
Scientology Roots Chapter Nine – 1 Hubbard’s Lifelong Intelligence Career

Scientology Roots Chapter Nine – 1 Hubbard’s Lifelong Intelligence Career

The British nobility has been working on a Grand Plan to make themselves the ruthless ruler of the entire world.

The rest of humanity does not agree to their idea that the British nobility should rule the world. They do not want to be obedient subjects, servants and slaves who live under the boot and say-so of the British aristocracy.

Most men want to live as free men who live under their own will and say-so.

Thus the British slavemasters conducted mental and spiritual research. Their real interest in studying the human mind and spirit was to learn how to control men, so they could modify his behavior into what they want all men to be – willing subjects under rule by the British nobility.

The Cecil family is one of the top British slavemaster families. Their family has been the head of British intelligence for over 400 years. Robert Cecil was the leader of an influential family called the Cecil Bloc.
He was the head of British intelligence and he was a British Prime Minister.

                                                                               Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil (Lord Salisbury)

One of his sisters had a son named Arthur Balfour. He was in the Cecil family and he was also a head of British intelligence and a Prime Minister of Britain.  20

Arthur J. Balfour


Development of Dianetics and Scientology

Stephen Pearl Andrews was a leader in the religious movement called Spiritualism.


Here are some quotes from that book:

Scientology is therefore Universology developed in the spirit of the Exact Sciences, and is wholly new in kind. It is the Core or Centre and the most distinctive Department of Universology… (page 37)

Scientology will re-assert and vindicate… Spiritualistic Realities and Tendencies…
(page 146)

It will be the supreme triumph of Scientology, the Exact Branch of this new Universal Science, to exhibit in Diagram, and by illustrative object-teaching, all the Root-thoughts of which the Human Mind is capable… (page 165)

The same year that Andrews started the idea of Scientology, the Cecil family took up the idea.

In 1871Arthur Balfour and his in-laws form a private group to study paranormal phenomena.

* * *

Psychiatrist Josef Breuer was treating Bertha Pappenheim in the summer of 1880.


He found that when she recalled a series of memories back to a traumatic memory, one of her many symptoms would disappear. Breuer drew two important conclusions from his work with Bertha: that her symptoms were the result of thoughts that were buried in her unconscious and that when these thoughts were spoken and became conscious, the symptoms disappeared.

Breuer called this catharsis therapy. It was also called abreactive therapy and talking therapy.

Catharsis or abreactive therapy –

The process of bringing repressed ideas and feelings into consciousness.
It is the reliving of past traumatic incidents buried in the subconscious.

Sigmund Freud began using this cathartic treatment under Breuer’s guidance.

Sigmund Freud

* * *

In 1882, Arthur Balfour created the Society for Psychical Research. They conducted scientific research into mental and spiritual phenomena. They developed the subjects of Dianetics and Scientology. All the basic mental, spiritual, and religious ideas in Dianetics and Scientology were developed by the SPR, before L. Ron Hubbard was even born. That includes the therapy used.

Sigmund Freud was a member of the Society for Psychical Research. The SPR also conducted extensive research into catharsis therapy. The subjects of Dianetics and Scientology were tied together from the beginning and both subjects were underneath the Cecil family, which means underneath British intelligence.

When Ron Hubbard was a teenager he was recruited by British intelligence. Thereafter he executed one intelligence assignment after the other for his entire life.

Hubbard superspy
They groomed Hubbard to be the front man for their subjects of Dianetics and Scientology. You can read about that in Scientology Roots Chapter Seven – 
The First Scientologists and Their Masters.

The common denominator that explains all of Hubbard’s actions in life ….

Ron Hubbard told Scientologists to support the British New World Order.

He advocates the worst sociopaths in the world having direct control over the life of every individual person.


perish the thought - wry ick face

L. Ron Hubbard was not “mankind’s greatest friend”.

As an intelligence agent for the British slavemasters – he was one of mankind’s greatest enemies.


Formation of MI 6

In 1909, the British Home Office became MI 5 and the British Foreign Office became MI 6.

MI5 is Britain’s counter-espionage service. It operates inside Great Britain.
MI6 conducts intelligence activities on foreign soil, outside of Britain.

Admiral Sir George Mansfield Smith-Cumming headed the new Foreign Section of the British Secret Service.
The new Foreign Section is called the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) and MI 6.


Commander Thompson Mentor To Ron Hubbard

Commander Joseph Thompson was a medical officer (neurosurgeon) in the US Navy.

JCThompson1917Joseph Cheesman Thompson

Joseph Thompson of the US Navy and Consuelo Andrew Seoane of the US Army, served together as spies in Japan starting in 1909. They pretended they were studying coastal reptiles and amphibians, but they were actually charting possible invasion routes and counting all the Japanese fortifications and naval guns that were part of Japan’s coastal defenses. Their espionage work went on from there into places other than Japan. In a subsequent assignment, Thompson was sent into China because of the Boxer rebellion there.

Commander Thompson had a career doing intelligence work using the same archaeologist, exploring scientist cover. He studied bugs and dug up ancient graves, sometimes operating under his real name and sometimes using fake names such as Dr. Victor Kuhne and Joe Tom Sun.  24

Commander Thompson would become the mentor to Ron Hubbard.

On 13 March 1911 Lafayette Ronald Hubbard was born. He is the son of United States naval commander Harry Ross Hubbard and Ledora May Hubbard. A friend of Ron’s father was US Navy Commander Joseph “Snake” Thompson.


