Saturday's front page of The Independent newspaper
20.14 Tony Blair, the former prime minister, has spoken on the phone hacking scandal. Watch the video here: Tony Blair: 'I was vilified for criticising the media'
19.55 Scotland Yard have just released this statement after relasing Coulson and Goodman on bail. It reads:
Two men arrested by officers from Operation Weeting together with officers from Operation Elveden this morning have been bailed.
A 43-year old man arrested on suspicion of conspiring to intercept
communications and corruption allegations has been bailed to return to a
London police station in October.
A 53-year-old man arrested in connection with corruption allegations
has been bailed to return to a London police station in October.
19.52 So, Andy Coulson has been bailed, but what about Clive Goodman?
Well, we've just heard that a 53-year-old man, understood to be former
News of the World royal editor Goodman, was also released on bail until
October after being arrested on suspicion of corruption.
19.51 The former Downing Street communications chief Andy Coulsonleft
Lewisham police station after being arrested on suspicion of bribing
corrupt police officers. Mr Coulson said he had attended the station
voluntarily. He added:
There is an awful lot I would like to say, but I can't at this time.
19.50 Andy Coulson has been released on bail. He is due to return in October.

Andy Coulson is photographed leaving Lewisham police station
19.32 Listen here to that Secret recording of Rebekah Brooks's address to staff made at Wapping today.
19.22 We have more on Rebekah Brooks' speech to
journalists at the News of the World earlier today, which was secretly
recorded by one hack and passed to Sky News. The News International
chief executive told reporters that she would try to find jobs for them
elsewhere in the company. This exchange then took place:
One employee told her: "Can you see that by your actions yesterday, your
calling our newspaper toxic, we have all been contaminated by that
toxicity by the way we've been treated.
"But can't you see the bigger picture? You're making the whole of News
International toxic, and there's an arrogance there that you think we'd
want to work for you again."
Mrs Brooks replied that there was "no arrogance coming from this standpoint".
She added: "I don't see there's anyone of you in this room here looking
at me now that we wouldn't want to work (with) because we know there's
no toxicity attached to you guys in the room.
"I mean that's the sadness. It wouldn't be sad, we wouldn't all be
feeling like this if you guys were up to the neck in it like previous
She admitted that the company was in "a very bad moment" but declared it would continue to invest in journalism.
18.53 Subscribers to the News of the World website were
today sent a message saying the online paywall will be taken down for
the final edition of the newspaper, the Press Association reported.
Users were each sent a message confirming that the website will be
freely accessible to the public on Sunday. The site was put behind a
paywall in October last year, meaning that only paying subscribers could
view content. The message said:
is with great regret that we write to inform you that after 168 years
we will publish the final edition of the News of the World this Sunday.
You will know that the paper has a proud history of fighting crime,
exposing wrong-doing and regularly setting the news agenda for the
However, in recent times the good things that the News of the World
have done have been sullied by behaviour that was wrong and inexcusable.
As a result, the very difficult decision to close down the paper and has been made.
Advertising space in this last edition of the paper will be donated
to good causes and charities, and all revenues will go to organisations
that improve life in Britain and are devoted to treating others with
As a result of this decision, will be open to the public for free for our final edition on Sunday 10th July.
If you have already paid for access to the sites for this weekend and
have outstanding credit on your account, we will contact you shortly
and arrange a refund within the next 28 days.
18.52 More than £1bn was wiped off the value of British
Sky Broadcasting on Friday as Ofcom signalled it would monitor News
Corp's proposed bid very closely and Prime Minister David Cameron said
there would be delays on any deal. Read The Telegraph's extensive report here.
18.45 James Delingpole has blogged for The Telegraph on
his annoyance at the liberal-left's "self-righteousness" towards the
phone-hacking scandal. The Right-wing commentator writes:
the least edifying aspect of the News of the World saga has been the
sanctimonious fervour of the liberal-left wallowing in a stew of its own
18.27 Michael Crick, Newsnight's
political editor, reports the Downing Street response to the questions
at this morning's Cameron press conference about whether he or his staff
received specific warnings about Andy Coulson prior to hiring him.
Crick says Downing Street say Rusbridger discussed hacking "in general"
at breakfast with Steve Hilton on November 12 2009 and Ian Katz called
on February 25 2010 regarding revelations in the following day's
18.21 Rebekah Brooks: "This is not exactly the best
time in my life but I'm determined to get vindication for this paper and
for all of you."
18.18 Hats off to whichever News of the World journalist has covertly recorded Rebekah Brooks' Q&A
session with staff. One gets applause when he accuses her of arrogance
for her offer of trying to find NOTW journalists new jobs in the company
- because of her assumption that they would ever want to work for her
18.10 So to recap, the key points from Rebekah Brooks' address:
• She
warns staff she has "visibility" of worse revelations relating to
criminal activity to come, said of the decision to close the News of the
World: "In a year you will understand why we made this decision".
