Barack Obama at dinner the heads of the major Internet Companies that control a great percentage of the Internet traffic and browsing on the Internet
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CRIME In Australia:
Drug trade behind police corruption
by Peter Westmore
News Weekly, June 5, 2004
Following a series of gangland killings of police informers, a former Federal Court Judge, Sir Edward Woodward, made the alarming comment that corruption in Victoria was at the worst level ever. His comments cannot be ignored: not only because they were made to the Criminal Bar Association, but because he was a former Royal Commissioner into the notorious Ships' Painters and Dockers Union.
Whatever the accuracy of his observation, there can be no doubt that in several states of Australia, there has been an alarming increase in police corruption which damages the hard-earned reputation of the Australian police forces.
What is not widely recognised, however, is the link between police corruption, organised crime and the drug trade.
The problem of corruption varies from country to country. Often it is due to factors such as a weak legal system; inadequate pay for public servants; and a lack of accountability and transparency in government.
For Australia and other Western countries where the rule of law is well entrenched and government agencies have well-established anti-corruption practices, it frequently appears in attempts by organised crime to subvert the police force.
Drug revenue
As the main revenue sources for organised crime are drugs and prostitution, these are frequently linked with police corruption.
The direct cost of drug-related crime is huge. A Parliamentary report last year said that drug crimes cost the country some $2.5 billion a year, although the effects extend far beyond the direct cost, in terms of lives destroyed, violence, and the undermining of public institutions.
It is not surprising, therefore, that illegal drugs - heroin, marijuana and designer drugs such as ecstasy - are the common link between Melbourne's gangland killings and police corruption, as Victoria's Police Deputy Commissioner, Peter Nancarrow, said recently.
The position in Victoria has been so bad that the Drug Squad was disbanded in 2001, but it has subsequently become even worse.
Apart from the gangland murder of people who offered to testify in court against corrupt police, others in anti-corruption units have been threatened by both organised crime and corrupt police.
Clearly, the illicit drug trade is intimately linked with both police corruption and organised crime. If drugs could be removed from the equation, the problems in both these areas would be substantially lessened.
The key problem in Australia is that public policy on illegal drugs is hopelessly confused, at a number of levels.
First, the links between organised crime, police corruption and drugs is obscured by the official policy of treating all forms of drug abuse (tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs) together.
This has been one of the central planks of the lobby which favours legalisation of drugs, on the Dutch model.
Australian governments have accepted this line, which finds its expression in terms such as "harm minimisation", a meaningless expression which actually means tolerance of the drug culture.
Yet there is very little in common between the problems of tobacco use, or even misuse of alcohol - the main "legal" drugs - and the illicit drug trade.
This confusion is perpetuated in the Federal Government's National Drug Strategy, which advocates a "harm minimisation" approach to both legal and illegal drugs, and views drug abuse as primarily a social and medical problem (which it clearly is with tobacco, at least), rather than a legal one (which is untrue, where heroin, marijuana and designer drugs are involved).
This approach was repeated in the recent House of Representatives report into drug abuse, Roads to Recovery, tabled in the House of Representatives in August, 2003.
Additionally, the legal approach to illegal drugs has been hopelessly compromised by policies of toleration pursued by various State governments. These include the legalisation of marijuana for "personal use" in some states, the widespread provision of free injecting kits for heroin addicts, legalised heroin injecting rooms, and the policy of giving heroin addicts access to methadone programs, without ensuring that they are heroin-free.
The result is that law enforcement programs are compromised by governments intent on accommodating the pro-drugs lobby. Additionally, police who lack clear guidelines to enforce an anti-drug policy, are subject to constant attempts to suborn them into accepting a share in the huge profits made by drug dealers, in other words, by organised crime.
If Australia is to deal with this problem, it will have to begin with a zero-tolerance policy towards illicit drugs, vigorous pursuit of drug traffickers, and forced rehabilitation of those convicted of illicit drug use, backed up by the power of imprisonment. Without this, it will be almost impossible to deal with the problems of organised crime and police corruption.
- Peter Westmore is President of the National Civic Council
Rothschilds World Control Time Line
Rosenbaum and his BCI directors laundered illegal drug and gambling money from mafia boss Meyer Lansky by investing it in real estate. Through the BCI Mossad and Permindex operations were financed and reportedly Rosenbaum was a significant stakeholder in Permindex. In the early 1960s, the BCI bought a significant stake in Henry Luce's Time Life. Permindex has been the main suspect of having coordinated the 1963 JFK murder. Edmond de Rothschild introduced Rosenbaum to Bernhard in the mid-1960s. In 1970 Bernhard invited Rosenbaum into the 1001 Club, but after Rosenbaum got in trouble for having embezzled money of the BCI, Bernhard had to expel him again. This happened in 1973-1974. In 1974, Prince Bernhard sold his Castle Warmelo to the Evlyma Trust in Liechtenstein, a subsidiary of Tibor Rosenbaum's BCI. The Trust was managed by 1001 Club member Herbert Batliner, a person later linked to laundering funds for Marcos, Mobutu, Escobar, and Helmut Kohl.
On the 9/11, the SEC lifted “Rule 15c3-3: Customer Protection – Reserves and Custody of Securities.” Thus GSCC Government Securities Clearing Corporation] was allowed to substitute other securities for the physical securities destroyed during the attack illegal bonds, which appear to have been replaced with Treasury notes backed by U.S. taxpayers in the aftermath of September 11.
Pilots for 911 Truth Raymond W. Smith was sitting on the board of directors at US Airways on 911. Ray Smith has served on the boards of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, Corestates Financial, First Union, and others. He is also Chairman of Rothschild, North America, Inc. and Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr. Smith also served on the board of Five Arrows (Rothschild).
9-11 Judge Hellerstein is Connected to Rothschild-Funded ICTS .. (9/11 Airport Security) & Mariani case and 2
Pilots for 911 Truth Cheryl Gruetzmacher Gordon/Krongard is currently on the BOD at US Airways. She is the chief executive officer of Rothschild Asset Management Inc. She was a senior managing director at Rothschild also. She recently remarried ex-CIA AB 'Buzzy' Krongard. see Edward S. Gordon
Systems Planning Corp, Dov Zakheim, WTC remote controlled aircraft, Rothschild connection
Pilots for 911 Truth US Airways also had a 28 year CIA veteran sitting on it's board as well. James M. Simon Jr. is now on the board at ORBIMAGE. After September 11th, he was designated as the senior intelligence official for homeland security establishing and chairing the Homeland Security Intelligence Council.
AMEC, a Rothschild connected company did WTC / Pentagon rubble cleanup (evidence removal)
London School of Jewish Studies (LSJS) and London School of Economics are links to Rothschild / Dov Zakheim (9/11 mastermind) relationship.
Pilots for 911 Truth During the restructuring of US Airways, the company hired Rudy Giuliani''s firm as an advisor to the restructuring. Delta Airlines was paying $400,000 a month to restructuring specialists Giuliani Capital Advisors, founded by former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani.
Peter Peterson -- CEO of the Blackstone Group (controlled by Rothschild), parent corporation of one of three lease-holders for WTC 7 ![]()
911Docs Actor Charlie Sheen has joined a growing army of other highly credible public figures in questioning the official story of 9/11 and calling for a new independent investigation of the attack and the circumstances surrounding it ... 9/11Truth Sheen questioned the plausibility of a fireballs traveling 110 feet down an elevator shaft and causing damage to the lobbies of the towers as seen in video footage, especially when contrasted with eyewitness accounts of bombs and explosions in the basement levels of the buildings.
Rothschild Connected to Mossad / ICTS .. (9/11 Airport Security)
Hearst estate is being advised by NM Rothschild, the investment bank. Popular Mechanics Magazine is a Hearst publication and at the forefront of 9/11 disinformation.
Within 30 minutes of WTC2 being hit NewsCorp (Rupert Murdoch, Rothschild Zionist) was giving out Bin laden's name as a suspect and the complete run-down on Al Qaeda and the Taliban along with the reasons for the collapse itself !
- In the early 1990's the Rothschild puppet Obama was being created by the Chicago / B'nai Brith / Ford Foundation / CIA machine as BCCI / Capcom is being investigated and prosecuted
and First American v. al Nahyan Sandstorm2.pdf MINUTES OF THE MEETING WITH PRICE WATERHOUSE 1988 page and Hartmann pic1, Hartmann pic2 These files are Absolute Proof that Alfred Hartmann (BCCI) worked for Rothschilds The internet has been 'cleansed' of almost all traces of Hartmann's involvement with Rothschild and BCCI, except these files. MORE BELOW cadc FAS Rappaport / Hartmann
- Official BCCI Congressional Report BCCI's criminality included fraud by BCCI and BCCI customers involving billions of dollars; money laundering in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas; BCCI's bribery of officials in most of those locations; support of terrorism, arms trafficking, and the sale of nuclear technologies; management of prostitution; the commission and facilitation of income tax evasion, smuggling, and illegal immigration; illicit purchases of banks and real estate; and a panoply of financial crimes limited only by the imagination of its officers and customers.
