mere mortals have our
outlooks and beliefs modified to understand that THEY are always
right.........IF you've never dealt with such vermin, then undoubtedly
this will sound strange to you BUT I've had to deal with it, understand
the type and still have difficulty being polite when discussing the
3) WikiLeaks, as a group, I have no problem with IN THEORY. However,
taking the current example as a case in point, we still are in the very
early days of how we handle Cyber Leaks where people ILLEGALLY download
masses of information NOT business info but State, Defence and Political
"secrets"; to then say this puts no one at risk 'cos they've read it OR
"its your fault cos you didn't read the STOLEN info we have in our
possession to verify what or who was at risk" defies description in its
banal rigtheous naivety and blatant stupidity. Equally, to ignore the
Global political impact such disclosures can creat is also naive and
4) Do I want to live in a society where all matters are open to
disclosure as a right? Nope I do NOT...........it's idealistic and
almost moronic to beleve that this will somehow ensure either equality,
justice or peace in this World. I most certainly do not want other
people knowing what I do or say in every instance, I value my privacy
far more than that and make no mistake, being allowed to leak State
secrets is only a skip and a jump away from no one have any rights to
privacy as privacy, by definition, could be viewed as having "secrets".
A reader emailed me to tell me that Julian Assange’s second rape accuser is named Sofia Wilén. She’s the “Woman B” in this article, the stalkerish groupie who slept with Assange but got mad at him after he turned out to be an inattentive geek. There are a bunch of articles confirming Wilén’s involvement in the case, including her friendship with Assange’s other accuser, the psychotic feminist Anna Ardin:
STOCKHOLM/MELBOURNE (Rixstep) — The charges
against Julian Assange were indeed trumped up. Anna Ardin and Sofia
Wilén planned it all. They went to the police station asking for advice,
knowing the police would turn it into an accusation of rape. They’re
also the ones who leaked the story to the tabloid Expressen.
This was revealed in a letter written by Assange’s Australian barrister to the website Crikey.
A bit of a recap first.
Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilén approached the Klara police station in
Stockholm on the afternoon of Friday 20 August 2010 to ask questions of
the police, purportedly about forcing someone to submit to STD/HIV
The policemen on duty rang up prosecutor on duty Maria Kjellstrand
even before the formal interrogation had begun. Kjellstrand - working with no paperwork at all at this point
– issued an ‘APB’ for Assange and had the police search the Stureplan
district of Stockholm for Assange, ostensibly to bring him in for
questioning (and a tour of Swedish isolation cells).
The formal interrogation of Sofia Wilén was only concluded hours
later and the interrogation of Anna Ardin didn’t take place until the
day after - by telephone.
As seen from Anna Ardin’s SMS history, Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilén made the whole thing up - and even decided to leak the story to notorious Swedish tabloid Expressen. The story reached Niklas Svensson and others at Expressen at 19:52.
A colleague of Svensson’s rang up Maria Kjellstrand to find out if the story was true - and Kjellstrand, violating the rules of her office, told the reporter that it was.
Wilén is apparently a photographer by trade. This is supposedly the only known picture of her on the Internet:
Spread the word – Julian Assange’s lying rape accusers are Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilén. These women need to be exposed for what they have done.
For more on Anna Ardin, the radical feminist who convinced Wilén to
file charges against Assange, see here. For my complete breakdown of the
Assange case, see here.
UPDATE: I’m adding some more pictures that my readers have found. Here’s one from Legion, at Unfrozen Caveman’s blog:
This entry was posted on Saturday, December 4th, 2010 at 5:24 pm and is filed under Feminism, Men's Rights, Sexuality. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
36 Responses to “The name of Julian Assange’s other false rape accuser is Sofia Wilén”
You’re number one on Google now for the searched name. Congrats!
The feminists have shot themselves in the foot.
Exposing the libertarian/intellectual factions to MRA concerns is going
to dig another huge hole in their graves.