All of the basic mental, spiritual, and religious ideas found in Dianetics and Scientology were already developed by the Society for Psychical Research, before L. Ron Hubbard was even born. That includes the therapy used.




Vincent Astor Intelligence Network – Naval Reserves

Waldorf Astor was an early member of the Round Table. He and his wife Nancy lived in an estate called Cliveden.

Waldorf and Nancy AstorWaldorf and Nancy Astor

Cliveden House

The Astors held regular weekend parties and the group that attended them was known as ‘the Cliveden set’.

Some of them were –

Edward Wood, Lord Halifax  (member of Round Table)
Philip Kerr, Lord Lothian  (member of Round Table)
Lionel Curtis  (member of Round Table)
Robert Brand  (member of Round Table)
Geoffrey Dawson  (member of Round Table, editor London Times)
Samuel Hoare  (Foreign Secretary, MI 6)

Waldorf Astor had a wealthy relative in America – William Vincent Astor.

William Vincent AstorWilliam Vincent Astor

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was Assistant Secretary of the US Navy from 1913 to 1920. Vincent Astor was good friends with Franklin Roosevelt, and they met during World War I to discuss using yachts to make a Naval Reserve Force. They selected their wealthy socialite friends to form a private intelligence network called the Naval Reserves. Their socialite pals were young men who shared the “right” schools, clubs, and connections, and all of them were pro-British. These reserve intelligence officers were under the Office of Naval Intelligence.  12, 15

Roosevelt as Assistant Secretary of the US Navy

roosevelt asst sec navy

Astor and Roosevelt had in common that their grandfathers became wealthy trafficking opium into China.

The grandfather of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Warren Delano Jr., was chief of operations for Russell & Co., a Boston trading firm which did big business in the China opium trade in Canton. He first went to China at age 24 and spent a decade dealing opium on the Pearl River before returning to New York wealthy. He admitted in letters home that opium had an “unhappy effect” on its users, but argued that its sale was “fair, honorable, and legitimate,” akin to importing wine and spirits to America.

Astor’s grandfather became wealthy from trading furs and trafficking opium.

* * *

Woodrow Wilson became President of the United States in 1913.

Woodrow_WilsonWoodrow Wilson

Edward House helped Wilson get elected and was Wilson’s closest adviser.

Colonel_HouseColonel Edward Mandell House

World War I was from 1914 to 1919. That was an European conflict that had nothing to do with the United States. American citizens were against America getting into the war. But the British wanted to get America involved on the British side.

Sir George Mansfield Smith-Cumming sent Sir William Wiseman to run the British intelligence effort in America. Wiseman and Colonel House were good buddies. Wiseman was the handler of House, and House was invested in controlling American President Woodrow Wilson. Wiseman and House worked together on handling Wilson to get America into the war.


Aleister Crowley was an MI 6 agent who had the cover of being in the occult. Robert Cecil was his patron who had sent him to Cambridge University for training as a “diplomat”. So, Robert Cecil himself was who recruited Aleister Crowley for British intelligence.

Aleister Crowley worked for William Wiseman during World War I and helped with getting America into the war.
In the 1920’s and 1930’s Crowley spied on Germans with occult interests. 17, 25 

Aleister CrowleyEdward Alexander Crowley

Spencer Eddy, a wealthy New York socialite, was close friends with Franklin Roosevelt.

Spencer_Fayette_EddySpencer Fayette Eddy

In early 1916, William Wiseman recommends to Franklin Roosevelt to have Spencer Eddy start up a spy network to gather domestic intelligence. Eddy agreed to do it.

Commander Edward McCauley, Jr. was assistant director of Naval Intelligence and he acted as the handler for Eddy. Eddy recruited agents from the Naval Reserve Force. The agents in Eddy’s intelligence group were designated voluntary agents of Office of Naval Intelligence. 1

On 6 January 1917, Commander McCauley recruited all these voluntary agents into the United States Naval Reserve Force and gave them the rank of lieutenant junior grade. These men were made officers with temporary commissions and served as “volunteer agents” for the Office of Naval Intelligence. Vincent Astorwas made a Commander in the Naval Reserve.  13, 14

The Naval Reserve was basically a pro-British private intelligence network headed by Vincent Astor.

A little later in time Ron Hubbard was accepted into the Naval Reserves as an intelligence officer.


Behavior Modification by Psychiatry

During World War I, John Rawlings Rees and some other psychs were brought into the British Army to handle officer selection and to treat soldiers suffering from shell shock. They called it battle neurosis when the soldiers did not want to kill and be killed.

Their interest was in how to make men into killers and how to choose men to lead and influence others to kill.

They used abreactive therapy on the soldiers, followed up by drugs and electroshock “therapy”.



In 1920, these same psychs formed the Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology, also called the Tavistock Clinic. They used the same treatments on the civilian population then.

John Rawlings Rees made the following statements about Tavistock Clinic –

…the best results with the war neuroses are obtained when they have active treatment.

“Psychosurgery” in the shape of abreaction followed by simple re-education should as a rule precede a period of rest under narcosis.

There is, however, no question that the general method of abreaction followed by sedation is applicable to many cases in civilian life…  64

John Rawlings Rees - Tavistock


John Rawlings Rees was one of the psychiatrists who worked for British intelligence.


Hubbard Imitated Commander Thompson

1923 – Commander Joseph “Snake” Thompson had recently been to Vienna and was a personal student of Sigmund Freud on the subject of the mind and psychoanalysis.