- Official BCCI Congressional Report / Rothschild connections hidden in plain site. Paul Helliwell
- First American v. al Nahyan see Sidley Austin defended SHEIKH RASHID BIN SAEED AL MAKTOUM in this law suit (
1990's CNNbillionaires) and also gave Barack Obama a job
), see Li ka Shing, Edward Bronfman, Pritzker, Wikipedia History of Dubai, horse racing.Leadership in Islamic Finance search Maktoum
- SurrenderingIslam The primary conduit for CIA funds to the Mujahideen fighting in Afghanistan would be the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, BCCI. BCCI, the first Third World multinational bank, which was created in 1972 by Pakistani banker Agha Hasan Abedi, was initially funded by Sheikh Zayed of Abu Dhabi, in anticipation of the petrodollar bonanza of the oil crisis. and the Wall Street Journal"BCCI's role in assisting the U.S. to fund the Mujaheddin guerrillas fighting the Soviet occupation is drawing increasing attention. The bank's role began to surface in the mid-1980's when stories appeared in the New York Times showing how American security operatives used Oman as a staging post for Arab funds. This was confirmed in the Wall Street Journal of 23 October 1991 and FAS, UK Parliament Publications Sheikh Zayed of Abu Dhabi WTPOTUSResearch FAS Rappaport / Hartmann
- Tarpley Mr Auchi has attracted attention at Westminster because of his closeness to politicians and the Establishment. He says that his brother was executed by Saddam Hussein’s regime. His business partners in Britain have included Lord Steel of Aikwood, the former Liberal leader, and Keith Vaz, the Labour MP and Home Affairs Committee chairman. On the 20th anniversary of his business in 1999, Mr Auchi received a greeting card signed by 130 politicians, including Tony Blair, William Hague and Charles Kennedy, who were then leaders of their respective parties.
008 IllinoisPaytoPlay By Andrew Walden (Hawai'i Free Press) “Nadhmi Auchi, seen here with the Governor of Illinois, Rob Blagojevich (middle) at a 2004 Chicago dinner in Auchi's honor arranged by Antonin Rezko All three men have been convicted of corruption related charges (Auchi 2003, Rezko 2008, Blagojevich 2009) ... “A British-Iraqi billionaire lent millions of dollars to Barack Obama's fundraiser (dual US-Syrian citizen Tony Rezko) just weeks before an imprudent land deal that has returned to haunt the presidential contender, an investigation by The Times discloses. The money transfer raises the question of whether funds from Nadhmi Auchi, one of Britain’s wealthiest men, helped Mr. Obama buy his mock Georgian mansion in Chicago.” -- The Times of London February 26, 2008 The Auchi-Rezko-Obama connection came to public attention with federal marshals pounding on the door of Tony Rezko’s Wilmette Chicago mansion in the early morning of January 28, 2008. They hauled Rezko to jail after his bail was revoked for concealing a $3.5 million Auchi loan from the court. The Times outlines the story in two sentences. It should be of tremendous interest to the American public and the world. But there is more to this story than run-of-the mill political corruption. Nadhmi Auchi is alleged to have a long affiliation with Iraqi Baathism and Saddam Hussein—which his attorneys deny. How close were they? According to a 1960 US Embassy report, Auchi was convicted along with Saddam by an Iraqi court for his part in a failed 1959 assassination attempt against then-Iraqi Prime Minister Qassim. For his crime, Auchi earned a sentence of “three years rigorous imprisonment.” Times.UK .. articles have been deleted for the TimesOnline
but copies exist.
Connect Rothschild to Khashoggi
Connect Rothschild to Aitken via Lord Beaverbrook Wikipedia
2006 New York Times Petrina Khashoggi, 26 Ancestry British. Net worth Mum netted a reported $874 million in her divorce. This beautiful Londonite grew up believing the billionaire arms broker Adnan Khashoggi was her father. But when, as a teenager, she befriended the twins Alexandra and Victoria Aitken, they noticed that all three looked eerily alike. Petrina’s mother confessed: Me bad. Her real dad was Jonathan Aitken, the former Tory minister and convicted perjurer. In 2004 Petrina made her own confession, telling the press that she was a love addict. Suitors lined up, including her latest, Lord Edward Spencer-Churchill. and at right:Telegraph Nat Rothschild, pictured with Petrina Khashoggi, is thought to be buying a stake in Rusal through NR Investments, a private vehicle. Wikipedia Nat Rothschild, Wikipedia Jonathan Aitken,Wikipedia Adnan Khashoggi ... was implicated in the Iran–Contra affair as a key middleman in the arms-for-hostages exchange along with Iranian arms dealer Manucher Ghorbanifar and, in a complex series of events, was found to have borrowed money for these arms purchases from the now-bankrupt financial institution the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) with Saudi and US backing. In 1988, Khashoggi was arrested in Switzerland, accused of concealing funds, held for three months and then extradited to the United States where he was released on bail and subsequently acquitted. In 1990, a United States federal jury in Manhattan acquitted Khashoggi and Imelda Marcos, widow of the exiled Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, of racketeering and fraud. and see New Yorker Why was Richard Perle meeting with Adnan Khashoggi?
: a congressional investigation revealed that Khashoggi had borrowed much of the money for the weapons from the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (B.C.C.I.), whose collapse, in 1991, defrauded thousands of depositors and led to years of inquiry and litigation ...New Yorker search Richard Perle, Trireme
Dutroux Affair Tibor Rosenbaum ... A Hungarian Jew who became a a Mossad agent in 195 1 . He was a friend of Prince Bernhard. In 1958, with Edmond de Rothschild, he was a founder of the Swiss BCI through which he funded Mossad and Permindex operations. The bank was kind of a forerunner of the BCCI and equally involved in money laundering.
The Oil For Food Scandal links Obama to Nadhmi Auchi
who is linked to Rothschilds and see Maurice Strong / Al Gore CO2 / Climate change globalization Cap & Trade scheme
Nadhmi Auchi (Le Cercle) was closely involved with this and projects in Saudi-Arabia, including clandestine sales of submarines, howitsers, medium-range laser guided bombs, Black Hawks
.. At the time of the Oil-for-Food scandal it turned out that Nadhmi Auchi's General Mediterranean Holdings had a majority share in BNP Paribas, the bank that handled all of the Iraqi loans and has subsidiaries all over the Middle-East. Auchi is a member of Le Cercle
and is up to his ears involved in illegal arms trafficking, British Intelligence, and the British throne itself. Look for his bio in the membership list of Le Cercle. The link to Rosthschild is made by Norman Lamont's employment with Rothschild
In March 1992 Paul Volcker became chairman of the newly created J. Rothschild Wolfensohn & Company, Wolfensohn & Co.'s London-based joint venture. The venture lasted until 1995 when James Wolfensohn was about to become head of the World Bank. Who was his advisor there? The earlier mentioned Maurice Strong, the United Nations bigwig that built up the conservation movement side-by-side with Edmund de Rothschild and David Rockefeller. Volcker went on to visit Bilderberg and Ditchley, became an advisor to the Japan Society, chaired the Group of 30 and the Oil-for-Food scandal investigation, and became a trustee of the American Assembly. He became a director of Hollinger (of Privy Councilor Conrad Black on which Kissinger, Carrington, and Evelyn de Rothschild also sat. Pilgrims Society member Raymond G.H. Seitz, a newer generation top-globalist, also sat on that board) and the Bankers Trust and became a member Circle of Presidents of the RAND Corporation. He already was a trustee of the Aspen Institute and a visitor of the Bohemian Grove Mandalay camp. At some moment, he became a member of the Chief Executive's Council of International Advisors of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).
Rothschild Octopus 7 Hartmann / Rappaport 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1976 SomeUnknownHistory Rothschild group was at the heart of the vast illegal web of BCCI. The key figure was Dr. Alfred Hartmann, the managing director of the BCCI Swiss subsidiary, Banque de Commerce et de Placement SA; at the same time, he ran the Zurich Rothschild Bank AG, and sat in London as a member of the board of N.M. Rothschild and Sons, Hartmann was also a business partner of Helmut Raiser, friend of de Picciotto, and linked to Nordex. OpenOffshoreBankAccountForNonresidentsOnline FAS Rappaport / Hartmann
Banque de Commerce et de Placement is listed. See Alfred Hartman ZoomInfo
The Real Story of the BCCI
Two rather critical facts, however, were invariably left out of the story—even during the lengthy soap opera trial of former BCCI attorney Robert Altman. The first fact was the extraordinarily close alliance between BCCI and some of Britain's most powerful financial houses and aristocratic families. The second fact was that BCCI was created, and then built up as a "world class" bank, primarily to manage the covert funds that poured into the secret war in Afghanistan. Hardly any mention was made of the fact that BCCI was in the middle of the Afghan effort—serving as the de facto central bank for a multibillion-dollar Golden Crescent illegal arms-for-drugs trade that mushroomed during 1979-90. ...
