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Endeavour's astros second spacewalk (02:21) Rough Cut Endeavour's astros second spacewalk July 20. - Astronauts begin a six and a half hour spacewalk by unloading some spare parts for the International Space Station in a spacewalk that comes 40 years to the day of the first landing on the moon. Astronauts Dave Wolf and Tom Marshburn will unpack a container filled with a spare antenna, pump mechanism, and small motor that was delivered to the orbital outpost when the Endeavor shuttle docked Friday (July 17). This is the second spacewalk for Endeavour's astronauts. They first lifted off last week on the eve of the Apollo 11 mission's launch. And, they are now in space during the 40th anniversary of the historic July 20, 1969 moon landing.
Clinton: Pakistan shows commitment Clinton: Pakistan shows commitment (01:32) Report Jul 20 - U.S Secretary of State Hillary Clinton meets Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and tells Delhi university students that Pakistan has shown "real commitment" to taking on extremists. Neena Dhaun reports.
(01:32) Report
Angela's Ashes author dies (01:04) Report Angela's Ashes author dies Jul 20 - Frank McCourt, the Irish-American author best known for the Pulitzer Prize-winning memoir "Angela's Ashes", dies at 78. Cindy Martin reports.
Mingora refugees return home (00:44) Report
Pile-up causes autobahn chaos (00:55) Report Pile-up causes autobahn chaos Jul 20 - Sixty six people injured in pile-up with 259 cars on German autobahn near Hanover. Jim Drury reports.
Beckham confronts angry fans (01:26) Rough Cut Beckham confronts angry fans Jul 20 - David Beckham is involved in an ugly confrontation with a Los Angeles Galaxy fan during a match against AC Milan.
David Beckham was playing at home for the first time since returning to the Galaxy after controversially extending his loan with AC Milan into the first half of the Major League Soccer season. On Sunday he was jeered by many in the 27,000 sell out crowd, with some holding derisive banners. Beckham was visibly annoyed at the frequent booing and had to be escorted away by security after confronting fans.
Thousands flee Canada wildfires
(01:30) Report
(01:12) Report
Honduras crisis talks break down (01:26) ReportHonduras crisis talks break down ReportJul. 19 - After two days of meetings in Costa Rica, talks to solve the political crisis in Honduras broke down. SOUNDBITE: Costa Rican President Oscar Arias Sarah Irwin reports
Bars fume over Turkey smoke ban (01:43) Report Bars fume over Turkey smoke ban
(01:43) Report ul. 19 - Businesses condemn a ban on smoking in recreational places but many of Turkey's smokers appear to support the crackdown.
Elif Arda, Istanbul resident Nadir Biyikoglu, Istanbul resident Tahir Berrakkarasu, head of the Beyder Association representing bars, cafes and restaurants in central Istanbul
Paul Chapman reports
Deadly monsoon rains hit Pakistan (00:54) ReportDeadly monsoon rains hit Pakistan 00:54) ReportJul. 19 - Karachi mourns as heavy monsoon downpours bring death and destruction.
Paul Chapman reports
Video of captured U.S. soldier (02:03) Report Video of captured U.S. soldier (02:03) Report ul. 19 - The U.S. military condemns the release of a video showing a captured soldier missing in Afghanistan since June.
Pope's first broken arm blessing (01:18) Report Pope's first broken arm blessing Jul. 19 - Pope Benedict has celebrated his first Angelus Sunday blessing since undergoing minor surgery on a broken wrist.
Sonia Legg reports.

Poachers cash in on eased ivory law (01:46) Report Poachers cash in on eased ivory law (01:46) Report Jul. 19 - Kenya's wildlife officials say the partial lifting of the ban on the ivory trade over the past few years has set back efforts to curb poaching in Africa.
Sonia Legg reports. Enhanced moonwalk video released (02:13) Report
Jul. 16 - NASA releases newly enhanced "lost" footage of man's first moonwalk to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission.
Manoush Zomorodi reports.

Astronauts install station platform (01:10) Report Astronauts install station platform uly 18. - Two astronauts leave the International Space Station on Saturday for a spacewalk to help install a porch on Japan's extensive lab.