Joseph Snake ThompsonJoseph Thompson

In the autumn of 1923, Snake was on his way back to Washington DC aboard the USS Ulysses S. Grant. Ron Hubbard and his parents boarded the same ship on 1 November 1923, also on their way to Washington, DC.
During this voyage, Ron meets Commander Joseph Thompson. 5

the_USS_U.S._Grant_coming_into_Seward_Harbor_Alaska_-_1941United States Ship Ulysses S. Grant

Commander Thompson was stationed at Saint Elizabeths Hospital in Washington, DC – a mental health hospital.

Commander Thompson was very close friends with Clara Thompson. She worked at Chestnut Lodge Sanitarium which is only a few miles away from Saint Elizabeths Hospital. She was trained at Tavistock Clinic, the place where John Rawlings Rees was working.

Clara Thompson

Starting in 1923, Commander Thompson became the mentor of L. Ron Hubbard who is 12 years old at the time. Thompson spent many afternoons in the Library of Congress teaching Ron Hubbard about the human mind. 5

Further Introduction to Dianetics, an LRH lecture 23 September 1950 –

I was in the Orient when I was young. Of course, I was a harum-scarum kid; I wasn’t thinking about deep philosophic problems; but I had a lot of friends. One such friend was Commander “Snake” Thompson.

He had studied under Sigmund Freud, and he found me a very wide-eyed and wide-eared boy. He had just come from Vienna, and his mouth and mind were full of associative words, libido theories, conversion, and all the rest of it. He had served as an intelligence officer in Japan during the First World War.


The Story of Dianetics and Scientology, an LRH lecture 18 October 1958 –

Anyway, at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, where they have all the books on everything, he [Thompson] started shoving my nose into an education in the field of the mind. Now, that’s a very unusual thing to do, to take a twelve-year-old boy and start doing something with the mind. But he really got me interested in the subject – up to the point where I was pretty sure that Freud didn’t know what he was talking about.

Practicalities of a Practical Religion, an LRH lecture 3 June 1955 –

Nowanother fellow who had been more or less my mentor when I was a little kid – as a matter of fact, I followed in the footsteps of this man – Commander Thompson


I followed in the footsteps of this man –
Commander Thompson


Commander Thompson was an intelligence agent – not just in Japan during World War I, being an intelligence agent was his career. And that is exactly the career of Ron Hubbard, British intelligence agent, including him being the front man for Scientology. Scientology was always under the thumb of British intelligence.

Commander Joseph Thompson got Ron Hubbard started on his intelligence career.

Ron Hubbard followed Commander Thompson’s footsteps as an intelligence agent.
Mechanics of the Mind, an LRH lecture 10 January 1953 –

…I have approximated to a very remarkable degree the career of Commander Thompson

in the field of expeditions, explorations, I always favored certain quarters of the world, always went there and, when there, did certain thingsIt fits Commander Thompson’s record.

This man had a tremendous influence upon me.

Hubbard is revealing that his expeditions and explorations were cover for doing intelligence work.

Just like Commander Thompson did in his various explorations such as collecting bugs, digging up ancient graves, etc. Those activities were only a cover story to hide what he was really doing in each area – intelligence work.

The common denominator that explains all of Hubbard’s actions in life ….


Hubbard superspy L. Ron Hubbard


Vincent Astor Intelligence Network – The ROOM

Vincent Astor and his socialite friends required a retreat where they could gather in private to discuss political, financial and international topics. In 1927 Astor formed a secret society called The ROOM, which met monthly in an apartment at 34 East 62nd Street in New York City. All members had British ties and served as British agents. 4

34_east_62nd_street_-_the_ROOM_today_is_goneThe ROOM building

The ROOM was an outcropping of the previously formed Naval Reserves. The ROOM was the forerunner of the
Office of Strategic Services – which was the forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency.

The members conducted espionage in their travels around the world and they reported at the monthly meeting. Vincent Astor then forwarded the intelligence on to Franklin Roosevelt. It was a Roosevelt-Astor Espionage Ring.

astor and franklin rooseveltVincent Astor and Franklin Roosevelt

The most significant ROOM members were –

William Vincent Astor  (family connection in Round Table)
William Wiseman  (head of MI 6 in America)
William Donovan  
(Chief of OSS)
David Kirkpatrick Este Bruce  
(Chief of OSS in London)
Robert Gordon McKay  
(member of OSS)
Charles Suydam Cutting  
(member of OSS)
Frederick Trubee Davison  (member of CIA)
Somerset Maugham  (MI 6 agent)
Clarence L. Hay  (Naval Reserve intelligence agent)
William Rhinelander Stewart  (U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence)

Other important Room members were –

Winthrop Williams Aldrich  (son of Nelson Aldrich – who helped enact federal reserve system)
Nelson Doubleday  (publisher, friend of MI 6 agent Ian Fleming)
Barklie McKee Henry (schooled at Oxford University)
Kenneth B. Schley (close friends with Duke and Duchess of Windsor)
H. Nugent  (Kermit Roosevelt’s close English friend)
Reginald Fincke  (his daughter married a British nobleman)
Oliver Dwight Filley  (pilot with the Royal Flying Corps in World War I)
Kermit Roosevelt Sr. (son of American President Theodore Roosevelt, joined the British Army)
Theodore Roosevelt Jr. (son of American President Theodore Roosevelt)    27, 28

William Wiseman, the head of MI6 in the United States, was a ROOM member.  3

William_WisemanWilliam Wiseman

William Donovan, future head of the Office of Strategic Services, was a member.

