Submissions to Morgan J for 13th
April 2011 for application in HC11C00580
Fax To: Court 19 Royal Court of
Justice Chancery Division, the Stand London,
Heather Watson Asssociate of Morgan
J for urgent attention of Morgan J
Tel: +44 (0) 2079476419 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0) 2079476419 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Fax: +44 (0)
207 947 6062
TO: "J Kandler"
"Hibbert, Nick"
"Sophie Ruffles" <>, "Jonathan
Kandler" <>, "Simon Jackson"
<>, "Mooney, Eamon"
<>Mendy Bude <>, JKandler
<>, Tony Nurse-Marsh <>,,,,
Re: HC11C00580 and HC06C02639 in the
High Court of Justice Chancery Division
Parties: Janice Vivien Pritchard and
Nathan Tietelbaum, Fineland
Investments Limited, Fineland Properties Limited, Nothern Holdings Limited
Ingram Winter Green Solicitors, Bude Nathan Iwanier Solicitors, Denniss
Matthews Solicitors
Submissions to Morgan J for 13th
April 2011 for application in HC11C00580
12th April, 2011
Geraldine Paletz
Daniel J. Ginsbury Partner Ingram
Winter Green Solicitor
Ingram Winter Green Solicitors, Solicitor
Sophie Ruffles, Solicitor Tony Marsh Nurse, Barlow Lyde Gilbert Solicitors
Solicitor Jonathan Barry
Kandler, Bude-Nathan-Iwanier Solicitors,
Solicitor Geraldine Paletz, Daniel
J. Ginsbury Partner Ingram Winter Green Solicitor,Ingram Winter Green Solicitors,
Denniss Matthews Solicitors, Solicitor Sophie Ruffles, Solicitor Tony Marsh
Nurse, Barlow Lyde Gilbert Solicitors, Solicitor Simon Jackson, Finburn LLP
Solicitors, Solicitor Nick Hibbert, Kennedys Solicitors, Nathan Tietelbaum,
Solicitor Nigel Matthews of Denniss Matthews Solicitors, Barrister Clair-Marie
Bleasedale of Radcliff Chambers
Bude Nathan Iwanier Solicitors
1-2 Temple Fortune Parade, Bridge Lane, London NW11 0QN
Tel: +44 (20) 8458 5656 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (20) 8458 5656 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, Fax:
+44 (20) 8458 5065, DX: 92006 Temple Fortune SRA no 70758
Partners – N N Iwanier, A E Bude V
Sophie Ruffles, Tony Marsh Nurse, Barlow Lyde Gilbert Solicitors
Tel: +44 (0) 207 643 8407 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0) 207 643 8407 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, Fax:
+44 (0) 207 071 9258
It looks clear that the warrant of
execution which was used to evict and lock Janice Vivien Pritchard, Robert
Carter and John Carew-Reid from the property known as 1 Garratt Close,
Beddington, Surrey, London Borough of Sutton fraudulently, wrongly, immorally and
unjustly in complete disregard for natural and human justice in clear bread of
normal guidelines and acceptable standards used in balliff evictions of
residential properties, is a completely fraudulent documents and fraudulently
has the words “County Court Claim” typed on it. The action HC06C02639 to do
with being a county court action and was never heard in the county court. This
action has always been High Court of Justice Chancery Division and the orders
made were in the High Court of Justice Chancery Division. This was obviously
organised by Jonathan Barry Kandler of Bude Nathan Iwanier Solicitors, Ingram
Winter Green Solicitors, Solicitor Geraldine Paletz, Daniel J. Ginsbury Partner
Ingram Winter Green Solicitor, Ingram Winter Green Solicitors, Denniss Matthews
Solicitors, Solicitor Sophie Ruffles, Solicitor Tony Marsh Nurse, Barlow Lyde
Gilbert Solicitors, Solicitor Simon Jackson, Finburn LLP Solicitors, Solicitor
Nick Hibbert, Kennedys Solicitors, Nathan Tietelbaum, Solicitor Nigel Matthews
of Denniss Matthews Solicitors, Barrister Clair-Marie Bleasedale of Radcliff
Chambers and Claire Louise Sandbrook, The Sheriff’s Lodgement Centre a Division
of Sherwins Solicitors of 3-4 Freeport Office Village, Century Drive,
Braintree, Essex UK CM 77 8YG (SLC Ref
235977) as agents for Bude Nathan Iwanier on behalf of their clients Nathan
Tietelbaum and his companies Fineland Investments Limited, Fineland Properties
Limited and Northern Holdings Limited,
did this as a deliberate attempt to
pervert the course of justice, conspiracy to defraud, by the aforementioned.
This was done by the aforementioned as a deliberate and fraudulent attempt to
bypass orders 45 and 46 of the Supreme Court Rules which state, “ notice of the
application must be given to the tenant &… leave to issue the writ of
execution should not be given without the tenant having the opportunity to be
Also Barrister Marie-Clair Bleasedale
of Radcliff Chambers has admitted to Morgan J that Fineland Investments Limited
claim to the property known as 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton
ranks second to John Carew-Reid’s claim to ownership of the property who has
lodged a transfer signed by Janice Vivien Pritchard with HM Land Registry prior
to any other lodgments pursuant to a contract agreement dated 4th
June, 2004. On this point alone the orders made by Acting Judge Alison Foster
QC on the 31st March 2011 in HC06C02639 should be immediately set
aside and then the warrant of execution dated the 30th March 2011
will have to be set aside and peaceful possession be granted to Janice Vivien
Pritchard, Robert Carter and John Carew-Reid of the property known as 1 Garratt
Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton.
Thus as John Carew-Reid has priority
claim to the property known as 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton and
John Carew-Reid had appointed Janice Vivien Pritchard and Robert Carter life
time caretakers for the property and Robert Carter beneficial owner of the
property then this is another clear reason why the eviction and locking out of
Janice Vivien Pritchard and Robert Carter and John Carew-Reid from 1 Garratt
Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton was illegal, wrongful and immoral and that an
Morgan J has no choice but to make orders reinstating Janice Vivien Pritchard
and Robert Carter and John Carew-Reid in possession of the property 1 Garratt
Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton and grant peaceful possession of 1 Garratt
Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton.
It is also noted that before Morgan
J makes any formal court orders regarding the application by Janice Vivien
Pritchard, Robert Carter and John Carew-Reid for peaceful possession of 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton,
he must place the following on the witness stand for cross examination
regarding their full knowledge of who prepared the fraudulent writ of
possession dated 30th March, 2011 in HC06C02639, and who typed the
worlds, “ County Court” on this document, who presented for stamping at the
High Court, who actually stamped the document with the High Court Seal on the
30th March, 2011, what room in the High Court was the High Court
Seal paced on the document, who and how was the document used to evict and lock out Janice Vivien
Pritchard, Robert Carter and John Carew-Reid from their home at 1 Garratt
Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton on the 1st April, 2011:
Jonathan Barry Kandler
Nathan Tietelbaun
Daniel J. Ginsbury Partner Ingram
Winter Green Solicitor
Clare Louise Sandbook of
Sherforce_Sherwins Solicitors
Mr Bushnell of Sherforce_Sherwins
The so called Mortgage Document that
Solicitor Jonathan Barry Kandler, Bude-Nathan-Iwanier Solicitors,
Solicitor Geraldine Paletz, Daniel
J. Ginsbury Partner Ingram Winter Green Solicitor, Ingram Winter Green
Solicitors, Denniss Matthews Solicitors, Solicitor Sophie Ruffles, Solicitor
Tony Marsh Nurse, Barlow Lyde Gilbert Solicitors, Solicitor Simon Jackson,
Finburn LLP Solicitors, Solicitor Nick Hibbert, Kennedys Solicitors, Nathan
Tietelbaum, Solicitor Nigel Matthews of Denniss Matthews Solicitors, Barrister
Clair-Marie Bleasedale of Radcliff Chambers have all being fraudulently and
false saying to the court over the last few years in favour of Heritable Bank
dated 9th August 2004, but signed 6th August 2004 could never in any stretch of
the imagination could be considered a valid mortgage deed. The fact that this
is the only document in existence that the aforementioned solicitors and
barristers says is evidence that Janice Vivien Pritchard had a signed
registered, real mortgage of 126,000 pounds sterling with Heritable Bank, is a
complete disgrace and one of the biggest legal fraud on a court and Janice
Pritchard, Robert Carter and others in modern English Legal History. Please see
some of the reasons why above.
We note that you have communicated
with Jonathan Barry Kandler to request a copy to be emailed to us being what
you all purport to be a signed mortgage for a 126,000 loan from Heritable Bank
to Janice Vivien Pritchard secured against 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey
CRO 4PW the title number
Please note the following:
1. This purported mortgage document
could only have been signed by a person with have a name of Janice Pritchard
and purportedly dated 9th August, 2004
2. This is not signed by heritable
3. This was not signed on the 9th
August, 2004
4. This does not have a title number
and without a title number no bank can register a mortgage
5. This does not have an amount of
money borrowed
6. This was not in the bundle of
papers presented to the court in 11th and 12th October 2010 hearing in front to
Foster J. The solicitors and barristers involved presented an unsigned copy ot
the judge in the bundle of papers, because if the judge saw the signed one, the
judge would have picked all the holes in it and declare it a document that had
no legal effect.
7. This was never registered
8. The Heritable bank never lent any
money pursuant to this purported mortgage charge and never was a part to it and
never knew anything about it's existence
9. the funds 126,000 pounds that
were paid to the Sutton borrow cams form overseas to Fineland Investments
Limited 800,000 pounds, to Fineland's bank account with the Royal Bank of
Scotland, then to Ingram Winter Green's account with Barclays, then to
Denniss Matthews Account then to the Borough of Sutton, this Heritable bank was
used as a falsified image that they lent these funds but in reality there was
never any money coming from Heritable Bank for the purchase of 1 Garratt Close
10. One can sign a legally valid
mortgage with a bank until the bank has accessed and approved the loan. there
is always a paper trail in existence to show an application form signed by the
proposed borrower, being Janice Vivien Pritchard, the a letter of approval from
the bank with whatever conditions the bank agree to the lend the money..interest
rate, type of loan, whether it is interest only or principle and interest...
the time given to repay the loan... if the bank requite a guarantor.. etc...the
a paper banking trail showing the bank paying out the money directly to the
seller of the property (in this case the Sutton Council) and at the same time
obtaining a free title deed to be able to register their mortgage over
... ..which has to be in existence which would go to prove the
reality that such a mortgage was approved, paid out, and repaid at some point
in time.
Before Royal Courts of Justice High
Court Chancery Division Morgan J makes any ruling on whether he should grant
possession of the property known as 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey, back
to Janice Vivien Pritchard, Robert Carter and John Carew-Reid, he will have to
order that solicitor Jonathan Barry Kandler of Bude Nathan Iwanier Solicitors,
Solicitor Geraldine Paletz, Daniel J. Ginsbury Partner Ingram Winter Green
Solicitor, Nathan Tietelbaum, Solicitor Nigel Matthews of Denniss Matthews
Solicitors on the witness stand to give evidence of their knowledge of the so
called 126,000 pounds sterling had with Heritable Bank. The reality no such
mortgage ever existed and this was one of the many false and misleading
statements presented to Acting Judge Alison Foster QC on the 11th and 12th
October, 2010 to obtain the orders made on the 31st January, 2011 by Acting
Judge Alison Foster QC in HC06C02639. On this point alone these orders have to
immediately set aside by the High Court of Justice Chancery Division.
11. One can not sign a mortgage over
a property that is not one ones. name, with no title deed number and no amount
of mortgage that is owed on a date that is not the real date....This so called
ridiculous Mortgage deed is simply not a document that could have any legal
effect and in any event would be void for uncertainty and void because
Solicitor Nigel Matthews of Denniss Matthews Solicitors used the trust and
faith Janice Vivien Pritchard had in him, to use undue influence to ge3t Janice
Vivien Pritchard to sign documents of the 6th August, 2004 that were not in any
way in the interest of Janice Vivien Pritchard and/or her son Robert Carter,
when Janice Vivien Pritchard was in no fit mental health to know what she was signing
being under the care of Sutton Hospital at the time for mental problems and
depressions. Please see letters written by Solicitor Nigel Matthews of Denniss
Matthews Solicitors to Sutton Council and to Ingram Winter Green Solicitors in
August and September, 2004.
