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SueSpeaks.org- Searching_For_Unity_In_Everything

Ethiopia: Keepers Of The Lost Ark with David Adams (Biblical Documentary) | Timeline

Timeline - World History Documentaries

Published on May 25, 2019


Adams makes the pilgrimage from Lalibela to Gondar in the northern wilds of Ethiopia, and paddles by papyrus kayak across lake Tana. His quest: to find the Ark of the Covenant. Content licensed from David Adams Films. Any queries, please contact us at: realstories@littledotstudios.com

Woodstock '69 - Extras as Never Before Seen (HD 720p) - See Sound link below

Without Sound

With Sound


Published on Jul 10, 2016


Sound was removed by copyright's owners and by YouTube. BUT ! Here you can watch it with audio: http://vk.com/video178542330_456239052 Includes Preformances As Never Before Seen By: Jefferson Airplane: Volunteers Jefferson Airplane: 3/5 of a Mile in 10 Seconds Joe Cocker: Something's Coming On Joan Baez: One Day at a Time The Who: Sparks The Who: We're Not Gonna Take It The Who: My Generation Grateful Dead: Mama Tried Creedence: I Put a Spell on You Johnny Winter: Mean Town Blues Santana: Evil Ways Sha Na Na: Teen Angel Jimi Hendrix: Spanish Castle Magic Here with audio: https://www.facebook.com/100011154138... http://vk.com/video178542330_456239052

Santana With Sound 

Somebody To Love- Jefferson Airplane

With Sound


When the truth is found
To be lies
And all the joy
Within you dies

Don't you want somebody to love
Don't you need somebody to love
Wouldn't you love somebody to love
You better find somebody to love, love

When the garden flowers
Baby, are dead, yes
And your mind, your mind
Is so full of red

Don't you want somebody to love
Don't you need somebody to love
Wouldn't you love somebody to love
You better find somebody to love

Your eyes, I say your eyes
May look like his
Yeah, but in your head, baby
I'm afraid you don't know where it is

Don't you want somebody to love
Don't you need somebody to love
Wouldn't you love somebody to love
You better find somebody to love

Tears are running
They're all running down your dress
And your friends, baby
They treat you like a guest

Don't you want somebody to love
Don't you need somebody to love
Wouldn't you love somebody to love
You better find somebody to love

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Darby R. Slick


With Sound

Janis Joplin

Woodstock 40 years on

Guardian Music

Published on Jul 4, 2011

In 1969, Michael Lang organised what became the most famous music festival in the world. Four decades on, he looks back in time and history. More on music festivals at http://www.guardian.co.uk/music

More Photos of Woodstock Festival 1969

Stephanie Lynn Nicks  and Fleetwood Mac

Stephanie Lynn Nicks (born May 26, 1948)[1] is an American singer and songwriter. Nicks is best known for her work as a songwriter and vocalist with Fleetwood Mac, and also for her chart-topping solo career. She is known for her distinctive voice, mystical stage persona and poetic, symbolic lyrics.  Collectively, her work both as a member of Fleetwood Mac and as a solo artist has produced over forty top 50 hits and sold over 140 million records, making her one of the best-selling music acts of all time with Fleetwood Mac.

Nicks joined Fleetwood Mac in 1975 along with her then boyfriend, Lindsey BuckinghamRumours, Fleetwood Mac's second album after the incorporation of Nicks and Buckingham, was the best-selling album of the year of its release and to date has sold over 40 million copies worldwide, making it the fifth biggest-selling studio album of all time. The album remained at number one on the American albums chart for 31 weeks and reached number one in various countries worldwide. The album won the Grammy Award for Album of the Year in 1978. It produced four US Billboard Hot 100 top-ten singles, with Nicks's "Dreams" being the band's first and only BillboardHot 100 number-one hit.

In 1981, while remaining a member of Fleetwood Mac, Nicks began her solo career, releasing the studio album Bella Donna, which topped the Billboard200 and has reached multiplatinum status.[3] She has released a total of eight solo studio albums to date, with her most recent, titled 24 Karat Gold: Songs from the Vault, released in October 2014.

Nicks has been named one of the 100 Greatest Songwriters of All Time, and as one of the world's top "100 Greatest Singers of All Time" by Rolling Stone. She is the only woman to have been inducted twice into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, having been inducted as a member of Fleetwood Mac in 1998 and then as a solo artist in 2019.  She has garnered eight Grammy Award  nominations and two American Music Award nominations as a solo artist. She has won numerous awards with Fleetwood Mac, including a Grammy Award and five Grammy Award nominations.

AC / DC 

Canned Heat Woodstock 1969

Crosby Stills and Nash and Young  Live 1970 _Down By The River

Suzi Quatro - Can the Can

Colin Hay

Posted on 21 Feb 2015

Enmore Theater, Sydney 13th February 2015

The Blues

AC / DC W / Rose Axl - Thunderstruck

(Madison Square Garden, NYC) 9.14.16

Mick Jagger - Party Doll (1988 - TOKYO)

Toshiro Mifune

Aug 30, 2016

Mikhail Yeremin reads his poem, and Alexander Timofeevsky's poem

Toshiro Mifune

  Poet Mikhail Yeremin reads his poem, and Alexander Timofeevsky's poem  Approximately 2011 - 2012

Woodstock Lost Performance-Part 1


Added on March 8, 2010

Woodstock Lost Performances



Woodstock Lost performances-Part 2


Ajoutée le 9 mars 2010

Woodstock Lost performances

Санкт-Петербург Светозара Острова и Михаила Ерёмина. 28 марта 2019. Стихотворения и Изображения


Toshiro Mifune

Apr 15, 2019 at 5:09 am from YouTube

Поэт Михаил Фёдорович Ерёмин читает свои стихотворения, относящиеся к Санкт-Петербургу,
а также стихотворения из своих новых книг,

на презентации альбома "Санкт-Петербург Светозара Острова и Михаила Ерёмина", 

в литературной гостиной мини-отеля "Старая Вена" 28 марта 2019 года. 

Куратор «Венских вечеров» — Арсен Мирзаев 
Видео-оператор — Михаил Суротдинов ( г. Санкт-Петербург ) 

Идея и воплощение записи вечера на видео, монтаж, работа над фильмом: 
Владимир & Kate ( г. Владивосток )

Rare Woodstock Photos That Show Just How Crazy Woodstock Really Was

What was supposed to be three days of peace love, and music celebrated on an obscure dairy farm in the town of Bethel, New York in the summer of ’69, turned out to be the most iconic music event of all time. Yes, we’re talking about Woodstock, the pivotal moment in music history that began on August 15, 1969.

We’ve collected extremely rare Woodstock photos that capture what it was really like to be there. From 32 iconic performances, over 400,000 excited fans, traffic jams, psychedelic vans, bohemian and hippie fashion, rain, sunshine, and a whole lot of peace and love ― that was the name of the game at Woodstock, and it changed the lives of everyone who was and wasn’t there.


John Fogerty’s Woodstock Memories - CONAN on TBS

Team Coco

Ajoutée le 20 oct. 2015

CCR was supposed to perform in primetime, but that was before the Grateful Dead hit the stage hopped up on LSD. More CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video Team Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D For Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video Get Social With Team Coco: On Facebook: ‪https://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco‬ On Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/ On Twitter: //twitter.com/TeamCoco On Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com On YouTube: //youtube.com/teamcoco Follow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: //twitter.com/ConanOBrien

Groucho Marx Dick Cavett 1969

Archy L
Published on Mar 4, 2014

Mix: Woodstock '69 - Extras as Never Before Seen (HD 720p) - See Sound link below

Also see

Mysteries and Scandals - Groucho Marx (2001)


Published on Nov 4, 2014


A fascinating look at the life and career of Groucho Marx, utilizing rare clips, photos, and interviews with Groucho son's Arthur, author Sidney Sheldon, biographer Steve Stoliar, author Joe Adamson, biographer Stefan Kanfer, attorney J. Brin Schulman, biographer Charlotte Chandler, comedian Richard Belzer and comedienne Judy Tenuta. A considerable amount of time is spent detailing the controversial Erin Fleming and her trial. (Many of the photos are misattributed, but there is much to enjoy in this show.) To order a signed copy of Steve Stoliar's RAISED EYEBROWS: MY YEARS INSIDE GROUCHO'S HOUSE, go to www.stevestoliar.com Kindle and Audio versions available on Amazon.com. Check out other interesting Groucho-related videos from rialtos1

Phyllis Diller with Groucho Marx on You Bet Your Life


Cladrite Radio

Published on Aug 20, 2012

The late, great Phyllis Diller was an aspiring young comic when she appeared on You Bet Your Life in 1958. Groucho thought she was very funny, and the appearance proved to be a big boost to her career. Cladrite Radio: Toe-tapping tunes of the 1920s, '30s and '40s http://www.cladriteradio.com

Jimi Hendrix: Live at Woodstock (Trailer)



Actors No One Wants to Work With


Published on Feb 1, 2019


There are plenty of nice, good-hearted actors out there, and then there are some mean, difficult, downright rude ones as well. This video will focus on the latter type, and some of the names on this list may surprise you. From a Christmas vacationer to a versatile, ever-changing, morphable method actor or two, these actors are some of the most challenging to work alongside. Sit back, get comfy, and get ready for our list of Actors No One Wants to Work With! Learn about the BIGGEST of everything Monday, Wednesday, and Friday just subscribe! 4. Dustin Hoffman Much like Edward Norton, Dustin Hoffman is reportedly a perfectionist and insists on doing things the way he sees them being done. The actor shot up to fame way back in 1967 with The Graduate, but that was nowhere near his first acting gig. Hoffman had been a stage actor for some time before the role came along and even tried to suppress his own fame following the critically acclaimed movie. He turned down multiple roles and directors in order to ensure his star wouldn’t get too big; however, not long after, he got a bunch of parts in successful films, and his star became bright anyway. It’s been said that Hoffman can be difficult and a “chore” to work with as his perfectionism got in the way of rationality. He would apparently demand scenes be reshot if he didn’t like them and there were shouting matches between him and director Sydney Pollack, which is pretty common knowledge. He’s a great actor, but even the greats can lose respect by being difficult to work with. 3. Russell Crowe Good old Rusty has starred in and made appearances in a slew of great movies since he began acting way back in the 1970s. Think A Beautiful Mind, Gladiator, and Les Miserables. But this New Zealander is pretty notorious for not being the nicest guy in the business, although it hasn’t seemed to affect his career all that much. He once reportedly called producer, Branko Lustig, in the dead of night and said some not so very nice things. He’s belittled interviewers, had outbursts, and supposedly gotten into spats on set; however, there’s no tangible proof to back the claims. He did once treat a new interviewer terribly on the red carpet of a movie premiere—an interviewer who just so happened to be a young Giuliana Rancic. She opened up about it and let it be known that Crowe was her meanest celebrity interview ever. 2. Alec Baldwin Well, this is no big surprise to anybody. Alec Baldwin has made headlines for what seems like forever for being quite the mean guy. He’s another one of those celebs that seem to survive their bad reputation and continue to get work, though. He’s done many things off set that should have derailed his career, like freaking out on a flight attendant when she asked him to shut off his phone. Or the time he threw insults at a photographer and hit another. Or when he told a reporter he’d like to choke her and hit another reporter with his bike. Maybe the drunken voicemail he left for his young daughter comes to mind? He’s also reported to be pretty bad on set as well. While filming 30 Rock, he would complain about pointless things, yell and berate the cast and crew, and show up late without a care in the world. He’s hard to work with, and many don’t like him, so how has he survived so long? 