The entire atmosphere of The ROOM resembled an intelligence office. It’s code name was The Club.

All ROOM members were pro-British and The ROOM had a purpose to promote Anglo-American ties.  29

British author Somerset Maugham was a ROOM member. William Wiseman had recruited Maugham into MI6 in 1916. He used book writing as a cover for doing intelligence work.

somerset-maughamSomerset Maugham

Some ROOM members belonged to the Explorers Club in New York City. The ROOM often worked together with other members of the Explorer’s Club, inviting them to their secret meetings.   124

ROOM members often used sailing trips, or “scientific expeditions” and “world exploration” as a cover for intelligence work. The Explorers Club flag was used for cover.

Some ROOM members who belonged to the Explorers Club were –

Charles Suydam Cutting
Theodore Roosevelt Jr.
Kermit Roosevelt
Clarence L. Hay

Suydam Cutting, Kermit Roosevelt and Teddy Roosevelt Jr. went on two intelligence missions into China and Tibet. Their cover story on one mission was they were “in search of the legendary big-horn wild sheep called Ovis Poli”. Their cover story on the other mission was they were “searching for the Giant Panda”.

Their intelligence mission had to do with an alliance between Britain, America, and Japan to try and control Tibet and reincarnate something called the “Shambhala Project” – which was a previous British intelligence plan meant to bring the East under Britain.  2


Though never attached formally to The ROOM, Franklin Roosevelt knew every member well. Roosevelt met with ROOM members aboard Vincent Astor’s yacht, the Nourmahal, where they spent long hours drinking, gambling, fishing, “frumping” and pursuing amorous adventure.  30



Hubbard Recruited by British Intelligence

In April 1928 Hubbard drops out of high school and goes to meet his parents in Guam.

On 30 May 1928 Hubbard traveled to China aboard the Mariana Maru, without his parents along.

Hubbard_1930sRon Hubbard aboard the Mariana Maru – he is 17 years old

Hubbard apparently spent more than six months in China, because a journal entry in his diary on November 11, 1928 shows that he has left Peking, and is now at sea again.

This is the time when Hubbard’s British intelligence career gets officially going.

Major Ian MacBean worked for MI 6 in China. His wife was Phyllis Bedell and since childhood she was lifelong friends with Admiral Mark Kerr. His cousin was Philip Henry Kerr, a member of the Round Table who held top positions in British intelligence and he worked directly with Lord Robert Cecil. The point is – Major Ian MacBean had family connection right to the top of the British slavemasters.  57

Starting in June 1928, Hubbard gets trained by British intelligence man Ian MacBean, for the next six months.

An autobiographical excerpt by Hubbard:

I was up and down the China coast several times in my ‘teens from Ching Wong Tow to Hong Kong and inland to Peking and Manchuria. I had a very good friend in the British Legation in Peking, Major Ian MacBean who was an intelligence officer. My friends were very kind to me, even indulgent, and I was extremely fortunate in having the friendship of a great many older men. They found me a good listener.

Ian MacBean took Hubbard on a tour of British intelligence efforts from Peking through northern China.

From the L. Ron Hubbard website –

…among those encountered through the course of his second Asian venture… was a Major Ian MacBean of the British Secret Service. Precisely why this MacBean would take a seventeen-year-old L. Ron Hubbard through a tour of British intelligence efforts from Peking through northern China is not known. Nonetheless, and as we shall see, MacBean’s lessons were to serve Ron well.


Hubbard, in his own words in Dime Adventure magazine, October 1935 –

I completely missed the atmosphere of the city, devoting most of my time to a British major who happened to be head of the Intelligence out there.


Originally published in the February 1935 issue of Five Novels –

It was on Hubbards second journey to East Asia that he met British Secret Service agent, Major Ian MacBean, who introduced him to “The Great Game,” the geopolitical tug-of-war between China, Japan, and Britain.   32

Major_Ian_MacbeanIan MacBean – MI 6 British intelligence agent


Hubbard_Peking_1929Hubbard in Peking, under the tutelage of British MI6 agent Ian MacBean


November 1928 – Hubbard is leaving China, going back to Guam.

January 1, 1929 – Ian MacBean writes to Hubbard, calls him a lieutenant and says he has been retained. 16

Dear Red,

You’ll probably hear this officially soon but I want to let you know first. You’re still a Lieutenant. You’ve been retained in spite of all the fuss the Ambassador made.

Please come back…


A copy of Ian MacBean’s 1929 letter to L. Ron Hubbard was an exhibit in the Gerald Armstrong 1 trial.



We see from this that Ron Hubbard was hired by British intelligence and given the rank of Lieutenant.

It was to be his lifelong career…

* * *

Starting in 1929, Ron Hubbard starts studying Scientology material. You can read about that in –
Scientology Roots Chapter Seven – The First Scientologists and Their Masters

1930 – Ron Hubbard enrolls in George Washington University where he studies civil engineering.

In 1931, Paul Linebarger was a student in the School of Engineering at George Washington University.