12. All that has happened is that
Solicitor Nigel Matthews of Denniss Matthews Solicitors had a blank copy of a
standard Mortgage Charge Deed on file and typed the name of Heritable Bank and
Janice Pritchard ( not even her real name, her real name is Janice Vivien
Pritchard, no bank would ever allow a borrower to sign a mortgage deed without
placing the person's full real name), and had Janice Sign the document along
with a mass of others papers that were just shoved in her face to sign, which
were never read by Janice Vivien Pritchard and simply relied on her solicitor
Solicitor Nigel Matthews of Denniss Matthews Solicitors that he was looking
after the interests of herself and he son Robert Carter who is very ill, and
still very ill. Solicitor Nigel Matthews of Denniss Matthews Solicitors should
be struck off as a solicitor for getting his client to sign the documents he di
get her to sign, and the other solicitors involved such Solicitor Geraldine
Paletz, Daniel J. Ginsbury Partner Ingram Winter Green Solicitor, and Fineland
Investments Limited and Nathan Teitelbaun agent involved in the preparation of
these douments and using Solicitor Nigel Matthews of Denniss Matthews
Solicitors as an agent should all be put on trial by the court for contempt of
court and should end up in jail and be struck off as solicitors and barristers
so they can not do any more damage to other innocent people.
The reason why this document was
never produced to the court before because of if had the court and the judge
would have laughed it out of court and the whole case would have fallen away.
Your immediate comments to this
email would be much appreciated
to Morgan J for 13th April 2011 for application in HC11C00580
The so called Mortgage Document that
Solicitor Jonathan Barry Kandler, Bude-Nathan-Iwanier Solicitors,
Solicitor Geraldine Paletz, Daniel
J. Ginsbury Partner Ingram Winter Green Solicitor, Ingram Winter Green
Solicitors, Denniss Matthews Solicitors, Solicitor Sophie Ruffles, Solicitor Tony
Marsh Nurse, Barlow Lyde Gilbert Solicitors, Solicitor Simon Jackson, Finburn
LLP Solicitors, Solicitor Nick Hibbert, Kennedys Solicitors, Barrister
Clair-Marie Bleasedale of Radcliff Chambers have all being fraudulently and
false saying to the court over the last few years in favour of Heritable Bank
dated 9th August 2004, but signed 6th August 2004 could never in any stretch of
the imagination could be considered a valid mortgage deed. The fact that this
is the only document in existence that the aforementioned solicitors and
barristers says is evidence that Janice Vivien Pritchard had a signed
registered, real mortgage of 126,000 pounds sterling with Heritable Bank, is a
complete disgrace and one of the biggest legal fraud on a court and Janice
Pritchard, Robert Carter and others in modern English Legal History. Please see
some of the reasons why above.
1. Letter dated 27th September from
Ingram Winter Green (IWG) their client Nathan Tietelbaum says that is
their opinion the purported contract between Fineland Investments Limited
(FIL)between Janice Pritchard (JV) dated 9th August 200 was void for two
(a) JV did not sign the transfer
(b) JV was not mentally well enough
at the time to understand the documents she signed, please ask the defendant’s
solicitors to provide the letters from Denniss Matthews Solicitors to IWG and
the Sutton Council in this regard, the claimants copies are wrongly at locked
up at 1 Garratt Close Beddington Surrey
as well they have a copy of the
letter dated 27th September from Ingram Winter Green their client Nathan
2. Statement prepared by Sophie
Ruffles of Barlow Lyde Gilbert Solicitors dated the 11-04-2011 for Daniel
J Ginsbury ( partner of IWG) to sign as the truth was deliberately false and
misleading in a number of material ways
(a) JV's name was never used in the
council letter. Also JV constantly liased with the Sutton council at the
time on many occasion and informed the council of her plight and at no
time did the council ever mention about have to sue the council.
(b) in relation to para 19 and 20:
It is a false statement to say the Fineland
Investments Limited and their solicitors and/or Nathan Tietelbaum had never
offered 75,000 pounds to settle the matter, There are legal letters confirming
this arrangement being acceptable to all if documented and carried out on a
proper fair and legal basis. All this is a fact:
Nathan Tietelbaum rang up JV and
stated this
" I will bring around 75,000
pounds in a bag to give you if you sign the paperwork I bring you to sign to
sort of this deal"
This is actionable by Contempt of
Court see Linwood v Andrews and Moore 1888 High Cotr Chancerey Division MATCH
20TH AND 21ST 1888
Moore v Peachey 1892 66LT 198
no one can gain by a court order
obtained by either innocent and/or deliberate fraud and in all circumstances
such an order will be set aside
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Mrs J V Pritchard
From: J Kandler <>
Date: Thu, April 14, 2011 8:44 am
To: "''" <>
Dear Mr Rosen
In relation to your emails,
we wish to make it clear that it is disproportionate that we should have to
read through the same to see if there is anything new in them.
If there is anything
new, then please advise us separately.
Yours sincerely
Jonathan Kandler, Messrs Bude Nathan Iwanier
Direct Fax: 020 8731
This email is confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the
intended recipient please notify us immediately by telephoning +44 (20)
8458 5656 and request to speak to the sender of the email. You should not
copy it or use it for any purpose nor disclose its contents to any other
Bude Nathan Iwanier Solicitors
1-2 Temple Fortune Parade Bridge Lane, London, NW11 0QN
Tel: +44
(20) 8458 5656 Fax: +44 (20) 8458 5065 DX: 92006 Temple
V Vernick
J B Kandler
B Dubiner
This firm does not accept service of notices or proceedings by
email Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority SRA No. 70758






Need some money laundered:
Call us or our other money laundering Legal Firm-
Nathan Tietelbuam and his Fineland Investments Limited, Fineland Properties Limited have laundered millions through us successfully each month...
We have the protection of our corrupt police Inspectors in The London Met at the Croyden-Police Station, Inspector Rushworth & Inspector Tandy To Protect us from prosecution and they have Constable-Owen ZT253 and Constable Turley ZT479 to have all opposition arrested on false charges to keep them quiet.
The system works well.
Read our success story below.... how we helped well known Corrupt Drug Money Laundering Nathan Tielbaun, defraud Janice Pritchard and Robert Carter of their home and possessions and with the help of Corrupt London Met Police and corrupt SherForce Employees, we were able to put them on the street for the weekend with no money cloths... no possessions... no ID... no food...
A REAL-SUCCESS STORY FOR OUR CLIENTS NATHAN TIETELBAUN, Brian Bau, Fineland Investments Limited and Fineland Properties Limited...
Bude-Nathan-Iwanier-Solicitors Master Minds behind inhuman illegal wrongfull criminal teatment of
Janice Pritchard and RobertCarter
Read the Full Story Below
Bude Nathan Iwanier
1-2 Temple Fortune Parade
Bridge Lane
London NW11 0QN
DX: 92006 Temple Fortune
Tel: 020 8458 5656
Fax: 020 8458 5065
Jonathan Barry Kandler

Jonathan_Barry Kandler_BudeNathanIwanier-Solicitors
Jonathan was admitted as a solicitor in May 1983. He joined Bude Nathan Iwanier as a Consultant in November 1994 and now heads up the Litigation department.
His work for large property holding groups and private clients has included both residential and commercial landlord and tenant disputes, work with the Leasehold Valuation Tribunal and collection of ground rent and service charges, as well as dealing with cases concerning assured short hold tenants and tenants protected under the Rent Acts.
Outside work, Jonathan enjoys extra curricula study and spending time with his family. Jonathan is also involved in work on behalf of local educational institutions on a pro-bono basis, and sits on two school fundraising committees.
Bude Nathan Iwanier is a leading commercial property and litigation law firm in the United Kingdom providing comprehensive services to clientele ranging from the local to the international.
The close relationship we have maintained with the industry is based on the expertise we have developed in our chosen areas of specialization and our in-depth awareness and understanding of the property trade and its investors and developers. Bude Nathan Iwanier is a law firm in the business of providing legal services to corporate UK, international and entrepreneurial clients. At Bude Nathan Iwanier, we thrive on our uncompromising dedication to provide innovative practical solutions to all varieties of complex transactions of a property nature.
Our ethos of excellence is underpinned by an emphasis on providing quality, service and precision to the needs of our clients. We advise on a comprehensive range of legal services including property, commercial real estate, corporate litigation and private client. Our clientele is vast and complex, as is our innovative approach in providing them with the commercial solutions they desire. We value our clients’ interests as if they were our own and in so doing we strive to continually provide to our clients a service that consistently exceeds all expectations
Messrs Bude Nathan Iwanier Direct Fax: 020 8731 7204
Bude Nathan Iwanier-SolicitorsBude Nathan Iwanier
1-2 Temple Fortune Parade
Wednesday 16th March 2011
Money Laundering associated with Nathan Tieitelbaum-Fineland Investment/Properties Limited-Attorneys-Ingram_Winter_Green-Heritable Bank & Others- 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey CR0 4PW
Bude Nathan Iwanier Solicitors
1-2 Temple Fortune Parade
Bridge Lane
London NW11 0QN
Tel:+44 (20) 8458 5656 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (20) 8458 5656 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax: +44 (20) 8458 5065
DX: 92006 Temple Fortune
Bude Nathan Iwanier-SolicitorsBude Nathan Iwanier
1-2 Temple Fortune Parade
Bridge Lane
London NW11 0QN
DX: 92006 Temple Fortune
Tel: 020 8458 5656
Fax: 020 8458 5065
Bude Nathan Iwanier is a leading commercial property and litigation law firm in the United Kingdom providing comprehensive services to clientele ranging from the local to the international.
The close relationship we have maintained with the industry is based on the expertise we have developed in our chosen areas of specialization and our in-depth awareness and understanding of the property trade and its investors and developers. Bude Nathan Iwanier is a law firm in the business of providing legal services to corporate UK, international and entrepreneurial clients. At Bude Nathan Iwanier, we thrive on our uncompromising dedication to provide innovative practical solutions to all varieties of complex transactions of a property nature.
Our ethos of excellence is underpinned by an emphasis on providing quality, service and precision to the needs of our clients. We advise on a comprehensive range of legal services including property, commercial real estate, corporate litigation and private client. Our clientele is vast and complex, as is our innovative approach in providing them with the commercial solutions they desire. We value our clients’ interests as if they were our own and in so doing we strive to continually provide to our clients a service that consistently exceeds all expectations
Jonathan Barry Kandler

Jonathan_Barry Kandler_BudeNathanIwanier-Solicitors
Jonathan was admitted as a solicitor in May 1983. He joined Bude Nathan Iwanier as a Consultant in November 1994 and now heads up the Litigation department.
His work for large property holding groups and private clients has included both residential and commercial landlord and tenant disputes, work with the Leasehold Valuation Tribunal and collection of ground rent and service charges, as well as dealing with cases concerning assured short hold tenants and tenants protected under the Rent Acts.
Outside work, Jonathan enjoys extra curricula study and spending time with his family. Jonathan is also involved in work on behalf of local educational institutions on a pro-bono basis, and sits on two school fundraising committees.
Aaron Emanuel Bude (Mendy)

Aaron Emanuel Bude (Mendy) _BudeNathanIwanierSolicitors
Mendy is one of the founding partners of the practice. He graduated from LSE and gained his initial legal experience at a leading city firm, Berwin Leighton which he used as a springboard to develop his own practice.
He has over 20 years experience in commercial property law and in particular specialises in retail property portfolios including acquisitions, sales, leases, banking, property development and landlord and tenant issues.
His client base includes listed Plc’s and major private property investment companies and trusts.
He is also an active member of his community and provides significant pro bono services to institutions and individuals.
Bernard Dubiner (Booky)

Bernard Dubiner (Booky)_BudeNathanIwanierSolicitors
Booky studied law at University College London and graduated in the year 1999 before taking the Legal Practice Course at The College of Law. He joined Bude Nathan Iwanier in 2000.
Booky specialises in commercial and residential property working on a broad range of transactions across all disciplines.
He acts on the purchase and sale of investment properties, portfolio restructuring and financing as well as general landlord and tenant transactions for commercial retail clients.
He also advises on landlord and tenant law, in particular business tenancies and the new changes to the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954.
Daniel Gideon Zysblat

Daniel Gideon Zysblat_BudeNathanIwanierSolicitors
Daniel joined Bude Nathan Iwanier as a trainee in January 1995. He deals with purchases and sales of commercial and residential properties, acting for many private property investment companies, and dealing with large portfolios. He also has considerable experience in dealing with Landlord and Tenant disputes and dilapidations.
Outside work, Daniel has been a magistrate since 2002 and also sits on the Family bench.

Nathan is one of the founding partners at Bude Nathan Iwanier. He qualified as a solicitor in 1976 and following qualification worked at Kuit Steinart Levy until 1981. In 1981 Nathan joined the partnership at R G Freeman & Co until he set up partnership at Bude Nathan Iwanier in 1989. Nathan specialises in commercial and residential property as well as commercial Landlord and Tenant work

Vivian obtained his law degree at the City of London Polytechnic and joined Grangewoods for his articles. Following work as an assistant solicitor at Green David Conway, he joined Bude Nathan Iwanier in 1992.
He acts for a variety of commercial property clients dealing with all aspects of relevant law.
Vivian specialises in development work and advising on property law and landlord and tenant matters.