Santana - Soul Sacrifice 1969 "Woodstock" Live Video HQ


Published on Nov 4, 2012

Santana - Soul Sacrifice (Album 1969) Woodstock Music Festival 1969, New York USA Carlos Santana - Guitar Gregg Rolie - Keyboards, Organ David Brown - Bass Michael Shrieve - Drums Michael Carabello - Percussion, Congas Jose Areas - Percussion, Congas

50 Unseen Photos of Woodstock (1969)


MobileGame Reviews

Published on Jan 15, 2017

50 Of the Rarest Photos from Woodstock 1969

Woodstock Arts & Crafts Fair Festival

The Woodstock Music & Art Fair festival wasn’t called that for no reason. The festival was a place for young souls to express their creativity and self-expression through music and art, like this bohemian woman adorned with a leather crop top, headband, and arm bracelet.

She parked herself down on the grass to weave her leather-tasseled tapestry. Perhaps she handed it out to other fellow festival-goers or even sold a few. Whichever way, her style was certainly in tune with the spirit of Woodstock.

Jimi Hendrix Purple Haze Live at Woodstock


Published on Jun 11, 2015

Mysteries and Scandals - Alfalfa and the Little Rascals

Steve Sadler Jr.

Published on Dec 22, 2012


This is an episode of one of my favorite E! shows,(in the pre-Kardashian era) Mysteries and Scandals. Hosted by A.J. Benza. Enjoy. For entertainment pruposes only.

 Peace and Bubbles

Nearly 500,000 people flooded in droves to Woodstock to get a slice of the unique and eclectic experience of unity and love. While most hung out at the festival with a partner or a group of people, others preferred to take part in the fun on their own.

Pictured here is a woman named Jackie Barg sitting on the ground blowing bubbles into the crowd while enjoying her own company. This free-spirited concertgoer was probably having some fun while waiting for the next performer to appear on stage.

Jimi Hendrix - Live at Woodstock: An Inside Look

Jimi Hendrix

Published on Nov 4, 2010

Click to subscribe: http://smarturl.it/SubscribeJHVevo?IQ...

 Listen to Jimi Hendrix on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/JimiHSpotify?IQid=... 

Album's from Jimi Hendrix's: Experience Hendrix: Click here to buy iTunes: http://smarturl.it/JH_EHBE_iTunes?IQi... 

Google Play: http://smarturl.it/JH_EHBE_GP People, Hell and Angels: Click here to buy Amazon: http://smarturl.it/JH_PHA_Amzn?IQid=y... iTunes: http://smarturl.it/JH_PHA_iTunes?IQid... 

Google Play: http://smarturl.it/JH_PHA_GP Electric Ladyland: Click here to buy: iTunes: http://smarturl.it/JH_EL_iTunes 

Google Play: http://smarturl.it/JH_EL_GP Are You Experienced: Click here to buy: iTunes: http://smarturl.it/JH_AYE_iTunes Google Play: http://smarturl.it/JH_AYE_GP 

More from Jimi Hendrix: 'Foxey Lady' - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PVjc... 'Bleeding Heart' - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COsVg...

Follow Jimi Hendrix: Facebook: http://smarturl.it/JH_YD_FB?IQid=ytd.... 

Twitter: http://smarturl.it/JH_YD_T?IQid=ytd.j... 

Website: http://www.jimihendrix.com 

YouTube: http://smarturl.it/JimiVEVO?IQid=ytd....

Australian Rock 70s and 80s

Marion Sloane

Published on Oct 19, 2014


Deep Purple- "Black Night" 1975 Sunbury Carson - "Boogie" 1973 Sunbury Pirana - "Soul Sacrifice" 1972 Sunbury Billy Thorpe - "Movie Queen" 1973 Sunbury Coloured Balls - " Help Me" 1973 Sunbury Mississippi Kings Of The World 1973 Sunbury J.O.K Shes my baby 1973 Sunbury Billy Thorpe and the Aztecs "Most people l know think that l'm crazy" 1972 Chain : Black and blue" 1971 Move Chain " Booze is bad news blues" live GTK Rose Tattoo " You cant be beaten" " Bad boy for love" Broadford 1983

Woodstock ’69 Getting a Completists’ 38-Disc, 36-Hour Box Set for 50th Anniversary


MAY 8, 2019 


If you want to hear three complete days of Woodstock music this August, you’re guaranteed it. No, not out at Watkins Glen with Jay-Z, Miley Cyrus, et al. — thatWoodstock still seems very much in flux — but via a completists’ audio box set of nearly every note played at the original 1969 Woodstock festival. The Rhino label is about to unveil “Woodstock 50 — Back to the Garden — The Definitive 50th Anniversary Archive,” a 38-disc, 36-hour, 432-song CD collection that lays the ’69 fest out in chronological order, from the first stage announcements to muddy farewells.

Amazingly, most of this material has never been issued before; 267 of the 432 songs have never seen an official release. The word “amazingly” comes into play because so much has come out in dribs and drabs since a hit three-LP set went to the top of the charts in 1970. There were expanded CD box sets in 1994 and 2009 … but, needless to say, not nearly this expanded. Some of the acts on the bill have had complete, or semi-complete, versions of their sets released. Just last month, Janis Joplin and Sly & the Family Stone had their performances issued on vinyl for the first time for Record Store Day in limited editions that became instant sellouts.

But it took some years and some doing to convince all the artists as well as record-company powers-that-be that there was a need and a market for an $800 list price edition that would include every lick, including some off ones.

Rolling Stone broke the news Wednesday morning via an interview with Andy Zax, an archivist who co-produced the collection for Rhino. He revealed he had first come across the treasure trove of dozens of one-inch tapes in a Warner Bros. storage space in 2005. “From the moment I saw those tapes, I was like, ‘Oh my God, there’s so much more than I’d ever thought,’” he said. “It was clear to me that no one was exploring this stuff and dealing with it in totality.” Zax told Rolling Stone’s David Browne he lacked “institutional support” at the time for his vision of putting everything out and had to settle for a mere six-CD box for the 40th anniversary edition.

Zax also detailed for RS other hangups, like the fact that microphone feeds often weren’t turned on in the sound truck yet when bands would begin their sets — something that was fixed by dubbing in bits from the soundboard tapes. And then there was the fact that a lot of acts weren’t pleased with their performances, among them Creedence Clearwater Revival’s John Fogerty, who nixed the use of any Creedence material in the original album or movie because he was upset at the lack of audience response when the band played to a sleepy crowd following a much-delayed post-midnight start time. (“Why show the people a weakness?” Fogerty told RS,) Zax says Creedence’s set is actually ““one of the best performances at Woodstock … the fact that it wasn’t out in its entirety until now is flabbergasting,” and Fogerty has finally come around to agreeing.

For anyone who wants more Woodstock who lacks the stomach or wallet for three full days’ worth of it, Rhino is also issuing an entirely reasonable 10-disc distillation of the new collection and, for the truly faint of heart, a three-CD version.

On the complete collection, each act will gets its own disc. Among the other artists represented are the Who, the Grateful Dead, the Band and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (whose Neil Young has long been disdainful of his part in Woodstock and declined to let himself be shown in the film). The only things missing from the 38-CD version, Rolling Stone reports, are two Jimi Hendrix songs that his estate didn’t believe were up to snuff and some Sha Na Na that missed being captured on tape.

Rose Tattoo - Live In Washington 1982

Greg McGrath

Published on Apr 18, 2014


A live gig of one of the best, heaviest and badass groups ever to come out of Australia....or anywhere else for that matter. Intro Bad Boy For Love Rock 'n' Roll Outlaw We Can't Be Beaten One Of the Boys Butcher & Fast Eddie Juice On the Loose Rock 'n' Roll Is King Branded Scarred For Life

Food For Love

It was common for the crowds at Woodstock to share their food, water, and clothing with their neighbors and fellow festival-goers, as sharing was one of the main philosophies the festival stood for. This incredibly rare photo captures just that with this young woman preparing food for the rest of the Woodstock community.

Unfortunately, there was a huge shortage of food because the number of people that showed up at Woodstock far exceeded the number anyone could have anticipated. Many people didn’t want to lose their spot on the field or have to trudge through the crowds to find food, so they set up free stands and banded together to feed everyone.

Dean Martin Jerry Lewis on Bob Hope Bing Crosby US Olympic team telethon 22 June 1952


Published on Dec 17, 2011


Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis on Bob Hope Bing Crosby US Olympic team telethon 22 June 1952. A lost treasure! This was filmed (kinescoped) while it was broadcast live from The first El Capitan TV Theater on Vine Street In Hollywood, California.

Australian Rock 70s and 80s

Marion Sloane

Published on Oct 19, 2014


Deep Purple- "Black Night" 1975 Sunbury Carson - "Boogie" 1973 Sunbury Pirana - "Soul Sacrifice" 1972 Sunbury Billy Thorpe - "Movie Queen" 1973 Sunbury Coloured Balls - " Help Me" 1973 Sunbury Mississippi Kings Of The World 1973 Sunbury J.O.K Shes my baby 1973 Sunbury Billy Thorpe and the Aztecs "Most people l know think that l'm crazy" 1972 Chain : Black and blue" 1971 Move Chain " Booze is bad news blues" live GTK Rose Tattoo " You cant be beaten" " Bad boy for love" Broadford 1983

Richard Clapton - 'Girls On The Avenue' Video One


Published on Jun 13, 2009


Another performance from the second Countdown Spectacular tour in August 2007, this time Richard Clapton with 'Girls On The Avenue'.

Richard Clapton - Girls On The Avenue (1975) Video Two


Published on Jun 11, 2018

Some Shut-Eye

Nearly half a million people attended Woodstock, so it’s no surprise that there were major traffic jams and a lack of space within the confines of Max Yasgur’s dairy farm, where the festival was held.

Many people, like this woman, slept on their motorbikes or vehicles because it was too hot to sleep inside them. The lucky ones built tents and temporary shelters with sleeping bags, but when space ran out, the rest had to retire to their vans and cars if they could reach them. Some even had to stay in their vehicles when the traffic blocked the way.

Australian Rock 70s and 80s

Marion Sloane

Published on Oct 19, 2014

Deep Purple- "Black Night" 1975 Sunbury Carson - "Boogie" 1973 Sunbury Pirana - "Soul Sacrifice" 1972 Sunbury Billy Thorpe - "Movie Queen" 1973 Sunbury Coloured Balls - " Help Me" 1973 Sunbury Mississippi Kings Of The World 1973 Sunbury J.O.K Shes my baby 1973 Sunbury Billy Thorpe and the Aztecs "Most people l know think that l'm crazy" 1972 Chain : Black and blue" 1971 Move Chain " Booze is bad news blues" live GTK Rose Tattoo " You cant be beaten" " Bad boy for love" Broadford 1983

Woodstock 1969 Showed The Origin Of Todays Fashion


Published on Jun 18, 2017

The 1969 event was undoubtedly one of the most formative moments in music history, but as we've learned with most music festivals, they lend themselves to some pretty awesome style-spotting. Long before the concept of street style or even festival style existed, Woodstock showcased inspiring women wearing sweet bell bottoms, crop tops and knit dresses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLf4a... 

Hello Dear friend! Youth Gene - is the channel where you can find interesting facts from history you probably didn’t learn before.

We collect the most rare historic photos because each historical photograph has a story to tell, each of them documents a major event in human history.