Sarah Toms, Reuters.
U.S. legend Cronkite dies (01:36) Report U.S. legend Cronkite dies Jul. 18 - Former CBS anchor Walter Cronkite dies at the age of 92. Paul Chapman reports.
Honduras crisis talks start.
(01:50) Report
July 18. - The two sides in Honduras's political crisis begin make-or-break mediation talks, which deposed President Manuel Zelaya has called the last chance for reaching a deal to reinstate him.
Sarah Toms, Reuters.

(01:50) Report

World's oldest man dies in UK (01:36) Report World's oldest man dies in UKul. 18 - Henry Allingham, who officially took on the world record last month, dies at the age of 113. Paul Chapman reports.
Sotomayor concludes Senate testimony
(02:02) Report
Jul. 16 - On her fourth and final day before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor received praise from Republican members.
U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein U.S. Senator John Cornyn U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham Judge Sonia Sotomayor
Jon Decker reports.
Row over resources for UK troops (01:46) Report
Row over resources for UK troops Jul. 16 - A rising number of British casualties during a military offensive against the Taliban in Afghanistan has sparked a domestic row about whether UK troops have sufficient resources. SOUDNBITE: Prime Minister Gordon Brown Neena Dhaun reports Factoriea
(01:00) Report ul. 16 - Economic worries resurfaced on Thursday after a weaker-than-expected manufacturing survey cast doubt on the pace of economic recovery. onway Gittens reports.
Miss Moscow take the heat (1:28) Report
Jul. 16 - The Miss Moscow contest goes ahead, despite sweltering temperatures and another financial crisis.
SOUDNBITE: Contest organiser Tatyana Andreyeeva
Neena Dhaun reports.
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Lost UK hiker found in Australia(01:41) ReportJul 15 - A young British man, the focus of a massive search when he disappeared for almost two weeks in Australia's Blue Mountains, has turned up saying he survived on leaves and seeds.Matthew Stock reports.
Iran plane crash - all on board die 01:36) ReportJul 15 - A passenger aircraft bound for Armenia has crashed in north-western Iran killing all 168 people on board.Sonia Legg reports.
Algerian al Qaeda threat for China
(01:25) Report
Jul 15 - Beijing warns its citizens in Algeria about possible attacks from al Qaeda in response to the recent deadly riots in the predominantly Muslim Xinjiang region of western China.
Max Duncan reports.
Nato's Brigadier General Eric Tremblay
William Keylor of Boston University Deborah Lutterbeck reports
U.S. says Iran talks on the table(01:38) Report Jul
Secretary of State Clinton said the U.S. deplores Iran's reaction to June's election -- but added talks were still an option.
SOUNDBITE: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Deborah Lutterbeck reports.
Honduras' interim leader's offer 01:28) ReportJul 16 - Honduras' caretaker president says he is willing to step down if ousted ex-president does not return.
Spia Soo reports.
Oldest mum dies at 69(01:28) ReportJul 16 - A Spanish woman who gave birth to twins in 2006 and was thought to be the world's oldest mother at the time, has died of cancer.Jim Drury reports.
Soldiers speak of Gaza war crimes(02:20) ReportJul 16 - A new report into the actions of Israel's soldiers during the Gaza war suggests civilian Palestinians were used as humans shields and soldiers were urged to "shoot first and worry later".John Mastrini reports.
Third night of violence in Belfast(00:56) Rough CutJul 16 - Belfast in Northern Ireland saw a third night of violence on Wednesday (July 15) as rioters attacked police officers with gasoline bombs.The trouble began on Monday (July 13) as nationalists from a predominantly Roman Catholic area of Belfast tried to disrupt an annual march by the Protestant Orange Order. The Orange Order is made up of Protestants who want Northern Ireland to remain a British province. Nationalists, whose support is bedded in the minority Roman Catholic community, would like to see a united Ireland. The violence has been condemned by politicians from Sinn Fein, the dominant party representing nationalists.