In 1976, BCCI established a Swiss base of operations by purchasing 85% of Banque de Commerce et Placements (BCP) of Geneva. The remaining 15% was retained by the original owner, Thesarus Continental Securities Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS). Under BCCI control, BCP was managed by Alfred Hartmann, a former senior official of UBS. Hartmann eventually became chief financial officer for BCC Holding, and was the person most accountable for the "lost" $23 billion. While serving as BCCI's "man in Switzerland," Hartmann was always operating on behalf of the Rothschild family. Hartmann was president of Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich, was vice-chairman of NY-Intermaritime Bank of Geneva (run by Mossad operative Bruce Rappaport), and was a member of the board of directors of the elite N.M. Rothschild and Sons in London.
American Spectator 1996 what has never been identified in a single major Western press investigation, was that the Rothschild-group was at the heart of the vast illegal web of BCCI. The key figure was Dr. Alfred Hartmann From the , the managing director of the BCCI Swiss subsidiary, Banque de Commerce et de Placement SA; at the same time, he ran the Zurich Rothschild Bank AG, and sat in London as a member of the board of N.M. Rothschild and Sons, Hartmann was also a business partner of Helmut Raiser, friend of de Picciotto, and linked to Nordex. Hartmann was also chairman of the Swiss affiliate of the Italian BNL bank, which was implicated in the Bush administration illegal transfers to Iraq prior to the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The Atlanta branch of BNL, with the knowledge of George Bush when he was vice-president, conduited funds to Helmut Raiser's Zug, Switzerland company, Consen, for development of the Condor II missile program by Iraq, Egypt, and Argentina, during the Iran-Iraq War. Hartmann was vice-chairman of another secretive private Geneva bank, the Bank of NY-Inter-Maritime Bank, a bank whose chairman, Bruce Rappaport, was one of the illegal financial conduits for Col. Oliver North's Contra drugs-for-weapons network during the late 1980. North also used the BCCI as one of his preferred banks to hide his illegal funds. Rich's, Reichmann's, and Soros's Israeli links According to reports of former U.S. State Department intelligence familiar with the Soros-case, Soros's Quantum Fund amassed a war chest of well over $10 billion, with the help of a powerful group of "silent" investors who let Soros deploy the capital to demolish European monetary stability in September 1992. Among Soros's silent investors, these sources say, are the fugitive metals and oil trader Marc Rich, based in Zug, Switzerland; and Shaul Eisenberg (ThinkAboutIt) (Globes, Rothschild), a decades-long member of Israeli Mossad intelligence, who functions as a major arms merchant throughout Asia and the Near East. Eisenberg was recently banned from doing business in Uzbekistan, where he had been accused by the government of massive fraud and corruption. A third Soros partner is Israel's "Dirty Rafi" Eytan, who served in London previously as Mossad liaison to British intelligence. Rich was one of the most active western traders in oil, aluminum, and other commodities in the Soviet Union and Russia between 1989 and 1993. This, not coincidentally, is just the period when Grigori Luchansky's Nordex Group became a multibillion-dollar company selling Russian oil, aluminum, and other commodities. Canadian real estate entrepreneur Paul Reichmann, formerly of Olympia and York notoriety, born in Hungary, Jew like Soros, is a business partner in Soros's Quantum Realty, a $525-million real estate investment fund. The Reichmann tie links Soros as well with Henry Kissinger and former Tory Foreign Minister Lord Carrington (who is also a member of Kissinger Associates, Inc. of New York). Reichmann sits with both Kissinger and Carrington on the board of the influential British-Canadian publishing group, Hollinger, Inc. Hollinger owns a large number of newspapers in Canada and the United States, the London Daily Telegraph, and the largest English-language daily in Israel, the Jerusalem Post. Hollinger has been attacking President Clinton and the Middle East peace process ever since Clinton's election in November 1992. EIR BCCI Lampuri,AmpedStatus
Capcom is the Chicago arm of BCCI BCCI Congressional Report “BCCI’s criminality included fraud by BCCI and BCCI customers involving billions of dollars; money laundering in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas; BCCI’s bribery of officials in most of those locations; support of terrorism, arms trafficking, and the sale of nuclear technologies; management of prostitution; the commission and facilitation of income tax evasion, smuggling, and illegal immigration; illicit purchases of banks and real estate; and a panoply of financial crimes limited only by the imagination of its officers and customers. ... “In the entire BCCI affair, perhaps no entity is more mysterious and yet more central to BCCI’s collapse and criminality than Capcom, a London and Chicago based commodities futures firm which operated between 1984 and 1988. Capcom is vital to understanding BCCI because BCCI’s top management and most important Saudi shareholders were involved with the firm. Moreover, Capcom moved huge amounts of money — billions of dollars — which passed through the future’s markets in a largely anonymous fashion.
Capcom AmpedStatus Once again, George Bush Sr.’s role in BCCI and the S&L crisis cannot be understated. To recap, over the course of BCCI’s entire reign, Bush Sr. led the CIA, then served as Vice President before becoming President. He had extraordinarily close relations with Saudi Arabia, the most oil-rich nation in the world. Kamal Adham see 9/11 funding was a top BCCI executive and head of Saudi Arabian intelligence, he was known as “the godfather of Middle East Intelligence” and was the CIA’s main liaison to the region. BCCI’s Chief Operations Officer was Khalid bin MahfouzWikipedia, who also led Saudi Arabia’s largest national bank and was a major player in the oil industry. Mahfouz was known as “the most powerful banker in the Middle East.” As already mentioned, Saudi Arabian intelligence was mixed in tightly with Wall Street banking interests in BCCI’s Capcom money laundering operations in the futures market. George Bush Sr. also did everything within his power to conceal these operations,
Wikipedia Khalid bin Mahfouz ... Bin Mahfouz was a non-executive director of Bank of Credit and Commerce International, a financial conglomerate later convicted of money laundering, bribery, support of terrorism, arms trafficking, and many other crimes. Mahfouz personally owned a 20% stake in BCCI. He was indicted by a New York state grand jury for fraud but denied any culpability. The fraud charges were settled for $225 million in lieu of fines
Capcom's majority shareholders, Kamal Adham see 9/11 funding and A.R. Khalil, were both former senior Saudi government officials and successively acted as Saudi Arabia's principal liaisons to the Central Intelligence Agency during the 1970's and 1980's. ... Its U.S. front men included Robert Magness, the CEO of the largest U.S. cable telecommunications company, TCI; a vice-President of TCI, Larry Romrell; and two other Americans, Kerry Fox and Robert Powell, with long-standing business interests in the Middle East. ...
By the late 1990s scions of the Rothschild global empire were Barons Guy and Elie de Rothschild in France and Lord Jacob and Sir Evelyn Rothschild in Britain.
The financial dealings of BCCI directors with Charles Keating and several Keating affiliates and front-companies, including the possibility that BCCI related entities may have laundered funds for Keating to move them outside the United States. The Subcommittee found numerous connections among Keating and BCCI-related persons and entities, such as BCCI director Alfred Hartman; CenTrust chief David Paul and CenTrust itself; Capcom front-man Lawrence Romrell; BCCI shipping affiliate, the Gokal group and the Gokal family; and possibly Ghaith Pharaon. The ties between BCCI and Keating's financial empire require further investigation. FAS
Skolnick -A former BCCI official gave a document to the Bank of England that shows that the BCCI was actively spreading out beyond it's five American branches as part of their efforts to gain influence. More importantly, it shows that 28 senators and 108 congress members were bribed. This was completely ignored by the mainstream press. -Six Chicago commodities brokers acted as the vehicles for the bribes. Among them were CapCom and GNP Commodities. CapCom was, at the time, part of TeleCommunications, Inc. (TCI), a giant in cable. Turner Broadcasting was jointly owned 16% by TCI and BCCI. TCI/BCCI also owns a good chunk of ABC's parent company, and has engaged itself in a number of corrupt deals with CBS. ... -The Chicago Board of Trade, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, and the Chicago Stock Exchange (Which used to be called the Midwest Stock Exchange (Wikipedia), but changed it's name after a scandal) were used as money laundries for the BCCI bribery. Politicians would fly to Chicago under the guise of a speaking engagement, then they would pick up their "reward". Secret trading accounts were given to them. -Pinnacle Banc Group is the successor of BCCI. It's flagship is the Mafia/Vatican-tied First National Bank of Cicero. They changed their name to Old Kent Bank (Based in Michigan). Pinnacle Banc Group had it's strings pulled by mysterious people in Atlanta -- Georgia, interestingly, is where many top BCCI operatives hung out. -Many say that the Dutch/British are behind all of this. The British have plotted, at least since the War of 1812, to overthrow the US Government and do away with the US constitution, while exploiting America's workforce. Bill Clinton swore an oath to Cecil Rhodes Trust, an organization that wants to put the US under the control of the British. (7th Circuit Federal Appeals Chief Judge Richard Posner is a FEMA operative and a representative for University of Chicago (Rockefeller-controlled, Tied to oil industry). Judge Paul Plunkett is another).