• She will not resign, but James Murdoch has stripped
her of her role leading News International's internal investigation into
phone hacking. This passes to Joel Klein, newly appointed News Corp
independent director, in New York.
• She promises staff a "quick" decision over the
introduction of a seven-day Sun newspaper but says there will not be a
new distinct Sunday title - they are "not going to print the News of the
World under a different masthead".
18.07 One of our sources in Wapping says the News of the World office will be sealed like a crime scene.
office is going to be sealed after tomorrow night. No one will be
allowed in without supervision. Journalists have to leave all hard copy
behind. People saying they're being treated like criminals.
18.02 News of the World sources say Brooks emphasised there will not be a new Sunday tabloid title - it's a seven-day Sun or nothing.
17.54 Rebekah Brooks told staff she was "not going to print the News of the World under a different masthead", sources say.
17.48 Rebekah Brooks promises "quick decision" on the
possible introduction of a seven-day Sun newspaper, NOTW sources say.
She told staff she had "visibility" about worse revelations relating to
criminal activity and said: "In a year you will understand why we made
this decision".
17.29 Rebekah Brooks tells News
International staff that oversight of attempts to clean up the company
has been passed on to Joel Klein, the former US Assistant Attorney
General who has been appointed as an independent director of News
Corporation. That information in full from The Times liveblog:
the avoidance of any doubt, however, the News Corporation independent
directors agree with James Murdoch’s recommendation that the Management
and Standards Committee, comprised of Will Lewis, Simon Greenberg and
Jeff Palker, report directly to Joel Klein in New York. Joel is leading
and directing the Company’s overall handling of this matter. Many of you
will know that Joel is a respected former Assistant Attorney General of
the United States. Joel and Viet Dinh, an independent director, are
giving oversight and keeping our parent Company’s Board advised as well.
17.26 This from the Guardian's media editor Dan Sabbagh on changes to the News International clean-up operation:
17.13 Breaking: statement from Rebekah Brooks to News International staff, excerpts as reported by David Rose at The Times on Twitter:
@DRoseTimes: The
Company will focus over the coming months on finding as many jobs as
possible for News of the World staff... As a company we welcome the
Prime Minister’s calls for broad public inquiries into media standards
and police practices... We are working hard to put our own house in
order and do the right thing... Change and accountability will come
through cooperating with criminal & civil inquiries & respecting
due process during tough times ahead...
In response to media coverage, I would like to address several
additional points relating to the ongoing police inquiries and my
role... News International is not leading an investigation into itself
because that could interfere with the work of the Metropolitan Police...
What we are doing is assisting the police, who are entirely
independent, with their work... We are all clear about one thing: the
police will follow the evidence no matter where it takes them. The
strongest action will be taken whenever wrongdoing is proven.
People have asked if it is right for me, as CEO of News International
and as the Editor of the NOTW until Jan 03, to oversee..our efforts to
assess allegations, address serious issues & prevent them from
happening again. I’m determined that News Int does this.
16.53 John McTernan blogs: Why did Number 10 let Andy Coulson through the front door? The former political secretary to Tony Blair says:
you start at No 10 you need to be security cleared or DV-ed (Developed
Vetting which allows routine and unrestricted access to material marked
“top secret”)...
Which makes me wonder, what were they doing when they interviewed
Andy Coulson? I was not a public figure when I joined the No 10 Policy
Unit. My press cuttings were my own articles. Coulson, however, had a
record – and an audit trail – that the sleepiest cop in the world would
have come across. Did they really not ask about it?
16.48 The BBC's Robert Peston on how the Ofcom statement has affected the markets:
16.45 More from Rebekah Brooks' NOTW address, via Sky's Sophy Ridge:
@sophyridge: Rebekah says: you may be angry with me, I understand. But I'm angry at the people who did this and feel bitterly betrayed
16.44 Scottish police to examine dossier of 1,000 News of the World 'victims'
16.34 Sophy Ridge reports comments apparently made by Rebekah Brooks to News of the World staff. Brooks says she is staying on, pays tribute to "talented and untainted" staff.
16.22 STV report
a statement from the Crown Office over Scottish phone hacking
allegations. This follows a press conference from Tommy Sheridan's
lawyer last night, relating to his perjury conviction involving the News
of the World. Crown Office statement:
light of further emerging developments regarding the News of the World
the Crown has asked Strathclyde Police to consider and assess specific
claims of phone hacking and breaches of data protection in Scotland.
Strathclyde Police will review available information and will liaise
with the Metropolitan Police in relation to any Scottish dimension to
their current investigations and will thereafter report their findings
to the Area Procurator Fiscal at Glasgow.
16.19 Breaking: Strathclyde Police are to investigate phone hacking claims in Scotland following the News of the World scandal.