Ferd, since you are now number one on google
search the name sofia wilen you should edit your post to include the
other pictures linked to among the comments.
You were talking about calling men to arms yesterday and now you have a chance to do just that.
To the rest of the people reading this, start a
google bomb about this (and the previous) post. The more people who see
these two vapid liers for what they are, the better.
i’d be a bit careful about using such certainty
in your language to describe your allegations about what these 2
specific women did. I’m not saying I disagree with you… not at all… and
I think your insight and journalistic activism is spot-on and extremely
helpful and important in this very important issue.
But you don’t have the experience that a
newspaper editor does in libel and slander. These 2 women aren’t public
figures. It’s possible you could have wrong info. I think it would be
better to distance the certainty with “i think X because of the sources
that have said Y.” rather than a call to “spread the word”. Just
looking out for you dude. Keep up the good work otherwise.
Um, is she about three months pregnant in that pic, or what? Or it is the way her jacket is made?
And “Seth” looks pretty spazzed out in that pic,
maybe a few seconds away from raping somebody himself. I can’t tell
what “show” they’re intensely waiting for, but from the image in the
mirror behind them it looks like a live-action “Emperor’s New Groove.”
[...] welcome to re-publish any and all of my original posts on the
debacle in their entirety (find them here, here, and here) provided
they follow these [...]
[...] Ferdinand Bardamu has noted (check out links here, here, and
here), Julian Assange, editor of Wikileaks, has been accused under very
suspicious circumstances of [...]
[...] good story on the bogus “sex crimes” accusations against
Julian Assange appears here, on Ferdinand Bardamu’s In Mala Fide blog.
Contrary to widespread speculation, Assange is not being charged with
rape, but apparently just [...]
[...] the last time I write about Julian Assange for the time
being. Promise. And if my previous posts on Assange offended you, this
one will probably give you a coronary. Proceed at your own [...]
Thanks to kulak for this gem: Felt it had to be published as a separate post:
Wikileaks? There is an easy way to secure all government documents, and to prevent any further security leaks.
Keep all of America’s classified documents in
the same filing cabinet as President Obama’s college transcripts,
passport information, nationality documents and birth certificate(s).
How come a man like Julian choose a way to rape two hookers?
In a country like Sweden, where sex is one of the most free in Universe?
Tell it to my stinking shoes.
It’s a pure cia thing.
[...] rape accusers. My traffic has ballooned from Googlers seeking
info and pictures of Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilén in the past 48 hours,
and my posts are being linked all over the place from sites as diverse
as [...]
It is very sad that important issues are being
mixed up concerning the charges against Julian Assange. Yet I am
convinced that all involved have a primary interest in seeing the
impotant work of Wikileaks go forward. Please people, do whatever you
can to prevent Mr. Assange from being extradicted to the USA. If that
should occur I’m quite certain that he will never return to Europe
alive. Noone has intended that.
The climate here is now totally “over the top.” He will be tortured and killed. Please, you must prevent extradition. Joe
Great investigative journalism! I have noticed
that the mainstream media has not done any real digging on the accusers
there names or profiles. Well done.
Assange is a smart dude, but not smart enough
to avoid a Swedish girl in those black-topped rectangle glasses which
wow,..MEN watch out for these FALSE RAPE
ACCUSERS,.. hey too greedy for money and fame !! Rather use ur hand than
We have read how the City of Berkeley which
wanted to award Private First Class Bradley Manning the Honour of being a
Hero to America, but they have correctly and properly delayed a vote on
the matter.
This is because the City of Berkeley should not
have moved on this matter until it has been proven in a Proper Court of
Law if Private First Class Bradley Manning is the one who leaked the
American Undiplomatic Cables to Wikileaks.
The City of Berkeley in typical American
fashioned has forgotten that anyone under suspicion is to be PRESUMED
This is of course the correct position, because a
person has to be found guilty in a Court of Law, and not in what the
Media might say, or even what hearsay says.