Timeline, Summary, Alphabetic index NFU
Connect the First National Bank of Chicago and BCCI ![]()
Wikipedia Bert Lance was implicated in the BCCI scandal of the 1980s and early 1990s. He was involved in deals with notable BCCI luminaries Agha Hasan Abedi, Mochtar Riady and Ghaith Pharaon and with BCCI's largest borrower, P. S. Prasad, 6] and joined with Arkansas-based power investor Jackson Stephens in facilitating BCCI's takeover of Financial General Bankshares. Lance and Stephens made millions in the wake of BCCI's collapse. In January 1978, Lance sold his stock in National Bank of Georgia to Ghaith Pharaon, while on the same day, BCCI founder Agha Hasan Abedi paid off Lance's $3.5 million loan at the First National Bank of Chicago. The following month, Lance helped BCCI with their hostile bid for Financial General Bankshares of Washington. The attempt failed, but three years later, BCCI secretly acquired the bank (renamed First American Bankshares) using 15 Arab investors as nominees. The next year, Lance introduced Jimmy Carter to Abedi. In 1987, First American Bankshares acquired National Bank of Georgia from Pharaon. BCCI was terminated in 1991 and it was subsequently revealed that the bank had done many illegal activities, including secretly controlling several U.S. banks, in violation of federal banking statutes.
CapCom FAS
HawaiiFreePress Here is what The Times of London February 26, 2008 reported: A British-Iraqi billionaire lent millions of dollars to Barack Obama's fundraiser just weeks before an imprudent land deal that has returned to haunt the presidential contender, an investigation by The Times discloses. The money transfer raises the question of whether funds from Nadhmi Auchi
, one of Britain’s wealthiest men, helped Mr Obama buy his mock Georgian mansion in Chicago. A company related to Mr Auchi, who has a conviction for corruption in France, registered the loan to Mr Obama's bagman Antoin "Tony" Rezko on May 23 2005. Mr Auchi says the loan, through the Panamanian company Fintrade Services SA, was for $3.5 million. Three weeks later, Mr Obama bought a house on the city's South Side while Mr Rezko's wife bought the garden plot next door from the same seller on the same day, June 15.… Mrs Rezko’s purchase and sale of the land to Mr Obama raises many unanswered questions. and HawaiiFreePress “(In 2004) Mr. Auchi traveled by private aircraft to Midway Airport in Chicago and then to a fete at the Four Season Hotel, where he met with his business partner in Chicago real estate, Mr. Rezko, as well as with Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. Also present that night, according to a fresh report by James Bone and Dominic Kennedy of the London Times, was State Senator Barack Obama, who had recently won the Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate seat….”
Dean Henderson BCCI ....Since its inception, the IMF has violently abused the people of the developing world in its role as debt collector for the Eight Families Rothschild-led banking monopoly. ... The banksters sink poor countries into debt via loans that benefit either their wholly-owned multinational corporations or well-placed domestic strawmen. The IMF then swoops in and orders the now-indebted country to privatize its economy – with the banker-owned multinationals picking up state assets for pennies on the dollar as part of “debt reorganization”. One of the Eight Families’ tentacles facilitates this kabuki dance for a healthy fee. More often than not it is Goldman Sachs. No case illustrates this type of IMF official mugging better than that of the mysterious Bank of Credit & Commerce International (BCCI). see terms: Rockefeller, CDB, Caribbean Development Bank... BCCI – launched by Bank of America – was a CIA drug money laundry which moonlighted as mugger for the IMF bankers. The IMF helped BCCI set up shop in numerous countries, including virtually every Latin American nation. ... The racket worked something like this: BCCI, in addition to providing loans for deposits, would offer to broker a country’s debt with the IMF if the central bank was willing to deposit funds at BCCI’s local branch. Those countries that cooperated with the IMF would be rewarded with more loans. Those that refused never saw their money again. Most of the $20 billion that disappeared when BCCI was shut down belonged to Third World central banks whose governments had not bent over far enough for the IMF. This outright theft left the poorest, most debt-ridden countries in the world even more impoverished. African nations were hardest hit. BCCI sponged over $2 billion from the African continent. Even in England, where $400 million was lost by depositors when BCCI closed shop, most of the money belonged to African immigrants of marginal means who believed BCCI’s claim of being “a bank for the world’s poor”. BCCI specialized in facilitating capital flight from poor countries by helping rich Third World nationals start offshore accounts with the bank. BCCI would hire siblings of wealthy clients to man its local branches. ... The global elite had once again shaken down the world’s poor.
Skolnick Illinois Governor Jim Thompson, chairman of the Winston and Strawn law factory and he has been a director of the Chicago Sun-Times newspaper, owned by the British. Bill and Hillary Clinton are secretly stockholders of Lippo. ** Still operating is the infamous Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), haven for espionage and narcotics loot and political assassination funding. With its hundreds of branches worldwide including in America, BCCI supposedly went under in 1991. Its successor and alter ego, however, lives as Pinnacle Banc Group, whose flagship is in the Mafia enclave of Cicero, a Chicago suburb. Called First National Bank of Cicero, long-dominated by Bishop Paul Marcinkus, once head of the Vatican Bank. (Italian law-enforcement authorities have claimed Vatican Bank has been a money laundry for the American CIA as well as the traditional Sicilian and Italian Mafia.) Pinnacle Bank,BlackPlanet, MoneyTeachers Wikipedia Ghaith Pharaon, LovetheTruth Pharaon, Rothschild Skolnick Enron Black Magic Skolnick Pope's banks and... ... Skolnick, and Bollyn Continental Bank, (Continental Illinois National Bank)
Chicago .... search terms: Vatican, Queen interests, Judge Walter J. Cummings, Jr., 7th Federal Circuit (see links to Vatican), Bank of America, Bank of Italy, Amadeo Peter Giannini (Rothschild), dominated by Yakuza (Japanese mafia), merge with Continental Bank, same building as Chicago Mercantile Exchange, (O.J. Simpson?). See also First National Bank of Cicero. The Wallace Lieberman shakedown and murder 1991. Connections to Judy Baar Topinka, State Treasurer, and Roger D'Onofrio Iraq, nuclear bomb detonators and the CIA, and Opus Dei, John Tarullo, London Gold Pool, Archbishop of Milan, Ramada Hotels, and Robert Cesca, Joseph Andreuccetti, Household International, P-2, and see the IntelHub the-international-oil-drugs-guns-kissinger-associates
AmFirstBooks Also, according to Don Frederick’s well-researched timeline, while in Pakistan, Obama’s host, Muhammadian Soomro, was linked to the notorious Bank of Credit and Commerce (BCCI), which was involved in “money laundering, bribery, terrorist support, tax evasion, smuggling and illegal immigration.” They also worked very closely with the CIA. ThdComisarScoop Auchi After Roger Watson in 1987 became Saddam’s financial consultant, he also became an adviser to Nadhmi Auchi’s (Wikipedia) International Company of Banking and Financial Participations (CIPAF), PolitcalVelcraft Auchi According to the website of Cipaf, an investment vehicle of Nadhmi Auchi’s
General Mediterranean Holdings (GMH), Cipaf is “amongst the topmost investors in the enlarged BNP Paribas. Board of Directors Jean-Hervé Lorenzi Professor at Paris-Dauphine University, Advisor to the Supervisory Board of Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild. FreeRepublic BNP Paribas Oil for Food Scandal, AmericanThinker Obama's Oil for Food Connection ... Out on bail awaiting trial, dual US-Syrian citizen, Antoin ‘Tony' Rezko, was rousted out of bed by police pounding on the doors of his Chicago mansion the morning of Monday, January 28. According to the Associated Press: "U.S. District Judge Amy J. St. Eve jailed Rezko...saying he had disobeyed her order to keep her posted on his financial status. Among other things, he failed to tell her about a $3.5 million loan from London-based Iraqi billionaire Nadhmi Auchi -- a loan that was later forgiven in exchange for shares in a prime slice of Chicago real estate. Rezko gave $700,000 of the money to his wife and used the rest to pay legal bills and funnel cash to various supporters." Funds from Auchi's loan may have helped finance a complex series of transactions between Rezko and Democratic Presidential candidate Illinois Senator Barack Obama involving the 2005 purchase of Obama's Chicago mansion and Rezko's purchase of an adjoining landlocked parcel.