Statement of truth signed by Janice Pitchard lodged in the High Court of Justice Chancery Division
On April 1st 2011, in the
afternoon, I opened the door to a delivery man and a bailiff pushed
his way in with his foot and body, followed by another man and a
police officer. I was forceably ejected from my home. I was
manhandled. A man picked me up and threw me out bodily. I was very
frightened and I didn't know what to do. There were two men from, I
believe, a divisionn of Sherwins as I saw a badge on one of them that
said: “Sherforce”. The taller male from Sherwins threw me out.
The officers were both aggressive when they threw me out and they
treated me with distaste and contempt. The police officer was a
fair, blue eyed male I will describe and refer to later. I was not
sure why Sherwins had the police there as their “agents” and
“enforcers”. The fair officer told me that I had to leave the
house. He seemed to be directing operations. The other two men were
fairly quiet, that is the men from Sherwins. There may have been
another police officer with the fair one.
I wasn't able to collect anything that
I needed or argue my case, in that my son had a right of tenure and
was not mentioned on the notice from the court. I was also unable to
explain that service of the order had not been effected, in that I
have only ever received from solicitors acting for Fineland a sealed
order from Bude, Nathan, Iwanier Solicitors, but that this was not
sufficient to obtain a warrant of execution. I couldn't explain that
this meant that the warrant of execution must have been obtained by
fraud or negligence. The order came through the post from Bude,
Nathan, Iwanier Solicitors. It is a sealed order, however, there is
no sealed judgment, that sets out the reasons and grounds for the
order, subsequent to a trial of the issues (which by the way took
place without me being present, without me having any legal
representation in a complex matter, and now it would appear, without
reasons for refusing an adjournment of the trial, cited by Mr
Butcher's at the RCJ, as they are “missing”). The only document
that was sent to me in the post, apart from the sealed order from
Bude, Nathan, Iwanier Solicitors, was one titled “draft judgment”,
and it does not contain a court seal. I have scanned and emailed to
you, by way of service of this document, a letter from Mr Butchers,
Associate, Royal Courts of Justice, saying that there is no judgment
filed with the court: it is “missing”. There is no sealed and
filed copy of the judgment and it hasn't been served on me by the
court. I also scan and email to you an excerpt from the Civil
Procedure Rule, Part 40.4 which deals with how service of orders and
judgments must be effected. I also do not think that a sealed order
has ever been served on me, as I have said, because it was posted to
me by Bude, Nathan, Iwanier Solicitors, not by the court. Without
service of the judgment, I understand, service of the order is not
effected. In any event, I don't think service of the order was
effected either the court record doesn't record that there is a
sealed order and one wasn't sent to me by the court. I will return
to this point again later. I wanted to add and say too that I have
never been served with the reasons for Ms Foster, the trial judge,
refusing me a right to appeal. This is something that is required, as
a matter of law and procedure, as is proper filing and service of
orders and judgments. Mr. Butchers told me that the reasons for
refusing permission to appeal were written but were missing along
with a copy of the sealed judgement and sealed order. His file and
copy file were missing, that is what he told me. I ended up with a
copy of the sealed order, that the court doesn't have, incorrectly
served, I think, a draft judgement only, and no sight of the reasons
for Ms. Foster refusing permission to appeal. As far as I am aware
they were still missing as the time to appeal ran out. In the event
I did not hear from Mr Butchers that the missing documents had been
found at any time and they were never served by the court itself. The
warrant of execution, therefore, was invalid and void.
My son was out when the enforcers came
initially. I presume these people waited for him to go before
gathering outside, because I believe they knew he had right of tenure
and he couldn't be removed. Ithink they knew that there was no
enforceable order and judgment. If Mr Kandler, who obtained this
warrant of execution, knew that the order was not enforceable, that
amounts to offences of: aggravated trespass, (attempted) fraud,
(attempted) theft, perjury, or akin to, concealment of evidence,
attempt to pervert the course of justice, intimidation of witnesses
and effecting a public mischief. These offences I think may have
taken place as part of a conspiracy, an agreement. If Mr Kandler
didn't know of the law and procedure and that he could not take
possession because of my stay of execution in relation to the matter,
then he should answer for his actions as they appear to be negligent.
He did not address the court as to the law and procedure in this
matter which he must do professionally, as a matter of ethics, if a
party is unrepresented. All parties are required to address one
another on the law, I thought. It is derived as a matter of
professional conduct from the common law about ensuring equality of
At the scene, at the time I was been
forceably ejected from my home, and my son's home, a short woman,
with straggly unkempt hair of an indeterminate colour, wide in girth,
approx. 4 feet 11 inches tall, between 40 and 50 years of age, in
motorbike leathers, arrived on a motorbike which a man was riding.
The male was younger than the woman, about 30 to 40 years of age,
tall, on the thin side, maybe average build, with brown wavy hair.
I should make it clear that when I asked someone when I was forced
bodily outside if I could have time to remove things the tall
enforcer said, “ask her”, pointing to the short wide woman. She
refused to look at me and talk to me, or give me her name. She said
to me, when she was pointed at, like a well trained dog, by the
police officer: “I am here for Mr. Kandler”. She was disdainful
and haughty. I repeat: she would not even look at me. I then saw 3
men in a white van parked by the garages next to my house. I went up
to them to talk to them. I asked them if they were anything to do
with the bailiffs. They didn't appear to speak much English or
understand me. I asked them for their card as there was no name on
the van. They made no comment. The short woman spoke for them and
said they were builders who were taking over my property and would be
living there. She couldn't bear to look at me but she was directing
operations as if I didn't exist. I was horrified and very upset. I
asked for the name of the representative of Mr Kandler but she
replied: “I am here for Mr Kandler”. She refused to talk to me,
so I could not, I presume, ask her to arrange the removal of my
A man had quickly changed all the
locks, and grinned at me when I said someone else had rights over the
property. I was heartbroken for my son. I was also heartbroken as
there was cash and jewellery in the property and other valuable
possessions, many with sentimental value, that simply cannot be
replaced. I felt like I had been violated, raped in a way, and
burgled. My home had been taken over. People were taking over my
home and I thought about men in my house rummaging through my
possessions. I thought about wanting to kill myself. My son arrived,
as I was on the phone to a friend. I was desperate. I was hoping my
legal friends would help me. The blue eyed, fair officer, went away
after the locks had been changed, but I refused to leave. I did not
see why I should leave my property and my son's property. You might
also like to know at this point that I currently hold legal and
equitable title to the property – as per office copy entry 4 April
2011. Because I was defending my property, and my son's property, by
refusing to leave, more police arrived with the fair haired one and
talked to me in an uncaring manner. I did not want to leave and I
wanted to defend my property.
I was on the phone when the police
arrived. After a short time, after about 15 mins, my phone was
snatched from my hand and my arms were twisted behind my back which
hurt me and handcuffs clipped on. The cuffs were ratcheted up really
tightly. It was the fair, blue eyed officer, who snatched my phone
and twisted my arm without warning aided by PC Turley. I was
arrested so forceably that I could not but struggle, and they went
beyond what was necessary and proportionate. My arms were twisted so
high the pain was searing and the cuffs so tight, that they left
bloody marks and brusing, I was caused to try to seek to avoid the
pain the officers were causing me. I was not resisting in any way
when they arrested me. I am not alleged to have resisted violently
or at all. I was desperately trying to call for help on my phone. I
was marched to a police van and locked in the back without a seat
belt and I fell about as the driver, the fair haired one, was going
quite fast. I was then “processed”. I felt I wasn't human and I
wanted to die, being so traumatised.
I would like to ask the three police
constables at the scene – PC Turkey, PC Owen and the fair, blue
eyed male – whether they know what their job is. They did not
behave like “justices of the peace”: as per Lord Denning. I
didn't resist them and I do not know what time they had to obtain
evidence about the matter before an arrest that they undertook took
place. The woman “for Kandler” or the man on the bike called
the police – she told me they had, I didn't see them do it. None of
the officer's had notebooks at the scene, that I saw. I didn't see
any report of the scene being recorded. PC Owen says on tape in
police interview under caution that he took witness statements at the
scene. I think he must be confused. He only took a statement from
one process server and one builder, and that was at the scene. My
son says that he saw no evidence being obtained at the scene when he
was there. It must have been taken after my arrest. I believe there
was collusion between the witnesses and the evidence is tainted
because their statements which were read to me in interview were
almost word for word the same. My friend Stephen Carew-Reid, I
think, has the collar number for the blue eyed, fair male officer
that directed and enforced my bodily removal from my home, and who
was party to my arrest, that I do not have the details for.
I was arrested and cuffed by PC Owen
for aggravated trespass, as I have explained. I felt like I was
dreaming by this point. I was in severe pain. I cannot recall if PC
Owen cautioned me. The police acted as agents and enforcers for
Fineland Investments Ltd and Mr Kandler for and on behalf of Nathan,
Bude, Iwanier Solicitors. They were cruel in their treatment. They
subjected me to inhumane and degrading treatment, in that, the arrest
was not proportionate and necessary and they did not act, at that
time, to ensure I could obtain my personal possessions that related
to maintaining my dignity, and my son's dignity. I was flung on to
the street without underwear and clothing, money and other essential
items. We have no access to our phone chargers so our phones have
died, and no-one can get in touch. My son's medication is still there
as is important paperwork and important legal documents. I am
concerned legal evidence may have been tampered with, evidence in
this case. They could not have cared less about my dignity nor my
son's. My son was at the scene of my arrest, so even if the officers
thought they were right to arrest me for aggravated trespass, they
should have ensured our dignity was preserved. My son was not under
arrest, he could have been helped to “keep the peace” and to
respect our human rights, which are part of English law, and
actionable in the English courts. He should have been allowed to
collect possessions. The police officers were rude and quite
PC Owen said to me: “If you don't get
off your phone you will be arrested”. That is not a ground for
arrest. Did PC Owen intend to arrest me, with reasonable suspicion,
for making calls for help? The arrest was wholly unlawful. As was my
dehumanising and frightening experience in custody – I was falsely
imprisoned. PC Owen in substance didn't have grounds to arrest me
for aggravated trespass as I cannot trespass in my home (my home for
the reasons explained). He couldn't arrest my son either because of
his tenure, but my son can detail his experience, which I witnessed.
He was not under arrest. He was threatened with arrest despite there
being no grounds and told he would get a criminal record if he did
not move. He could not defend himself against 3 police officers
including PC Owen who had threatened to send him to prison for doing
nothing. It was not a fair fight. And my son was shocked and scared.
PC Owen didn't say I had done anything wrong that I could be arrested
for, he just told me I had to to get off the phone.
The police, after they attended to
enforce our forceable removal from the property, came back as I
explained. They did not witness any alleged incident of aggravated
trespass. I had been treated like a criminal by the blue eyed, blond
officer, who grinned at my shock and distress. After I refused to
leave the short wide woman said to me she had called the police back,
and the police arrived with a van. Shortky after they arrived, and
after I had tried to make calls for help, PC Owen, like a petulant
and damaging father telling off an innocent child, to get off the
phone. I am a woman of 62 years of age. I was treated like I was a
child that was doing something seriously wrong. I was trying to
phone my legal representative and a friend. I explained to PC Turley
the legal position about my son and his legal and equitable title to
the property. She seemed sympathetic initially but she assisted with
the arrest. There was another officer in the background, the one with
short fair hair, 30 years odd, with blue eyes, as I have said. He
appeared to be psychotic as he had a strange grin on his face. I
would remember his face tomorrow. He seemed amused by the whole
incident. I thought he could be dangerous because I thought he could
be psychotic. As he was Director of Operations I was very
When the phone was grabbed out of my
hand and PC Turley and this officer twisted my arms, I was told to
stop struggling as if I had a choice about that. The pain was so bad
given the incorrect way they put the handcuffs on (I believe
intentionally or recklessly, or negligently) and the pressure they
had applied that all I could think about was the pain. The arrest
was brutal and inhumane. I was not resisting nor was I aggressive.
These officers that arrested me knew not what they were doing and
they put me in to a catatonic state because of their treatment. This
happened shortly after I was arrested. The police were, I repeat,
brutal and, therefore, inhumane. In the van I asked PC Turley to
remove the handcuffs as they were very painful, but she refused
saying, “don't struggle, you will make it worse”. But I had to
try to manoeuvre myself to stop the pain. At the station I saw that
my wrists were very red and quite deeply scratched. The skin was
cut. That is assault occassioning actual bodily harm if PC Owen
intended or was reckless as to whether he caused me to sustain
immediate and unlawful violence. The officers degraded me in my
neighbourhood and they degraded me in front of my son At the station
some of the officers were respectful and caring to me and watched me
in the cell as they appeared to think that I was vulnerable. I was
very vulnerable. I did feel that I wished I was dead as I was so
embarassed and hurt in every way. I felt violated and inhuman.