The City of Berkeley in California is a liberal
City, and most people vote for the Democrats, and this may have been
politically motived because of the recent Federal and State Elections.
There are many possibilities here, and I will
only mention the more obvious ones to illustrate why the Presumption of
Innocence must be respected.
What if a million Americans claimed that he was
the one who leaked that Classified Information to Wikileaks, would that
make all of them suspects?
We may be correct in assuming that the person or
persons behind this leak to Wikileaks were sane, and therefore had
their motives.
It could be that if a person heard about what
someone else or others have leaked to Wikileaks, then they made have
wanted to take the credit for it, or it could have been just booze talk.
If a person knew of the leak, and then pretended
that it was him to someone who is not the Authority, then he would be
confident to be found innocent at his trial.
The motivation is of course fame and fortune, or
even infamy and fortune, but as long as there is the fortune along with
the pronouncement of innocence.
That is one end of the spectrum, and the other
possibility is that Presidents Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton were the
masterminds of this, and that Manning will receive a Pardon from Barack
Obama, just before he hands over office to President Hillary Clinton.
Berkeley is a liberal city that votes for the
Democrats, and it is the Democrats who will lose a lot of votes if they
do not manage to find whoever leaked the Cables to Wikileaks either
innocent, or to say either truthfully or to lie and say that they cannot
find who made the leak to Wikileaks.
I am not suggesting that liberals will vote for
the Republicans, although a few might; but America has voluntary voting,
and the liberals may not vote at the next election.
This is why President Hillary Clinton has not
been Publicly calling for an Imperialistic version of a Fatwa on
Manning, but the Democrats have left to the other side of the coin to do
their dirty work, because the Democrats know that it will cost the
Democrats votes.
The Republicans do not have any worries as
regards loss of votes with a person who could be portrayed as a traitor,
even though, depending on testimony that is not extracted from torture
may show that he is probably a Patriot and maybe even a Hero.
The problem for both Political Parties in
America is that regardless of who leaked the information, they are
showing the world that they are not happy with being made to be honest,
and that is why they are persecuting Private First Class Bradley Manning
in a Middle East Jail, so that protests cannot be held at an American
We can all be certain that Private First Class
Bradley Manning’s Legal Defence Team, and even common sense have
instructed him to answer no questions.
We have learned from the Media that the American
Government, is trying to make it look like there was coercion from the
founder of Wikileaks on Private First Class Bradley Manning to make the
We have seen attempts at this by asking why
Wikileaks has not paid money to Private First Class Bradley Manning,
because as far as President Hillary Clinton is concerned, she needs
Julian Assange convicted in America for her election at the next
American Presidential election.
The reason for detaining a Presumed Innocent
American Citizen in Contravention of the American Constitution is to
bribe, pressure, or even torture him into doing the whims of President
Hillary Clinton.
Whoever leaked the information to Wikileaks did
the American Community a great Public Service, because what we learn is
that the Dictatorship is coming to America, regardless of Democrats or
The Democrats and the Republicans want to
conceal the fact that the American Military must one day come home, and
that they are now trained psychopaths who need an endless supply of
That supply of victims will not be foreigners,
but American Citizens who have been disarmed because of being
manipulated by a Puppet Uncle Tom using their stupid white guilt trip.
The American citizens will be told criticism
against the Unconstitutional policies of a Puppet Uncle Tom will because
of their alleged racism, and not because of the evil policies.
The Democrats and the Republicans both know all these things to be true, but they will not confess for the obvious reasons.
They have their ready made excuses that were invented long ago, and all of this information is Classified Top Secret.
The reason they are against even the low level
Classified Information being leaked, is because others will be able to
deduce what the Top Secret Information concerning the disarming of the
American people, and the return home of America’s psychopathic Nazi
It should not surprise us if the Founder of
Wikileaks has been bribed, pressured, or even intimidated into changing
the original content of the UnDiplomatic American Cables.