16.16 Breaking: Rebekah Brooks told staff that advertisers had
told News International the News of the World brand was now 'toxic', Sky
News reports
16.15 Renault has become the first advertiser to extend
its boycott to all News International titles i.e. The Times, the Sunday
Times and the Sun. In a statement the company said: "As a result of the
seriousness of the continued allegations of phone hacking by News of
the World, Renault is reviewing its media advertising plans, pending the
formal investigations. We currently have no advertising planned in any
News International press titles in the immediate future."
16.12 Breaking: Rebekah Brooks apologises for 'operational
issues' and tells staff that News International is trying to find them
jobs elsewhere in the company
16.07 The Daily Star Sunday has issued
a statement on today's police search of its office, insisting it
related to Clive Goodman, the former NOTW royal reporter, and there was
no suggestion he had behaved improperly during his freelance work for
the Daily Star Sunday. Detectives were invited to attend its offices in
central London and spent two hours there, taking away a disc containing a
record of all Mr Goodman's computer activity, it said.
Yard today sought the help of the Daily Star Sunday as they
investigated allegations of police corruption involving the News of the
World and its former royal editor Clive Goodman.
They confirmed they were similarly carrying out these routine checks
at all places where Mr Goodman has worked as a freelance since he left
the News of the World.
Officers formally requested any and all computer material that
Goodman had been involved with during his occasional shifts as a
freelance reporter at the paper over the last year to cross-check it
with his activities in his News of the World role. They were
particularly interested to check Mr Goodman's current email contacts to
cross-match them with those from his time at the News of the World.
There was no suggestion whatsoever that Mr Goodman had acted
improperly during his occasional shifts at the Daily Star Sunday, and we
can confirm that no payments of any kind were ever made by the
newspaper to Clive Goodman contacts.
16.05 Rebekah Brooks is due to be addressing staff at the News of the World right now. We'll update as soon as anything filters out.
15.55 Brian Paddick, the former deputy assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan police has told the Guardian:
"If Andy Coulson has been arrested, it is inevitable that Rebekah
Brooks will get an invitation from the police that she can not refuse."
15.50 Someone claiming to be a former News of the World
journalist has been tweeting rumours about Rebekah Brooks' briefing. We
cannot substantiate whether they are indeed a former NOTW employee. But
here's their latest tweet:
15.29 Daily Star execs to address staff this afternoon on police hacking inquiry following police raid of the newspaper's office, Krishnan Guru-Murthy reports.
15.27 Ofcom has announced that it write to the police
asking for "timescales of their investigations" - an indication that the
regulator may be considering a probe into News Corporation but is
unwilling to prejudice the ongoing police investigation
Their statement is in the form of a letter to John Whittingdale MP, chair of the Culture, Media and Sport Committee.
15.20 Clive Goodman's desk has been searched by police at the Daily Star Sunday offices, Sky reports.
15.11 News of the World staff have been told to attend
13th floor for the briefing. Security staff on the newsroom floor.
Journalists found themselves locked out of their company email accounts,
leading to an exodus to the pub, Sky News reports.
15.08 The Guardian's Dan Sabbagh says Rebekah Brooks is not expected to resign in her 4pm address to staff:
14.22 Our business reporter Josie Ensor gives an update on BSKyB and News Corp shares:
in BSkyB have recovered slightly in the past two hours, after falling
significantly this morning during Cameron's press conference and as DCMS
announced a decision on BSkyB would not be imminent.
The shares are back at 782.5p, from a 11am low of 764.5p - the lowest
they've been since February, while News Corp shares were down 3 per
cent to $16.90 after five minutes trade in New York.
14.54 More on these newest allegations, from the Guardian's Nick Davies and Amelia Hill:
are investigating evidence that a News International executive may have
deleted millions of emails from an internal archive, in an apparent
attempt to obstruct Scotland Yard's inquiry into the phone-hacking
The archive is believed to have reached back to January 2005
revealing daily contact between News of the World editors, reporters and
outsiders, including private investigators. The messages are
potentially highly valuable both for the police and for the numerous
public figures who are suing News International.
According to legal sources close to the police inquiry, a senior
executive is believed to have deleted 'massive quantities' of the
archive on two separate occasions, leaving only a small fraction to be
disclosed. One of the alleged deletions is said to have been made at the
end of January this year, just as Scotland Yard was launching Operation
Weeting, its new inquiry into the affair.
The allegation directly contradicts repeated claims from News
International that it is co-operating fully with police in order to
expose its history of illegal news-gathering. It is likely to be seen as
evidence that the company could not pass a 'fit and proper person' test
for its proposed purchase of BSkyB.
14.41 John Prescott reacts to the Guardian's allegations about mass email deletion at the News of the World:
14.39 Met Police confirm that Daily Star offices are being searched.
14.35 Raf Sanchez has written a profile charting Coulson's career from Wapping to Downing Street:
Coulson was once seen as David Cameron's link to the ordinary people of
Britain. Today the former News of the World editor is the face of a
phone hacking scandal that has made him an ongoing political liability
for the Prime Minister.