My son arrived at the station sometimed
hlater, but we were not allowed to see each other at all , and I was
so worried for him, but it appears that they were fairly respectful
to him. But all the time I was there my heart was beating very
rapidly with intense shock fear and panic. I did see a doctor, but
he did not take my blood pressure. He said I was fit. He didn't say
in his custody record FME report whether the cuts I sustained as a
result of my arrest were recent even though the scabs were formed of
fresh blood.
My legal friend Miss Palmer has been
undermined and abused when trying to do her job by police. She is a
complete professional and a very experienced advocate so this was
completely uncalled for.
Statement of Truth signed by Robert Carter onthe 3rd April 2011 lodged with
the High Court of Justice Chancerey Division
On the 1st of April, early
afternoon, I arrived at my house having been informed by my mother
that she had been manhandled out of our house. She had texted me to
ask me to ring her. This was when I was in the library. When I got
there there were policemen, some men next to a van and 2 persons
next to a motorbike. She was extremely upset and trying to reason
with all the people around her. I approached and said hello to my
mother. One of the policemen asked me who I was and I introduced
myself to him as her son. I was extremely worried by the situation
seeing so many people around. My mother was talking to one of the
officers explaining that there was a dispute between herself and a
property company. My mother informed me that she had been served
with something and had been forcibly manhandled out of our house
without a chance to go to the toilet or even get a drink of water.
I went over and stood next to my mother who was making some phone
calls and trying to sort the situation out. All this time the
atmosphere was very intimidating with a large group of people
seemingly surrounding us.
A taller policeman came over and
introduced himself as Owen and said that as the leading officer he
would be dealing with the situation. My mother was still on the
phone at this point and he said “Get off the phone now or you will
be arrested for obstruction”. His tone was extremely threatening.
My mother finished her phone call and he said that the people on the
bike had served my mother with a court order and we both had to leave
immediately. My mother tried to explain that there was an ongoing
dispute between us and a property company. He went over to the woman
next to the bike to talk to her. My mother then made another phone
call while we were waiting. After a few minutes he came back and
said that the woman was an enforcer and had a legal order and that
was that. My mother said that we had some papers in the house that
would prove her ownership if we could just look for them or all they
had to do was check the Land Registry website to get the correct
information. A short officer with fair hair and a pained expression
chimed in and said that asked “Do you have the deeds?” We
explained that this wasn't necessary as the information could be
checked online. PC Owen then closed down the conversation by saying
that there was an order and that was the end of the matter. My mum
then started talking on the phone again to check something and Owen
then raised his voice saying “Get off the phone NOW!” in an
extremely rude and threatening manner. My mother carried on talking
so the fair haired officer grabbed her phone and twisted her arm
behind her back and put handcuffs on her. Owen then said “You are
under arrest for Aggravated Trespass”, grabbed her phone and pulled
her away towards a waiting van in the most undignified way possible.
I tried to follow but 2 officers jumped in my way. As she was hauled
away Owen turned and looked at me. I stood in front of the house and
said that I needed to try and sort this out. Owen then said “You
have to leave as well.” in a threatening way. I had no idea what
my rights were so I said “Can I at least go into the house to
collect some possessions like some clothes and loose cash. Also
some medication that I am taking and some important forms” and the
fair haired officer said “No we already asked your mother if she
wanted to collect her possessions and she said no so you are not
allowed and you have to leave.” I later found out this was a
complete lie. Owen then approached me and stated that I could leave
“as a free man” or I would be arrested and put in the van on the
same charge as my mother and would get a criminal record. I had no
idea what to do against 3 PC's and a number of others so I left.
Shortly after I received a phone call
from my mother saying that she had informed them that I was
vulnerable and that would send a car for me to go to the police
station. Owen than turned up in a car and drove me to Sutton police
station. I was made to wait for several hours in a back room with no
information and no idea what the hell was going on. Eventually my
mother was bailed.
The whole situation was extremely
distressing and intimidating with no regard for our feelings or
I intend to sue everyone involved for
damages and so I believe is my mother..
Statement of truth
INL News Legal and Investigations
INL News Legal and Investigation
Sophie Ruffles
Direct Telephone: +44 207 643 8407 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 207 643 8407 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Direct Fax: +44 207 071 9258
Fineland Investments Limited 800,000 pounds dirty money from overseas send to Ingram Winter Green
Fineland Investments Limited RBS Bank October 2008 Statement13 April 2008
Fineland Investments Limited Bank account statement with Royal Bank of Scotland
by the INL News Group's legal ahnd accounting investigation team show
clearly that Fineland Investments Limited, Fineland Properties Limited,
Northern Holdings Limited, Solicitors Ingram Winter Green, Solicitors
Bude, Nathan Iwanier, Solicitors Denniss Matthews, Borough of Sutton,
and others arr heavily involved with moving hundreds of million of
laudered black money make form selling illegal drugs through their
various bank accounts with Heritable Bank and Barclays Bank and other
banks. This is part of the trillions of pounds moved through Barclays Bank in London every year by various people and organisation as fromnt
for the Rothschild Family who are involved world wide with having agents to sell illegal drugs from which they make trillions of pounds each
year from the misery and deaths it causes ordinary people. because the
Rothchilds have about 60% of the worlds wealth and effectly sanction
all the appointment of all Britsh Prime Ministers and Chancellors and
the USA Presidents, and they can make sure with their powerful connections
that there is never any investigations into the trillions of pounds
of illegal drug moeny laundered through Barclays Bank in London each
year by their agents such as powerful solicitors Ingram Winter Green,
Bude Nathan, Iwanier, Denniss Matthews, Barlow Lyde and Gilbert,
Finsburns and people like Nathan Tietelbaun and his Fineland Investments
Limited, Fineland Properties Limited and Nothern Holdings Limited
Jamison and Associates:
Investigative Accountants and Attorneys Tel: +44 (0) 740 724 7764 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0) 740 724 7764 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Urgent Attention Duty Inspector Rushworth and
Inspector Tandy
Met Police Officers by Constables
Owen Met Number ZT253 and Constable Turley Met number ZT 479
Met Police, Sutton Police Station
London Tel:
0208 7731212 Fax: 0208 649 0790
2nd April 2011
Urgent Attention: Fishburn
Solicitors, Barlow Lyde & Gilbert LLP,
London Met Police, Corrupt Inspector Rushworth and Inspector Tandy and constables
Owen Met number ZT253-Constable Turley Met Number ZT 479 of the London Sutton
Met Police, Sherforce, Ingram Winter Green Solicitors, Bude Nathan Iwanier
Solicitors, Denniss Matthews Solicitors
Conspiracy to Defraud, money laundering, unlawfully and wrongfully threatened
damage unlawful and immoral Physical and mental harassment, assault, robbery ,
physical and psychological damages, conspiracy ot pervert the course of
justice, contempt of court, breaking and entering, stealing electricity gas and
water and/or helping to cover up all these criminal and civil wrongs
committed by and/or with know of Fishburn Solicitors, Bude Nathan Iwanier
Solicitors, Ingram Winter Green Solicitors, Denniss Mathews Solicitors,Tony
Nurse, SherForce Barlow Lyde & Gilbert LLP
and their partners and solicitors, Fineland Investments Limited, Nathan
Tietelbaun, Sher Force, the London Met Police including Inspector
Rushworth- constables Owen Met number ZT253-Constable Turley Met Number ZT 479-
Inspector Neil Tandy, Commisisoner of police of the London Met Police and
You all have along with other civil
and criminal wrongs conspired ot be involved with the deliberate theft of Gas
Electricty and Water from Janice Pritchard, Robert and Robert Carter and John
Carew-Reid form the roperty known as 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Croyden Surry
Sutton CR0 4PW. It is noted in Particular that Inspector Rushworth and Inspector
Tandy of the London Met Police stationed at the Sutton Police Station has worked
ina corrupt and wrongful manner in a clear breach of his duties as a police
officer to deliberately has been happy to work in with the unknown criminal and
thugs that all the herein named conspirators to refuse to arrest and charge the
thugs and criminal that have forcefully taken possession of the property at 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Croyden Surry
Sutton CR0 4PW for deliberately stealing gas, water and electricity from Janice
Pritchard, Robert and Robert Carter and John Carew-Reid. This is a clear
criminal offence and Inspector Rushworth has over ridded all attempts by other
London Met Police and staff to allow any London Met Police officer to attend at
1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Croyden
Surry Sutton CR0 4PW to take the name and ID’s pf all thise wrongfully in
possession of the property and arrest and charge them for illegally using gas, electricity
and water at the property belonging to Janice Pritchard, Robert and Robert Carter
and John Carew-Reid
The London Met Police with the help
of constables Owen Met number ZT253-Constable Turley Number ZT 479 and Inspector
Rushworth and Inspector Tandy conspired on the 1st April 2011 to
help the other conspirators named herein illegally remove and/or force Janice
Pritchatd and Robert Carter to leave the property at 1 Garratt Close,
Beddington, Croyden Surry Sutton CR0 4PW. They did this by flaselyt and wrongfully
arresting Janice Pritchard at 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Croyden Surry Sutton
CR0 4PW on the 1st April 2011 with out any due and/or reasonable just
course, when shed was rightfully there as a caretaker for the property on
behalf of Robert Carter and John Carew-Reid who are the new owners of the
property. They asaulted her and caused her extreme physical and psychological
damages. Then they wrongfully and illegally
outside their normal duties as police officers acting as agent servants or otherwise
for the other named conspirators named herein, told a false statement to Robert
Carter by falsey saying that his mother Janice Pritchard does not want him to
go into the property. Then they worngky and without any due and rightful cause threatedned Robert carter with arrest
for trespass if he did not immediately leave the property at 1 Garratt Close,
Beddington, Croyden Surry Sutton CR0 4PW, incircumsatnces that this property
has been hi sonly home for over 16 years and there is no court order with his
name of it that states that he has to leave the property and also in circumstances
that John Carew-Reid has lodged a properly signed transfer for the property to
go into his name at HM Land Registry and this is the rightful owner of the property
at 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Croyden Surry Sutton CR0 4PW and John Carew-Reid
has made both Janice Pritchard and Robert carter the caretakers of this
property for their life time and has made Robert Carter the beneficial owner of
the property.
Under the High Court decision
of Tony Webster v Sergeant Lampart
Robert Carter and Janice Pritchard and John Carew-Reid have the right to sue
the individual police officers involved and their employers being the other
conspirators herein named for damages in common law, Statute Law and Tort Law
including a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, conspiracy to defraud,
and malefiance of public officers. With the common law tort of malefiance of a public
officer, the public officer can not hide behind his badge and just plead a defense that they were thought they were
going their job, but got it wrong There
are many legal precedents that support the wronged litigant to sue public officers
as individuals for damages and in the Tony Webster v Sergent Lampard case it
was clearly established that a police officer can be personally sued if he or
she goes outside his or her normal and accepted and fair duties as a police
officer. This case is very similar to the current case of the wrongful arrest
of Janice Pritchard for trespass, all because Janice Pritchard rightfully refused
to leave her home where she was a rightful caretaker having been appointed by
the new owner of the property John Carew-Reid and being a place where she had
been living for over 16 years. Then their wrongs were compounded when the
police officers The London Met Police with the help of constables Owen Met
number ZT253-Constable Turley Number ZT 479 and Inspector Rushworth and Inspector
Tandy wrongfully threatened and/or gave authority to wrongfully threaten Robert
Carter not to go into his rightful home to be able to get some of his
belongings and that he would be immediately arrested by the London Met Police
id he did not immediately leave the property and the versinity of the property
at 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Croyden Surry Sutton CR0 4PW. In the Tony Webster
v Seargent Lampard case Seargent Lampard walked into a fuel and food roadhouse and
told the existing tenants who had been running the roadhouse for a number of
years, that they has 5 minutes to pack up and leave the premises. It was a
civil matter and the police should not have got involved without a court order
listing the removal of all persons who had been living at and running the
roadhouse for a number of years. This the current case of Janice Pritchard,
Robert Carter and John Carew-Reid against the Met Police and others, the London
Met Police have helped the other named conspirators named herein to obtain
control of possession of the property at
1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Croyden Surrey Sutton CR0 4PW by encouraging and
supporting those who have just wrongly taken control of the property and have
thus gone out of their way to interfere in a civil matter, and then actively
supported these same conspirators by wrongly and unjustly and without proper
cause arrested Janice Pritchard, the legal caretaker of the property for
trespass and firstly lied to Robert Carter saying that his mum Janice Pritchard
had told the police to tell Robert Carter that she does not want Robert going
into the property and then wrongfully threatened Robert Carter that if he did
not leave the premises and the versinity of the premises, the the police will
immediately arrest him for a trespass. and he will have a criminal offence in
his name. Now the London Met Police have compounded their civil and criminal wrongs
but not arresting and charging those persons currently wrongly in possession of
1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Croyden Surry Sutton CR0 4PW, for illegally using
gas, electricity and gas that belongs to and being paid for by Janice
Pritchard, Robert Carter and John Carew-Reid. A couple of weeks ago it was
widely publicized in the London Evening Standard that the owners of a multi
million pound home in London and the London Met
Police were having removing some squatters form the home. Then the owner
sof the property and the London Met Police realized that the squatters were
using electricity gas and water belonging to someone else and that was clear
theft. So on realizing this the London Met Police immediately went around to
the property and arrested the squatters from the property for stealing gas,
water and electricity. A number of reports since the 1st of April
2011 have been made to the London Met Police asking the police to go and arrest
those in the home for stealing gas, electricity and water and the police phone operations
section have stated that some police offers would attend the premises at 1 Garratt
Close, Beddington, Croyden Surry Sutton CR0 4PW and arrest those there
illegally stealing gas, electricity and water. Some of these report number are
8268 of 2nd April 2011 and CAB 2587 of 2nd April 2011 and
82681 of 2nd April 2011. However Inspector Tandy and Inspector
Rushworth have both gone out of their way to override other police officers
authority if lower rank form going out to attend the property at 1 Garratt
Close, Beddington, Croyden Surry Sutton CR0 4PW to take the names of those who
are at the property and arrest and charge them for illegally using and stealing
electricity, gas and water being paid for and belonging the Janice Pritchard,
Robert Carter and John Carew-Reid. Thus these police officers and the whole of
the London Met Police are nw accessory after the fact in the continuing offense
of stealing gas, electricity and water and protecting those guilty of this
crime as they are working for their other co-conspirators named herein who the police
have powerful business and religious connections with being all powerful
freemasons, Zionist Jews and Illuminati members.