And we know that history repeats itself. Subscribe to YOUTH GENE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi7m...

Richard Clapton Deep Water


Published on Jul 16, 2017

Chris Squire of Yes - Meeting Jimi Hendrix


Published on Jul 20, 2009


Chris Squire of Yes talks about meeting Jimi Hendrix, how an accidental billing allowed him to play in front of some of the biggest names in music. Part of the EMP|SFM Oral History Live! series, Yes was interviewed live in JBL Theater by EMP|SFM Curator Jacob McMurray. http://www.empsfm.org/oralhistory

Rocking with Jimi Hendrix

Jimi Hendrix was one of the 32 acts to perform at Woodstock, and boy did he put on one hell of a show donning a white leather and blue-beaded fringed jacket. The icon was actually the last to perform at the festival for a crowd of 30,000 onlookers as many of the music-loving concertgoers had already gone home because of the rain delays.

The ones who waited in anticipation for Hendrix’s two-hour performance with his new band Gypsy Sun and Rainbows were certainly thrilled they waited, as it has gone done in history as a defining moment of the ’60s. Hendrix might have been the last act to perform, but he was the highest paid and earned himself a nice sum of $18,000.

Messed Up Things That Happened At Woodstock

over 2,000,000 


Published on Jun 25, 2018

If you're new, Subscribe! → http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Grunge It was three days of mud, drugs, traffic jams, and overflowing toilets.

And, yeah, a little peace, love, and legendary music.

The 1969 Woodstock festival remains one of the most iconic events in music history.

Yet, as the decades pass, those who were there start to see it all through rose-colored glasses.

But that doesn't mean that the festival was all dancing, holding hands, and daisy crowns.

These are some of the messed up things that happened at Woodstock... Bathroom line | 0:29 Let there be granola | 0:50 It wasn't supposed to be free | 1:27 What a trip | 2:09 The hippie-pocalypse | 2:47 

The Grateful Dead | 3:16 Peace and violence | 3:42 Put some shoes on, hippie | 4:03 Read more here → http://www.grunge.com/123016/messed-u... History https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Things That Were Normal 100 Years Ago That Are Strange Now https://youtu.be/CwlnDJnkOFo?list=PLb... 

Weird Things You Didn't Know About Cleopatra https://youtu.be/jnaO_HMeGYc?list=PLb... Bizarre Fossils Science Still Hasn't Explained https://youtu.be/nap-fT3H7hw?list=PLb... These Mysterious Underwater Cities Are Incredible https://youtu.be/pEBX5WtLiq4?list=PLb...

 Past Predictions About The Future That Weren't Even Close https://youtu.be/2c9kp7uwq2s?list=PLb... F

alse Things You've Been Believing About Greek Mythology https://youtu.be/6r4UrAixvjg?list=PLb...

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Freya Ridings - Lost Without You (Live at Dublin's Heuston Station)

Freya Ridings

Published on Aug 6, 2018


Couldn't resist playing in Dublin's Hueston train station a few weeks ago. Can't believe you've sold out the next headline show there again?! Love Ireland https://freyaridings.lnk.to/LostWitho... Sign up to updates: https://m.me/freyaridings Subscribe to my channel: https://freyaridings.lnk.to/Subscribe Follow on Spotify: https://freyaridings.lnk.to/Spotify Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freyaridings Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/freyaridings Follow me on Twitter: //twitter.com/freyaridings LYRICS Standing on the platform, Watching you go, It’s like no other pain, I’ve ever known, To love someone so much, To have no control, You said I have to see the world, And I said go I think I’m lost without you, I just feel crushed without you, I’ve been strong, for so long, That I never thought, How much I needed you, I think I’m lost without you Strangers rushing past, Just trying to get home, But you were the only safe haven, That I’ve known, Hits me at full speed, Feel like I can’t breath, And nobody knows, This pain inside me, My world is crumbling, I should never have, Let you go I think I’m lost without you, I think I’m lost, lost, lost, I think I’m lost without you, you, I just feel crushed without you, ‘cause I’ve been strong for so long, That I never thought, How much I love you Standing on the platform, Watching you go, You said I wanna see the world, And I said go #FreyaRidings #FreyaRidingsLive #FreyaRidingsLostWithoutYou #LostWithoutYou

Wrapped Up in Love

Woodstock gave the people something to believe in and hold onto during a very tumultuous political era, which is why this photo became one of the most famous from the festival. Now both 69 years old, Bobbi Kelly and her then-boyfriend Nick Ercoline became the poster children of Woodstock wrapped in an embrace with the sun rising in the background.

The image represented the love, peace, and individuality everyone felt at the three-day festival; a love so strong that this couple went on to marry and have two children. Burk Uzzle of Magnum Agency snapped the photo without the couple noticing. Uzzle recalled how Gracie Slick of Jefferson Airplane was performing at the break of dawn when this couple “magically stood up and hugged.” After they kissed and hugged, Kelly smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder.

The Doors, Mr. Mojo Risin The Story Of LA Woman


Barry Davenport

Published on Feb 12, 2013

L.A. Woman is the sixth studio album by The Doors, and the last recorded with lead singer Jim Morrison, who died in July 1971, less than 3 months after the album's release. Its style signified a return to blues, following in the footsteps of Morrison Hotel.Following the departure of their record producer Paul A. Rothchild (who, contrary to popular myth, loved "Riders on the Storm" but dismissed the group's differing style on "Love Her Madly" as "cocktail music")[1] around November 1970, the band fell in to a state of depression and Jim Morrison was obviously bored with Sunset Sound, the studio in which their first two albums were recorded. Bruce Botnick, their engineer, suggested they record at the Doors' workshop. He and the band began production on the album at The Doors Workshop in Los Angeles. Most of the tracks were recorded live, except for a few overdubbed keyboard parts by Ray Manzarek. Morrison recorded his singing in the studio's bathroom to get a fuller sound. Elvis Presley's bass player Jerry Scheff was brought in to play bass on the album, and rhythm guitarist Marc Benno was brought in so that Robbie Krieger could focus on playing lead guitar during live takes. Botnick later produced and mixed a new 5.1 Surround version of the album, which was released on DVD-Audio on December 19, 2000. It was produced from the original eight-track analog 1" master tapes.[2] Early LP editions of the album were uniquely packaged: the album's cover was die-cut to remove a near-rectangular piece of it, with a sheet of transparent plastic on which the cover photo of the Doors was printed, glued in place in its stead. Later pressings featured a conventional cover without the die-cut hole and plastic window, and with the group photo printed on the cover itself.

Sway Your Hair Like You Don’t Care

Advertised as a “weekend in the country,” Woodstock was so much more than that. It was three days of non-stop love, peace, partying, rock and roll, and fun with 32 performances by A-list musicians. As Joni Mitchell said, “Woodstock was a spark of beauty where half-a-million kids saw that they were part of a greater organism.”

Pictured here are two women dancing and swaying to the beat, and literally letting their hair down. Peace, love, and acceptance were photographed from every angle at the music festival. The people in attendance believed music could change the world and that the hippie movement was more than just Kumbayas and daisies.

The Doors Live At The Isle Of Wight Festival 1970

jesus deras alvarez

Published on Mar 14, 2018

Live At The Isle Of Wight Festival East Afton Farm, Isle Of Wight, UK Sun. August 30, 1970


Venue Address: East Afton Farm - Isle Of Wight, UK

Promotion: Fiery Creations Presents Scheduled start time: 1:30 am

Attendance: over 600,000 Hasta entonces,

The Doors ha evitado todos los principales festivales de rock, aceptando a regañadientes aparecer en algunos de los más pequeños en Toronto y en la costa oeste. Desde el Festival Pop de Seattle, han sido cautelosos con todas las apariciones al aire libre. Ahora están programados para aparecer en lo que a menudo se conoce como el último de los grandes festivales. Antes de su aparición, The Doors, sin Morrison, se encuentran con la prensa en un pequeño pub a orillas del río en Hammersmith. Las Puertas originalmente habían sido programadas para aparecer directamente después de Diez años después, pero se retrasaron hasta después de Emerson, Lake & Palmer. Los Doors están agotados de su viaje y las fechas de corte de las semanas anteriores en Miami. Al llegar al festival, la banda cansada se encuentra entre Ten Years After y Emerson, Lake & Palmer por un lado, y Who and Sly & The Family Stone por el otro. Su intensa música reflexiva no está sincronizada con actos famosos por su ritmo rápido y furioso. En algún momento entre la una y las dos de la madrugada, las Puertas suben al escenario en el frío festival al aire libre e inmediatamente se ven perturbadas por los sistemas de iluminación y refuerzo de sonido algo exiguos. Se centran principalmente en el material de sus dos primeros álbumes y mantienen su conjunto mucho Más corto que los espectáculos expansivos que habían estado dando en los Estados Unidos ese verano. Morrison pasa por alto la inclusión improvisada de otras canciones que habían incorporado en Light My Fire, pero luego interviene con una poesía inédita durante The End. Su espectáculo demuestra ser tranquilo contenido. Después, Jim Morrison está tan preocupado por su aspecto agotado que insinúa al resto de la banda que espera que sea su última actuación en vivo. En última instancia, The Doors acepta tocar dos shows más en diciembre, en Dallas y Nueva Orleans, y esos demuestran ser su actuación final con Jim Morrison. Esta parte del festival también contó con la primera transmisión satelital de un concierto de rock, con capacidad para cubrir el evento en cuarenta ciudades de los EE. UU. Y Canadá. Una compañía llamada Video Rangers hizo los arreglos para que la transmisión se reflejara en el satélite del Atlántico en color con sonido de alta fidelidad como un programa especial "Metavision" que se emitirá en Nueva York a las 9:00 pm y en California a las 6:00 pm. Los Rangers de video debían haber trabajado junto con Joshua Television (ambos utilizando el equipo de Management Television Systems, Inc.), que recientemente había llevado aumentos de pantalla a una actuación de Who en Tanglewood, MA. Joshua White era designado para dirigir la "transmisión". Programados para la transmisión monumental fueron The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Chicago y Joan Baez. Sin embargo, a principios de agosto, se hizo evidente que todavía no había suficientes lugares disponibles para transmitir el programa, y ​​los Rangers de video tuvieron que cancelar el evento a regañadientes. El estudio móvil Pye Records es contratado por Columbia para grabar todo el Festival de la Isla de Wight, empleando los servicios del productor Ted Macero y cuatro ingenieros de grabación. El set de Doors también está filmado; sin embargo, la iluminación tenue da como resultado imágenes de película más bien oscuras



Published on Feb 5, 2017

Girls of Woodstock – The Best Beauty and Style Moments from 1969: The 1969 event was undoubtedly one of the most formative moments in music history, but as we've learned with most music festivals, they lend themselves to some pretty awesome style-spotting. Long before the concept of street style or even festival style existed, Woodstock showcased inspiring women wearing sweet bell bottoms, crop tops and knit dresses. Labels: 1960s, culture, fashion, festival, history, music, portraits, women, youth

Hanging with The Pearl

Otherwise known as The Pearl, Janis Joplin will forever be remembered as one of the best female rockers of all time. Joplin performed on the second day of Woodstock rocking a colorful and psychedelic dress. She didn’t know about the festival until a few days before, but luckily for the crowd, she found out just in time and was one of the biggest names to perform.