The American Government has made so many
documents Classified, because that way they can intimidate anyone with
commenting on their definition of Classified Information.
I know that we are all wiser with hindsight, but
a non-Nazi Hope and Change would have said what is done is done, and
that persecuting those who may or may not have leaked this information,
and those who are publishing it even in a changed form after they have
been bribed and intimidated would not be in the Public Interest.
I truly wish that I did not have to be the one
of many to inform America’s Politicians, but I guess that if they do not
know by now, then they need to firstly be advised as to how Americans
are thinking, and they need to be reminded of their obligations to the
American Public.
The American People may soon rise up and kill all, and that means all American Politicians, Federal, State, and Local.
That is why if even people like Ron Paul need to
decide to leave Politics or to confess that he has been as corrupt as
the rest of them all along, because if there is a cleansing, the
cleansing will be complete.
There will be no distinction between good
Politicians or bad Politicians, because the only good American
Politician will be a Dead American Politician.
As far as the Main Stream Media is concerned, I
have not been able to see the mood of the American people, but they may
go down along with the bankers.
This is why both Political Parties in America
ware working together to find ways to unduly censor the Internet, so
that the Corrupt and Bribed Puppet Media can free rein brainwash the
There were many people who were hoping that the British Legal System was not subservient to the dictates of America.
Xtranormal cartoon of an ‘interview’ with
Claes Borgstrom. He doesn’t like talking much about his business
partner, Thomas Bodstroms CIA connections much..
// * Anna Ardin (the official complainant) is often described by the media as a “leftist”. She has ties to the US-financed anti-Castro and anti-communist groups. She published her anti-Castro diatribes (see here and here) in the Swedish-language publication Revista de Asignaturas Cubanas put out by Misceláneas de Cuba. From Oslo, Professor Michael Seltzer points out that this periodical is the product of a well-financed anti-Castro organization in Sweden. He further notes that the group is connected with Union Liberal Cubana led by Carlos Alberto Montaner whose CIA ties were exposed here. Note that Ardin was deported from Cuba for subversive activities. In Cuba she interacted with the feminist anti-Castro group Las damas de blanco (the Ladies in White). This group receives US government funds and the convicted anti-communist terrorist Luis Posada Carriles is a friend and supporter. Wikipedia quotes Hebe de Bonafini, president of the Argentine Madres de Plaza de Mayo as saying that “the so-called Ladies in White defend the terrorism of the United States.”
However we do not have to accept the single-bullet theory. Life is more complicated than that. In addition to her anti-Castro, pro-CIA streak, Anna Ardin apparently indulges in her favorite sport of male-bashing. A Swedish forum reports that she is an expert on sexual harassment and the male “master suppression techniques”. Once, as she was lecturing, a male student in the audience looked at his notes instead of staring at her. Anna Ardin reported him for sexual harassment because he discriminated against her for being a woman and because she claimed he made use of the male “master suppression technique” in trying to make her feel invisible. As soon as the student learned about her complaint, he contacted her to apologize and explain himself. Anna Ardin’s response was to once again report him for sexual harassment, again because he was using the “master suppression technique”, this time to belittle her feelings.
Ardin is apparently involved with a “Christian” Social-Democrat group. The Swedish church has a precious few male priests: what was once the struggle for female equality has ended up with men being effectively removed from service. Nowadays very few Swedish male-female couples marry in the church, or get married at all; most Swedish gay couples, however, are proud to become “man and wife” in the church. This is all good news for wealthy Swedes: deserted churches sell their properties (once enjoyed by the community) to be fenced off by the nouveau riche created by the latest privatization wave. So much for Swedish social democracy!