Paul Linebarger and Ron Hubbard met and became friends. The Hatchet was the college paper which had a supplement called the Literary Review, and Paul Linebarger was the editor. On 9 February 1932 Paul published Hubbard’s first story called “Tah”.   84,  85    

Linebarger_before_the_WarPaul Myron Anthony Linebarger

200px-Hubbard1932L. Ron Hubbard in 1932

After graduating from George Washington University, Paul Linebarger went to Oxford in England where he was groomed for his intelligence career.  84    

In the future, Paul Linebarger would be one of several CIA agents who helped Hubbard start Dianetics and Scientology. In addition to that, Linebarger and Hubbard worked for a CIA unit called Political Action Staff.
The head of that CIA unit was under Kermit Roosevelt junior whose father was a ROOM member.   86    

Intelligence Assignment in Puerto Rico

In 1932 Vincent Astor starts forwarding ROOM intelligence directly to Franklin Roosevelt.
Most early data concerned general conditions in the Caribbean and Panama Canal Zone.   30

Puerto Rico is one of the Caribbean Sea countries

Puerto Rico became a United States possession at the end of the Spanish-American war.
Pedro Albizu Campos was the leading advocate for Puerto Rican independence.
Campos was elected president of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party in 1930.  37

Dr. Cornelius P. Rhoads was doing medical research for the Rockefeller Institute at San Juan Presbyterian Hospital. In November 1931, when Rhoads was about to complete his research for Rockefeller, he wrote a letter that said:

…the Porto Ricans — they are beyond doubt the dirtiest, laziest, most degenerate and thievish race of men ever inhabiting this sphere. It makes you sick to inhabit the same island with them. What the island needs is not public health work, but a tidal wave or something to totally exterminate the population. I have done my best to further the process of extermination by killing off 8 and transplanting into several more. The matter of consideration for the patient’s welfare plays no role here — in fact, all physicians take delight in the abuse and torture of the unfortunate subjects.

When lab workers in the Presbyterian Hospital found the letter and photocopied it, all hell broke lose. The letter reached Campos, who displayed it for all Puerto Ricans to see, thus sparking a revolution amongst the Puerto Ricans. In January 1932, Campos published an article accusing Dr. Rhoads of killing Puerto Rican patients. Campos continued to make an international flap out of it.

Hubbard dropped out of college in 1932 and immediately went on an intelligence mission to Puerto Rico. He made two lengthy trips to Puerto Rico, which was a political nightmare at the time. The people in Puerto Rico were demanding independence.

The first cover story he used was he was going on a “Caribbean Motion Picture Expedition”. Hubbard rented the schooner Doris Hamlin and set sail on 24 June 1932. His final stopping point was Puerto Rico, where he got off the Doris Hamlin. Hubbard spent more than two weeks there in August 1932.  33, 34  Ship records show Hubbard departed San Juan on the SS Coamo on 25 August 1932.  35

Ron Hubbard’s second trip to Puerto Rico had the cover of him doing the “Puerto Rican Mineralogical Expedition”. Hubbard does this with a mining engineer named Joseph Buhrman Carper. Hubbard went to Puerto Rico on 26 October 1932, on board the USS Kittery. They spent a short time looking for gold in a river and the bulk of the time Hubbard was out gathering intelligence on the people in Puerto Rico who were rebelling.

Hubbard_in_Puerto_Rico_1930sRon Hubbard on the left

Carper and Hubbard constructed a sluice. Hubbard said –

“After locating a likely spot, Carper built a test sluice from discarded boards, and we began the task of sluicing the Negro in hope of fabulous riches. The sluice itself was a simple affair—a twenty-foot box without a top, a foot deep and a foot wide…”

Carper_and_Hubbard_construct_sluiceThe sluice constructed by Carper and Hubbard

On 20 November 1932, Hubbard writes a letter in Corozal, Puerto Rico –

“Carper and Wilkerson went out yesterday to see some property and left me running the sluice.”

In another Church collection, Hubbard says:

“…as Carper had left me in charge of the sluice for some days, I closed down shop and paid off the native workers with my last money. After that I sat on my heels and wondered what Carper had found which detained him so long out in the island.

But I did not have to worry for long about Carper and sluicing, as he suddenly took himself and the remainder of the eight hundred dollars out of the picture without even telling me goodbye.

After that I had ample time to study the history of gold mining in Puerto Rico, for I was too broke to do any prospecting other than with a pan…”

So, this mining expedition was a joke. They had one little sluice which they closed down within a month.

Pedro Campos was having a lot of pull with the people, especially the inland farmers who were called the jibaros.

The Church of Scientology claims that Hubbard “made the first complete mineralogical survey of Puerto Rico” during which he “sluiced inland rivers and crisscrossed the island in search of elusive gold” as well as carrying out “much ethnological work amongst the interior villages and native hillsmen or jíbaros“.

After closing the sluice, Hubbard had 4 months free to run around the island doing what he is really there to do, a psychological survey of the rebelling jíbaros. That was the intelligence mission, Hubbard’s employer wanted to find out how they could manipulate the jíbaros.

In another letter Hubbard says –

“…my friends in the North sent support to me in the form of Thomas Finley McBride…”

Thomas McBride
 was a mining engineer who worked for American Smelting and Refining Company. One of its owners is William Rockefeller and Grant Schley was on the board of directors, he is the father of ROOM member Kenneth B. Schley. Now we see who Hubbard’s employer was, who wanted to get control of the political situation in Puerto Rico.

West Indies Minerals sends a letter to Hubbard on 30 March 1933 –

Dear Mr. Hubbard,

Due to the recent developments in the investigations of the deposits and properties under consideration on the island it is imperative that you return to Washington for a conference.

You will leave Puerto Rico on the first available transportation for New York and thence to Washington, D.C.

The “conference” would have been where Hubbard was debriefed on what he had learned about the jíbaros.