There is no doubt when this debacle
hits the world news headlines the police officers constables Owen Met number
ZT253-Constable Turley Number ZT 479 and Inspector Rushworth and Inspector
Tandy will be swiftly and quickly brought before the Commissioner of Police and
Scotland Yard and they will be stripped of the police badges and police rank
lose their positions as London Met Police Officers and charged with conspiring to
pervert the course of Justice, Conspiracy to Defraud, malicious and devious behavior,
assault, failing to protect the property of Janice Pritchard, Robert carter and
John Carew-Reid, threatening behavior, and the list goes on and on. They all
the other conspirators as named herein will have to be named on the world
internet and will have to hold in shame before their families and friends and
the world as a whole for their not only illegal and wrongful behavior but their
immoral and inhuman behavior, conspiring together to defrauds innocent people
of their rightful home and possessions and placing them onto the street without
any of their belongings, cloths, personal effects, money, ID, and other
valuable belongings and no where to live on a Friday night to live on the
street over a cold weekend. The operation was calculated and organized by the
conspirators herein named so that it would take place on a Friday so time that
Janice Pritchard was released on bail from the Croyden Police Station (even if she
obtained bail) with her son Robert Carter there to see that she was OK, the
courts and lawyers officers would be closed till Monday to be able to start to get
any legal help or redress on the wrongs done to them by the London Met Police
and the other herein named conspirators.
The way the co-conspirators organised
this devious, illegal, wrongful and immoral plan was to watch to first watch
the property to see when Robert Carter who had been living at the property when
out shopping. That way they knew that Janice Pritchard would be a defenseless
old sick woman at home on her own. They knocked on the door and when Janice
Pritchard opened the door she was faced with a group of about 10 men coming
into the home and surrounding her home and they immediately pushed her out of
the house by man handling her and scaring her. Then they went and had the locks
changed and locked her out of the house with all her, Robert Carter’s and John
Carew-Reid’s personal possessions in the home. Then they organized corrupt
police officers being officers constables Owen Met number ZT253-Constable
Turley Number ZT 479 and Inspector Rushworth and Inspector Tandy arrested
Janice Pritchard to wrongfully arrest her for being trespassing on the
property. Then Robert Carter came back a short time later from shopping and attempted
to ether his home and was falsely told by officers constables Owen Met number
ZT253-Constable Turley Number ZT 479 at first that his mother Janice Pritchard had told the police to
tell him that she did not want him to going into the property. Then Robert
Carter stood by the front door and a short time later after seeing his mother
Janice Pritchard was arrested, was told by the police that the same thing will
happen to him if he does not immediately leave the premises and the varsinity
of the premises. That is he will be arrested for a trespass of him own home
where he has been living for over 16 years, and has a life right to be
caretaker of the property with his mother Janice Pritchard and John Carew-Reid
who purchased the property from Janice Pritchard holds the property in trust for
him. There is no court action against Robert Carter and no Court order against
Robert Carter to have him removed from the property at 1 Garratt Close,
Beddington, Croyden Surry Sutton CR0 4PW.
Barlow Lyde &
Gilbert LLP-London
Beaufort House
15 St Botolph Street
London EC3A
For online map and
SatNav systems please use: EC3A 7DT
Tel: +44 (0)20 7247 2277 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7247 2277 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Fax: 44 (0)20 7071 9000
John Hanson
Special Counsel London and Singapore 44 (0)20 7643 7130 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 44 (0)20 7643 7130 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Tony Nurse-Marsh Managing Partner (Oxford) +44 (0)20 7643 8598 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 8598 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Neil Jamieson
Partner London + 44 (0)20 7643 8030 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 44 (0)20 7643 8030 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Katrina McAteer In-house Counsel London
+ 44
(0)20 7643 7211
Clive O'Connell Partner London +
(0)20 7643 8477
Patricia Orr
Associate Director London +44 (0)20 7643 7878 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 7878 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
James Parker
Partner London + 44 (0)20 7643 7117 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 44 (0)20 7643 7117 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Timothy Parsons Partner London 44 (0)20
7643 7312
Patrick Perry Partner London + 44
(0)20 7643 7894
Claire Petts
Partner London + 44 (0)20 7643 7698 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 44 (0)20 7643 7698 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
James Preece Partner
Mancester + 44 (0)161 829 6436 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 44 (0)161 829 6436 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Ian Plumley Associate Director London +44 (0)20 7643 7810 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 7810 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Julian Randall
Partner London + 44 (0)20 7643 8592 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 44 (0)20 7643 8592 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Keith Richardson Partner London + 65
6578 6105
James Roberts
Partner London + 44 (0)20 7643 8549 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 44 (0)20 7643 8549 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Malcolm Rogerson
Partner London +44 (0)20 7643 8581 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 8581 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Marianne Robson
Associate Director London + 44 (0)20 7643 7488 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 44 (0)20 7643 7488 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Simon Konsta Senior Partner +44 (0)20
7643 8085
Miranda Karali
Partner London 44 (0)20 7643 8070 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 44 (0)20 7643 8070 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Giles Kavanagh Partner London 44 (0)20
7643 8008
Richard Keady
Partner Hong Kong +852 2840 2683 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +852 2840 2683 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Maurice Kenton
Partner London +44 (0)20 7643 8566 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 8566 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
David Knapp Partner London +44 (0)20
7643 8572
Gaby Kaiser
Associate Director + 44 (0)20 7643 8005 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 44 (0)20 7643 8005 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Catherine Kearney
Associate Director +44 (0)20 7643 7838 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 7838 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Adam Lambert
Partner London +44 (0)20 7643 8029 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 8029 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Janet Lambert Partner London +44 (0)20
7643 8534
Eurof Lloyd-Lewis
Partner London 44 (0)20 7643 7447 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 44 (0)20 7643 7447 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Patric McGonigal Partner Singapore + 65
6578 6116
Roderic McLauchlan
Partner London 44 (0)20 7643 8474 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 44 (0)20 7643 8474 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Damian McPhun Partner London + 44 (0)20
7643 7337
Mike Munro 44
(0)20 7643 7348
Robert Muttock
Partner London +44 (0)161 829 6405 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)161 829 6405 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Estelle Machell Partner Mancester +44
(0)161 240 2633
David MoonPartner Mancester +44 (0)161 240 2653 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)161 240 2653 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Chris Morrison: Partner Mancester+44
(0)161 240 2655
Hugh Mullins
Partner Mancester+44 (0)161 240
Siobhan Mullins Partner Mancester 44
(0)161 240 2657
Chris Murray
Partner Mancester +44 (0)161 240 2659 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)161 240 2659 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
James Major
Associate Director London + 44 (0)20 7643
Marriam Malik Associate Director London + 44 (0)20 7643 8839 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 44 (0)20 7643 8839 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Marlene McConway
Associate Director London + 44 (0)20 7643 7671 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 44 (0)20 7643 7671 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Manchester- Barlow Lyde & Gilbert LLP
Chancery Place, 50 Brown Street, Manchester, M2
2JT, DX 14448 Manchester
Hong Kong, Barlow Lyde & Gilbert
19/F Cheung Kong Center 2 Queen's Road
Central, Hong Kong
Tel: 852 2526 4202 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 852 2526 4202 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Fax: 852 2810 5994
Barlow Lyde & Gilbert LLP
420 Nash Court
Oxford Business Park Oxford OX4 2RU
DX 155700 Oxford 1
Tel: +44 (0)1865 336600 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)1865 336600 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax: +44 (0)1865 336611
São Paulo
Barlow Lyde & Gilbert
Av. Paulista, 1337 - 21°
Andar - cj.211
Bela Vista - São Paulo - SP
CEP 01311-200
Tel: + 55 (11) 3179 2900 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 55 (11) 3179 2900 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax: + 55 (11) 3179 2914
Barlow Lyde & Gilbert LLP
Suite 2601-2602 26/F Azia Center
1233 Lujiazui Ring Road
Shanghai 200120 PRC
Tel: +86 21 6169 1500
Fax: +86 21 6169 1501
Barlow Lyde & Gilbert LLP
61 Robinson Road
#18-02 Robinson Centre
Singapore 068893
Tel: +65 6578 6100 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +65 6578 6100 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax:+65 6221 1608
Barlow Lyde & Gilbert LLP is a leading
international law firm. Especially renowned for our commercial litigation and
dispute resolution, as well as insurance and reinsurance, we provide an
extensive range of legal services to clients from many different industries
across the world
Our core values include a strong focus on helping our clients and our own
people to achieve their ambitions.