SoldierForLiberty Maurice Strong Rothschild Connection
Rense BCCI, Emanuel, Marc Rich, Wasserstein (Wikipedia)
AmpedStatus BCCI
1976 LaRouchePub
BCCI became a "crown jewel" in the British offshore hot money system because of its ties to the City of London (Rothschild). In 1976, BCCI established a Swiss base of operations by purchasing 85% of Banque de Commerce et Placements (BCP) of Geneva. The remaining 15% was retained by the original owner, Thesarus Continental Securities Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS). Under BCCI control, BCP was managed by Alfred Hartmann, a former senior official of UBS. Hartmann eventually became chief financial officer for BCC Holding, and was the person most accountable for the "lost" $23 billion. While serving as BCCI's "man in Switzerland," Hartmann was always operating on behalf of the Rothschild family. Hartmann was president of Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich, was vice-chairman of NY-Intermaritime Bank of Geneva (EuropeBanks) (run by Mossad operative Bruce Rappaport), and was a member of the board of directors of the elite N.M. Rothschild and Sons in London. BCCI Congressional Report
1993 HiddenMysteries Soros had amassed along with a group of "silent partners", a fortune in excess of 10 Billion dollars to use as a lever to unhinge the European currencies. Among the partners apparently were the little known metal and oil dealer Marc Rich and the Israeli arms dealer Shaul Eisenberg.(ThinkAboutIt) (Globes, Rothschild) For decades Eisenberg has been working for the Israeli secret service and has important arms deals in all of Asia and in the Near East. A third partner of Soros is Rafi Eytan who before was the Mossad connection to the British secret service in London.
1995 American Bhuda search terms: Carlson, Teheran, Luxembourg, Abedi, North West Investment Company, Iran shipments, Dr. Marco Jagmetti of Rothschild Continuation Holdings, a holding company run by BCCI director Alfred Hartmann, Richar Helms, Safeer, Rahim Irvani, Ghaith Pharoan, National Bank of Georgia, Agha Hasan Abedi, First American, Iran Arab Bank, Clifford, Glass, McIlwain & Finney, Financial General Bankshares, Clark Clifford Robert Altman, James Baker, Frank Wisner, Raymond Close (CIA station chief Saudi Arabia), National Bank of Georgia, Nicaraguan Contras,
1995 LaRouchePub Two rather critical facts, however, were invariably left out of the story—even during the lengthy soap opera trial of former BCCI attorney Robert Altman. The first fact was the extraordinarily close alliance between BCCI and some of Britain's most powerful financial houses Rothschild and aristocratic families. The second fact was that BCCI was created, and then built up as a "world class" bank, primarily to manage the covert funds that poured into the secret war in Afghanistan. Hardly any mention was made of the fact that BCCI was in the middle of the Afghan effort—serving as the de facto central bank for a multibillion-dollar Golden Crescent illegal arms-for-drugs trade that mushroomed during 1979-90. When the last of the Red Army troops pulled out of Kabul in February 1989, the massive British-devised and American-led covert action program in support of the Afghan mujahideen began to wind down. BCCI lost its raison d'être, and went the way of the 1960s-era Investors Overseas Service (IOS), and the Vietnam War-era Nugen Hand Bank of Australia:The money was siphoned out, a diversionary scandal was manufactured, and its doors were shut
1972 Cricistan The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) was a major international bank founded in 1972 by Agha Hasan Abedi ... BCCI had been "set up deliberately to avoid centralized regulatory review, and operated extensively in bank secrecy jurisdictions. ... The liquidators, Deloitte & Touche, filed a lawsuit against Price Waterhouse and Ernst & Young ... Abu Dhabi to drop its claims against the Bank of England ... its activities were still not completely understood (was it taken out by Rothschilds because it was a competitor to (IMF / World Bank) THREE former directors of Bank of Credit and Commerce International are suing the Sheikh of Abu Dhabi and other members of the Gulf state's royal family for dollars $100m, alleging that the family were the prime movers behind the bank's dollars $20bn frauds.: Sheikh ... The suit names as defendants the sheikh's son, Sheikh Khalifa; one of the royal family's chief financial advisers, Ghanim Faris Al-Mazrui, and Swaleh Naqvi, a former head of BCCI.Khalifa; one of the royal family's chief financial advisers, Ghanim Faris Al-Mazrui, One of the three behind the legal action, Alfred Hartmann, a senior Swiss banker, sat on various BCCI boards from 1982 to 1991. The others are Yves Lamarche, an American living in France, who served from 1976 to 1991, and Johan Van Oenen, a Dutchman living in Surrey, from 1978 until 1992....
Halliburton connected to Oil-for-Food. WMR
Permalink Perle Conrad Black, Wikipedia David Radler, Black partner. Score-board The Carlyle ambush of Conrad Black, Frank McKenna In December 2001, Carlyle began extorting CanWest/Hollinger editors and blocking media investigations into the role of McKenna and Carlyle affiliates, AMEC, Bombardier and Canada Steamship Lines, during the Global Guardian 'al-Qaeda' war game on 9/11.
Are there Capcom links to Obama in Chicago? Salon Capcom, FAS BCCI Congressional Report Capcom excerpt, History Commons Kamal Adham, Swaleh Naqvi
BCCI Congressional Report
Nadhmi Auchi was born in Iraq. Graduated in Economics and Political Science from the Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad in 1967. Worked with the Iraqi Ministry of Oil, becoming Director of Planning and Development. In 1979 he founded General Mediterranean Holding SA of Luxembourg. Auchi's business empire, which has assets worth more than £1bn, is held offshore in structures whose ownership is difficult to penetrate. His holding firm, General Mediterranean Holdings SA, is registered in Luxembourg, and the Luxembourg and EU politician Jacques Santer sits on its board (in 1999, the Santer (EU) Commission resigned from their posts after charges of corruption. Santer is a Bilderberger and a supporter of Opus Dei). Lord Lamont, (see Lamont) the Rothschild associate who headed Le Cercle, used to be another employee of General Mediterranean Holdings. Has links to British intelligence, through the former senior MI6 officer Anthony Cavendish (Le Cercle), who acts as a consultant to Auchi's business empire. Served on an advisory committee to the Institute for Social and Economic Policy in the Middle East at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government 1996-2000. President of the Anglo-Arab Organisation (AAO) since its founding in 2002.
AbelDanger Also, recent discovery has shown that Banque de Pays de L'Europe of Paris, () (Paribas, Highbeam) was recently bought by Merrill Lynch. Paribas bought 50% of Dillon Read Ltd. in a consortium with Bruxelles Lambert (the Belgian Rothschilds), the Power Group and the Laurentian group of Canada, the Tata Group of India, Elders IXL holding company of Australia, Swiss Bank Cantrade, and two British groups, Investors in Industry, a Bank of England group with nine English and Scottish banks, and the British postal pension fund. .... Power Corporation of Canada directors included G. Eskenazi, of Belgian Rothschild firms, and William Simon, former Secretary of the Treasury of the U.S. The "Canadian connection", the Belzbergs and Bronfmans, demonstrates the growing power of the Rothschilds in billion dollar mergers and takeovers of U.S. industry, including DuPont. These mergers recall the same kind of activity taking place in 1929, just before the stock market debacle, and very well could represent the battening down of the hatches before the storm.
Rosenbaum and his BCI directors laundered illegal drug and gambling money from mafia boss Meyer Lansky by investing it in real estate. Through the BCI Mossad and Permindex operations were financed and reportedly Rosenbaum was a significant stakeholder in Permindex. In the early 1960s, the BCI bought a significant stake in Henry Luce's Time Life. Permindex has been the main suspect of having coordinated the 1963 JFK murder. Edmond de Rothschild introduced Rosenbaum to Bernhard in the mid-1960s. In 1970 Bernhard invited Rosenbaum into the 1001 Club, but after Rosenbaum got in trouble for having embezzled money of the BCI, Bernhard had to expel him again. This happened in 1973-1974. In 1974, Prince Bernhard sold his Castle Warmelo to the Evlyma Trust in Liechtenstein, a subsidiary of Tibor Rosenbaum's BCI. The Trust was managed by 1001 Club member Herbert Batliner, a person later linked to laundering funds for Marcos, Mobutu, Escobar, and Helmut Kohl.
A recent comprehensive CNN Report on American television concerned corrupt practices in American banking and alleged that virtually every major bank in the world had channelled money through the BNL Bank, Atlanta USA, to Saddam Hussein's weapons development program.