Joplin wasn’t aware of how big the festival would be and told her band it’d be just another gig. However, when she and her band, along with a pregnant Joan Baez, were flown into Woodstock by helicopter, she saw the sheer size of the crowds and became giddy with nerves. She remained at the festival until the end.

Gypsy Souls

The Woodstock Music & Art Fair attracted a fair share of spiritual and free-spirited people who believed that love was the only religion man needed to achieve world peace — with the help of some tarot cards and psychic readings that is.

Here we see a woman dressed in a paisley bohemian dress reading another girl’s palm with a set of tarot cards laid out on a tree trunk. She must have received some interesting news judging by that smile on her face.

British guitarist analyses Alvin Lee's 1969 Woodstock performance!

Wings of Pegasus

Published on Apr 27, 2019

Tonight we're going back to Woodstock in 1969, this time it's Alvin Lee! Original video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW5M5... 

For more, check out my other sites!

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Twitter - @wingsofpegasus Insta - @wingsofpegasusofficial

The Who’s Who

Woodstock gained a lot of momentum even before it happened, so it’s no surprise that some famous faces rocked along to the music with the rest of the crowd, such as German actress and model Veruschka von Lehndorff.

Veruschka was extremely popular in the ’60s. She rose to fame at the age of 20 while studying art in Florence, where was discovered by photographer Ugo Mulas. Here we see the model dancing to the beat and having a good time at Woodstock.

j Woodstock 1969 Arlo Guthrie

Steven Price

Published on Aug 5, 2015

Complete Woodstock 1969 recording of Arlo Guthrie

Flower Child

It’s no secret that Woodstock was no place for discrimination against gender or race, but did you know that all ages were welcome too? This captivating photograph of this happy dancing young girl pays tribute to how much fun Woodstock was for all the people present at the iconic musical festival. Imagine the memories she must carry from that weekend!

Not only were tons of children parts of the partying masses; some were even born at this historical event. Two births were recorded at Woodstock ― one in a car stuck in the traffic jam on the way to the festival and another in hospital after the mother was airlifted by helicopter.

The History of the Woodstock Festival


Published on Aug 14, 2009

Tie-Dye for the Win!

Following the fashion direction of rock stars such as Janis Joplin and John Sebastian in the late ’60s, tie-dye clothing became more than just a fashion trend; it was a lifestyle choice. It’s no surprise then that this psychedelic clothing was prevalent at Woodstock.

This colorful fashion choice was all the craze at the music festival with lots of stands selling different kinds of designs and items. If you weren’t sporting your rainbow swirled patterned shirt, then you weren’t part of the crowd!

Top 5 Rockin' Facts About Woodstock


Published on Aug 15, 2016

Top 5 Woodstock Facts Subscribe: http://goo.gl/Q2kKrD Woodstock is one of the most iconic festivals of all-time, with the 1969 edition listing legendary performers such as Jimi Hendrix, Santana, The Grateful Dead, Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Who, Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin and the band. WatchMojo looks at the the facts behind the festival that boasted 400,000 in attendance, the hippie love fest that took over the festival, the chaos that ensued and the epic set from rock legend Jimi Hendrix. WatchMojo's social media pages: http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo http://instagram.com/watchmojo http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo Watch on WatchMojo: http://watchmojo.com/video/id/16570/ Want a WatchMojo cup, mug, t-shirts, pen, sticker and even a water bottle? Get them all when you order your MojoBox gift set here: http://watchmojo.com/store/ WatchMojo is a leading producer of reference online video content, covering the People, Places and Trends you care about. We update DAILY with 4-5 Top 10 lists, Origins, Biographies, Versus clips on movies, video games, music, pop culture and more!

Follow the Groovy Brick Road

There were many paths to follow at Woodstock, but you were sure in for one hell of a psychedelic ride no matter which one you chose. We love these whimsical signs hanging on the trees and wish we could have one like them in our own homes!

It’s safe to assume that at the groovy way, one would have encountered people sporting afros and bell-bottomed jeans, a fad that continued into the impending disco era, while the gentle path was for those yoga-loving spiritual gurus. Namaste

Top 5 Rockin' Facts About Woodstock


Published on Aug 15, 2016

Top 5 Woodstock Facts Subscribe: http://goo.gl/Q2kKrD Woodstock is one of the most iconic festivals of all-time, with the 1969 edition listing legendary performers such as Jimi Hendrix, Santana, The Grateful Dead, Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Who, Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin and the band. WatchMojo looks at the the facts behind the festival that boasted 400,000 in attendance, the hippie love fest that took over the festival, the chaos that ensued and the epic set from rock legend Jimi Hendrix. WatchMojo's social media pages: http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo http://instagram.com/watchmojo http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo Watch on WatchMojo: http://watchmojo.com/video/id/16570/ Want a WatchMojo cup, mug, t-shirts, pen, sticker and even a water bottle? Get them all when you order your MojoBox gift set here: http://watchmojo.com/store/ WatchMojo is a leading producer of reference online video content, covering the People, Places and Trends you care about. We update DAILY with 4-5 Top 10 lists, Origins, Biographies, Versus clips on movies, video games, music, pop culture and more!

The Star and the Groupie

Pictured here is Jefferson Airplane’s lead signer Grace Slick hanging out backstage with Sally Mann, wife of the band’s drummer, Spencer Dryden. Just like the audience enjoyed the music, so too did the other performers.

When talking to the Rolling Stone magazine about her experiences at Woodstock, Slick said she remembers taking a helicopter to get to the music festival because the roads were so jammed. Until Jefferson Airplane performed on the second day, she recalled sitting around smoking and drinking wine with Mann and the other band members.

British guitarist analyses Johnny Winter in 1969 at Woodstock!

Wings of Pegasus

Published on Apr 29, 2019

Tonight I'm continuing the theme and taking a look at Johnny Winter from Woodstock in 1969!

Original video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6kPQ... 

For more, check out my other sites! https://www.patreon.com/wingsofpegasus https://www.wingsofpegasusband.com/ https://www.facebook.com/wingsofpegasus Twitter - @wingsofpegasus Insta - @wingsofpegasusofficial

When Life Gives You Instruments, Make Music!

There was truly a feeling of unity and love for the festival-goers who came to enjoy the rock and roll music and festivities for three days straight, so much so, that when there were breaks between performances they made their own music.

Pictured here is a woman playing the flute to the beating of a drum. You can see the fiery passion in the drummer’s eye, a passion that everyone around him shared. Peace, love, and partying could be found at every angle you looked at during Woodstock.

Woodstock 1969 - Full Festival (Friday)

Fernando Mattana

Published on Aug 15, 2017

Woodstock 1969 - Full Festival (Friday)




In August 1969, over half a million people came to upstate New York for the 3 days of Peace & Music. The Woodstock Music & Arts Fair.

“Woodstock 1969 was a reaction by the youth of its time and the conditions we faced,” says Woodstock co-founder Michael Lang. “We proved that it is possible to live together in harmony and with compassion…with only our best selves represented. Woodstock gave people around the world hope, which is why I think it remains relevant today.”

Explore the history of Woodstock. And come make history with us. Again.

Woodstock 1969 - Full Festival (Friday)

Fernando Mattana

Published on Aug 15, 2017

Woodstock 1969 - Full Festival (Friday)


Richie Havens


Woodstock’s first performer held the crowd for nearly three hours – in part because many artists scheduled to perform were delayed by standstill traffic. Freedom was an improvised jam that became his signature moment.

Richie Havens - Freedom at Woodstock 1969 (HD)

Sebastian Walter

Published on Jan 21, 2012

Rest In Peace Richard Pierce "Richie" Havens.. ☮ (January 21, 1941 - April 22, 2013)

More than 3 months ago I decided to take a look into the woodstock history and music. I was interested in peace, freedom and the hippie scene.

Then I found this excellent, unique live performance by Richie Havens.

At first I thought that he is just a very talented guitar player, but when he began to sing, my whole world stopped. His amazing own voice kinda petrified me.

After that I imagined that he just sat there more than 42 years ago in front of more than 400 thousand people and sang into the microphone

"YEAH ! FREEDOM ! FREEDOM !" and that was the moment which changed my life.

Then I watched other videos where he sang freedom at woodstock and i realized that there is no real version of it.

All versions are sort of pitched up (that means his voice is a bit higher than normaly)

I downloaded one video, made it HD and made his voice deeper, so now in this video you will hear the real voice version and video of him.

By the way, today was richie's 71st birthday.

So I wish one of the greatest men alive HAPPY BIRTHDAY and all the best.


From the Prison

Get Together

From the Prison (Reprise)

The Minstrel from Gault

I’m a Stranger Here

High Flying Bird

I Can’t Make It Anymore

With a Little Help from My Friends

Handsome Johnny

Strawberry Fields Forever > Hey Jude

Freedom (Motherless Child)

Sweet Water

This psychedelic folk band was scheduled to open the show, but got stuck in traffic on the way, giving Richie Havens his opportunity. They would reunite to play at Woodstock ’94.

Complete Woodstock 1969 recording of Sweetwater

Steven Price

Published on Aug 4, 2015

Complete Woodstock 1969 recording of Sweetwater


Motherless Child

Look Out

For Pete’s Sake

Day Song

What’s Wrong

Crystal Spider

Two Worlds

Why Oh Why

Let the Sunshine In

Oh Happy Day

Tim Hardin

His song, If I Were A Carpenter, has been covered by artists ranging from Johnny Cash to Robert Plant. He performed it solo on the Woodstock stage followed by a full set with his backing band.

Tim Hardin - If I Were A Carpenter (Live at Woodstock 1969)

Alex Nesic

Published on May 6, 2014

Tim Hardin live at Woodstock Music and Art Fair, Bethel NY, August 1969


Woodstock 1969 Tim Hardin

Steven Price

Published on Aug 5, 2015

Complete Woodstock 1969 recording of Tim Hardin


How Can We Hang On to a Dream?


If I Were a Carpenter

Reason to Believe

You Upset the Grace of Living When You Lie

Speak Like a Child

Snow White Lady

Blue on My Ceiling

Simple Song of Freedom

Misty Roses

Melanie Safka

Melanie’s solo set was short but sweet, featuring her radio hit Momma Momma. During her set the audience lit up candles to accompany the music, inspiring her to write the hit song Lay Down (Candles In The Rain).

Melanie Safka at Woodstock


Published on Feb 23, 2012

Melanie performing "Birthday of the Sun" at the original 1969 Woodstock concert. This video was taken from a laser disk of "Woodstock: The Lost Performances", which is now out of publication. In the closing credits, Melanie is listed as "Melanie Schekeryk" (her married name).

More Melanie Safka at Woodstock



Published on Oct 26, 2017

Melanie sings "Mr. Tambourine Man" and "Tuning My Guitar" at the 1969 Woodstock Music and Arts Festival


Close to It All

Momma Momma

Beautiful People

Animal Crackers

Mr. Tambourine Man

Tuning My Guitar

Birthday of the Sun

Ravi Shankar

Ravi Shankar - Woodstock 1969 - Evening Raga

Jubal Harshaw

Published on Feb 11, 2014

 Ravi Shankar Woodstock 1969 Evening Raga

 [From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia] Ravi Shankar, (Bengali: রবি শংকর, IPA: [ˈrɔbi ˈʃɔŋkɔr]; 7 April 1920 -- 11 December 2012), his name often preceded by the title Pandit, was an Indian musician who was one of the best-known exponents of the sitar in the second half of the 20th century as well as a composer of Hindustani classical music. Shankar was born in Varanasi and spent his youth touring Europe and India with the dance group of his brother Uday Shankar. He gave up dancing in 1938 to study sitar playing under court musician Allauddin Khan. After finishing his studies in 1944, Shankar worked as a composer, creating the music for the Apu Trilogy by Satyajit Ray, and was music director of All India Radio, New Delhi, from 1949 to 1956. In 1956, he began to tour Europe and the Americas playing Indian classical music and increased its popularity there in the 1960s through teaching, performance, and his association with violinist Yehudi Menuhin and George Harrison of the Beatles. Shankar engaged Western music by writing concerti for sitar and orchestra and toured the world in the 1970s and 1980s. From 1986 to 1992 he served as a nominated member of Rajya Sabha, the upper chamber of the Parliament of India. In 1999, Shankar was awarded India's highest civilian honour, the Bharat Ratna. He continued to perform up until the end of his life. Read more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ravi_Sha...