Crisis leaves one family reeling(03:33) Report J 16 - Tarya Seagraves-Quee has been living in a cramped one-bedroom motel suite, along with three of her children, for nearly two months. The former nurse lost her job in Georgia more than a year ago and has been without health-care for about 10 months. Seagraves-Quee suffers from multiple sclerosis, anemia and lupus, and recently found two possible cancer spots on her breast.After leaving an abusive relationship, she spent $700 to move her family to stay with relatives in Boston. Report by Senior Photographer Brian Snyder
Endeavour blasts off(01:22) Rough CutJul. 15 - The U.S. space shuttle Endeavour and seven astronauts blasted off from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Wednesday to begin a 16-day mission to deliver the last piece of Japan's research laboratory to the International Space Station. After five delays due to fuel leaks, lightning strikes and bad weather, Endeavour soared into the sky at 6:03 p.m. EDT (2203 GMT) on a path that will lead it to the space station on Friday. The station's newly expanded six-man crew will assist the Endeavour astronauts with the installation of an external experiments platform, the final component of Japan's elaborate $2.4 billion Kibo laboratory. The platform, designed to hold experiments in an open space environment, is to be installed during the first of five spacewalks planned during the Endeavour crew's 11-day stay.Astronauts also will replace batteries and deliver space components needed to keep the station operational after the shuttle fleet is retired next year.
Sotomayor back in the hot seat(02:19) ReportJul. 15 - On her third day before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor faced more questions about one of her most controversial statements.
U.S. Senator John Cornyn
Judge Sonia Sotomayor
U.S. Senator Arlen Specter
Maryland U.S. Senator Ben Cardin
Jon Decker reports.
How to commemorate the moonwalk(02:00) ReportJul. 15 - The anniversary of Apollo 11's historic mission is marked with a space auction, an iPhone app, and a re-released documentary called "Moonwalk One."
Matthew Haley, Bonham's' space specialist
Director Theo Kamecke
Manoush Zomorodi reports.
February 9th, 2011
By Mark Hanzlik, Executive Director
We’ve been spending a lot of time lately analyzing the rapidly evolving web metrics measurement universe; primarily looking at which methodologies are the most accurate, reliable and which companies are best suited for advertisers’ needs. But many of our clients still reside in the brick & mortar world of print advertising, so, we thought it would be a good opportunity to look back at the print publishing circulation audit process—giving us a comparative view of both digital and print reporting.
It’s been some time since we last pounded the circulation audit drums for the publishing industry. Our impetus for previous analyses of the circulation audit process were driven primarily by advertisers looking for zip code targeted circulation reports. We’ve also offered circulation audit primers that reinforced the importance of using audit reports when selling print advertising space.
Here’s the full story posted on The Macintosh Wizard and PC Tech Log . today.
Tags: Circulation Audit, digital, publishing
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February 1st, 2011
By Mark Hanzlik, Executive Director
It may seem like old news now, but when we finally inked a new contract with International Demographics late last summer, it was the result of many months of evaluation, negotiation and an important comparison with The Media Audit’s closest research competitor, Scarborough Research.
Since last October, we’ve participated in a number of research training sessions and webinars presented by The Media Audit staff, and one of the latest programming streams was their side-by-side evaluation with Scarborough Research. Though The Media Audit staff admitted the presentation was also a sales deck for their research product, the comparison was helpful. It’s an important part of the ongoing evaluation of the syndicated research we have invested in and use often in our media and sales strategies alike.
Here’s a single-sheet side-by-side we developed as a result of information gathered from both The Media Audit andScarborough. For more background on the process or more detailed side-by-side information, contact our office (see below).

You can also download this research comparison file in higher resolution format from our web site.
Another notable change to our research investment this year was the addition of the online/internet research data that is gathered alongside the other media categories (radio, print, broadcast tv, cable tv, etc.) by The Media Audit. We have already produced more online media RANKER REPORTS than any of the print ranker reports from previous years.