14.31 Numerous charities have apparently rejected the
News of the World's offer of free advertisements in this Sunday's final
edition of the newspaper, Celina Ribeiro at Civil Society blogs:
discovered that RNLI, RSPCA, The Brooke, Care International, Thames
Reach, Action Aid, WaterAid, Salvation Army, VSO, RSPCA, Oxfam and
Barnardo’s have all rejected the offer... I personally have yet to find a
single charity that is planning to take up the offer.
14.28 Breaking: The Guardian reports
police are investigating allegations that a News International
executive may have deleted millions of emails from an internal archive,
apparently in an attempt to obstruct the police's inquiry into the phone
hacking scandal.
14.25 Rebekah Brooks to meet staff at the News of the World at 4pm today, Sky News reporting.
News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks leaves the offices of The News of The World in Wapping, London. GETTY
14.19 Breaking: Unconfirmed reports
that the Daily Star offices have been raided by police. Clive Goodman,
who was arrested this morning, currently works for the Daily Star
14.10 Sky News' Sophy Ridge, until
recently herself a News of the World reporter, says that News of the
World staff are expecting to receive letters detailing a redundancy
settlement later today - suggesting that any ntroduction of a 'Sun on
Sunday', as has been rumoured, wouldn't necessarily help the News of the
World's 200 staff.
14.05 Tom Baldwin, Ed Miliband's press chief is now
trending on Twitter after Adam Boulton quizzed the Labour leader about
what checks he took before appointing him. One question in particular
attracting attention:
The News of the World phone hacking scandal in pictures
13.52 More information on Andy Coulson's current whereabouts, via the Guardian's Shiv Malik:
13.41 The BBC's Robert Peston reports that Ofcom will rule on News Corp's 'fitness' to own BSkyB:
is likely to make a statement later today, I am told, which will make
it clear that it regards evidence that the News of the World's newsroom
was out of control for many years as relevant to a judgement on whether
News Corporation would be a fit-and-proper owner of British Sky
13.22 Clive Goodman wasn't given the luxury of a
mid-morning arrest by appointment like Coulson. A police spokesperson
says that the 53-year-old former royal editor, who currently works for
the Daily Star Sunday, was held after a dawn swoop by officers at his
home in Surrey. "At 6.11am officers from the MPS' Operation Weeting
together with officers from Operation Elveden arrested a man on
suspicion of corruption allegations in contravention of Section 1 of the
Prevention of Corruption Act 1906. The man, aged 53, was arrested at a
residential address in Surrey. A search is ongoing at this address."
Goodman is not being held at the same police station as Coulson.
13.20 Police arriving to search Couson's home earlier today:
officers arrive at the home of Andy Coulson to search his house
following his arrest on phone hacking and corruption allegations.
13.12 The Guardian are reporting their sources suggest
that Coulson is being held at Lewisham police station. A Twitter user
reckons they saw him en route there a couple of hours ago.
13.04 Two arrests so far today. Sources last night suggested five journalists and executives could be arrested.
Andy Coulson and former jailed News of the World royal reporter, Clive Goodman. PA/GETTY
12.58 Tony Blair has weighed in for
the first time, saying the phone-hacking scandal is "beyond disgusting"
and urging a widespread debate on the media.
"Anyone who has been a political leader in the last four decades knows
really that there is this huge debate that should take place about the
interaction between the media and politics and the media and public
life." He also had warm words for Ed Miliband, saying he showed "real
leadership" during the scandal.
The former PM couldn't resist the opportunity to remind listeners at the
Progress campaign group that he described the media as "feral beasts"
as far back as 2007. And he apparently found time for a joke, The Times'Michael Savage reports:
12.55 The Times' Sean O'Neill says that Clive Goodman's home is now being searched too.
@TimesCrime: Clive
Goodman is being held in connection with allegations of illegal
payments to police officers; his home in Surrey is being searched
12.51 As our crime correspondent Mark Hughes points
out, the Goodman arrest is over allegations of corruption - rather than
phone hacking, which is what he was jailed for in 2007.
12.46 The Hacked Off campaign, which is being
coordinated by the well-respected Media Standards Trust, has cautiously
welcomed the PM's announcements this morning. But in one of several
criticisms, they say that there is no need for the judge-led inquiry to
wait until the police investigation has been completed.
Dr Evan Harris, a former Lib Dem MP and a member of the campaign, said:
"We see no legal requirement for this to wait until after police
enquiries and that to do so could damage its ability to get to the
12.43 BREAKING: Former News of the World royal editor Clive Goodman, who was jailed in 2007 for phone hacking, has been arrested over allegations of corruption.