As the rain began to fall, the Indian Sitar Maestro entranced the festival crowd with a set that was both virtuosic and spiritual.


Raga Puriya-Dhanashri/Gat In Sawarital

Tabla Solo In Jhaptal

Raga Manj Kmahaj (AIap, Jor, Dhun In Kaharwa Tal)

Arloe Guthrie

Carrying on in his father Woody Guthrie’s footsteps, Arlo created storytelling songs that protested against social injustice – a fitting troubadour for the Woodstock crowd.


Coming into Los Angeles

Wheel of Fortune

Walking Down the Line

Arlo Speech: Exodus

Oh Mary, Don’t You Weep

Every Hand in the 

Arlo Guthrie - Coming Into Los Angeles(Woodstock 1969 Concert),

Mono-Mix from 1969 Cotillion LP.


Published on Mar 16, 2012

This live "mono mix" version of "Coming Into Los Angeles" by Arlo Guthrie at Woodstock 1969 Concert was taken from the stereo Cotillion LP.

Song follows "STAGE ANNOUNCEMENTS". I was not happy with the overall stereo mix balances(especially through headphones!!),

so I made a mono mix from the LP track and it turned out better than I originally expected(not perfect either

as the original live recordings were made under very adverse conditions), but more balanced in center stage

Joan Baez

The last act of Day 1, Joan wished everyone a good morning as she took the stage at 1:00 am. Her perfectly arranged set combined with her beautiful and skillful voice was a fine finish for a chaotic and exhausting first day.

Joan Baez, "Joe Hill" live at the Woodstock Festival, 1969


Published on Oct 5, 2016


Oh Happy Day

The Last Thing on My Mind

I Shall Be Released

Story about how the Federal Marshals came to take David Harris into custody

No Expectations

Joe Hill

Sweet Sir Galahad

Hickory Wind

Drug Store Truck Driving Man duet with Jeffrey Shurtleff

I Live One Day at a Time

Take Me Back to the Sweet Sunny South

Let Me Wrap You In My Warm and Tender Love

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot

We Shall Overcome

Joan Chandos Baez 

Joan Chandos Baez in 1963


Joan Chandos Baez (/baɪz/; born January 9, 1941) is an American singer, songwriter, musician, and activist[3] whose contemporary folk music often includes songs of protest or social justice.  Baez has performed publicly for over 60 years, releasing over 30 albums. Fluent in Spanish and English, she has also recorded songs in at least six other languages. Although generally regarded as a folk singer, her music has diversified since the counterculture era of the 1960s, and encompasses genres such as folk rockpopcountry, and gospel music.

Although a songwriter herself, Baez generally interprets other composers' work,[5] having recorded songs by Bob Dylanthe Allman Brothers Bandthe BeatlesJackson BrowneLeonard CohenWoody GuthrieVioleta Parrathe Rolling StonesPete SeegerPaul SimonStevie Wonder and many others. On her past several albums, she has found success interpreting songs of more recent songwriters, including Ryan AdamsJosh RitterSteve EarleNatalie Merchant and Joe Henry.

She began her recording career in 1960 and achieved immediate success. Her first three albums, Joan BaezJoan Baez, Vol. 2, and Joan Baez in Concert all achieved gold record status.[6]

Songs of acclaim include "Diamonds & Rust" and covers of Phil Ochs's "There but for Fortune" and The Band's "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down". She is also known for "Farewell, Angelina", "Love Is Just a Four-Letter Word", "Forever Young", "Here's to You", "Joe Hill", "Sweet Sir Galahad" and "We Shall Overcome". She was one of the first major artists to record the songs of Bob Dylan in the early 1960s; Baez was already an internationally celebrated artist and did much to popularize his early songwriting efforts.  Baez also performed fourteen songs at the 1969 Woodstock Festival and has displayed a lifelong commitment to political and social activism in the fields of nonviolencecivil rights, human rights and the environment. 

Baez was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on April 7, 2017. 

Baez was born on Staten IslandNew York, on January 9, 1941.[  Joan's grandfather, the Reverend Alberto Baez, left the Catholic Church to become a Methodistminister and moved to the U.S. when her father was two years old. Her father, Albert Baez (1912–2007), was born in PueblaMexico  and grew up in Brooklyn, New York, where his father preached to—and advocated for—a Spanish-speaking congregation. Albert first considered becoming a minister but instead turned to the study of mathematics and physics and received his PhD degree at Stanford University in 1950. Albert was later credited as a co-inventor of the x-ray microscope.  Joan's cousin, John C. Baez, is a mathematical physicist. 

Her mother, Joan Baez (née Bridge), referred to as Joan Senior or "Big Joan", was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1913 as the second daughter of an English Anglican priest who claimed to be descended from the Dukes of Chandos. Born in April 1913, she died on April 20, 2013, days after her one hundredth birthday.

Baez had two sisters – Pauline Thalia Baez Bryan (1938–2016), who was sometimes professionally known as Pauline Marden; and Margarita Mimi Baez Fariña (1945–2001) who was generally better known as Mimi Fariña. To varying degrees, both women were also political activists and musicians like their sister. They are also notable for having been married to other American artists – Pauline (briefly) to painter Brice Marden and Mimi to author and musician Richard Fariña with whom she collaborated for several years.

The Baez family converted to Quakerism during Joan's early childhood, and she has continued to identify with the tradition, particularly in her commitment to pacifismand social issues.  While growing up, Baez was subjected to racial slurs and discrimination due to her Mexican heritage. Consequently, she became involved with a variety of social causes early in her career. She declined to play in any white student venues that were segregated, which meant that when she toured the Southern states, she would play only at black colleges. 

Joan graduated from Palo Alto High School in 1958. 

Due to her father's work with UNESCO, their family moved many times, living in towns across the U.S, as well as in England, France, Switzerland, Spain, Canada, and the Middle East, including Iraq. Joan Baez became involved with a variety of social causes early in her career, including civil rights and non-violence.  Social justice, she stated in the PBS series American Masters, is the true core of her life, "looming larger than music". 

Music career 

The opening line of Baez's memoir And a Voice to Sing With is "I was born gifted" (referencing her singing voice, which she explained was given to her and for which she can take no credit).  A friend of Joan's father gave her a ukulele. She learned four chords, which enabled her to play rhythm and blues, the music she was listening to at the time. Her parents, however, were fearful that the music would lead her into a life of drug addiction. When Baez was 13, her aunt and her aunt's boyfriend took her to a concert by folk musician Pete Seeger, and Baez found herself strongly moved by his music.  She soon began practicing the songs of his repertoire and performing them publicly. One of her very earliest public performances was at a retreat in Saratoga, California for a youth group from Temple Beth Jacob, a Redwood City, California Jewish congregation. A few years later in 1957, Baez bought her first Gibson acoustic guitar.

College music scene in Massachusetts

In 1958, her father accepted a faculty position at MIT, and moved his family to Massachusetts. At that time, it was in the center of the up-and-coming folk-music scene, and Baez began performing near home in Boston and nearby Cambridge. She also performed in clubs, and attended Boston University for about six weeks. In 1958, at the Club 47 in Cambridge, she gave her first concert. When designing the poster for the performance, Baez considered changing her performing name to either Rachel Sandperl, the surname of her long-time mentor, Ira Sandperl, or Maria from the song "They Call the Wind Maria". She later opted against doing so, fearing that people would accuse her of changing her last name because it was Spanish. The audience consisted of her parents, her sister Mimi, her boyfriend, and a few friends, resulting in a total of eight patrons. She was paid ten dollars. Baez was later asked back and began performing twice a week for $25 per show. 

A few months later, Baez and two other folk enthusiasts made plans to record an album in the cellar of a friend's house. The three sang solos and duets, a family friend designed the album cover, and it was released on Veritas Records that same year as Folksingers 'Round Harvard Square. Baez later met Bob Gibson and Odetta, who were at the time two of the most prominent vocalists singing folk and gospel music. Baez cites Odetta as a primary influence along with Marian Anderson and Pete Seeger. Gibson invited Baez to perform with him at the 1959 Newport Folk Festival, where the two sang two duets, "Virgin Mary Had One Son" and "We Are Crossing Jordan River". The performance generated substantial praise for the "barefoot Madonna" with the otherworldly voice, and it was this appearance that led to Baez signing with Vanguard Records the following year although Columbia Records tried to sign her first. Baez later claimed that she felt she would be given more artistic license at a more "low key" label. Baez's nickname at the time, "Madonna", has been attributed to her clear voice, long hair, and natural beauty, and to her role as "Earth Mother".



After a night of storms, the sun broke through just as this Boston-based rock band launched into their 4-song 40-minute set – a lively opening act for Day 2 of the Festival.

Complete Woodstock 1969 recordings of Quill

Steven Price

Published on Jul 21, 2015

Complete Woodstock 1969 recordings of Quill


They Live the Life

That’s How I Eat


Waitin’ for You

Country Joe McDonald

He would return to the Woodstock stage on Day 3 with his full band, but while Santana waited in the wings, Country Joe warmed things up with a relaxed set of solo acoustic numbers.

Country Joe and the Fish


Country Joe and the Fish was an American psychedelic rock band formed in Berkeley, California, in 1965. The band was among the influential groups in the San Francisco music sceneduring the mid- to late 1960s. Much of the band's music was written by founding members Country Joe McDonald and Barry "The Fish" Melton, with lyrics pointedly addressing issues of importance to the counterculture, such as anti-war protestsfree love, and recreational drug use. Through a combination of psychedelia and electronic music, the band's sound was marked by innovative guitar melodies and distorted organ-driven instrumentals which were significant to the development of acid rock.

The band self-produced two EPs that drew attention on the underground circuit before signing to Vanguard Records in 1966. Their debut albumElectric Music for the Mind and Body, followed in 1967. It contained their only nationally charting single, "Not So Sweet Martha Lorraine", and their most experimental arrangements. Their second album, I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-to-Die, was released in late 1967; its title track, with its dark humor and satire, became their signature tune and is among the era's most recognizable protest songs. Further success followed, including McDonald's appearance at Woodstock, but the group's lineup underwent changes until its disbandment in 1970. Members of the band continue in the music industry as solo recording artists and sporadically reconvene.

Woodstock 1969 Country Joe McDonald

Steven Price

Published on Aug 5, 2015

Complete Woodstock 1969 recording of Country Joe McDonald



Donovan’s Reef

Heartaches by the Number

Ring of Fire

Tennessee Stud

Rockin’ Round the World

Flying High

I Seen a Rocket

The “Fish” Cheer/I-Feel-Like-I’m-Fixin’-to-Die Rag


With their debut album not yet released, Santana was relatively unknown.