BCCI Stuff Allan Gotlieb, Carlucci, Rosenbaum, Permindex, Hollinger, Black, Rothschild, Trireme Partner LLP, Brian Crozier, Richard Perle, Le Cercle, 1001 Club, Club of Thirty, Reinhard Gehlen (Nazi), Clearstream Banking S.A. (CB) is the clearing division of Deutsche Börse, based in Luxembourg. It was created in January 2000 through the merger of Cedel International and Deutsche Börse Clearing, part of the Deutsche Börse Group, which owns the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Cedel, ... Menaep, Ambrosiano, P2, Richard Brenneke, Ernest Backes, Bahrain International Bank. ThereAreNoSunGlasses extensive. SurrenderingIslam Rothschild
Oil for Food Auchi
.... Links between Valerie Jarrett and Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP, Glenn S. Gerstell is the Managing Partner and Snopes Obama's money, trips to Africa, Pakistan, Indonesia, .... a job at Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland, $1.65 million mansion (2005), Larry Sinclair. How does Tony Rezko and Auchi, Alsammarae, Bill Ayers Bernardine Dohrn, fit into all this? BNP Paribas Wikipedia Oil for Food Scandal, Maurice Strong, 661 Sanction file confirms Banque Nationale de Paris, Maurice Strong, HiddenMysteries, Maurice Strong Wikipedia, Bronfman, AbelDanger, Strong, Auchi, Desmarais, Power Corporation, Canada, ... UnityPublishing Maurice Strong BNP board pdf 1999 andHawaiiFreePress Debunking-CarterRucks-defense-of Iraqi-billionaire-tied-to-Rezko-and-Obama, Scientology-London Rothschild - (Carter-Ruck effective suppression of Auchi articles on the internet), Jacksonian OFF IntelHub Kashoggi, Saudi Arabia, Rothschild, Kissinger. and see Valerie Jarrett ties toThomas Ayers ![]()
2000 RealZionistNews Silverstein obtained this lease from his Jewish synagogue buddy, Lewis M Eisenberg, Wikipedia, Muckety (who was then the Chairman of the Port Authority of New York), even though Vornado Realty outbid Silverstein by $50m. Eisenberg aborted Vornado’s bid in favour of his Zionist buddy Silverstein. Eisenberg, who was a huge contributor to the Bush-Cheney campaign, is a member of the Republican Jewish Coalition and former partner of the Jewish bank, Goldman Sachs. Silverstein and Eisenberg both held senior leadership positions with the United Jewish Appeal, a billion dollar Zionist organization. At present, Silverstein is on the UJA’s Board Of Directors. The UJA raises millions of dollars for its client, the Zionist State of Israel. Silverstein is also co-founder of the Israel Export Development Company. see also Republican Leadership Council,
2000: IAmTheWitness George W. Bush is elected (so they tell me) President of the United States. Bush and his family claim to be descendants of the House of Plantagenet which is descended from the Royal House of Judah. Wikipedia House of Plantagenet
2000 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Rumsfeld sells North Korea two light water nuclear reactors.
2000 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Israel spy ring (the art students, penetrate the US) They peddle Ecstasy (as finance) and they spy on military bases and federal buildings.
2000 MoneyTeachers Joseph Cannon (Mormon, Deseret News) and His brother Chris Cannon, were close associates with Jack Abramoff and even assisted him in forwarding the gambling interests agenda. Joe worked with Abramoff on the same lobbying clients and convicted felon and Abramoff partner, David Safavian, worked as Congressman Cannon's "Chief of Staff". Chris Cannon was forced to return campaign donations from Abramoff and Safavian, as well as a few of the Indian Tribes they represented, but, he served his masters well by inserting the "poison pill" that destroyed any hopes of regulating online casino gambling.
2000 Nov Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline Bush steals the election Jan 2001 Bush is sworn in as President
2000 Terror-Illuminati September 2000, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a neo-conservative think-tank, with strong ties to the right-wing American Enterprise Institute, and funded by three foundations closely tied to Persian Gulf oil and weapons and defense industries, drafted a plan for U.S. global domination. AEI is also connected to the Heritage Foundation, through the same funders.. and see ZionCrimeFactory, NoGW Sumner Rothstein (Redstone).
2000 TruthandLife One important repository for the wealth of the global oligarchy that owns these bank holding companies is US Trust Corporation – founded in 1853 and now owned by Bank of America. A recent US Trust Corporate Director and Honorary Trustee was Walter Rothschild. Other directors included Daniel Davison of JP Morgan Chase, Richard Tucker of Exxon Mobil, Daniel Roberts of Citigroup and Marshall Schwartz of Morgan Stanley. 2] and Wikpedia US Trust Corp United States Trust Corporation is an American bank holding company based in New York, NY. It is the oldest trust company in the U.S., and provides personal wealth management to some of the wealthiest individuals and families. In 2000, the Charles Schwab Corporation purchased U.S. Trust for $2.73 billion. 1] In 2001, less than a year after the acquisition of U.S. Trust, the U.S. Trust subsidiary was fined $10 million in a bank secrecy law case. It was ordered to pay $5 million to the New York State Banking Department and $5 million to the Federal Reserve Board. 2] On November 20, 2006, Schwab announced an agreement to sell U.S. Trust to Bank of America for $3.3 billion cash. 3] The deal closed in the second quarter of 2007.
2001 9/11 For those who would like to support Ellen Mariani’s ongoing efforts (last unsettled 9/11 victim case), please send letters of support and donations to Ellen Mariani, P.O. Box 2792, Parker, CO 80134. Search Hellerstein.
2001 Enron CabalTimes Qatar holds 13.39% of the world’s natural gas reserves, making it #3 on the chart. Qatar and its gas reserves have been historically dominated by the Rothschild Shell Oil Corporation. Qatar figures prominently as a forwarding base for American operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Recently, Qatar has also became a major player in the so-called Arab Spring. ... The fall of Communism meant that Western corporations could freely operate in the region (Turkmenistan) for the first time. It comes as no surprise that Turkmenistan’s natural gas was quickly earmarked for export by groups such as the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers .... Gazprom in turn has intricate relationships with Rothschild heavyweights such as Shell Oil and BP.
2001 Biblioteca Pleyades Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank in June 2001. Joined N.M. Rothschild & Sons at the latest in 2002. Annual visitor of the Trilateral Commission since 2002. Member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London. Member of the steering committee of the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS). Member of the European Council of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. In December 2002, Blair sent Lord Guthrie and Jack Straw to Turkey as an unofficial military envoy to shore up support for an invasion of Iraq and to discuss plans to remove Saddam Hussein from power. Became a non-executive special advisor of Aon Special Risks in 2004, a leading Counter-Terrorism, Political Risks and Kidnap and Ransom insurance broker and risk consultant. Freeman of the City of London, a member of the Knights of Malta, and a Commander of the Legion of Merit USA. Member of the House of Lords.
9/11 Video latest evidence, 9/11 Whistleblower interview Alex Jones Col. Donn de Grand-Pre ... They were out of Hector Field, Fargo, North Dakota. A bunch, this 119 Fighter Group and they are called the Happy Hooligans. They are probably the best interceptors that we have in the country. They were moved to Langley Air Force Base from Hector Field down to Southern Virginia. and Brigadier-General Rick Baccus... wouldn't torture innocent detainees at Guantanamo, was reassigned.
WTC steel went to Rothschild Zionist connected scrap yards. (evidence removal)
InformationUnderground Alan D. Ratner’s Metals Management and the SIMS group is responsible for quickly scooping up the WTC steel rubble and shipping it off to Asian smelters. Alan Ratner is Jewish. Ratner merged with the SIMS group and the Hugo Neu corporation, and they made a handsome profit.
On the 9/11, the SEC lifted “Rule 15c3-3: Customer Protection – Reserves and Custody of Securities.” Thus GSCC Government Securities Clearing Corporation] was allowed to substitute other securities for the physical securities destroyed during the attack illegal bonds, which appear to have been replaced with Treasury notes backed by U.S. taxpayers in the aftermath of September 11.
Pilots for 911 Truth Raymond W. Smith was sitting on the board of directors at US Airways on 911. Ray Smith has served on the boards of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, Corestates Financial, First Union, and others. He is also Chairman of Rothschild, North America, Inc. and Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr. Smith also served on the board of Five Arrows (Rothschild).
9-11 Judge Hellerstein is Connected to Rothschild-Funded ICTS .. (9/11 Airport Security) & Mariani case and 2
Pilots for 911 Truth Cheryl Gruetzmacher Gordon/Krongard is currently on the BOD at US Airways. She is the chief executive officer of Rothschild Asset Management Inc. She was a senior managing director at Rothschild also. She recently remarried ex-CIA AB 'Buzzy' Krongard. see Edward S. Gordon
Systems Planning Corp, Dov Zakheim, WTC remote controlled aircraft, Rothschild connection
Pilots for 911 Truth US Airways also had a 28 year CIA veteran sitting on it's board as well. James M. Simon Jr. is now on the board at ORBIMAGE. After September 11th, he was designated as the senior intelligence official for homeland security establishing and chairing the Homeland Security Intelligence Council.