12.41 More on officers searching Coulson's house.
Plain-clothed officers carrying evidence bags arrived at Coulson's
detached home. One shouted "no comment" to reporters before informing
them "nobody crosses this line" as he walked across the driveway. The
officers entered the property on the leafy residential street after a
woman wearing a dark suit answered the door.
12.37 Lining up to say 'I told you so' to Cameron, alongside Alastair Campbell (see 11.27), is John Prescott, who directs us to a letter he wrote two years ago:
12.34 "Has Rebekah Brooks been sacked yet?" asks a dedicated new website. In a word, no.
12.30 Ed Miliband's response to Cameron's press conference thismorning and called on him to delay the decision on BSkyB:
need the Prime Minister not to plough on regardless with the BSkyB
decision which could allow Rupert Murdoch to take over even more of the
media. What we saw from the Prime Minister this morning was someone
trying to get to grips with the issue but I still don't think he
understands the public anger out there.
We need people at News International, like Rebekah Brooks who was was
editor of News of the World at the time of the allegations, to start
taking responsibility.
12.25 Yvette Cooper on BBC News just now has been calling for Cameron to admit that it was a mistake to bring Coulson into Downing Street:
fear is that David Cameron is still talking about giving a second
chance to somebody as if Andy Coulson is a 19-year-old who was late for
work a few times.
12.22 Our crime reporter, Mark Hughes, is hearing that plain clothes officers have entered Coulson's house:
12.13 Our chief sports reporter, Paul Kelso, says that
Coulson has been arrested under the same law that was used to arrest
Pakistani cricketers as a result of one of the News of the World's
biggest recent scoops:
12.00 Midday update: the political
focus has shifted very much this morning away from the wrongdoings at
the News of the World, to the judgement of David Cameron in appointing
Andy Coulson, who has now been arrested in connection with both phone
hacking and corruption. Coulson edited the News of the World from 2003
to 2007 and was appointed as Cameron's communications director in May
2007. He resigned in January 2011.
Cameron faced repeated questioning on the subject at his press
conference earlier and defended his decision. A sample of how the lobby
journalists piled on the pressure:
Chris Ship, of ITV, asked Cameron to apologise for the appointment. Cameron did not apologise. The BBC's Nick Robinson challenged
Cameron over his judgement, asking: "Why did you believe a man who had
resigned over hacking at News of the World and why did you ignore those
who warned you it was much more widespread?". The Times'Roland Watson challenged Cameron over what specific questions he asked of Coulson before hiring him.
Patrick Wintour of the Guardian then asked Cameron if
he was saying he had had no warning and, when Cameron said he had not,
asked him to verify whether his staff had been warned. This follows both
Alan Rusbridger of the Guardian and Peter Oborne in the Telegraph saying that Cameron was warned specifically. Michael Crick of
Newsnight then asked Cameron whether he had quizzed Coulson again in
2009 when the Guardian broke the story. Cameron was also asked about his
recent contact with Coulson.
11.48 Sean O'Neill, The Times' crime editor, says the
recent changes to bail conditions mean the Met Police must be very
confident of their evidence on Coulson:
11.30 James Murdoch was pictured
arriving at News International's offices in Wapping this morning, with a
copy of the Sun - open at the page showing David Cameron attending the
Sun's Police Bravery Awards last night:
James Murdoch arrives at Wapping today AFP/GETTY
11.27 Alastair Campbell has
blogged, claiming he tried to offer Cameron advice about the press and
told him that "he would find himself enormously strengthened as Prime
Minister if he went in there without worrying about press support". He
he had listened to what I have been saying about the press for some
time now, he would not be in this mess now, in which his judgement is
being so loudly questioned.
11.24 Scotland Yard do not name Coulson but confirm the
arrest of a 43-year-old man, by appointment at a south London police
station this morning, in connection with allegations of corruption and
phone hacking. He was held at 10.30am by detectives investigating
Operation Elveden - the inquiry into payments to police by the News of
the World - and Operation Weeting, the long-running hacking
He was held on suspicion of "conspiring to intercept communications" and
"corruption allegations contrary to Section 1 of the Prevention of
Corruption Act 1906".
11.22 What did Andy Coulson read this morning? Here's a newspaper delivery man outside his home earlier today:
A newspaper delivery man delivers newspapers to the home of Andy Coulson AFP/GETTY
11.13 Our crime correspondent, Mark Hughes, confirms
that Coulson has been arrested over two separate matters: phone
hacking, and illegal payments to police, which are being covered by two
separate police operations, named Weeting and Elveden:
11.11 The full text of David Cameron's opening statement is now online.
11.09 Former Downing Street communications chief Andy Coulson has been arrested on suspicion of corruption and phone hacking.