Their powerful, magical, transformative performance changed that.

Carlos led his band with virtuosic style and drummer Michael Shrieve brought it all home during Soul Sacrifice.

Santana - Soul Sacrifice 1969 "Woodstock" Live Video HQ



Published on Nov 4, 2012

Santana - Soul Sacrifice (Album 1969) Woodstock Music Festival 1969, New York USA Carlos Santana - Guitar Gregg Rolie - Keyboards, Organ David Brown - Bass Michael Shrieve - Drums Michael Carabello - Percussion, Congas Jose Areas - Percussion, Congas



Evil Ways

You Just Don’t Care




Soul Sacrifice

Fried Neckbones and Some Home Fries


John Sebastian

The Lovin’ Spoonful leader – at the festival as an attendee – was recruited for a short acoustic set while crews cleaned up the stage from another rainfall. He dedicated closer, Younger Generation, to a newborn baby at the festival.

Complete Woodstock 1969 recordings of John Sebastian

Steven Price

Published on Jul 21, 2015

Complete Woodstock 1969 recordings of John Sebastian

John Sebastian - Full Concert - 08/14/94 - Woodstock 94 (OFFICIAL)

Folk & Country on MV

Published on Nov 6, 2014

John Sebastian - Full Concert Recorded Live: 8/14/1994 - Woodstock 94 (Saugerties, NY)

John Sebastian, Maria Muldaur - Woodstock NY Library Fair July 23, 2016


Published on Jul 24, 2016


How Have You Been

Rainbows All Over Your Blues

I Had a Dream

Darlin’ Be Home Soon

Younger Generation

8/10 Donovan - Travelling Light (with John Sebastian and David Bromberg)

Veronica Aguilar

Published on Sep 29, 2010

Chicago Soundstage December 30, 1974

Keef Harley Band

The first British band to take the stage at Woodstock – and the first U.S. gig for the band – they played a hypnotic mix of jazz, blues and rock & roll.

Complete Woodstock 1969 recordings of the Keef Hartley Band

Steven Price

Published on Jul 21, 2015

Complete Woodstock 1969 recordings of the Keef Hartley Band


Spanish Fly

She’s Gone

Too Much Thinkin’

Believe in You

Rock Me Baby

Sinnin’ for You / Leaving Trunk / Just to Cry / Sinnin’ for You

The Incredible String Band

After refusing to perform in Friday night’s downpour, this psychedelic folk band from Edinburgh, Scotland offered a decidedly different sound for a day dominated by rock.

The Incredible String Band - The Letter - Woodstock


Published on Aug 31, 2010

Sometimes credited as Cathy's come, The Letter was the third song of their perfomance at Woodstock, on the 16th August 1969.



The Letter

Gather ‘Round

This Moment

Come with Me

When You Find Out Who You Are

Canned Heat

Canned Heat

Performing on September 7, 1979, at the Woodstock Reunion 1979,


Canned Heat is an American rock band that was formed in Los Angeles in 1965. The group has been noted for its interpretations of blues material and for its efforts to promote interest in this type of music and its original artists. It was launched by two blues enthusiasts, Alan Wilson and Bob Hite, who took the name from Tommy Johnson's 1928 "Canned Heat Blues", a song about an alcoholic who had desperately turned to drinking Sterno, generically called "canned heat" (from the original 1914 product name Sterno Canned Heat),[1] After appearances at the Monterey and Woodstockfestivals at the end of the 1960s, the band acquired worldwide fame with a lineup consisting of Hite (vocals), Wilson (guitar, harmonica and vocals), Henry Vestine and later Harvey Mandel (lead guitar), Larry Taylor (bass), and Adolfo de la Parra (drums).

The music and attitude of Canned Heat attracted a large following and established the band as one of the popular acts of the hippie era. Canned Heat appeared at most major musical events at the end of the 1960s, performing blues standards along with their own material and occasionally indulging in lengthy 'psychedelic' solos. Two of their songs – "Going Up the Country" and "On the Road Again" – became international hits. "Going Up the Country" was a remake of the Henry Thomas song "Bull Doze Blues", recorded in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1927. "On the Road Again" was a remake of the 1953 Floyd Jones song of the same name, which is reportedly based on the Tommy Johnson song "Big Road Blues", recorded in 1928.

Since the early 1970s, numerous personnel changes have occurred, although the current lineup includes all three surviving members of the classic lineup: de la Parra (who has remained in the band since first joining in 1967), Mandel, and Taylor. For much of the 1990s and 2000s, de la Parra was the only member from the band's 1960s lineup. He wrote a book about the band's career, titled Living the Blues.  Larry Taylor, whose presence in the band has not been steady, is the other surviving member from the earliest lineups. Mandel, Walter Trout and Junior Watson are among the guitarists who gained fame for playing in later editions of the band.

Woodstock 1969 Canned Heat Woodstock Boogie-

Part 1

Spaxz Man

Published on Nov 17, 2012

Canned Heat performing Woodstock Boogie at Woodstock. Part 1 of 2.

Woodstock 1969 Canned Heat Woodstock Boogie -Part 2

Spaxz Man

Published on Dec 27, 2012

Canned Heat playing part 2 of Woodstock Boogie.

Arriving by helicopter and taking the stage as the sun began to set, Canned Heat brought their blues rock to the crowd, with their performance of Going Up The Country becoming central to the Woodstock documentary.


I’m Her Man

Going Up the Country

A Change Is Gonna Come / Leaving This Town

Too Many Drivers at the Wheel

I Know My Baby

Woodstock Boogie


Complete Woodstock 1969 recording of Mountain

Steven Price

Published on Aug 4, 2015

Complete Woodstock 1969 recording of Mountain

Things got even heavier as Leslie West led his band Mountain through an 11 song blues rock set. Only their 4th live gig, the band poured on the power that would become their trademark.


Blood of the Sun

Stormy Monday

Theme for an Imaginary Western

Long Red

For Yasgur’s Farm (song was untitled at the time)

Beside the Sea

Waiting to Take You Away

Dreams of Milk and Honey / Guitar Solo

Blind Man

Dirty Shoes Blues

Grateful Dead

Bringing their Haight Ashbury vibe with them, the Dead jammed until midnight. Hampered by electrical issues on the flooded stage,

they ended it all with an almost everlasting take on Turn On Your Lovelight.

Grateful Dead - VIDEO - Woodstock Festival - 8-16-69



Published on Feb 25, 2012

Grateful Dead at Woodstock on 8/16/1969.


St. Stephen

Mama Tried

Dark Star

High Time

Turn On Your Lovelight

Creedence Clearwater Revival

Creedence Clearwater Revival’s set, featuring John Fogerty, was one of the true highlights of the festival. Though they started late in the night the way they played their already wildly popular songs demonstrated a band that was at the top of their game.

Creedence Clearwater Revival Live at Woodstock 1969 FULL


Published on Sep 15, 2017

www.wikihits.com.ar y en la app de Google Play


Born on the Bayou

Green River

Ninety-Nine and a Half (Won’t Do)



Bad Moon Rising

Proud Mary

I Put a Spell on You

The Night Time Is the Right Time

Keep on Chooglin’

Creedence Clearwater Revival

Creedence Clearwater Revival (often referred to as Creedence or CCR) was an American rock band active in the late 1960s and early 1970s which consisted of lead vocalist, lead guitarist, and primary songwriter John Fogerty; his brother rhythm guitarist Tom Fogerty; bassist Stu Cook; and drummer Doug Clifford. These members had played together since 1959, first as The Blue Velvets and later as The Golliwogs.[1] Their musical style encompassed roots rockswamp rock, and blues rock. They played in a Southern rock style, despite their San Francisco Bay Area origin, with lyrics about bayous, catfish, the Mississippi River, and other popular elements of Southern United States iconography, as well as political and socially conscious lyrics about topics including the Vietnam War. The band performed at the 1969 Woodstock Festival in Upstate New York.

The group disbanded acrimoniously in late 1972 after four years of chart-topping success. Tom Fogerty had officially left the previous year, and John was at odds with the remaining members over matters of business and artistic control, all of which resulted in subsequent lawsuits among the former bandmates. Fogerty's ongoing disagreements with Fantasy Records owner Saul Zaentz created further protracted court battles, and John Fogerty refused to perform with the two other surviving members at CCR's 1993 induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Creedence Clearwater Revival's music is still a staple of US radio airplay;  the band has sold 28 million records in the United States alone. Rolling Stone ranked them 82nd on its 100 Greatest Artists of All Time.

The Blue Velvets/the Golliwogs: 1959–1967

John Fogerty, Doug Clifford, and Stu Cook met at Portola Junior High School in El Cerrito, California. Calling themselves The Blue Velvets, the trio began playing instrumentals and "juke box standards", as well as backing Fogerty's older brother Tom at live gigs and in the recording studio. Tom soon joined the band, and in 1964 they signed with Fantasy Records, an independent jazz label in San Francisco that had released Cast Your Fate To The Wind, a national hit for jazz pianist Vince Guaraldi. The record's success was the subject of a National Educational Televisionspecial, which prompted budding songwriter John Fogerty to contact the label. For the band's first release, Fantasy co-owner Max Weiss renamed the group the Golliwogs (after the children's literary character, Golliwogg).

Bandmembers' roles and the instruments they played changed during this period. Stu Cook switched from piano to bass guitar and Tom Fogerty from lead vocals to rhythm guitar; John became the band's lead vocalist and primary songwriter. In Tom Fogerty's words: "I could sing, but John had a sound!"

Early success: 1967–1968

In 1966, the group suffered a setback when John Fogerty and Doug Clifford received draft notices and chose to enlist in the military instead to avoid conscription. Fogerty joined the Army Reservewhile Clifford joined the Coast Guard Reserve.

In 1967, Saul Zaentz bought Fantasy Records and offered the band a chance to record a full-length album on the condition that they change their name. He had never liked "the Golliwogs", in part because of the racial charge of the name, and the four readily agreed. Zaentz and the band agreed to come up with 10 suggestions each, but he enthusiastically agreed to their very first: Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR), which they took in January 1968. According to interviews with band members 20 years later, the name's elements came from three sources:

Tom Fogerty's friend Credence Newball, whose name they changed to form the word Creedence (as in creed)

a television commercial for Olympia Brewing Company ("clear water")

the four members' renewed commitment to their band

Rejected contenders for the band's name included Muddy Rabbit, Gossamer Wump, and Creedence Nuball and the Ruby, but the last was the start that led to their finalized name. Cook described the name as "weirder than Buffalo Springfield or Jefferson Airplane."[15]

By 1968, Fogerty and Clifford had been discharged from military service, and all four members had quit their jobs to begin an intense schedule of rehearsing and playing full-time at clubs.[citation needed] AM radio programmers around the US took note when their cover of the 1956 rockabilly song[14] "Susie Q" received substantial airplay in the San Francisco Bay Area and on Chicago's WLS.  It was the band's second single, its first to reach the Top 40 (No. 11), and its only Top 40 hit not written by John Fogerty. Two other singles were released from the debut: a cover of Screamin' Jay Hawkins's "I Put A Spell On You" (No. 58) and "Porterville" (released on the Scorpio label with writing credited to "T. Spicebush Swallowtail"), written during Fogerty's time in the Army Reserve.