Ship records show Hubbard departing San Juan on 6 April 1933 on the SS Coamo bound for New York.  36

West Indies Minerals was also a joke. It was used to provide cover for Hubbard’s intelligence work in Puerto Rico.
Its small office had two guys with no experience in mining. It was closed down shortly for failure to pay taxes. 38

Pedro Campos was subsequently arrested on false charges and sentenced to prison in Atlanta, Georgia.
During his imprisonment Campos was subjected to human radiation experiments.

Campos with burns caused by intense radiationAlbizo being experimented on in prison
* * *

Between 1932 and 1941 Hubbard traveled extensively in Central America.    59

Roosevelt Meeting With Round Table

In 1932 Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected President of the United States. Roosevelt immediately goes to meet with Round Table members at Cliveden.  45  Franklin Roosevelt then assumed office as American President from 1933 to 1945.

Starting in 1933, Vincent Astor served as the intermediary for intelligence gathered by ROOM members and their agents, forwarding intelligence directly to President Franklin Roosevelt.

Roosevelt went to the Nourmahal for rest, and to escape from the burdens of office during the early years of his presidency. “This is the only place I can get away from people, telephones and uniforms,” Roosevelt wrote a friend in 1934.  31

William_Astor_aboard_the_NourmahalVincent Astor aboard the Nourmahal


More MI 6 Psychs Using Abreactive Therapy

In 1935, psycho-psychiatrist William Sargant went to work at Maudsley Hospital, where he worked along with psychiatrist John Rawlings Rees. Sargant used abreactive therapy in conjunction with drugs and electroshock, just like John Rees was doing during World War I.

William Walters SargantWilliam Walters Sargant

Sargant experimented with numerous vicious drugs and drugs given in combination. He also performed leucotomies. Sargant spent 38 years butchering people with his horrific treatments.




It was later revealed that Sargant worked for MI 5 and MI 6.

Intelligence Assignment in Propaganda

Ron Hubbard’s next intelligence assignment was issuing British propaganda.

William Wiseman was the head of MI6 in the United States. In the mid 1930′s Wiseman was sent to Hollywood where he used his influence to “encourage a favorable portrayal of the British Empire in American films”.


In 1936 Hubbard gets “called to Hollywood” (likely by Wiseman) – a British intelligence assignment.  39

Memory And Automaticity, an LRH lecture 16 December 1952 –

I worked for Hollywood for about a year… This is clear back in 1936 and 37.

Hubbard_1936_1937Ron Hubbard in 1936

In 1937, Aldous Huxley moved to Hollywood. He earned a substantial income as a Hollywood screenwriter. 52

Aldous Huxley says he was friends with Ron Hubbard. That friendship obviously began in Hollywood in 1937, when both writers were serving under William Wiseman in Hollywood. Huxley and Hubbard were MI 6 agents.

Huxley had written a book promoting World Government. Later in time, Huxley headed a covert operation to subvert America’s youth with hallucinogenic drugs. When Huxley wrote a book promoting hallucinogenic drugs, Hubbard recommended that Scientologists should read it.

Aldous Huxley

October 5, 1937 – John W. Campbell is hired at Astounding Science Fiction magazine.

March 1938 – Propaganda was so important to British Intelligence, that a special section was created for propaganda. It was funded by MI6 and headed by Sir Campbell Stuart.

Sir_Colin_Campbell_Stuart_June_10,_1944Colin Campbell Stuart

The British slavemasters want to eliminate national boundaries and establish a World Government that is run by them. Thus British propaganda states that nationalism is the cause of wars. That is a lie. Individual nations are not the cause of wars, the wars have been caused by the British nobility.

May 1938 – John W. Campbell given full authority for Astounding Science Fiction magazine.

May 1938 – Ron Hubbard goes to New York, Street and Smith want him to write for their newly acquired magazine, Astounding Science Fiction. Out of ALL the writers there could be, they choose Ron Hubbard?
Naw, this is a plan going into effect. A propaganda plan.

Now Hubbard is on his new British intelligence assignment as a sci-fi writer. British propaganda is under and done by British intelligence, so when Hubbard starts pumping out New World Order propaganda in his sci-fi stories, he is working for British intelligence.L._ron_Hubbard_and_john_campbell

Evidence That L. Ron Hubbard Was Working For British Intelligence In 1940, 1941, and 1942

November 8th, 2017- McClaughry

It was on June 11, 1940 that William Stephenson arrived in New York to start the British Security Coordination to get America into the war – WWII. He arrived aboard the SS Britannic with John Arthur Reed Pepper (his SIS man) and family in tow.

The first order of business was getting a “control” point for Secret Intelligence work. Someone who was fully aboard the British agenda and more importantly, would do whatever the British told him to do. Vincent Astor, with numerous familial connections into British high society, was chosen to hold that function while a more permanent arrangement was being worked on. (the COI, then the OSS).

Every step of the way was controlled by the British.

Stephenson told President Roosevelt, Roosevelt told the Secretary of the Navy, who then told the Chief of Naval Operations that Astor would now be unofficially in charge of ALL intelligence work in the New York area, including the Office of Naval Intelligence in New York City. This is the Third Naval District (abbreviation – 3ND).

No questions asked – that’s the way it IS kind of thing.

This also means that Astor is in charge of any agent selection/recommendations etc. in the New York area both then and when the 1939 Foreign Espionage function was transferred to the Foreign Intelligence Branch (OP-16-F-9) in early 1941.

The New York area was basically the who’s who in intelligence. Anywhere from William Donovan to David K.E. Bruce to John Riheldaffer (head of OP-16-F-9) to people like L. Ron Hubbard.