Note: HanzMediaInc. leases a multi-year license for The Media Audit research for all markets to be used for AWN and other clients and associates of Hanzlik Media Management. For more information, contact / 916-551-1776 or / 916-551-1770 x27
Tags: demographics, Scarborough, syndicate research, The Media Audit
Posted in News, Research, Sales, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »
January 26th, 2011
By Mark Hanzlik, Executive Director
I was a bit taken back by the headline “Will Cigarettes Be Made Illegal in the Near Future?” a recent post on AlterNetuntil I thought more seriously about subject. A likely outcome of positing such a question might be a large number of bloggers talking over the topic but something of that magnitude not be accomplished in my lifetime.
The decline of tobacco smoking has remained on our radar at AWN and also many alternative weeklies who were fed on a healthy diet of Big Tobacco advertising dollars over the past dozen or so years.
Government restrictions on tobacco smoking have become commonplace and the comparisons between tobacco and legal or illegal mind-altering substances have also been at the forefront of the debate. Tony Newman points out in his aforementioned AlterNet story, the growing movement toward the criminalization of tobacco and some of the recent developments but is also quick to identify the difficulties associated with prohibition of such a popular activity, despite its’ deadly track record.
Watching the critically acclaimed HBO series Boardwalk Empire may give you some insight into what a dramatic sea change might occur in this if prohibition of tobacco was enacted. The introduction of a new black market and serious level of criminal trafficking and sales would be needed to support the millions of tobacco smokers who have been unable to drop the habit. During Prohibition, temperance groups and other advocates for prohibition had little success in creating educational campaigns that could make any significant long-term change in the lifestyle and drinking habits of Americans. Today, an enormous amount of education and marketing have supported the non-smoking platform and successfully reduced smoking in public places in just about every possible place in major cities.
Here’s a slightly-related link to my one of my favorite bands, Yo La Tengo’s 30-second Non-Smoking track (it’s nothing extraordinary but their heads were in the right place on this educational PSA against smoking-taken from their Yo La Tengo Sell Out web page).
Back in the 1920’s, simple economics were at the root of the problem. There was very little money and corporate support for making any change, but there remained plenty of coinage on the side of producing and selling an alcohol product (either illegally during Prohibition or legally after 1933).
With all the recent talk about legalizing marijuana, it seems almost foolish to expect the government to clamp down even harder on tobacco and then be able to support the kind of policing that would be required to keep people from being shot on the street over a pack of cigarettes. Somehow it just doesn’t seem possible that cigarettes could be banned, but then again maybe people said the same thing about alcohol in 1920.
Full disclosure: A few tobacco brand advertisers currently run ads through AWN mostly viaRJ Reynolds Tobacco Co. The ad shown on the left ran in late 2010 in a number of alternative weekly publications. A trend toward smokeless tobacco which we also are seeing in the same pages unfortunately doesn’t skirt by the authorities; snuff, snus, chewing tobacco and other similar products contain the same bad boys as cigarettes.
Also, see an earlier post on these blog pages where one large tobacco brand Camel was represented in a fashion show on several dresses made by a local designer in Sacramento for the News &Review coming-out-party last May.
Tags: AlterNet, Big Tobacco, Camel, Cigarettes, news & review, RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co., Yo La Tengo
Posted in Blogroll, News, Sales, Uncategorized | No Comments »
January 19th, 2011
By Mark Hanzlik, Executive Director
It isn’t often we’re posting stories here on our blog page that we don’t have some opinion or comment to add to the already frequently-reported business news. It’s usually because the pieces we’re reading are missing thoughtful explanation and interpretation. So, we try to fill-in by observing and commenting in our own fashion whenever possible. This one is an exception.
Here’s one that caught our attention over the weekend where MediaPost blogger Erik Sass’ commentary on the recent bubblicious trend led by social deal mammoth Groupon captures the imagination of the reader—whether he’s right or wrong, it makes you think about what is happening in the business social media world. Bubblicious: Groupon’s Value Increases $10 Billion for No Reason
There’s not much you can add to a spot-on commentary that also invokes the thickness of Homer Simpson in its coda.
Tags: Groupon, MediaPost, social media
Posted in Blogroll, News, Sales, Uncategorized | No Comments »
January 10th, 2011
by: Sarah Billingsley, AWN Communications Director
Ever wonder what they do in Durham, NC in March?