The second accuser, Sofia Wilen, 26, is Anna’ friend. Here is a video of an Assange press conference where one can see the girls together. Those present at the conference marveled at her groupie-like behavior. Though rock stars are used to girls dying to have sex with them, it is much less common in the harsh field of political journalism. Sofia worked hard to bed Assange, according to her own confession; she was also the first to complain to police. She is little known and her motives are vague. Why might a young woman (who shares her life with American artist Seth Benson) pursue such a sordid political adventure?//
//Santa is a bad example to the children... so fat
he can't get down chimneys any more
he is a reindeer abuser
and won't allow the elves to unionize // sb11
Note to self: If you go after a fly, sooner or later, you will land on a pile of shit
Dude, you’re way off base – women never lie about rape!
[...] reading this article, I decided to look around and try to find some pictures of Sofia [...]
Great find, Ferdinand. I shall add this to my site also.
There is a second picture of Sofia Wilén that I have found, but her face is unhelpfully blurred out. No idea how Unfrozen Caveman found it:
Now, as far as I know, there are certain software programs that can actually re-pixellate manipulated images such as this.
I have no idea how to go about doing such a thing myself; just thought I’d put that out there.
One pre-event picture and video of the press conference where they met.
You’re number one on Google now for the searched name. Congrats!
The feminists have shot themselves in the foot. Exposing the libertarian/intellectual factions to MRA concerns is going to dig another huge hole in their graves.
Ferd, since you are now number one on google search the name sofia wilen you should edit your post to include the other pictures linked to among the comments.
You were talking about calling men to arms yesterday and now you have a chance to do just that.
To the rest of the people reading this, start a google bomb about this (and the previous) post. The more people who see these two vapid liers for what they are, the better.
ferd dude…
i’d be a bit careful about using such certainty in your language to describe your allegations about what these 2 specific women did. I’m not saying I disagree with you… not at all… and I think your insight and journalistic activism is spot-on and extremely helpful and important in this very important issue.
But you don’t have the experience that a newspaper editor does in libel and slander. These 2 women aren’t public figures. It’s possible you could have wrong info. I think it would be better to distance the certainty with “i think X because of the sources that have said Y.” rather than a call to “spread the word”. Just looking out for you dude. Keep up the good work otherwise.
Um, is she about three months pregnant in that pic, or what? Or it is the way her jacket is made?
And “Seth” looks pretty spazzed out in that pic, maybe a few seconds away from raping somebody himself. I can’t tell what “show” they’re intensely waiting for, but from the image in the mirror behind them it looks like a live-action “Emperor’s New Groove.” (??)
More on the CIA honey trap (alleged):
From the Left Wing counterpunch website,
It looks like this is the Left vs the Right and Radical Feminists.
It also looks like Sweden is being made to look (even more) foolish in the eyes of the world for their Kafkaesque sex laws.
Typical CIA f**ked up operation. The KGB would have fed him into a wood chipper, and that would have been the end of it. I sometimes why we even try…
more info.
Assange: Aftonbladet’s ‘Inside Story’
I have put up one more picture of her. Apparently someone copied her profile picture (from some art site) before she could delete it.
Her name has been known since early September.
Late August.
yeah, that’s how you hunt them down.
[...] welcome to re-publish any and all of my original posts on the debacle in their entirety (find them here, here, and here) provided they follow these [...]
[...] Ferdinand Bardamu has noted (check out links here, here, and here), Julian Assange, editor of Wikileaks, has been accused under very suspicious circumstances of [...]
[...] article was originally posted, in a slightly different form, at In Mala Fide on December 4, [...]
On a totally different note: Legion, I thought you were another Legion. There’s a dude who goes by that handle here on the left coast.
[...] Part three [...]
[...] good story on the bogus “sex crimes” accusations against Julian Assange appears here, on Ferdinand Bardamu’s In Mala Fide blog. Contrary to widespread speculation, Assange is not being charged with rape, but apparently just [...]
[...] the last time I write about Julian Assange for the time being. Promise. And if my previous posts on Assange offended you, this one will probably give you a coronary. Proceed at your own [...]
Thanks to kulak for this gem: Felt it had to be published as a separate post:
Wikileaks? There is an easy way to secure all government documents, and to prevent any further security leaks.