L. Ron Hubbard had already connected up with the Astor “secret” intelligence/naval reserve organization called the ROOM, and because of those connections had gained entrance to the Explorer’s Club of New York – being officially made a member in February of 1940.

Astor is actually even referred to as the “British Intelligence” section at the 3rd naval district, as I am about to show you.

There are a number of other significant events in the British intelligence community occurring right in this time frame. You can peruse a timeline of some of the main ones in my post: Straightening Out The Timeline Around Hubbard’s Intelligence Background – Plus a few other things.

Right after Astor was ensconced in the Third Naval District, Hubbard was sent on a naval intelligence mission for Stephenson and the BSC (who is who was actually controlling Astor).

William Stephenson told President Roosevelt, and Roosevelt told his cabinet, that they needed to recognize the great potential (and threat in enemy hands) of radio-based detection and tracking, and began the development of ship- and land-based systems. The first of these were fielded by the U.S. Navy in early 1940, hence Hubbard’s involvement as a civilian intelligence agent (remember the ROOMs heavy ties to the U.S. navy).

Hubbard was being engaged to assist the British (through his connections to Astor’s ROOM and its corresponding Explorer’s Club members) in the Alaskan deployment of Range and Direction Finding.

Note: The fact that he was doing this for British Intelligence and he was knowledgeable of MI6 agent Alistair Crowley, appears to have had no small amount of bearing on naming his ship for the trip – The Magician. Crowley’s intelligence cover throughout his career was that of an “occult magician”.

Ron Hubbard on his way to Alaska

The basic technology of radio-based detection and tracking evolved independently and with great secrecy in a number of nations during the second half of the 1930s. At the start of the war in Europe in September 1939, both Great Britain and Germany had begun the actual military use of these systems. In Great Britain this technology was called RDF, standing for Range and Direction Finding, while in Germany the name Funkmessgerät (radio measuring device) was often used.

Little known factoid: The acronym RADAR (for RAdio Detection And Ranging) was coined by the U.S. Navy in 1940, and the subsequent name “radar” was soon widely used.

Hubbard’s mission was to explore not only what the problem areas were, and if the cause could be established beyond simple storm conditions, as well as testing ideas on how to improve range, clarity versus loss of signal, and tracking magnetic interference “zones” largely caused by polar magnetism and to some degree, in certain locations, from solar flares commonly known as “Northern Lights”. Russia’s alliance with Germany, combined with Japanese incursions in the North-east coastline of China made Alaska suddenly very key to the United States and Britain, militarily.

Ketchikan, where Hubbard ended up, was a particularly key industrial and manufacturing city, but back in the time when radio was still quite fledgling, (the 1930’s) it suffered from severe problems with radio communications, largely due to extreme weather conditions and other more confounding influences. This, of course, made radio-direction finding for ship and plane navigation (and submarines) a very urgent problem.

Using his “intimates” at the Explorer’s Club, he carried an Explorer’s Club Flag (#105) which provided the first layer of intelligence cover – with the commonly used British “I’m on expedition” cover.

He called it “Alaskan Radio-Experimental Expedition”, with the outer stated purpose being to update the U.S. Coast Pilot guide regarding the coastlines of Alaska and B.C. Although he did that, that’s not the real reason, as we already covered.

When he tied up his sloop, the Magician, at Thomas Basin in Ketchikn on Friday, August 31, 1940 what he told other people was that his purpose in coming to Alaska “was two-fold, one to win a bet and another to gather material for a novel of Alaskan salmon fishing”. (The Ketchikan Chronicle).

So, he also employed the well-used by British intelligence agents (like Somerset Maugham) “writer” intelligence cover and even the “just here for the fishing” one! (also known as a shore story).

When he was trying to explain his radio-direction finding work while in Ketchikan, he is recorded in a radio program giving the explanation that:

…doing radio experimental work on beacon signals for the Navy Department, Fisher Research Laboratories, and the Cape Cod Instrument Company, I chanced to have some radio direction finders of high sensitivity. (Church of Scientology site “Clearing the Airwaves”; history of KGBU )

He didn’t “chance” to have such equipment. He was given it specifically for his trip and his real purposes there. Astor had been provided one for a similar intelligence mission that he had done where he was locating Japanese radio stations in the Marshall Islands.

The British Navy Radio Direction Finder that Vincent Astor used


US Navy radio direction finder

As to more details about this Alaskan trip, this is all well-covered in my husbands Scientology Roots chapter 9-1 Hubbard’s Lifelong Intelligence Career.

Now as to what most of you probably don’t know about…let’s get into that now.

Regarding this Alaskan trip, Hubbard is specifically mentioned as a “cooperating observer” in this document from his Service Records. This is from 01 Service Documents March 1941 p. 34. It’s dated September 5, 1941, and is from a period where Hubbard was doing some further explanation of photos and findings from his Alaskan trip for the Hydrographic office of the Navy after he had officially enlisted.


Enlarged with added highlighting of “cooperating observer”.

As you can see, it’s quite specific as to what his status was at the time of his Alaskan trip.

Now, why is that important?

Because William Stephenson is who created that very thing right when Hubbard is being sent on his Alaska trip.

“WS and his Economic Section conceived the Ships Observers’Scheme.The essence of it was this. One or more observers would be appointed…”

– BRITISH SECURITY COORDINATION, The Secret History of British Intelligence in the Americas, 1940- 1945, first published in Great Britain by St. Ermin’s Press – 1998. p. 163-165; Ships Observers


This initially began in 1940, and then became a much bigger deal by early 1941 when aggressive recruitment began.