AMEC, a Rothschild connected company did WTC / Pentagon rubble cleanup (evidence removal)
London School of Jewish Studies (LSJS) and London School of Economics are links to Rothschild / Dov Zakheim (9/11 mastermind) relationship.
Pilots for 911 Truth During the restructuring of US Airways, the company hired Rudy Giuliani''s firm as an advisor to the restructuring. Delta Airlines was paying $400,000 a month to restructuring specialists Giuliani Capital Advisors, founded by former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani.
Peter Peterson -- CEO of the Blackstone Group (controlled by Rothschild), parent corporation of one of three lease-holders for WTC 7 ![]()
911Docs Actor Charlie Sheen has joined a growing army of other highly credible public figures in questioning the official story of 9/11 and calling for a new independent investigation of the attack and the circumstances surrounding it ... 9/11Truth Sheen questioned the plausibility of a fireballs traveling 110 feet down an elevator shaft and causing damage to the lobbies of the towers as seen in video footage, especially when contrasted with eyewitness accounts of bombs and explosions in the basement levels of the buildings.
Rothschild Connected to Mossad / ICTS .. (9/11 Airport Security)
Hearst estate is being advised by NM Rothschild, the investment bank. Popular Mechanics Magazine is a Hearst publication and at the forefront of 9/11 disinformation.
Within 30 minutes of WTC2 being hit NewsCorp (Rupert Murdoch, Rothschild Zionist) was giving out Bin laden's name as a suspect and the complete run-down on Al Qaeda and the Taliban along with the reasons for the collapse itself !
2001 9/11 SEC From a regulatory perspective, last week the Commission reached out to major market participants, both directly and through industry groups such as the Securities Industry Association and the Bond Market Association, to determine whether it could provide appropriate temporary regulatory relief to facilitate the reopening of fair and orderly markets. The New York Stock Exchange, the NASD, Treasury and other regulators undertook similar outreach efforts. As a result, the Commission for the first time invoked its emergency powers under Securities Exchange Act Section 12(k) and issued several orders and an interpretive release to ease certain regulatory restrictions temporarily. see WTC gold / securities heist, Black Eagle Trust above
2001 9/11 WMR / NFU April 26-28, 2010 -- The super-classified network that served as command and control for the 9/11 false flag attack on America ... Multiple U.S. intelligence sources have reported to WMR that a super-classified network with only some 70 terminals in select U.S. government locations handled the parallel command-and-control activities that permitted the 9/11 terrorist attacks to be successful. ... The "above top secret" network bears the acronym "PDAS." WMR has not yet discovered what the acronym stands for, however, the system is limited to only a few hundred people with Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Special Access Program (SAP) need-to-know access, in addition to the President and Vice President. ... On September 11, 2001, PDAS was used to convey the information from the Air Force Chief of Staff to the White House, CIA, and other select agencies that the Air Force had successfully intercepted and downed a target over Pennsylvania. It is believed that the "target" in question was United flight 93, although there is no confirmation that the aircraft was in fact the one downed by Air Force interceptors. ... The Air Force Chief of Staff on 9/11 was General John Jumper, who had become the top Air Force commander on September 6, 2001, just five days before the 9/11 attacks. ... There is also reason to believe that the PDAS terminal at the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) at the White House was used to coordinate the activities related to the aerial attack on the Pentagon. Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta claimed Vice President Dick Cheney was present at the PEOC at 9:25 am on the morning of 9/11, before the alleged impact of American Airlines flight 77 on the building. ...Mineta ... (PDAS) is used to support the operational capabilities to the Joint Staff at the Pentagon and and Combatant Commanders (COCOMs), Special Technical Operations (STO), COCOMs, Integrated Joint Special Technical Operations IJSTO, US Central Command, CIA, National Security Agency, and Defense Intelligence Agency, search terms: General Wesley Clark, Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRnet) and the Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS), as well as the Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRnet), 704th Military Intelligence Brigade at Fort Meade, Maryland, NSA's Joint Special Studies Group (JSSG), IVY BELLS.
2001 9/11Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline September False flag attack on America blamed on Afghanistan and Iraq
2001 9/11 Israel and WTC, Flight 77 Pentagon video
2001 9/11 Peter Peterson -- CEO of the Blackstone Group (controlled by Rothschild), parent corporation of one of three lease-holders for WTC 7 on 9-11; also chairman of the CFR and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on 9-11; CEO of the Institute for International Economics in October 2000 Thomas Pickard -- took over the job of FBI director from Louis Freeh in August 2001; held this position only for a few weeks before Robert Mueller became director; former Terror Task Force chief John O'Neill complained about sabotage by Pickard
click to see video, Dov Zakheim, 9/11 Mastermind, Systems
Planning Corporation, Rothschild Zionist, remote controlled aircraft. Wakeupfromyourslumber: Ehud Olmert, then mayor of Jerusalem, is a partner in crime with the Zionist lease-holders of the World Trade Center, the Israeli Frank Lowy and his New York-based partner Larry Silverstein. Olmert, as deputy prime minister to Ariel Sharon, even made an unannounced and secret visit to New York City on September 10-11, 2001
2001 9/11 WhoDidIt Before 9-11 John Deutch, former Undersecretary of War, director of CIA; co-authored paper, "Catastrophic Terrorism: A National Policy" with Zelikow, Ashton Carter; senior partner at Global Technology Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild North America; MIT professor; grandson of Yonah Fischer, Antwerp diamond merchant who ran Zionist Federation of Belgium
2001 9/11 Wikispooks Dov Zakheim Systems Planning Corporation, remote controlled aircraft, 9/11, WTC.
2001 9/11 Wikispooks Lewis Eisenberg - Eisenberg was the head of the Port Authority of New York and authorized the lease transfer to Silverstein and Lowy. Eisenberg was a large contributor to the Bush-Cheney presidential campaign, as well as a partner in the Jewish bank Goldman-Sachs. Eisenberg has been both a member of the Planning Board of the United Jewish Appeal/United Jewish Federation pro-Israeli government pressure group in the U.S. The second crucial aspect of control was that of security for the WTC complex. This was was required to provide unquestioned access to strategic areas of the buildings for the purposes of rigging explosives in the period prior to the attacks. The contract to run security at the WTC was awarded to Kroll Associates after the 1993 WTC bombing. Kroll is otherwise known as "Wallstreet's CIA". The contract was awarded by The Port Authority of New York and $2.5 million was paid to them to revamp security at the complex. The owners of Kroll were two Zionist Jews named Jules & Jeremy Kroll.