Our international focus is reflected in the work that we (and our affiliated
undertakings) do all over the world
Our People
David Abbott Partner London +44 (0)20
7643 7338 Email:
David Abraham Head Of Costs London +
44 (0)20 7643 8095 Email:
Fernando Albino Associate Director São
Paulo +55 (11) 3179 2901 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +55 (11) 3179 2901 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email:
Tracey Anderson Associate Director
London + 44 (0)20 7643 8338 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 44 (0)20 7643 8338 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Chander Agnihotri
Associate London 44 (0)20 7643 7243 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 44 (0)20 7643 7243 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Sue Barham Partner London +44 (0)20 7643 7856 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 7856 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Kevin Bitmead Partner London +44 (0)20
7643 8574
Richard Black Partner London +44 (0)20
7643 7444
Andrew Blair
Partne London +44 (0)20 7643 8006 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 8006 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Helen Bourne Partner
London+44 (0)20 7643 7036 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 7036 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Chris Brennan Partner London +44 (0)20
7643 7093
Clive Brett Partner Oxford London +44 (0)20 7643 8580 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 8580 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Jason Bright
Partner London +44 (0)20 7643 8834 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 8834 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Charles Brown Partner London +44 (0)20
7643 7277
Stephen Browning
Partner London +44 (0)20 7643 7709 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 7709 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Jim Bryant
Partner Manchester +44 (0)161 240 2534 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)161 240 2534 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Tony Nurse-Marsh Managing Partner (Oxford) +44 (0)20 7643 8598 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 8598 end_of_the_skype_highlighting\
Fergal Cathie Partner London +44 (0)20 7643 7870 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 7870 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Simon Chumas Partner London +44 (0)20
7643 8490
Sarah Clover
Partner London +44 (0)20 7643 8544 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 8544 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Jeb Clulow Partner London +44 (0)20 7643 7682 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 7682 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Peter Coles
Partner Hong Kong +852 2840 2634 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +852 2840 2634 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Rupert Connell Partner London +44 (0)20
7643 8100
James Cooper
Partner London +44 (0)20 7643 7554 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 7554 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Simon Cooper
Partner London +44 (0)20 7643 8486 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 8486 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Adrian Cottam
Associate Director +44 (0)20 7643 8128 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 8128 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Nick Dent Partner London +44 (0)20 7643
James Dadge Partner
Manchester +44 (0)161 240 2552 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)161 240 2552 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Tanguy De Schwarz
Associate Director London +44 (0)20 7643
John Flaherty
Partner London +44 (0)20 7643 8593 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 8593 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Patrick Foss
Partner London +44 (0)20 7643 7727 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 7727 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Tom Fyfe Partner Hong Kong 852
2840 2695
Kevin Finnigan Partner Manchester 44
(0)161 240 2727 6578 6101 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 65 6578 6101 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Andrew Forsyth
Associate Director +44 (0)20 7643 8098 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 8098 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Simon Gamblin
Partner London +44 (0)20 7643 7217 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 7217 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Richard Gimblett
Partner London +44 (0)20 7643 8069 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 8069 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
John Goodman
Partner London +44 (0)20 7643 8467 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 8467 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Stephen Gorman Partner Manchester + 44
(0)161 829 6432
Simon Gibson
Partern Manchester +44 (0)161 240 2578 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)161 240 2578 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Stuart Hall
Parter London 44 (0)20 7643 8473 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 44 (0)20 7643 8473 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Mert Hifzi
Partner London Senior Partner Singapore +65
6578 6101
Andrew Howell Partner London +44 (0)20 7643 8987 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 8987 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Douglas Howie
Partner London +44 (0)20 7643 8484 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 8484 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Nicholas Hughes
Partner London +44 (0)20 7643 8459 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7643 8459 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Stewart Harper
Partner London + 44 (0)161 240 2592 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 44 (0)161 240 2592 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Ann Hughes
Parter Manchester +44 (0)161 240 2606
Rod Hunt Partner Mancester 44 (0)161
240 2610
UK - London
60 Fenchurch Street,
DX 584 London
Tel: +44 (0)20 7280 8888 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8888 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax: +44 (0)207280 8899
Click here for the map
UK - Bristol
Redcliff Quay,
120 Redcliff Street,
Tel: +44 (0)117 301 7390 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)117 301 7390 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax: +44 (0)117 301 7391
Click here for the map
Ireland - Dublin
5 George's Dock,
Dublin 1,
DX Dublin 49
Tel: +353 1790 9400 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +353 1790 9400 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax: +353 1790 9401
John Bennett
Peter Campion - Chairman
Andrew Davis
Aoife Gaughan
John Groome
Philip Heartfield
Mark Klimt
Robert Lloyd
Antony Marsh - Senior Partner
Simon Mason
Jonathan Moss
Denise O'Connor
Harriet Quiney
Tracy Sell-Peters
Peter Sewell
Ian Welland
Angus Wilson
Sheona Wood
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Charlotte Adol
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8925 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8925 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Nicola Barnett - Barrister
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8934 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8934 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Elizabeth Bell
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Joanna Bower
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Jonathan Brown
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7220 5218 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7220 5218 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Dominic Burke
Direct Line: +00 353 1 790 9423 Email Address:
Dominic Collier
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8941 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8941 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Pierre Dagonnot
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8834 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8834 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Noel Devins
Direct Line: + 00 353 1790 9406 Email Address:
Sara-Jane Eaton
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8827 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8827 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Joanna Fookes
Direct Line: + 44 (0)20 7280 8949 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 44 (0)20 7280 8949 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Alexandra Goddard
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8820 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8820 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Robert Goodlad
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8829 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8829 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Dan Hall
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8935 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8935 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Gary Hazelton
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8821 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8821 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Manuela Heise
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8962 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8962 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Jennifer Hutchinson
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8924 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8924 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Jonathan Hyde
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8927 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8927 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Simon Jackson
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8944 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8944 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Helen Jenkins
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8816 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8816 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Sophia Kashmiri
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8823 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8823 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Rosemarie Kelly - Legal Assistant
Direct Line: +00 353 1790 9408 Email Address:
Carine Kesserwani
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8952 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8952 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Robin Lambert
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8879 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8879 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Elinor Lamerton
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8876 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8876 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Ruth Lane
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7220 5207 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7220 5207 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Barry Lewis – Consultant
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8833 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8833 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Marion Mabille - Legal Assistant
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8911 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8911 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Sarah Mahoney
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8825 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8825 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Michele Malson
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8872 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8872 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Helen Matson
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8870 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8870 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Lidia McCarthy
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8968 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8968 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Hazel McElwain
Direct Line: +353 1 790 9424 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +353 1 790 9424 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Damian McKinnon
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8877 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8877 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Helen McLean
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8871 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8871 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Keira-Eva Mooney
Direct Line: +00 353 1790 9415 Email Address:
Ravi Nayer
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8981 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8981 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Matthew Olorenshaw
Direct Line: +44 (0) 20 7220 5210 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0) 20 7220 5210 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Caroline Omare
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8957 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8957 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Joanne O'Sullivan
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8980 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8980 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address: o'
Eileen Pathiraja
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8878 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8878 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Clare Reed
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8938 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8938 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Kiley Rogers
Direct Line: +44(0)20 7280 8815 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44(0)20 7280 8815 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Steve Rogers
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8828 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8828 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Alexander Rozycki - Barrister
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8819 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8819 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Sinéad Ryan
Direct Line: +00 353 1 790 9418 Email Address:
Mirjam Schorr
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8831 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8831 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Richard Senior - Barrister
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8814 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8814 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Tim Sheldon
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8830 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8830 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Kasia Stavrou
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8917 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8917 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Michelle Thomas - Legal Assistant
Direct Line: +44 (0)117 301 7396 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)117 301 7396 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Annemarie Topliss - Legal Assistant
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8824 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8824 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Donal Twomey
Direct Line: +00 353 1790 9414 Email Address:
Philippa Varcoe – Professional Support Lawyer
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8848 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8848 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Dan Ward - Barrister
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8936 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8936 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Natalie Ward Karas
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8940 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8940 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Clare Ward-Smith
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8874 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8874 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
John Wevill
Direct Line: + 44(0)20 7280 8948 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 44(0)20 7280 8948 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Jennifer White
Direct Line: +44 (0)117 301 7395 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)117 301 7395 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Janet Williams
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8822 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8822 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Nicola Woodhouse
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7280 8826 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7280 8826 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email Address:
Chancery Place, 50
Brown Street, Manchester, M2 2JT
DX 14448 Manchester
Claire Sandbrook
Claire leads the
Sherforce team to deliver services which are innovative but remain balanced and
fair to the parties involved.
Claire Sandbrook was appointed as a
High Court Enforcement Officer by the Lord Chancellor in March 2004. She is the
Chief Executive Officer of Shergroup and is also a practicing Solicitor having
qualified in 1989.
In her career as a lawyer in which she has made the enforcement of judgments
her specialism, Claire has written for some of the leading texts in this area
of law including:
The Fourth Edition of
Halsbury's Laws of England on the topic of “Sheriffs'
The Fourth Edition of
Halsbury's Laws of England on the topic of “Interpleader"
“Execution of a
Sheriff's Warrant” – published in 1995 by Barry Rose Publishers and co-authored
with Bill Podevin and James Keith, FCA
“Enforcement of a
Judgment” (9 th Edition) – published by Sweet & Maxell and co-authored with
Duncan Black
“Enforcement of a
Judgment (10 th Edition) – published by Sweet & Maxwell
In edition to writing,
Claire was appointed to the Lord Chancellor's Advisory Group on Enforcement
Service Delivery in 2001, a group which contributed significantly to the
reforms in enforcement we are seeing today.
She has aimed to share her knowledge with the credit industry through lecturing
for Central Law Training and other training providers so that more
practitioners are aware of how to enforce court judgments using the methods
Claire is the current Chair of the High Court Enforcement Officers Association
and is working with the Ministry of Justice and other stakeholders to promote
the Association's stated aimed of “Responsible Enforcement”.
Christopher Badger
Chris has been part of the Sherforce
team since December 2001 when he joined as an administration assistant.
Since then he has gained a wide experience of all areas of High Court
Enforcement and has built up an impressive portfolio of case histories where he
has handled the execution of the Writ in what may be seemed as very complex
issues of law.
Having passed the Sheriffs Officers Association Exam in 2003, Chris was
appointed an Authorised High Court Enforcement Officer by Senior Master Turner
in October 2007.
In 2009 Chris took on the role of Sherforce Operations Manager in which he
liaises with Operational Support, Client Services, Debtor Services, Offshore
Operations, and Finance Service Teams who make up the service delivery
structure of Sherforce.
He frequently attends Court before the Masters of the Queens Bench Division
where he deals with Interpleader, Tools of Trade, and Private Sale applications
of which can arise during the course of the execution of a Writ.
He is also has a wide knowledge of High Court Enforcement Officer's fees and
has dealt with detailed assessment applications at the Supreme Court Costs
Office as well as summary assessment applications for fees.
Chris is also Sherforce's Complaints Officer and complaints about Sherforce
should be directed to him in the first instance using the Complaints
information on this website.
In addition Chris is willing to assist Judgment Creditors on any technical
queries regarding the execution of a Writ, including third party claims,
interpleader proceedings, fees or any other matter, and can be contacted at
Sherforce Enforcement
The named Officer on
the Writ is appointed by the Lord Chancellor to carry out enforcement duties.
Authorised Officers do go out from time to time to carry out enforcement and
remain at all times personally liable for any action taken in their name.
Day to day however, the Authorised Officers, delegate their duties to a team of
trained Enforcement Officers who are controlled by Sherforce to carry out the
enforcement across England and Wales .
The names of these Officers are set out below: Gary Allen, Sue Allen, Richard
Bushnell, Sarah Bosworth, Darren Burgess, George Bright, Mac Ferguson, Michael
Hyde, Mark King, David Carvell, Lynda Carvell, John Himpfen, Kevin Thomas,
Steve Michell, David Wharton, Kerri Reynolds, David Flowers, Scott Hines, David
Sulway, Chris Stokes, Andy Forrester
Claire leads the
Sherforce team to deliver services which are innovative but remain balanced and
fair to the parties involved.
David Asker
David Asker was
appointed as a High Court Enforcement Officer by the Lord Chancellor in March
2004. He is the Chief Technical Officer of Shergroup, having joined the
Sheriff's Office in Greater London in 1983. David's career in enforcement has
spanned many different types of execution including the recovery of large value
Writs of Fi Fa and high profile Writs of Possession. However early on in his
career David became involved in the mainframe computer system used to process
the work of Sheriff's Officers in London . This interest led David to achieve
his Microsoft Network Engineer qualifications and to build and design the
Shergroup computer network of which the processing of Sherforce business is a
vital part. Built in collaboration with the needs of the user community, the
network which David has created sees Sherforce enjoying a global network for
both onshore and offshore back office and voice operations.
This network is the backbone of a modern and well organised enforcement
office. As a result of this expertise he has supported Government initiatives
for successful enforcement models including:
the successful
implementation of the National Information Centre for Enforcement database
(referred to as “NICE')
the online DVLA look
up system (known as “Shercar”) which is used by other High Court Enforcement
Officers, county court enforcement staff, and magistrates' courts fines
officers as well as LACEF member
The Fourth Edition of Halsbury's Laws of England on the
topic of “Sheriffs”
The Fourth Edition of Halsbury's Laws of England on the
topic of “Interpleader”
“Execution of a Sheriff's Warrant” – published in 1995 by
Barry Rose Publishers and co-authored with Bill Podevin and James Keith, FCA
“Enforcement of a Judgment” (9 th Edition) – published by
Sweet & Maxell and co-authored with Duncan Black
“Enforcement of a Judgment (10 th Edition) – published by
Sweet & Maxwell
“Debt Recovery Through the Courts”
(1 st Edition) – published by Sweet & Maxwell
In edition to writing, Claire was
appointed to the Lord Chancellor's Advisory Group on Enforcement Service
Delivery in 2001, a group which contributed significantly to the reforms in
enforcement we are seeing today.
She has aimed to share her knowledge with the credit industry through lecturing
for Central Law Training and other training providers so that more
practitioners are aware of how to enforce court judgments using the methods
Claire is the current Chair of the High Court Enforcement Officers Association
and is working with the Ministry of Justice and other stakeholders to promote
the Association's stated aimed of “Responsible Enforcement”.
Christopher Badger
Chris has been part of the Sherforce
team since December 2001 when he joined as an administration assistant.
Since then he has gained a wide experience of all areas of High Court
Enforcement and has built up an impressive portfolio of case histories where he
has handled the execution of the Writ in what may be seemed as very complex
issues of law.
Having passed the Sheriffs Officers Association Exam in 2003, Chris was
appointed an Authorised High Court Enforcement Officer by Senior Master Turner
in October 2007.
In 2009 Chris took on the role of Sherforce Operations Manager in which he
liaises with Operational Support, Client Services, Debtor Services, Offshore
Operations, and Finance Service Teams who make up the service delivery
structure of Sherforce.
He frequently attends Court before the Masters of the Queens Bench Division
where he deals with Interpleader, Tools of Trade, and Private Sale applications
of which can arise during the course of the execution of a Writ.
He is also has a wide knowledge of High Court Enforcement Officer's fees and
has dealt with detailed assessment applications at the Supreme Court Costs
Office as well as summary assessment applications for fees.
Chris is also Sherforce's Complaints Officer and complaints about Sherforce
should be directed to him in the first instance using the Complaints
information on this website.