11.07 BSkyB shares now down almost 6pc, meaning the
markets believe there is less than a 30pc chance of Murdoch pulling off
this deal, says the Telegraph's City Editor Richard Fletcher:
11.05 BREAKING: Andy Coulson has now been arrested, Sky News reports
10.49 The markets did not react well to Cameron's press
conference, or to the announcement, at the same time, from the
Department for Culture, Media and Sport, that the go-ahead for the News
Corp/BSkyB deal will take "some time". Shares in BSkyB fell sharply,
from 805p at 9.30am down to 767p soon after Cameron finished speaking.
10.43 Channel 4's Krishnan Guru-Murthy points out that
while Cameron faced intense grilling over Coulson, his early comments
suggesting Rebekah Brooks should have gone helped him avoid more
questioning about his links to her:
10.36 A round-up of key points from the Cameron press conference:
• Cameron says Rebekah Brooks should go: "It has been reported that she
offered her resignation over this and in this situation I would have
taken it."
• Promises full judge-led inquiry into phone hacking and a second inquiry into press ethics.
• Faces intense scrutiny over appointment of Andy Coulson, insists he
was not given specific warnings about appointing him but that he takes
full responsibility for the appointment. Says Coulson is a "friend".
10.21 Cameron is challenged by a journalist about
whether the Coulson appointment is his equivalent of Tony Blair's Iraq
judgment moment. His response sounds rather Blairite to Paul Waugh:
10.19 Cameron says that Andy Coulson "became a friend and is a friend".
10.18 The three key pledges that Cameron made in his speech:
action will be taken to get to the bottom of these specific revelations
and allegations about phone hacking, about police investigations and
all the rest of it.
Two: action will be taken to learn wider lessons for the future of the press in this country.
And three: that there will be clarity – real clarity – about how all
this has come to pass, and the responsibilities we all have for the
10.15 Cameron said Coulson was "doing a very good job"
working for him but was finding it impossible because of all the
rumours. Says at the time of Coulson's resignation he did not challenge
him over whether there were more revelations to come.
10.09 Cameron challenged by the
Guardian's Patrick Wintour over his denial that he was given any
specific warnings about Coulson, following Guardian editor Alan
Rusbridger's claims last night to have passed a specific warning to
Cameron's aides. Cameron responds:
wasn't given any specific actual information about Andy Coulson. The
decision I took was that very bad things had happened at the News of the
World, he had resigned, I had given him a second chance.
10.08 The Prime Minister says he is "champing at the
bit" to get the inquiries set up. "This is black cloud that is hovering
over the press, parliament, police."
10.06 Cameron repeating his defence of his appointment of Coulson: "I asked for assurances, he gave me assurances."
09.59 This from political journalist Paul Waugh:
09.58 Cameron looks very troubled as faces intense
questioning over hiring Coulson. Insists he thought it was right to give
Coulson a second chance and that Coulson did nothing wrong in the time
that he worked for Cameron.
09.50 Cameron takes full responsibility for hiring Andy Coulson, says Rebekah Brooks should go:
decided to give him a second chance. The second chance didn't work out.
The decision to hire him was mine and mine alone and I take full
responsibility for it.
On the case of Rebekah Brooks... it has been reported that she
offered her resignation over this and in this situation I would have
taken it.
09.49 "We turned a blind eye to the need to sort this
issue," says Cameron. Compares extent of scandal to MPs expenses. "You
can downplay it and deny that the problem is deep, or you can accept
seriousness of situation and deal with it"
09.47 Cameron says governments must follow proper legal
procedures on BSkyB. Acknowledges he and other politicians have failed
to "grip" this issue.
09.46 "The Press Complaints Commission has failed,"
Cameron says. Describes it as "ineffective and lacking in rigour" and
may be institutionally conflicted. Inquiry will recommend what system
looks like, but he assumes new regulatory body should be truly
independent of the press and also of government.
09.45 Cameron says there will be a
second inquiry, led by a panel of respected figures, to look at the
culture, practices and ethics of the British press, how newspapers are
regulated, and make recommendations for the future.
09.44 Cameron says a judge needs to be
in charge of the inquiry into the phone hacking scandal. "The witnesses
will be questioned by a judge, under oath, and no stone will be left
09.43 "It is clear that there have been some illegal
and utterly unacceptable practices taking place at the News of the World
and possibly elsewhere," says Cameron. Calls earlier police
investigation "inadequate". Separate, specific allegation of officers
taking payments has "full independent oversight".
09.40 Here comes Cameron. "The whole
country has been shocked by the revelations about the phone hacking
scandal," he says. Describes hacking Milly Dowler's phone as "truly
09.37 Telegraph sources confirm Andy Coulson not yet in police custody, contrary to earlier reports, but he is expected there later today.
09.30 David Cameron due to face the
press to tackle tough questions over Coulson and his handling of the
phone hacking scandal any minute now. The BBC's Nick Robinson says this
will be "one of the defining moments of the Cameron premiership".