Peak success: 1969–1970

After their breakthrough, CCR began touring and started work on their second album, Bayou Country (1969), at RCA Studios in Los Angeles. A No. 7 platinum hit, the record was their first in a string of hit albums and singles that continued uninterrupted for three years. The single "Proud Mary", backed with "Born on the Bayou", reached No. 2 on the national Billboard chart. The former would eventually become the group's most-covered song, with some 100 versions by other artists to date, including the #4 1971 hit by Ike & Tina Turner, two years to the week after the CCR version peaked. John Fogerty cites this song as being the result of high spirits on gaining his discharge from the Army Reserve.  The album also featured a remake of the rock & roll classic "Good Golly, Miss Molly"[14] and the band's nine-minute live-show closer, "Keep On Chooglin'".

Weeks later, during March 1969, "Bad Moon Rising" backed with "Lodi" was released and peaked at No. 2. In the United Kingdom, "Bad Moon Rising" spent three weeks at number one on the UK Singles Chart during September and October 1969, becoming the band's only number one single in the UK.  The band's third album, Green River, followed in August 1969 and went gold along with the single "Green River", which again reached No. 2 on the Billboard charts. The B-side of "Green River", "Commotion", peaked at No. 30 and the band's emphasis on remakes of their old favorites continued with "Night Time Is the Right Time".

CCR continued to tour incessantly with performances in July 1969 at the Atlanta Pop Festival and in August 1969 at the Woodstock Festival. Their set was not included in the Woodstock film or soundtrack because John Fogerty felt the band's performance was subpar. Four tracks from the event (out of a total of eleven) were eventually included in the 1994 commemorative box set Woodstock: Three Days of Peace and Music. Stu Cook, however, held an opposing view, saying "The performances are classic CCR and I'm still amazed by the number of people who don't even know we were one of the headliners at Woodstock '69." John Fogerty later complained the previous band, the Grateful Dead, put the audience to sleep; as John scanned the audience he saw a "Dante scene, just bodies from hell, all intertwined and asleep, covered with mud."

After Woodstock, CCR was busy honing material for a fourth album, Willy and the Poor Boys, released in November 1969. "Down on the Corner" and "Fortunate Son" climbed to No. 3 and No. 14, respectively, by year's end. The album was CCR in its standard form, featuring Fogerty originals and two reworked Lead Belly covers, "Cotton Fields" and "Midnight Special". Both of those songs had also been performed by actor Harry Dean Stanton in the movie Cool Hand Luke.

The year 1969 had been a remarkable chart year for the band: three Top Ten albums, four hit singles (charting at No. 2, No. 2, No. 2, and No. 3) with three additional charting B-sides. On November 16, 1969, they performed "Fortunate Son" and "Down on the Corner" on The Ed Sullivan Show.

CCR released another two-sided hit, "Travelin' Band"/"Who'll Stop the Rain" in January 1970. Except for Elvis PresleyRicky NelsonThe Everly Brothers, and The Beatles, Creedence had more success with two-sided hit singles than any band up to that point. John Fogerty has said that the flip side was inspired by the band's experience at Woodstock.[citation needed] The speedy "Travelin' Band", with a strong Little Richard sound, however, bore enough similarities to "Good Golly, Miss Molly" to warrant a lawsuit by the song's publisher; it was eventually settled out of court. The song ultimately topped out at No. 2. The band also recorded its January 31, 1970, live performance at the Oakland Coliseum Arena, which would later be marketed as a live album and television special. In February, CCR was featured on the cover of Rolling Stone, although only John Fogerty was interviewed in the accompanying article. 

In April 1970, CCR was set to begin its first European tour. To support the upcoming live dates, Fogerty wrote "Up Around the Bend" and "Run Through the Jungle"; the single reached No. 4 that spring. The band returned to Wally Heider's San Francisco studio in June to record Cosmo's Factory. The title was an in-joke about their various rehearsal facilities and factory work ethic over the years. (Drummer Doug Clifford's longtime nickname is "Cosmo", due to his keen interest in nature and all things cosmic.) The album contained the earlier Top 10 hits "Travelin' Band" and "Up Around the Bend" plus popular album tracks such as the opener "Ramble Tamble".

Cosmo's Factory was released in July 1970, along with the band's fifth and final No. 2 national hit, "Lookin' Out My Back Door"/"Long as I Can See the Light". Although they topped some international charts and local radio countdowns, CCR has the odd distinction of having five No. 2 singles, without ever having had a No. 1, on the Hot 100, the most of any group. Their five No. 2 singles were exceeded only by Elvis Presley and Madonna with six each and tied with The Carpenters. Curiously, on WLS, the band had three No. 1's, four No. 3's, and two No. 4's, but no No. 2 singles, with "Down on the Corner" the only top ten CCR single registering the same peak position (No. 3) on the Hot 100 and on WLS.

Other cuts on the Cosmo's Factory album included an eleven-minute jam of the 1968 Marvin Gaye "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" (a minor hit when an edited version was released as a single in 1976), and a nearly note-for-note homage to Roy Orbison's "Ooby Dooby". The album was CCR's best seller and went to No. 1 on the Billboard 200 album charts and No. 11 on Billboard's Soul Albums chart.

Suzy Q

The WhoScheduled to play Saturday, The Who took the stage at 5 am on Sunday. They played their rock opera Tommy, reaching an awe-inspiring moment as the sun rose during their performance of See Me, Feel Me.


Heaven and Hell

I Can’t Explain

It’s a Boy


Amazing Journey


Eyesight to the Blind (The Hawker)


Acid Queen

Pinball Wizard

The Abbie Hoffman Incident

Do You Think It’s Alright?

Fiddle About

There’s a Doctor

Go to the Mirror

Smash the Mirror

I’m Free

Tommy’s Holiday Camp

We’re Not Gonna Take It

See Me, Feel Me

Summertime Blues

Shakin’ All Over

My Generation

Naked Eye

Jefferson Airplane

One of the pioneering bands of psychedelic rock, Grace Slick and her bandmates performed in what she characterized as the “morning maniac music” slot, riffing through iconic songs like Somebody To Love and White Rabbit.

Jefferson Airplane -Somebody to love , White rabbit (live at Woodstock)



Published on Jul 31, 2009

Jefferson Airplane's diamonds performed at Woodstock, on 17th August 1969 . "Somebody to Love", written by Darby Slick and "White rabbit", written by Grace Slick. It was back in the year 2008. I had just started listening to Jefferson Airplane. I had looked them up due to a reference John Densmore does in his book "Riders on the storm" to the song "White rabbit"; I was very impressed by the lyrics and...well, the rest is history I guess :) Searching through youtube, I found this very video that I have posted here. Sadly, it was taken down shortly after that, probably due to copyright issues and shit. So, I decided to upload it and make it available for everyone again. Jefferson Airplane's performance of these two songs is included in a film called "Woodstock:The Director's Cut" by Michael Wadleigh. "Good mornin',people!" Really digging: Jack's outfit and groovy headbanging, Spencer's hat and badass drumming, Marty's voice, sideburns and tambourine, Jorma's playing and crazy hair, Paul's headband and vocals (well on other songs :p) and Grace's eyes, barefootness (lol) and of course her unbelievably amazing voice. Love Jefferson Airplane's spirit. Go ride the music people and enjoy! Edit: I have posted the lyrics in the subtitles area. I think it's helpful! Enjoy everyone!

Jefferson Airplane - Somebody To Love (Live at Woodstock Music & Art Fair, 1969)




Published on Sep 17, 2011

Jefferson Airplane performing "Somebody To Love" at the most famous music festival "Woodstock" in 1969.


The Other Side of This Life

Somebody to Love

3/5 of a Mile in 10 Seconds

Won’t You Try / Saturday Afternoon

Eskimo Blue Day

Plastic Fantastic Lover

Wooden Ships

Uncle Sam Blues


The Ballad of You & Me & Pooneil

Come Back Baby

White Rabbit

The House at Pooneil Corners

Joe Cocker

Cocker’s performance was a triumphal success. Especially well received was his cover of the Beatles’ With a Little Help from My Friends.

Shortly after Cocker’s gig a heavy thunderstorm washed over the festival, bringing everything to a stop for several hours. He was heard to say “Did I do that?”

Joe Cocker With A Little Help From My Friends 1969 in Woodstock

Axel Dittrich

Published on Feb 12, 2015

Joe Cocker - Something's Coming On (Live at Woodstock 1969)


Published on Dec 31, 2009

It's amazing! From "Woodstock. Untold Stories" DVD

John (Joe) Robert Cocker OBE (20 May 1944 – 22 December 2014), better known as Joe Cocker, was an English singer.

He was known for his gritty voice, spasmodic body movement in performance, and distinctive versions of popular songs of varying genres.

Cocker's recording of the Beatles' "With a Little Help from My Friends" reached number one in the UK in 1968.

He performed the song live at Woodstock in 1969 and performed the same year at the Isle of Wight Festival, and at the Party at the Palace concert in 2002 for the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.

His version also became the theme song for the TV series The Wonder Years.

His 1974 cover of "You Are So Beautiful" reached number five in the US. Cocker was the recipient of several awards, including a 1983 Grammy Award for his US number one "Up Where We Belong", a duet with Jennifer Warnes.

In 1993, Cocker was nominated for the Brit Award for Best British Male, in 2007 was awarded a bronze Sheffield Legends plaque in his hometown and in 2008 he received an OBE at Buckingham Palace for services to music. Cocker was ranked number 97 on Rolling Stone's 100 greatest singers list.

Cocker's main musical influences growing up were Ray Charles and Lonnie Donegan. Cocker's first experience singing in public was at age 12 when his elder brother Victor invited him on stage to sing during a gig of his skiffle group. In 1960, along with three friends, Cocker formed his first group, the Cavaliers. For the group's first performance at a youth club, they were required to pay the price of admission before entering. The Cavaliers eventually broke up after a year and Cocker left school to become an apprentice gasfitter working for the East Midlands Gas Board, later British Gas, while simultaneously pursuing a career in music.

In 1961, under the stage name Vance Arnold, Cocker continued his career with a new group, Vance Arnold and the Avengers.The name was a combination of Vince Everett, Elvis Presley's character in Jailhouse Rock(which Cocker misheard as Vance), and country singer Eddy Arnold.The group mostly played in the pubs of Sheffield, performing covers of Chuck Berry and Ray Charles songs. Cocker developed an interest in blues music and sought out recordings by John Lee HookerMuddy WatersLightnin' Hopkins and Howlin' Wolf. In 1963, they booked their first significant gig when they supported the Rolling Stones at Sheffield City Hall.

In 1964, Cocker signed a recording contract as a solo act with Decca and released his first single, a cover of the Beatles' "I'll Cry Instead" (with Big Jim Sullivan and Jimmy Page playing guitars). Despite extensive promotion from Decca lauding his youth and working-class roots, the record was a flop and his recording contract with Decca lapsed at the end of 1964.[14] After Cocker recorded the single, he dropped his stage name and formed a new group, Joe Cocker's Blues Band. There is only one known recording of Joe Cocker's Blues Band on an EP given out by The Sheffield College during Rag Week and called Rag Goes Mad at the Mojo.

Cocker was not related to fellow Sheffield-born musician Jarvis Cocker, despite a rumour to this effect (particularly in Australia, where Jarvis Cocker's father, radio presenter Mac Cocker, allowed listeners to believe that he was Cocker's brother), although Joe was a friend of the family and even did some babysitting for Jarvis when he was an infant.