The managing director of Kroll at the time wasJerome M. Hauer. Jerome Hauer Hauer was also the person chosen to run Mayor Rudy Guiliani's office of emergency management (OEM) from 1996 to 2000. He is the key individual that pushed for this office to be placed in Silverstein's WTC Building 7 (ie the third tall building to collapse on 9/11). Jerome Hauer is also Jewish and a staunch Zionist. Hauer's mother, Rose Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of the Beth Israel School of Nursing and the Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion movement that is one of the central Zionist organizations involved in the creation and support of the State of Israel. Mitre Corp, Entwistle also
2001 9/11 WTC Gold Rediff, German company Convar, data recovered from hard drives shows unusual financial activity (put options?), not investigated by FBI, Pirmasens, Henschel ... Kroll purchased Ontrack Data Recovery, a US-based rival of Convar with offices in Germany. See Sibel Edmonds Baltimore Chronical and YouTube WTC Gold heist. 100's of billions. Value of a gold bar on September 10, 2001: $214k, 2011: $1,498k, Source:
2001 9/11 WayneMadsenReport "has recently learned from knowledgeable U.S. Intelligence Community sources that Neil Entwistle's
contract for P-Techinvolved "wiring backdoors" into the computer systems of the FAA, more below, NORAD, Pentagon, and White House to bring about the operational collapse of the computer systems during the morning of 9/11. Entwistle's firm, Embedded New Technologies (ENT), reportedly had connections to the Braintree, Massachusetts-based firm P-Tech, which was investigated subsequent to 911 by the FBI for ties to Muslim Brotherhood financiers linked to Al Qaeda. P-Tech also had software contracts for the FAA, NORAD, Pentagon, and White House during the 9-11 terrorist attacks. ... A senior consultant to JPMorganChase and Risk, Indira Singh was tasked in April 2002 with developing a next-generation, operational, risk blueprint that "would proactively identify exposures, including money laundering, rogue trading, and illicit financing patterns."8 Indira reached out to the top people in her profession for recommendations on software companies that could assist her on the project. 2002 Indira Singh was fired from JPMorganChase because she refused to stop investigating P-Tech and warning other businesses and clients of P-Tech's terrorist linked financing. On December 5, 2002 U.S. Customs, FBI, IRS, Secret Service, INS and the Massachusetts State Police raided the Ouincy, Massachusetts offices of P-Tech.12 The raid, however, was a fraud. The only reason P-Tech was raided was due to the incessant and embarrassing questions Indira was asking about the company and its terrorist linked financing. After the raid P-Tech changed its name to Go Agile, and the FBI investigation fizzled out. ... has recently learned from knowledgeable U.S. Intelligence Community sources that Entwistle's contract for P-Tech involved "wiring backdoors" into the computer systems of the FAA, NORAD, Pentagon, and White House to bring about the operational collapse of the computer systems during the morning of 9/11 full article and OpedNews Entwistle
Ptech was with MITRE Corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11, Singh said. "Their specific job is to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency. If anyone was in a position to know that the FAA -- that there was a window of opportunity or to insert software or to change anything -- it would have been Ptech along with MITRE." Singh has spoken extensively about Ptech's alleged connections with Saudi Arabia
, for example with Pacifica Radio in 2005: OpEdNews Neil Entwistle Connect the Dots AMEC BP Acerty HAARP
Oussama Ziade, (IntelFiles) a Lebanese Muslim immigrant who came to the U.S. in 1985, founded Ptech in 1994. But the company's original manager of marketing and information systems was Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff Communications, currently represents Guardium, a Mossad-linked software company. And Goff comes from a well-to-do line of Jewish Masons who have belonged to Worcester's Commonwealth Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith
for decades. Oussama Ziade indictment doc from indictment doc: ZIADE co-founded Ptech in 1994 with the capital financing provided by Kadi through one of his nominee companies, Sarmany Limited. Initially, in 1994, Kadi invested approximately $5 million in ptech through Sarmany, an Isle of Man company he owned and controlled. In exchange, and pursuant to an authorization granted by Kadi and Sarmany's other director, PtechPtech's main focus was research and development. Ptech spent approximately $20 million developing its products. These funds came primarily from Saudi Arabian investors, including Kadi. ... Kadi attended Ptech's Board of Director meeting held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (where Kadi's residence and some of his businesses are located) on March 22, 1998 ,... 2002, Sarmany12, with the assistance of Kadi's chief financial accountant, at the advice of ZIADE, transferred Sarmany Limited's entire property interest in Ptech (55,800 shares of ptech common stock) to three entities: Bective Limited; Arkday Limited; and Grayson Group Limited., .. Bective Limited, willfully conceal the interest in ptech held by Sarmany, one of Kadi's nominee companies, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1014; ABC6 Buford-George-Peterson, Peter Parker OpEdNews
2001 9/11 Rys2sense Israel False Flag Timeline September police arrest Israeli Mossad agents filming and cheering the 911 attack. The Israelis worked for a fake moving company with a false address. Their van has a hit with bomb sniffing dogs and one man is carrying $4,700 stuffed in a sock. The owner of the front flees to Israel. The FBI releases the Israelis and the evidence linking them to the attacks is Classified.
2001 9/11 TakeOurWorldBack Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu's father Benzion was secretary to Ze'ev "Vladimir" Jabotinsky, Wall Street Journal who founded the Zionist terrorist movement that played an important part in the creation of Israel (e.g. King David hotel bombing, conspiracy to assassinate British foreign secretary Ernest Bevin), or that Bibi was a unit team leader in Sayeret Matkal, an elite special forces unit of the Israeli Defense Force, and just happened to be in New York City in the morning of 9/11 and in London on the morning of the 7/7 attacks (having received advance warning), and is a close friend of Larry Silverstein who, along with Zionist billionaire and "Holocaust survivor" Frank Lowy, just happened to have taken over the World Trade Center lease and ensured the Towers were insured for billions of dollars against terrorist attacks within six weeks of 9/11. More the Likud party is the successor to Herut, which was the successor to Jabotinsky’s revisionist faction—Netanyahu’s personal history traces directly back to Jabotinsky. Benzion Netanyahu, the prime minister’s father, was Jabotinsky’s disciple and private secretary
2001 9/11 Investigate9/11 "They" are the owners of the International Banking and Finance Cartel, as well as the Federal Reserve Banking Monopoly. "They" control the highest levels of our government. "They" sanctioned 9/11, as a catalyst for their larger criminal agenda, which they call the "New World Order". These owners include families of the "Black Nobility", such as the House of Hanover, Germany; the House of Hapsburg, Austria; the House of Orange, Netherlands; the House of Lichtenstein in Lichtenstein, and most importantly the house of Guelph (Welf: dynasty of German dukes of Bavaria) in Britain.
2001:9/11 IAmTheWitness On September 11th the attack on the World Trade Center is orchestrated by Israel with the complicity of Britain and America, under the orders of the Rothschilds as a pretext for removing the liberty of people worldwide in exchange for security, just as happened with the Reichstag fire in Germany where the citizens were lied to in order to give up liberty for security. ... They also will use the attacks to gain control of the few nations in the world who don’t allow Rothschild central banks and so less than one month after these attacks, US forces attack Afghanistan, one of only 7 nations in the world who don’t have a Rothschild controlled central bank. Less than a week before the 9-11 attack on 5 September, the so-called lead hijacker Mohamed Atta and several other hijackers made a still-unexplained visit onboard one of Pro Israeli lobbyist, Ashkenazi Jew, Jack Abramoff’s casino boats. ... No investigation is undertook as to what they were doing there. It is discovered that US drug agents’ communications have been penetrated. Suspicion falls on two companies, AMDOCS and Comverse Infosys, both owned by Israelis. AMDOCS generates billing data for most US phone companies and is able to provide detailed logs of who is talking to whom. ... Comverse Infosys builds the tapping equipment used by law enforcement to eavesdrop on all American telephone calls, but suspicion forms that Comverse Infosys, which gets half of its research and development budget from the Israeli government, has built a back door into the system that is being exploited by Israeli intelligence and that the information gleaned on US drug interdiction efforts is finding its way to drug smugglers. The investigation by the FBI leads to the exposure of the largest foreign spy ring ever uncovered inside the United States, operated by Israel. Half of the suspected spies have been arrested when 9-11 happens. On 9-11, 5 Israelis are arrested for dancing and cheering while the World Trade Towers collapse. Supposedly employed by Urban Moving Systems, the Israelis are caught with multiple passports and a lot of cash. Two of them are later revealed to be Mossad. As witness reports track the activity of the Israelis, it emerges that they were seen at Liberty Park at the time of the first impact, suggesting a foreknowledge of what was to come. The Israelis are interrogated, and then eventually sent back to Israel. The owner of the moving company used as a cover by the Mossad agents abandons his business and flees to Israel. The United States Government then classifies all of the evidence related to the Israeli agents and their connections to 9-11. All of this is reported to the public via a four part story on Fox News by Carl Cameron. Pressure from Jewish groups, primarily AIPAC, forces Fox News to remove the story from their website. Two hours prior to the 9-11 attacks, Odigo, an Israeli company with offices just a few blocks from the World Trade Towers, receives an advance warning via the internet. The manager of the New York Office provides the FBI with the IP address of the sender of the message, but the FBI does not follow this up. The FBI is investigating 5 Israeli moving companies as possible fronts for Israeli intelligence. ... It is revealed that prior to the attack millions of dollars of put options on both American Airlines and United Airlines, were traded. The FBI have promised to followed the purchasers up, but have never revealed their findings. That is because this would lead directly to Israel, the state behind the 911 attacks. Following the World Trade Center attack, anonymous letters containing anthrax are sent to various politicians and media executives. Like the 9-11 attack this is immediately blamed on Al-Qaeda , until it is discovered that the anthrax contained within those letters is a specific type of weaponized anthrax made by a United States military laboratory. ... The FBI then discover that the main suspect for these anthrax letters is a Ashkenazi Jew, Dr. Philip Zack, who had been reprimanded several times by his employers due to offensive remarks he made about Arabs. Dr. Philip Zack, was caught on camera entering the storage area where he worked at Fort Detrick which is where the Anthrax was kept. At this point, both the FBI and the mainstream media stopped making any public comments on the case. ... Jewish Defence League Chairman since 1985, Ashkenazi Jew, Irv Rubin is jailed for allegedly plotting to bomb a mosque and the offices of a Arab-American congressman. He dies shortly after slitting his throat in a suicide attempt, before he can be brought to trial. ... One week prior to the WTC attack, the Zim Shipping Company moves out of its offices in the WTC, breaking its lease and costing the company $50,000. No reason has ever been given, but Zim Shipping Company is half owned by the State of Israel (The Rothschilds). On October 3, Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, makes the following statement to Ashkenazi Jew, Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio. "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that....I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."
Peter Knopfler