Now you can find out via the awn web site. AWN has added a “special sections” feature to individual publication pages at Calendars, special sections, events and unique local promotional opportunities are available on each publication’s page. You can also view the same by searching “special sections” on the web site.
This is a great planning tool for advertisers, so if you haven’t submitted or don’t see any calendar or special section list on your page on the site, just send one to our office and we will upload it to your page. Please also take the opportunity to check out what other publications are promoting monthly – it can be quite inspirational.
Oh and, well, I guess we all know what happens in Durham in March…it’s Madness.
Scientists predict rare 'hibernation' of sunspots
by Kerry Sheridan Kerry Sheridan – Tue Jun 14,\
WASHINGTON (AFP) – For years, scientists have been predicting the Sun would by around 2012 move into solar maximum, a period of intense flares and sunspot activity, but lately a curious calm has suggested quite the opposite.
According to three studies released in the United States on Tuesday, experts believe the familiar sunspot cycle may be shutting down and heading toward a pattern of inactivity unseen since the 17th century.
The signs include a missing jet stream, fading spots, and slower activity near the poles, said experts from the National Solar Observatory and Air Force Research Laboratory.
"This is highly unusual and unexpected," said Frank Hill, associate director of the NSO's Solar Synoptic Network, as the findings of the three studies were presented at the annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society's Solar Physics Division in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
"But the fact that three completely different views of the Sun point in the same direction is a powerful indicator that the sunspot cycle may be going into hibernation."
Solar activity tends to rise and fall every 11 years or so. The solar maximum and solar minimum each mark about half the interval of the magnetic pole reversal on the Sun, which happens every 22 years.
Hill said the current cycle, number 24, "may be the last normal one for some time and the next one, cycle 25, may not happen for some time.
"This is important because the solar cycle causes space weather which affects modern technology and may contribute to climate change," he told reporters.
Experts are now probing whether this period of inactivity could be a second Maunder Minimum, which was a 70-year period when hardly any sunspots were observed between 1645-1715, a period known as the "Little Ice Age."
"If we are right, this could be the last solar maximum we'll see for a few decades. That would affect everything from space exploration to Earth's climate," said Hill.
Solar flares and eruptions can send highly charged particles hurtling toward Earth and interfere with satellite communications, GPS systems and even airline controls.
Geomagnetic forces have been known to occasionally garble the world's modern gadgetry, and warnings were issued as recently as last week when a moderate solar flare sent a coronal mass ejection in the Earth's direction.
The temperature change associated with any reduction in sunspot activity would likely be minimal and may not be enough to offset the impact of greenhouse gases on global warming, according to scientists who have published recent papers on the topic.
"Recent solar 11-year cycles are associated empirically with changes in global surface temperature of 0.1 Celsius," said Judith Lean, a solar physicist with the US Naval Research Laboratory.
If the cycle were to stop or slow down, the small fluctuation in temperature would do the same, eliminating the slightly cooler effect of a solar minimum compared to the warmer solar maximum. The phenomenon was witnessed during the descending phase of the last solar cycle.
This "cancelled part of the greenhouse gas warming of the period 2000-2008, causing the net global surface temperature to remain approximately flat -- and leading to the big debate of why the Earth hadn't (been) warming in the past decade," Lean, who was not involved in the three studies presented, said in an email to AFP.
A study in the March 2010 issue of Geophysical Research Letters explored what effect an extended solar minimum might have, and found no more than a 0.3 Celsius dip by 2100 compared to normal solar fluctuations.
"A new Maunder-type solar activity minimum cannot offset the global warming caused by human greenhouse gas emissions," wrote authors Georg Feulner and Stefan Rahmstorf, noting that forecasts by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have found a range of 3.7 Celsius to 4.5 Celsius rise by this century's end compared to the latter half of the 20th century.
"Moreover, any offset of global warming due to a grand minimum of solar activity would be merely a temporary effect, since the distinct solar minima during the last millennium typically lasted for only several decades or a century at most."
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