In 1966, after a year-long hiatus from music, Cocker teamed up with Chris Stainton, whom he had met several years before, to form the Grease Band. The Grease Band was named after Cocker read an interview with jazz keyboardist Jimmy Smith, where Smith positively described another musician as "having a lot of grease." Like the Avengers, Cocker's group mostly played in pubs in and around Sheffield. The Grease Band came to the attention of Denny Cordell, the producer of Procol Harumthe Moody Blues and Georgie Fame. Cocker recorded the single "Marjorine" without the Grease Band for Cordell in a London studio. He then moved to London with Chris Stainton, and the Grease Band was dissolved. Cordell set Cocker up with a residency at the Marquee Club in London, and a "new" Grease Band was formed with Stainton and keyboardist Tommy Eyre.

After minor success in the United States with the single "Marjorine", Cocker found commercial success with a rearrangement of "With a Little Help from My Friends," another Beatles cover, which, many years later, was used as the opening theme for The Wonder Years. The recording features lead guitar from Jimmy Page, drumming by B. J. Wilson, backing vocals from Sue and Sunny, and Tommy Eyre on organ. The single made the Top Ten on the UK Singles Chart, remaining there for thirteen weeks and eventually reaching number one, on 9 November 1968. It also reached number 68 on the US charts.[18] Upon hearing about Cocker's death in 2014, Paul McCartney said the following about Cocker's version of the Beatles 1967 song:#

He was a lovely northern lad who I loved a lot and, like many people, I loved his singing. I was especially pleased when he decided to cover "With a Little Help from My Friends" and I remember him and (producer) Denny Cordell coming round to the studio in Savile Row (central London) and playing me what they'd recorded and it was just mind-blowing, totally turned the song into a soul anthem and I was forever grateful to him for doing that.

The new touring line-up of Cocker's Grease Band featured Henry McCullough on lead guitar, who would go on to briefly play with McCartney's Wings. After touring the UK with the Who in autumn 1968 and Gene Pitneyand Marmalade in early winter 1969, the Grease Band embarked on their first tour of the United States in spring 1969. Cocker's album With a Little Help from My Friends was released soon after their arrival and made number 35 on the American charts, eventually going gold.

After minor success in the United States with the single "Marjorine", Cocker found commercial success with a rearrangement of "With a Little Help from My Friends," another Beatles cover, which, many years later, was used as the opening theme for The Wonder Years. The recording features lead guitar from Jimmy Page, drumming by B. J. Wilson, backing vocals from Sue and Sunny, and Tommy Eyre on organ. The single made the Top Ten on the UK Singles Chart, remaining there for thirteen weeks and eventually reaching number one, on 9 November 1968. It also reached number 68 on the US charts. Upon hearing about Cocker's death in 2014, Paul McCartney said the following about Cocker's version of the Beatles 1967 song:

He was a lovely northern lad who I loved a lot and, like many people, I loved his singing. I was especially pleased when he decided to cover "With a Little Help from My Friends" and I remember him and (producer) Denny Cordell coming round to the studio in Savile Row (central London) and playing me what they'd recorded and it was just mind-blowing, totally turned the song into a soul anthem and I was forever grateful to him for doing that.

The new touring line-up of Cocker's Grease Band featured Henry McCullough on lead guitar, who would go on to briefly play with McCartney's Wings. After touring the UK with the Who in autumn 1968and Gene Pitneyand Marmalade in early winter 1969, the Grease Band embarked on their first tour of the United States in spring 1969. Cocker's album With a Little Help from My Friends was released soon after their arrival and made number 35 on the American charts, eventually going gold.

During his United States tour, Cocker played at several large festivals, including the Newport Rock Festival and the Denver Pop Festival. In August, Denny Cordell heard about the planned concert in Woodstock, New York and convinced organiser Artie Kornfeld to book Cocker and the Grease Band for the Woodstock Festival. The group had to be flown into the festival by helicopter due to the large crowds. They performed several songs, including "Feelin' Alright?," "Something's Comin' On," "Let's Go Get Stoned," "I Shall Be Released" and "With a Little Help from My Friends." Cocker would later say that the experience was "like an eclipse ... it was a very special day."[22]

Directly after Woodstock, Cocker released his second album, Joe Cocker! Impressed by his cover of "With a Little Help from My Friends," Paul McCartney and George Harrison allowed Cocker to use their songs "She Came In Through the Bathroom Window" and "Something" for the album.[23] Recorded during a break in touring in the spring and summer, the album reached number 11 on the US charts and garnered a second UK hit with the Leon Russell song, "Delta Lady".

In August 1969, Cocker performed at the Isle of Wight Festival at Wootton BridgeIsle of Wight, England.[24] Throughout 1969 he was featured on variety TV shows like The Ed Sullivan Show and This Is Tom Jones. Onstage, he exhibited an idiosyncratic physical intensity, flailing his arms and playing air guitar. At the end of the year Cocker was unwilling to embark on another US tour, so he dissolved the Grease Band.

Despite Cocker's reluctance to venture out on the road again, an American tour had already been booked so he had to quickly form a new band in order to fulfill his contractual obligations. It proved to be a large group of more than 20 musicians, including pianist and bandleader Leon Russell, three drummers – Jim GordonJim Keltner, and Chuck Blackwell, and backing vocalists Rita Coolidge and Claudia Lennear. Denny Cordell christened the new band "Mad Dogs & Englishmen," after the Noël Coward song of the same name. Cocker's music evolved into a more bluesy type of rock, compared to that of the Rolling Stones.[25]

During the ensuing Mad Dogs & Englishmen tour (later described by drummer Jim Keltner as "a big, wild party"),[26] Cocker toured 48 cities, recorded a live album, and received very positive reviews from Time and Life for his performances. However, the pace of the tour was exhausting. Russell and Cocker had personal problems; Cocker became depressed and began drinking excessively as the tour wound down in May 1970. Meanwhile, he enjoyed several chart entries in the United States with "Feelin' Alright" by Traffic and "Cry Me a River."

His cover of the Box Tops' hit "The Letter", which appeared on the live album and film, Mad Dogs & Englishmen, became his first US Top Ten hit. After spending several months in Los Angeles, Cocker returned home to Sheffield where his family became increasingly concerned with his deteriorating physical and mental health. During this time, in periods between work, Cocker wrote the overture played by the UK Prime Minister Edward Heath on the occasion the Prime Minister famously conducted a live orchestra while in office.[27] In the summer of 1971, A&M Records released the single "High Time We Went." This became a hit, reaching number 22 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart, but was not issued on an album until November 1972 on the Joe Cocker album.


Who Knows What Tomorrow May Bring (without Joe Cocker)

40,000 Headmen (without Joe Cocker)

Dear Landlord

Something’s Coming On

Do I Still Figure in Your Life

Feelin’ Alright

Just Like a Woman

Let’s Go Get Stoned

I Don’t Need No Doctor

I Shall Be Released

Hitchcock Railway

Something to Say

With a Little Help from My Friends


Country Joe and The Fish

The full band took the stage around 6:30 pm, rolling through a 14-song set that included powerful protests of the Vietnam War, including their infamous Fish Cheer.

Country Joe & The Fish Live @ Woodstock 1969 Fish Cheer_I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixing-To-Die-Rag.mpg


Published on Jul 9, 2010

Country Joe & The Fish Live @ Woodstock 1969 Fish Cheer_I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixing-To-Die-Rag


Rock & Soul Music

(Thing Called) Love

Not So Sweet Martha Lorraine

Sing, Sing, Sing

Summer Dresses

Friend, Lover, Woman, Wife

Silver and Gold


The Love Machine

Ever Since You Told Me That You Love Me (I’m a Nut)

Short Jam (instrumental)

Crystal Blues

Rock & Soul Music (Reprise)

“Fish” Cheer > I-Feel-Like-I’m-Fixin’-To-Die Rag


Janis Joplin

Arriving by helicopter on Saturday, Joplin’s set began at 2 am, and featured powerful takes on many of her standards, with the crowd enthusiastically demanding an encore –

the fiery closing number Ball and Chain.


Raise Your Hand

As Good as You’ve Been to This World

To Love Somebody


Try (Just a Little Bit Harder)

Kozmic Blues

Can’t Turn You Loose

Work Me, Lord

Piece of My Heart

Woodstock - 16/08/1969 - Janis Joplin



Glauco Corral

Janis Joplin no festival de Woodstock, o melhor de todos os tempos!!

Janis Joplin - Piece of My Heart [live Woodstock]

Sâmia Alencar

Published on Nov 1, 2008

Janis Joplin - Piece of My Heart [live Woodstock]


Sâmia Alencar

Published on Nov 1, 2008

JANIS JOPLIN try woodstock


Published on Nov 17, 2011


Joplin performing in 1969

Janis Joplin

Janis Lyn Joplin 

Janis Lyn Joplin (January 19, 1943 – October 4, 1970) was an American rock, soul, and blues singer-songwriter, and one of the most successful and widely known female rock stars of her era.[1][2][3] After releasing three albums, she died of a heroin overdose at the age of 27. A fourth album, Pearl, was released in January 1971, just over three months after her death. It reached number one on the Billboard charts.

In 1967, Joplin rose to fame following an appearance at Monterey Pop Festival, where she was the lead singer of the then little-known San Francisco psychedelic rock band Big Brother and the Holding Company.[4][5][6] After releasing two albums with the band, she left Big Brother to continue as a solo artist with her own backing groups, first the Kozmic Blues Band and then the Full Tilt Boogie Band. She appeared at the Woodstock festival and the Festival Express train tour. Five singles by Joplin reached the Billboard Hot 100, including a cover of the Kris Kristofferson song "Me and Bobby McGee", which reached number 1 in March 1971.[7] Her most popular songs include her cover versions of "Piece of My Heart", "Cry Baby", "Down on Me", "Ball and Chain", and "Summertime"; and her original song "Mercedes Benz", her final recording.[8][9]

Joplin, a mezzo-soprano[10] highly respected for her charismatic performing ability, was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1995. Audiences and critics alike referred to her stage presence as "electric". Rolling Stone ranked Joplin number 46 on its 2004 list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time[11] and number 28 on its 2008 list of 100 Greatest Singers of All Time. She remains one of the top-selling musicians in the United States, with Recording Industry Association of America certifications of 15.5 million albums sold.[12]

Early life

1943–1961: Early years

Joplin photographed by Jim Marshall in 1969,[29] one year before her death

Janis Joplin performing at the Newport Folk Festival in Rhode Island in July 1968[

Joplin in 1970

Joplin performs with Tom Jones on his television show in late 1969

Joplin (seated) with Big Brother and the Holding Company, c. 1966–1967photograph Bob Seidemann

Joplin in 1960 as a graduating senior in high school

anis Lyn Joplin was born in Port Arthur, Texas, on January 19, 1943, to Dorothy Bonita East (1913–1998), a registrar at a business college, and her husband, Seth Ward Joplin (1910–1987), an engineer at Texaco. She had two younger siblings, Michael and Laura. The family belonged to the Churches of Christ denomination.

Her parents felt that Janis needed more attention than their other children. As a teenager, Joplin befriended a group of outcasts, one of whom had albums by blues artists Bessie SmithMa Rainey, and Lead Belly, whom Joplin later credited with influencing her decision to become a singer. She began singing blues and folk music with friends at Thomas Jefferson High School.[17][18][19][20] Former Oklahoma State University and Dallas Cowboys Head Coach, Jimmy Johnson, was a high school classmate of Joplin.

Joplin stated that she was ostracized and bullied in high school. As a teen, she became overweight and suffered from acne, leaving her with deep scars that required dermabrasion