09.23 Update from The Times newsdesk who first said Coulson was at a police station this morning. Now saying he is not yet there:
09.22 Aamer Anwar, Tommy Sheridan's
solicitor, tells the BBC he has handed a dossier to police. He adds that
if Coulson is found to have known about phone hacking then the jury in
Sheridan's perjury trial would have been "blind sided".
09.18 Shares in rival newspaper groups on the rise.
Trinity Mirror saw shares climb 10 per cent after News International
yesterday announced the end of the News of the World, while the Daily
Mail & General Trust (DMGT) was up 3 per cent.
09.15 The popular News of the World politics editor, David Wooding,says
that just three people of the 200 News of the World staff who have lost
their jobs were even employed by the newspaper when hacking took place.
He told BBC Breakfast:
We walked out with our heads held high last night because we have done nothing wrong
There are 200 people there, I think there are three who were there during the hacking time.
09.12 A round-up from Roy Greenslade over at the Guardian of what the papers say this morning.
09.10 Rumours abound that the News of the World could relaunch as the Sun on Sunday. Ed Miliband picked
up on this earlier, when he said: "Closing the News of the World,
possibly to reopen as the Sunday Sun, is not the answer. Instead those
who were in charge must take responsibility for what happened. And
politicians cannot be silent about it."
09.07 It emerged last night that Scotland Yard is
considering the allegation that emails were also hacked. It was
understood that officers had not yet been decided whether the matter
would fall under Operation Weeting. Tom Watson MP told Channel 4 News
that he believed that journalists had hacked computers, as well as
09.00 At David Cameron's press
conference at 09.30 he will face tough questions over the appointment of
Andy Coulson, who is reportedly at a London police station now, and
over the government's handling of the phone hacking scandal. Ed Miliband has called on him to apologise for his "appalling error of judgment" in appointing Coulson.
The Guardian's editor, Alan Rusbridger, disclosed on BBC Newsnight last night how he had warned Cameron to 'beware' over the appointment of Coulson.
knew that there was this big murder trial coming which involved one of
the investigators that Coulson had used, who had been in jail for seven
It seemed reasonable to try and warn Cameron, before he took Coulson
into 10 Downing Street, he should just ask some inquiries about this. I
know I am not the only figure Fleet Street who got this warning through
to Cameron to say 'beware'.
Nothing came back from Cameron. But I just wonder what sort of
vetting had gone on because a lot of this stuff had been published in
The Guardian in 2002.
Cameron was either very naive to accept Coulson's word or he didn't go through the proper vetting processes.
08.46 An update from the impact of the News of the
World closure on News Corp share prices from Kamal Ahmed, the Sunday
Telegraph business editor:
@kamalahmed1: BSkyB
share price climbs a little this morning. Market thinks shutting News
of the World makes News Corp/BSkyB deal more likely #notw
08.43 Andy Coulson is at a London police station, being interviewed this morning, The Times' assistant news editor David Rose tweets:
08.40 Key quotes from Ed Miliband's speech:
too long, political leaders have been too concerned about what people
in the press would think and too fearful of speaking out about these
issues. If one section of the media is allowed to grow so powerful that
it becomes insulated from political criticism a nd scrutiny of its
behaviour, the proper system of checks and balances breaks down and
abuses of power are likely to follow. We must all bear responsibility
for that. My party has not been immune from it. Nor has the current
government and Prime Minister. All of this is difficult because of his
personal relationships and the powerful forces here.
Putting it right for the prime minister means starting by the
appalling error of judgement he made in hiring Andy Coulson. Apologising
for bringing him in to the centre of the government machine. Coming
clean about what conversations he had with Andy Coulson before and after
his appointment about phone-hacking.
08.37 Here's James Murdoch explaining the decision to close the News of the World last night:
08.14 BBC political editor Nick Robinson says on the Today programme that Ed Miliband has "found his voice" over the phone hacking scandal.
found a cause and united a party that for a long time has been hugely
frustrated at being seen to pay homage to the Murdoch empire.
08.07 The Telegraph's Kate Day is tweeting from Ed Miliband's press conference.
@kate_day . @Ed_Miliband "We must deal with immediate issues but use crisis of trust as catalyst"
08.05 James Kirkup, our Political Correspondent, writes this morning onhow Prince's knee led to fall of a giant:
Brooks and then Coulson, the News of the World was a paper at the peak
of its powers, trampling over its competition with a string of classic
tabloid exclusives: from David Beckham's alleged affair with his nanny
to Prince Harry's drug-taking, it consistently landed the stories that
shocked, titillated and scandalised.
Yet for all the agenda-setting front pages, it was two tiny,
innocuous stories tucked away on an inside page that began the chain of
events that destroyed the newspaper.
In November 2005, Clive Goodman, the paper's royal editor, wrote a
brief story revealing that Prince William had strained a tendon in his
knee and sought medical advice.