Keep all of America’s classified documents in the same filing cabinet as President Obama’s college transcripts, passport information, nationality documents and birth certificate(s).
Problem solved.
How come a man like Julian choose a way to rape two hookers?
In a country like Sweden, where sex is one of the most free in Universe?
Tell it to my stinking shoes.
It’s a pure cia thing.
[...] [...]
[...] In Malafide 4 december 2010 – UPDATE II – The name of Julian Assange’s other false rape accuser is Sofia Wilén [...]
[...] rape accusers. My traffic has ballooned from Googlers seeking info and pictures of Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilén in the past 48 hours, and my posts are being linked all over the place from sites as diverse as [...]
[...] Best info: In mala fide [...]
It is very sad that important issues are being mixed up concerning the charges against Julian Assange. Yet I am convinced that all involved have a primary interest in seeing the impotant work of Wikileaks go forward. Please people, do whatever you can to prevent Mr. Assange from being extradicted to the USA. If that should occur I’m quite certain that he will never return to Europe alive. Noone has intended that.
The climate here is now totally “over the top.” He will be tortured and killed. Please, you must prevent extradition. Joe
Great investigative journalism! I have noticed that the mainstream media has not done any real digging on the accusers there names or profiles. Well done.
Assange is a smart dude, but not smart enough to avoid a Swedish girl in those black-topped rectangle glasses which stand everywhere for “I WILL ACCUSE YOU OF RAPE IF YOU EVEN LOOK AT ME”?
[...] This guy bears an uncanny resemblance to the “Seth” vegging out with Wilén in this picture: [...]
wow,..MEN watch out for these FALSE RAPE ACCUSERS,.. hey too greedy for money and fame !! Rather use ur hand than sleeping wth such FALSE-ACCUSERS AND GETTING LOCKED UP BEHIND BARS !!!
We have read how the City of Berkeley which wanted to award Private First Class Bradley Manning the Honour of being a Hero to America, but they have correctly and properly delayed a vote on the matter.
This is because the City of Berkeley should not have moved on this matter until it has been proven in a Proper Court of Law if Private First Class Bradley Manning is the one who leaked the American Undiplomatic Cables to Wikileaks.
The City of Berkeley in typical American fashioned has forgotten that anyone under suspicion is to be PRESUMED INNOCENT UNTIL FOUND OTHERWISE BY A PROPER COURT OF LAW.
This is of course the correct position, because a person has to be found guilty in a Court of Law, and not in what the Media might say, or even what hearsay says.
The City of Berkeley in California is a liberal City, and most people vote for the Democrats, and this may have been politically motived because of the recent Federal and State Elections.
There are many possibilities here, and I will only mention the more obvious ones to illustrate why the Presumption of Innocence must be respected.
What if a million Americans claimed that he was the one who leaked that Classified Information to Wikileaks, would that make all of them suspects?
We may be correct in assuming that the person or persons behind this leak to Wikileaks were sane, and therefore had their motives.
It could be that if a person heard about what someone else or others have leaked to Wikileaks, then they made have wanted to take the credit for it, or it could have been just booze talk.
If a person knew of the leak, and then pretended that it was him to someone who is not the Authority, then he would be confident to be found innocent at his trial.
The motivation is of course fame and fortune, or even infamy and fortune, but as long as there is the fortune along with the pronouncement of innocence.
That is one end of the spectrum, and the other possibility is that Presidents Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton were the masterminds of this, and that Manning will receive a Pardon from Barack Obama, just before he hands over office to President Hillary Clinton.
Berkeley is a liberal city that votes for the Democrats, and it is the Democrats who will lose a lot of votes if they do not manage to find whoever leaked the Cables to Wikileaks either innocent, or to say either truthfully or to lie and say that they cannot find who made the leak to Wikileaks.
I am not suggesting that liberals will vote for the Republicans, although a few might; but America has voluntary voting, and the liberals may not vote at the next election.