In addition Chris is willing to assist Judgment Creditors on any technical
queries regarding the execution of a Writ, including third party claims,
interpleader proceedings, fees or any other matter, and can be contacted at
Sherforce Enforcement
The named Officer on
the Writ is appointed by the Lord Chancellor to carry out enforcement duties.
Authorised Officers do go out from time to time to carry out enforcement and
remain at all times personally liable for any action taken in their name.
Day to day however, the Authorised Officers, delegate their duties to a team of
trained Enforcement Officers who are controlled by Sherforce to carry out the
enforcement across England and Wales .
The names of these Officers are set out below: Gary Allen, Sue Allen, Richard
Bushnell, Sarah Bosworth, Darren Burgess, George Bright, Mac Ferguson, Michael
Hyde, Mark King, David Carvell, Lynda Carvell, John Himpfen, Kevin Thomas,
Steve Michell, David Wharton, Kerri Reynolds, David Flowers, Scott Hines, David
Sulway, Chris Stokes, Andy Forrester
Claire leads the
Sherforce team to deliver services which are innovative but remain balanced and
fair to the parties involved.
David Asker
David Asker was
appointed as a High Court Enforcement Officer by the Lord Chancellor in March
2004. He is the Chief Technical Officer of Shergroup, having joined the
Sheriff's Office in Greater London in 1983. David's career in enforcement has
spanned many different types of execution including the recovery of large value
Writs of Fi Fa and high profile Writs of Possession. However early on in his
career David became involved in the mainframe computer system used to process
the work of Sheriff's Officers in London . This interest led David to achieve
his Microsoft Network Engineer qualifications and to build and design the
Shergroup computer network of which the processing of Sherforce business is a
vital part. Built in collaboration with the needs of the user community, the
network which David has created sees Sherforce enjoying a global network for
both onshore and offshore back office and voice operations.
This network is the backbone of a modern and well organised enforcement
office. As a result of this expertise he has supported Government initiatives
for successful enforcement models including:
the successful
implementation of the National Information Centre for Enforcement database
(referred to as “NICE')
the online DVLA look
up system (known as “Shercar”) which is used by other High Court Enforcement
Officers, county court enforcement staff, and Subject:
Pritchard and others v. Ingram
Winter Green and others
Date:Wed, Mar 23, 2011 7:18 amTo:"''"
"" <>,
"" <>,
"William Moffett (Radcliffe Chambers - Chambers)" <>,
Jonathan Kandler <>,
Mendy <>,
N Iwanier <>,
"''" <>
Dear Sirs
Please note that we have been instructed to
act for Ingram Winter Green in the above matter. Please would all parties
correspond with us and not Ingram Winter Green in relation to all aspects of
this matter.
would Jamison and Associates / Sally
Palmer confirm that they have relayed this message to all the
Claimants and any other relevant parties
would Jamison and Associates / Ms Palmer and Mr Rosen confirm who is acting for
the Claimants in the above action in order that we can correspond with the appropriate
legal representative.
faithfully ,
Lyde and Gilbert LLP
Nurse-Marsh, Partner
Telephone: +44 207 643 8598 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 207 643 8598 end_of_the_skype_highlighting,
Fax: +44 207 071 9151, Mobile: +44 7920 231321 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 7920 231321 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Lyde & Gilbert LLP
House, 15 St. Botolph Street, London EC3A 7NJ.
: +44 (0)20 7247 2277 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)20 7247 2277 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax : +44
(0)20 7643 8500
Web Site :
Number: 945619101
Lyde & Gilbert LLP is a limited liability partnership, registered in
England and Wales with registered number OC325641. It is an international law
firm regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. The term partner is used
to refer to a member of Barlow Lyde & Gilbert LLP or an employee or
consultant of Barlow Lyde & Gilbert LLP with equivalent standing and
qualifications. A list of the members of Barlow Lyde & Gilbert LLP is open
to inspection at the registered office, Beaufort House, 15 St Botolph Street,
BLG Claims
LLP is a limited liability partnership, registered in England and Wales with
registered number OC344148. BLG Claims LLP is affiliated to Barlow Lyde &
Gilbert LLP. It is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Partners
marked * are members of BLG Claims LLP or employees or consultants of BLG
Claims LLP with equivalent standing and qualifications. A list of members is
open to inspection at the registered office, Beaufort House, 15 St Botolph
Street, London, EC3A 7NJ.
magistrates' courts fines
officers as well as LACEF member
To:"''" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"William Moffett (Radcliffe Chambers - Chambers)" <>,
Jonathan Kandler <>,
Mendy <>,
N Iwanier <>,
"''" <>
Bude Nathan Iwanier Solicitors, 1-2 Temple Fortune Parade, Bridge
Lane, London NW11 0QN
Tel:+44 (20) 8458 5656 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (20) 8458 5656 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, Fax: +44 (20) 8458 5065, DX: 92006
Temple Fortune,, "'N Iwanier'" CC:,
Ingram Winter Green Solicitors Bedfprd House, 21A John
Street, London WC1N2BL Tel: 020 7845 7400 Fax: 020 78457401
Partners: ND Green, DJ Ingram, CDWinter, PS Sheeter, MA Compion,
DP Daws, SE Woolf, DV Popal, MJ Pangbourne, D Ginsbury Consuktants: G Paletz
and MA Gordon
INL News Legal and Investigation
Jamison and Associates:
Investigative Accountants and Attorneys Tel: +44 (0) 740 724 7764 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0) 740 724 7764 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Urgent Attention Duty Inspector Rushworth
Met Police Officers by Constables
Owen Met Number ZT253 and Constable Turley Met number ZT 479
Met Police, Sutton Police Station
London Tel:
0208 7731212 Fax: 0208 649 0790
1st April 2011
Re: Illegal and/or wrongful
removal and arrest of Janice Vivienne Pritchard from 1 Garratt Close,
Beddington, Surrey, Sutton, CRO 4PW and the wrongful and/or illegal
threat to arrest Robert Carter form his home at 1 Garratt Close, Beddington,
Surrey, Sutton, CRO 4PW, and wrongfully acting as a private security firm for
Bude Nathan Iwanier solicitors, Nathan Teitelbaun and fine Investments Limited
in clear breach of their duties as London Met Police Officers by Constables
Owen Met Number ZT253 and Constable Turley Met number ZT 479, under
instructions from Duty Inspector Rushworth of the Sutton Police Station. Such actions
being civilly actionable in the courts under the common law tort Male-fiance of
the public officer as well as being civil and/or criminal offences such as
conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, wrongful and illegal arrest,
damages to property and person. There is no doubt that the above names police
officers will lose their jobs, likely criminal charges and themselves and the
Met Police sued for damages, along with the Media exposing world wide the
illegal, corrupt and wrongful actions committed and/or authorized by London Met
Police Officers by Constables Owen Met Number ZT253, Constable Turley Met
number ZT 479 and Duty Inspector Rushworth
Dear Sirs and Madame
Further to our earlier letter as
attached, we inform you that the London Met Police will be help personally
responsible for any items and/or goods, papers, money jewelry, videos, CDs,
computer equipment, stereo equipment and/or any other items at 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton, CRO 4PW that
we at the premises when your selves on behalf of the London Met Police helped
criminals break in to the house and wrongfully stopped the rightful people who
had been living in the house stay and protect their belongings. The facts,
background and seriousness of the situation is set out in the attached letter
that was faxed to you earlier tonight.
Please note unless this
matter is resolved to the satisfaction of Janice Pritchard, Robert Carter and
John Carew-Reid who are the rightful occupants of the house at 1 Garratt Close,
Beddington, Surrey, Sutton, CRO 4PW by Monday at 4pm, then all possible civil
and criminal action will be taken out along with a complaint to the head of the
Met Police and the Mayor of London and other senior politicians as well as all
media outlets around the world
We look forward to an urgent
and sensible response.
Yours sincerely
INL News Legal
and Investigations Group
INL News Legal and Investigation
Jamison and Associates:
Investigative Accountants and Attorneys Tel: +44
(0) 740 724 7764
Urgent AttentionDuty Inspector Neil Tandy and Duty Inspector
Met Police Officers by Constables Owen Met Number ZT253 and
Constable Turley Met number ZT 479
Met Police, Sutton Police Station London Tel: 0208
7731212 Fax: 0208 649 0790
Aaron Emanuel Bude (Mendy) Founding Partner of
Bude Nathan Iwanier Solicitors
Bude Nathan Iwanier Solicitors
1-2 Temple Fortune Parade, Bridge Lane, London NW11 0QN
Tel:+44 (20) 8458 5656Fax: +44 (20) 8458
5065 DX: 92006 Temple Fortune
Barlow Lyde and Gilbert LLP and Tony Nurse-Marsh
Partner Direct Telephone:
+44 207
643 8598
Direct Fax: +44 207 071 9151 Mobile:
7920 231321 Email:
Ingram Winter Green Solicitors, Bedford House, 21A john
Street London WC1N 2BF Tel: 020 7845 7400 Fax: 020 7845 7401
Partners: ND Green, DJ Ingram, CD Winter, PS Sheeter, MA
Compton, DV Popat, DJ Ginsbury, EJ Bartie, BA Horak, Consultants: M.A. Gordon,
G Paletz
1st April 2011
Re: Illegal and/or wrongful removal and arrest of
Janice Vivienne Pritchard from 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton, CRO
4PW and the wrongful and/or illegal threat to arrest Robert Carter form
his home at 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton, CRO 4PW, and
wrongfully acting as a private security firm for Bude Nathan Iwanier
solicitors, Nathan Teitelbaun and fine Investments Limited in clear breach of
their duties as London Met Police Officers by Constables Owen Met Number ZT253
and Constable Turley Met number ZT 479, under instructions from Duty Inspector
Rushworth and Duty Inspector Neil Tandyof the Sutton Police Station. Such
actions being civilly actionable in the courts under the common law tort
Male-fiance of the public officer as well as being civil and/or criminal
offences such as conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, wrongful and
illegal arrest, damages to property and person. There is no doubt that the
above names police officers will lose their jobs, likely criminal charges and
themselves and the Met Police sued for damages, along with the Media exposing
world wide the illegal, corrupt and wrongful actions committed and/or
authorized by London Met Police Officers by Constables Owen Met Number ZT253,
Constable Turley Met number ZT 479 and Duty Inspector Rushworth and Duty
Inspector Neil Tanday
Dear Sirs and Madame
Further to our earlier letter as attached, we inform you
that the London Met Police will be help personally responsible for any items
and/or goods, papers, money jewelry, videos, CDs, computer equipment, stereo
equipment and/or any other items at 1
Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton, CRO 4PW that we at the premises when
your selves on behalf of the London Met Police helped criminals break in to the
house and wrongfully stopped the rightful people who had been living in the
house stay and protect their belongings. The facts, background and seriousness
of the situation is set out in the attached letter that was faxed to you
earlier tonight.
Please note
unless this matter is resolved to the satisfaction of Janice Pritchard, Robert
Carter and John Carew-Reid who are the rightful occupants of the house at 1
Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton, CRO 4PW by Monday at 4pm, then all
possible civil and criminal action will be taken out along with a complaint to
the head of the Met Police and the Mayor of London and other senior politicians
as well as all media outlets around the world
We again
remind you all what we said in your earlier letter faxed yesterday>
If a
sensible response is not received, rest assured this letter and previous
letters will be published on the wortld internet in many international news
websites very soon. Once thisd is done there simply is no turning back. Wew are
giving yourselves and the London Met Police this once only opportunity to amend
the serious wrongs that have been done today as set out in our previous letters
dated the 1st April, 2011. If this warning is not acted upon in a
sensible manner, you can not say you all have not been warned and please
understand that you will then deserve to be exposed in the world media and be
prosecuted with the full weight of all the possible civil and criminal laws
available. If things are immediately rectified in a sensible manner we can then
look at considering that yourselves and
the London Met Police have made a tragic innocent error and have been hoodwinked
by the representatives of solicitors Bude Nathan Iwanier, Fineland Investments,
Solicitors Ingram Winter Green, Solicitor Tony Nurse-Marsh, Solicitors Barlow
Lyde and Gilbert LLP who all work Nathan Tietelbaun who is a well known criminal and money laundering
involved in a massive International Illegal drug operation who uses these names
solicitors to money launder hundreds of millions of pounds each year of black
illegal money through their trust accounts and through local council trust accounts in a scam to defraud life tenants of
council flats of their life tenancies.
of solicitors Bude Nathan Iwanier, Fineland Investments, Solicitors Ingram
Winter Green, Solicitor Tony Nurse-Marsh, Solicitors Barlow Lyde and Gilbert
LLP who all work Nathan Tietelbaun have used the London Met Police Force and
the authority that goes with London Met Police badges in such a wrongful manner
yesterday the 1st April 2011 and besides the fact that what was done
was illegal, corrupt and/or wrongful, it was also immoral and inhuman to the
highest level. All those involved should hang your head in absolute shame over
what you have all being involved with doing and/or ordering to be done and/ot
allowed to be done and/or covering up from be rectified and exposed, Iy you all
do not immediately
(a) Apologize to Janice Vivienne Pritchard
(b) Apologize to Robert Carter
(c) Release Janice Pritchard from your custody
(d) Help and allow Robert Carter to return
to his home at 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton, CR0 4PW. in a
peaceful manner with police protection
(e) Help and allow Janice Pritchard to return to her home at 1 Garratt
Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton, CR0 a peaceful manner with police
action will commence against yourselves and the London Met Police for damages
in excess of 10 million plus other civil and criminal complaints will to made
against you to have you all charges with criminal and/civil offences and
reports filed to encourage the Met Police to remove you all from your duties to
act as police officers so you can not do any more damage to ordinary people
We have
already faxed to various fax number being
Fax: 0208 649 0790 and Fax: 0208 649 3712 some 150 pages that have been
filed with the High Court of Justice Chancery Division in support of a 100
million pound damages claim against yourselves. As a result of what the London
Met Police have done yesterday and continuing today we are about to have the
London Met Police, Inspector Neil Tandy and Duty
Inspector Rushworth, Met Police Officers by Constables Owen Met Number ZT253
and Constable Turley Met number ZT 479 joined to High Court of Justice Action
HC11C00C580 as defendants for being involved with assault and threatening
behavior on Janice Pritchard and Robert
Carter and a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, conceiling evidence,
helping in a robbery, stand over tactics, and the list goes on and on. If the
matter is not resolved my Sunday night the met police and your selves as individual officers will be joined to this
court High Court Action.