08.00 Ed Miliband is just about to begin a speech where
he will call for the Press Complaints Commission to be scrapped. Most
of his comments have been released ahead of time so here's what he's
expected to say:
Press Complaints Commission has totally failed. It failed to get to the
bottom of the allegations about what happened at News International in
Its chair admits she was lied to but could do nothing about it. It
was established to be a watchdog. But it has been exposed as a toothless
poodle. It is time to put it out of its misery. The PCC has not worked.
We need a new watchdog.
A new body would need far greater independence of its board members
from those it regulates, proper investigative powers, and an ability to
enforce corrections.
07.57 Robert Winnett, the Telegraph's Deputy Political Editor has our lead story on the closure of the News of the World.
biggest-selling newspaper was shut down last night by the Murdoch
family in a surprise move designed to bring an end to the phone hacking
scandal engulfing the News of the World.
James Murdoch, the chairman of News International, which owns the
newspaper, announced that the final edition would be published this
weekend, citing the “inhuman” alleged behaviour of some staff as
prompting the decision.
07.50 David Cameron is to hold a press conference on the News of the World phone hacking scandal at 09.30 this morning, Sky News reports.
07.40 Chris Bryant MP tells the BBC that News
International executives "are not fit and proper people to be running a
media organisation in this country".
07.37 Here's how America has been reacting to the news of the demise of the News of the World. The New York Times, which is locked in a readership battle with News Corp's Wall St Journal, ran the story on its front page:
scandal exposes a web of relationships between the Murdochs’ empire on
the one hand and the police and politicians on the other. And it poses
new challenges for Mr. Murdoch, a media tycoon who has at times seemed
to hold much of Britain’s political establishment in thrall, cultivating
connections to both Labour and Conservative governments and using the
prospect of his support — or its withdrawal — to help drive his
political agenda.
The Washington Post seems to be taking some satisfaction in Rupert Murdoch's distress:
80, has weathered criticism and crises before, most notably the
near-bankruptcy of News Corp, in 1990. But the phone-hacking scandal is
easily the most dire public-relations debacle of the
Australian-turned-American’s storied business career.
07.28 Louise Mensch, the Conservative MP and novelist, formerly known as Louise Bagshawe, tweets:
07.24 Over at Telegraph blogs, Daniel Hannan argues that the News of the World has been closed by market forces.
the end, the News of the World was brought down by consumer pressure: a
combination of the withdrawal of advertising and the likelihood of a
popular boycott. Where lawsuits, libel actions, PCC rulings, government
regulations and commercial rivals had failed, Adam Smith’s invisible
hand succeeded.
07.19 Here's a brief history of the News of the World by our very own Conrad Quilty-Harper.
07.13 No comment from David Cameron yet, but the Sun - the News of the World's sister paper - has a picture of the Prime Minister attending their annual Police Bravery Awards at the Savoy last night.
07.01 Key developments in the past 24 hours:
• The News of the World is to close, with Sunday's edition the last in the newspaper's 168-year history, James Murdoch,
chairman of News International, announced yesterday afternoon. James
Murdoch said: “The good things the News of the World does have been
sullied by behaviour that was wrong. Indeed, if recent allegations are
true, it was inhuman and has no place in our company.”
• Andy Coulson,
the News of the World's former editor and David Cameron's former
Director of Communications, is expected to be arrested today. Coulson,
who edited the paper from 2003 to 2007, is thought to have been
contacted by Operation Weeting detectives and asked to present himself
at a central London police station.
• The announcement followed the disclosure that Milly Dowler's
phone was hacked and allegations that the relatives of British soldiers
killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, victims of the July 7 terror attacks
and other murder victims may have been hacked. The list of alleged
victims continues to grow. Ministry of Defence sources said at least six
families of dead soldiers had been contacted by the Metropolitan Police
and Anthony Philipson, the father of the first soldier to die in
Helmand, said he believed his son's email had been hacked. Detectives
said there could be more than 4,000 victims.
• The News of the World's 200 staff will be laid off, in a move condemned by the National Union of Journalists.
• Rebekah Brooks, NI's chief executive, is keeping her
job, despite reportedly having offered her resignation and widespread
calls for her to go including from Ed Miliband, the Labour leader.
• Rupert Murdoch's News Corp's bid to take full control
of British Sky Broadcasting is expected to be delayed until September.
Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt is expected to make the call in the wake of a deluge of submissions as a result of the phone hacking scandal.
• News Corp has lost 2.6 per cent of its value, around
£250m, since the phone hacking scandal roared back to life this week.
Shares in British Sky Broadcasting are down around 5 per cent, or £666m.
• And here's how the Telegraph and other newspapers reported the developments on this morning's front pages, courtesy of Nick Sutton:

07.00 Good morning and welcome back to our live
coverage of the News of the World phone hacking scandal. We will to
bring you all the breaking news on the story, as it happens.
News of the World phone hacking: July 7, as it happened
News of the World phone hacking: July 6, as it happened
Milly Dowler News of the World phone hacking: July 5, as it happened