How this worked was that one or more observers would be appointed among the crew of EVERY neutral ship sailing from the United States and Latin America. The observer on each ship would be met by a BSC agent in the principal ports at which the ship touched. He would report any suspicious events he had observed, Nazi or communist talk amongst the crew and so on.

In time Ships Observers (p 164) were entrusted with other duties. They kept track of and reported upon events in the neutral countries they visited, and they provided intelligence about enemy ports. They were used to spread rumours and disseminate propaganda literature. They provided information on suspect seamen, engaged in carrying letters or contraband or verbal messages from one port of call to another for Axis agents. Their reports provided material for a complete list of seamen which BSC compiled and which was responsible for securing the dismissal or preventing the re-engagement of may undesirables.

– BRITISH SECURITY COORDINATION, The Secret History of British Intelligence in the Americas, 1940- 1945, first published in Great Britain by St. Ermin’s Press – 1998. p. 163-165; Ships Observers

The Ships Observers Scheme was handed over to the ONI in the autumn of 1941. That didn’t mean BSC didn’t retain control, this simply corresponded with the moving of the entire Foreign intelligence section (Riheldaffer and OP-16-F-9) underneath the new COI’s Special Intelligence Section headed by David K.E. Bruce, who was directly working with Stephenson, the BSC and his boss the British Special Operations Executive or SOE.

A letter from the Office of the Chief of US Naval Operations is particularly important because of where it was from. Look WHERE this ships program was run by.

Astor (and later David K.E. Bruce) British intelligence unit in the 3ND!

In February 1942, the Chief stated:

In cooperation with the British Intelligence unit in the Third Naval District, New York, New York, a plan for placing ship observers on American merchant vessels has been in effect for several months with excellent results. The plan involved cooperation between the British Intelligence and Naval Intelligence whereby certain ship observers placed on American vessels by British Intelligence were put under control of Naval Intelligence and certain additional observers were placed on other American vessels by Naval Intelligence. Provision was made for the mutual exchange of information obtained from ship observers between British Intelligence and Naval Intelligence.

It has been decided to extend the ‘Ships Observers Scheme’ to all US Naval districts and a Directive dated February 14th, 1942, has been issued for this purpose. It will be appreciated if you will inform the British Intelligence units in the various US Naval Districts of this plan an request their cooperation with Naval Intelligence in placing it in effect.”

– BRITISH SECURITY COORDINATION, The Secret History of British Intelligence in the Americas, 1940- 1945, first published in Great Britain by St. Ermin’s Press – 1998. p. 163-165; Ships Observers

Side note: Another thing they used these observers for was harassment. They would have them openly shadow a “target” – even resorting to violence in some cases in South America. They had targets “beaten up” to make them change their mind about their activities – much like the minute-men.

That order from the Chief of Naval operations is important for another part of Hubbard’s intelligence career – his time in Australia.

Look at the header on this bill from where he was posted in Australia – from  01 Service Documents March 1941 p. 95

Now look at this –

1942 March – Code on USS New Orleans war diary that mentions L. Ron Hubbard, 16-F-3, means ONI Foreign Intelligence Western European Branch. The reason for that code is that Hubbard (a foreign espionage agent) was reporting on possible Nazi agents, and when the document was filed in July of 1942 that code was hand-written on it. 



Section about Hubbard specifically notes him as an Naval Observer –

And there you have it.

Interesting, no?

By Virginia McClaughry

Carroll Quigley on Western Civilization 1/7

Public Authority and the State in the Western Tradition: A Thousand Years of Growth, 976-1976 Carroll Quigley (November 9, 1910 -- January 3, 1977) was an American historian and theorist of the evolution of civilizations. He is noted for his teaching work as a professor at Georgetown University, for his academic publications, and for his research on secret societies.

Category: Education

Carroll Quigley on Western Civilization 2/7

Carroll Quigley on Western Civilization 3/7

Carroll Quigley on Western Civilization 4/7

Carroll Quigley on Western Civilization 5/7

Carroll Quigley on Western Civilization 6/7

Carroll Quigley on Western Civilization 7/7

Public Authority and the State in the Western Tradition: A Thousand Years of Growth, 976-1976 Carroll Quigley (November 9, 1910 -- January 3, 1977) was an American historian and theorist of the evolution of civilizations. He is noted for his teaching work as a professor at Georgetown University, for his academic publications, and for his research on secret societies.

Category: Education

Rare Carroll Quigley interview - 1974 (Full Interview)


Published on Jun 21, 2011

Professor Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University, authored a massive volume entitled "Tragedy and Hope" in which he states: "There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims, and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies, but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known." "The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences..." "The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds' central banks which were themselves private corporations..." "The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups." Tragedy and Hope: A History of The World in Our Time (Macmillan Company, 1966,) Professor Carroll Quigley of Georgetown University "The Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which originated in England (RIIA) ... [and] ... believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established." Dr. Carroll Quigley "As a teenager, I heard John Kennedy's summons to citizenship. And then, as a student, I heard that call clarified by a professor I had named Carroll Quigley."President Clinton, in his acceptance speech for the Democratic Party's nomination for president, 16 July 1992 Read the full book "Tragedy and Hope" here: You can download his books from his site carrollquigley net

Category: Education

Western Civilization

The Evolution of Civilizations

By Carroll Quigley


Published on Jan 27, 2013

The Evolution of Civilizations: An Introduction to Historical Analysis by Carroll Quigley

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