This is why President Hillary Clinton has not been Publicly calling for an Imperialistic version of a Fatwa on Manning, but the Democrats have left to the other side of the coin to do their dirty work, because the Democrats know that it will cost the Democrats votes.
The Republicans do not have any worries as regards loss of votes with a person who could be portrayed as a traitor, even though, depending on testimony that is not extracted from torture may show that he is probably a Patriot and maybe even a Hero.
The problem for both Political Parties in America is that regardless of who leaked the information, they are showing the world that they are not happy with being made to be honest, and that is why they are persecuting Private First Class Bradley Manning in a Middle East Jail, so that protests cannot be held at an American Jail.
We can all be certain that Private First Class Bradley Manning’s Legal Defence Team, and even common sense have instructed him to answer no questions.
We have learned from the Media that the American Government, is trying to make it look like there was coercion from the founder of Wikileaks on Private First Class Bradley Manning to make the leaks.
We have seen attempts at this by asking why Wikileaks has not paid money to Private First Class Bradley Manning, because as far as President Hillary Clinton is concerned, she needs Julian Assange convicted in America for her election at the next American Presidential election.
The reason for detaining a Presumed Innocent American Citizen in Contravention of the American Constitution is to bribe, pressure, or even torture him into doing the whims of President Hillary Clinton.
Whoever leaked the information to Wikileaks did the American Community a great Public Service, because what we learn is that the Dictatorship is coming to America, regardless of Democrats or Republicans.
The Democrats and the Republicans want to conceal the fact that the American Military must one day come home, and that they are now trained psychopaths who need an endless supply of victims.
That supply of victims will not be foreigners, but American Citizens who have been disarmed because of being manipulated by a Puppet Uncle Tom using their stupid white guilt trip.
The American citizens will be told criticism against the Unconstitutional policies of a Puppet Uncle Tom will because of their alleged racism, and not because of the evil policies.
The Democrats and the Republicans both know all these things to be true, but they will not confess for the obvious reasons.
They have their ready made excuses that were invented long ago, and all of this information is Classified Top Secret.
The reason they are against even the low level Classified Information being leaked, is because others will be able to deduce what the Top Secret Information concerning the disarming of the American people, and the return home of America’s psychopathic Nazi Army.
It should not surprise us if the Founder of Wikileaks has been bribed, pressured, or even intimidated into changing the original content of the UnDiplomatic American Cables.
The American Government has made so many documents Classified, because that way they can intimidate anyone with commenting on their definition of Classified Information.
I know that we are all wiser with hindsight, but a non-Nazi Hope and Change would have said what is done is done, and that persecuting those who may or may not have leaked this information, and those who are publishing it even in a changed form after they have been bribed and intimidated would not be in the Public Interest.
I truly wish that I did not have to be the one of many to inform America’s Politicians, but I guess that if they do not know by now, then they need to firstly be advised as to how Americans are thinking, and they need to be reminded of their obligations to the American Public.
The American People may soon rise up and kill all, and that means all American Politicians, Federal, State, and Local.
That is why if even people like Ron Paul need to decide to leave Politics or to confess that he has been as corrupt as the rest of them all along, because if there is a cleansing, the cleansing will be complete.
There will be no distinction between good Politicians or bad Politicians, because the only good American Politician will be a Dead American Politician.
As far as the Main Stream Media is concerned, I have not been able to see the mood of the American people, but they may go down along with the bankers.
This is why both Political Parties in America ware working together to find ways to unduly censor the Internet, so that the Corrupt and Bribed Puppet Media can free rein brainwash the Gullible.
There were many people who were hoping that the British Legal System was not subservient to the dictates of America.
[...] UPDATE II – The name of Julian Assange's other false rape accuser is Sofia Wilén [...]
Xtranormal cartoon of an ‘interview’ with Claes Borgstrom. He doesn’t like talking much about his business partner, Thomas Bodstroms CIA connections much..