We have reported for Janice Pritchard, Robert Carter and
John Carew-Reid the theft of elect4ricity, water and gas bu unknown persons who
illegally broke into the house at 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton
CR0 4PW on the 1st April, 2011, when the life tenant Robert Carter
and new owner of the property John Carew-Reid were away from the property and
manhandled and assaulted their caretaker Janice Pritchard, bodily through her
out the door and changed the locks and brought a van full of unknown Romanian
heavies who say they do not speak English to move into the house. These men
threatened Janice Pritchard and Robert Carter and later on re-threatened
solicitor Sally Palmer and Robert carter with a shovel with violence that was
in the house belonging to Robert Carter with When the police were called by
Robert Carter and John Carew-Reid and the INL News Groups investigators the
police said it was a civil matter, but 10 minutes later brought a number of
policed over to assault Janice Pritchard and wrongfully arrest her without any
due cause and wrongfully threatened Robert Carter with arrest if he did not
walk away formt he drive way and leave the property altogether.
These people in the house are stealing electricity water and
gas form Janice Pritchard and the police and letting them get away with this
crime which was reported 12 hours ago. The police have to go and arrest all the
people in the house at 1 Garratt Close
Beddington Surrey Sutton CR0 4PW for this crime their names are known so the
police have to demand all their names and have their all arrested immediately
for steal electricity and also have their bosses charged for conspiracy to
steal electricity, gas and water from Janice Pritchard, Robert Carter and John
Carew-Reid. These criminals in the house
have been instructed b the legal firms of Bude Nathan and Iwanier,
Ingram Winter Green, and Barlow Lyde and Gilbert LLP and Tony Nurse-Marsh as
well as Fineland Investments Limited and Nathan Tielelbaun. If the police d not
go around and immediately arrest them then the police are continuing to aide
and abet a criminal offence and the police themselves refusing to carry out
their duties ot arrest these people will have to be also charged and also
joined to the above mentioned high Court Action for damages.
We look
forward to an urgent and sensible response.
News Legal and Investigations Group
INL News Legal and Investigation Team,
Jamison and Associates: Investigative Accountants and
Attorneys Tel: +44 (0) 740 724 7764 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0) 740 724 7764 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Inspector Rushworth
Met Police
Officers by Constables Owen Met Number ZT253 and Constable Turley Met number ZT
Met Police,
Sutton Police Station London
Tel: 0208 7731212 Fax: 0208 649 0790
Re: Illegal
and/or wrongful removal and arrest of
Janice Vivienne Pritchard from 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton, CRO
4PW and the wrongful and/or illegal
threat to arrest Robert Carter form his home at 1 Garratt Close,
Beddington, Surrey, Sutton, CRO 4PW, and wrongfully acting as a private security
firm for Bude Nathan Iwanier solicitors, Nathan Teitelbaun and fine Investments
Limited in clear breach of their duties as London Met Police Officers by
Constables Owen Met Number ZT253 and Constable Turley Met number ZT 479, under
instructions from Duty Inspector Rushworth of the Sutton Police Station. Such
actions being civilly actionable in the courts under the common law tort
Male-fiance of the public officer as well as being civil and/or criminal
offences such as conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, wrongful and
illegal arrest, damages to property and person. There is no doubt that the
above names police officers will lose their jobs, likely criminal charges and
themselves and the Met Police sued for damages, along with the Media exposing
world wide the illegal, corrupt and wrongful actions committed and/or
authorized by London Met Police Officers by Constables Owen Met Number ZT253,
Constable Turley Met number ZT 479 and Duty Inspector Rushworth
Dear Sirs
and Madame
Please note
that yourselves have acted in a very wrongful, corrupt and/or wrongful way in
arresting Janice Pritchard from her home at 1 Garratt Close, Beddington,
Surrey, Sutton, CR0 4PW.
Please note
that yourselves have acted in a very wrongful, corrupt and/or wrongful way in
threatening to arrest Janice Pritchard
from his home at 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton, CR0 4PW and
forcing him to leave the home he has been living for over 16 years under threat
of arrest if he did not leave the property.
You have
used you London Met Police Badges and authority in such a wrongful way to day
and besides being illegal, corrupt, and/or wrongful, it was simply immoral and
inhuman to the highest level and you all should hang your head in shame over
what you have done. If you do not immediately
to Janice Vivienne Pritchard
to Robert Carter
Janice Pritchard from your custody
and allow Robert Carter to return to his home at 1 Garratt Close, Beddington,
Surrey, Sutton, CR0 4PW. in a peaceful manner with police protection
and allow Janice Pritchard to return to her
home at 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton, CR0 a peaceful
manner with police protection
Legal action will commence against yourselves and the London Met Police
for damages in excess of 10 million plus other civil and criminal complaints
will to made against you to have you all charges with criminal and/civil
offences and reports filed to encourage the Met Police to remove you all from
your duties ot act as police officers so you can not do any more damage to
ordinary people
We hereby
attach copies of relevant papers that
have been filed with the High Court if Justice Chancery Division and the HM
Tiles office to show that solicitors Bude Nathan Iwanier who represent Fineland
Investments and Natham Tietelbaun are acting in a wrongful and/or illegal way
by employer heavies to forcably removing
Janice Vivienne Pritchard from her home and ASSAULTING HER to day at 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton,
CR0 4PW and acted in a wrongful and/or illegal way by employer heavies to forcably removing Robert Carter from his
home at 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton, CR0 4PW. They have lied ot
the police in saying Fineland Investments is the registered owner of the
property known as 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton, CR0 4PW. The Met Police, including as London Met
Police Officers by Constables Owen Met Number ZT253 and Constable Turley Met
number ZT 479have not acted in a proper and fit manner in refusing to speak on
the phone when they were at the property known as 1 Garratt Close, Beddington,
Surrey, Sutton, CR0 4PW to find out the truth and facts of the matter under
instructions from duty Inspector Rushworth. The situation is clear.
Inspector Rushworth was rung up by power
people and powerful connections associated with the powerful Jewish Solicitors
Bude Nathan Iwanier, to instruct junior constables who had no idea of the real
legal situation ot assist a private security firm and solicitors and corrupt
greedy and powerful multi-millionaire property developers who are all involved
with money laundering of millions of pounds of drug and other illegal money in
trying to buy council flats from councils, abusing the rights of life tenants and
defrauding them such as Janice Vivienne Pritchard and Robert Carter.
The facts of
this case is that:
Bude Nathan Iwanier and their representatives lied and misrepresented the truth
and with held material facts to the London
Met Police today in order to get the met Police to interfere with a
civil matter in circumstances that met Police undertook a few minutes earlier
not to get involved as it was in their opinion a civil matter. Some the
material false facts told to the Met Police and facts that were with held form
the Met Police today are:
falsely told the met Police the property at 1 Garratt Close, Beddington,
Surrey, Sutton, CR0 4PW was registered in the name of their client Fineland
Investments Pty Ltd, when they know full well that the property is registered
in the name of Janice Pritchard and that a transfer has been lodge with the HM
Land Registry sign ed by Janice Pritchard transferring the property to John
Carew-Reid pursuant to an agreement dated 4th June 2004. This
transfer has been lodged with the HM Land registry and has priority to any
other lodgment against the title deed and there is no reason why the transfer
to John Carew-Reid will not completed in due cause,
Carter has been living at the property known as 1 Garratt Close, Beddington,
Surrey, Sutton, CR0 4PW for over 16 years and as such has tenancy rights and
can not be forceably removed by anyone without a court order against him as he
is a long lasting 16 year tenancy, he is the beneficial owner of the property
pursuant to a trust letter signed by John Carew-Reid and pursuant to his right
under the original 16 year tenancy that Janice Pritchard and Robert Carter had
with the Sutton Council which gives them both life tenancies of the property
known as 1 Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton, CR0 4PW
is a court application due to be heard on the 7th April 2011 in the
High Court of Justice- Chancery Division set aside the orders made by Action
Deputy Judge Alison Foster on the grounds that the orders were obtained by
fraudulent misrepresentation, misleading facts and information provided to the
court and withholding of material facts form the court. The attempt to forcibly
remove Robert Carter and Janice Pritchard from their home at 1 Garratt Close,
Beddington, Surrey, Sutton, CR0 4PW with wrongful and/or illegal and immoral help form the
London Met Police force has been an attempt to pervert to course of justice, a
civil and/or criminal physical and psychological assault and a most shameful
act by agents of solicitors Bude Nathan Iwanier, Fineland Investments Limited,
and the London Met Police.
Pritchard’s right to peaceful possession of the property known as 1 Garratt
Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton, CR0 4PW results form a number of angles
which(i) include the fact that John Carew-Reid who is the rightful registered
owner of the property have lodged a legal and binding transfer of the property
to his name with the Land Registry, has appointed both Janice Pritchard and
Robert carter as permanent caretakers of the property on his behalf as the
rightful owner of the property (ii) Janice Prichard has been a tenant and in
possession of the property for over 16 years and has the right to remain as
such, whether under her inherent rights
and/or under the rights given to her by John Carew-Reid as caretaker of the
property for him and Robert Carter’s behalf So even if one wants to support the
view that the wrongful, fraudulent and illegal court order of the 31st
January 2011 has given some purported right to have Janice Pritchard removed
from the property, she can remain under her right as appointed caretaker of the
property as appointed by Robert Carter and John Carew-ReId
all have had a copy of the statement of truths lodged with the courts by Robert Carter and John Carew-Reid as
attached to this letter and all know what they have done today is civilly
and/or criminanly actionable. The sad part about the matter is that the Met
Police have decided to take the law into their own hands and help them with
their civil and criminal wrongs committed today. The police know they have done
wrong and can be sued and those involved are likely to be removed from the Met
Police Force with their careers in a legal and public mess with the whole
scandal being exposed all over the world media to warn others that that this
sort of behavior will not be tolerated.
Solicitor Sally Palmer
will soon be at the Sutton Police Station to organize with the met Police to
immediately release Janice Pritchard form custody with no charge and help with
a police escort to be allowed to peacefully move back into their home at 1
Garratt Close, Beddington, Surrey, Sutton, CR0 4PW. If the above requested
actions are not taken by the London Met Police then the yourselves and the
London Met Police will face the full extent of the civil and criminal law
against them As well as the the greatest media publicity possible to make it
known to the public world wide what is going inside the Met Police and what
corrupt, wrongful, immoral and/or inhumane and illegal actions London Met
Officers are prepared to be involved with. With all the wrongs going on in the
world there is no need for yourselves to shame the London met Police with this
sort of behavior.
Please email back you
immediate response to and a CC:
If a sensible response is
not receive rest assured this letter will be publish on the world internet in
many news websites very soon. Once this is done there simply is no turning
back. We are giving yourselves and the London Met Police this once only
opportunity to amend the serious wrongs that have been done today as set out
above, if this warning is not acted on in a sensible manner, you cab not say
you all have not been warned and please understand that you deserve to be
exposed in the world media and be prosecuted with the full weight of the all
possible civil and criminal laws available
If things are rectified
in a sensible manner we can accept that yourselves and the London Met Police
have made a tragic innocent error and have been hoodwinked by the representatives
of solicitors Bude Nathan Iwanier, Fineland Investments Limited and multi
millionaire property investor Nathan Tietebaun
We look forward to an
urgent and sensible response.
Yours sincerely
INL News Legal and Investigations Group