
Yahoo News - 09 July, 2011

New editor for AWN.bz James Kleck 
writes an editorial statement on AWN.bz

headed ..."  Rebekah your part of the family now.."..... Rupert Murdoch

Crystal Ball.
Should Murdoch get his hands on bskyb then,the name 
will come as no surprise to anyone.

You only have to look at the photo of Rebekah Brook and Rupert Murdoch to see there's more to it, as the saying goes, A PICTURE PAINTS A THOUSAND WORD, so i say no more, you decide.

Why haven't the police got search warrants for all Murdoch properties and so secured any evidence - are they still on the take ???

File photo of Rebekah Brooks, chief executive of News International, and Rupert Murdoch, News Corp chief executive, in Cheltenham
NORTH OF THE BORDER 10 hours ago Report Abuse

the red head must have been sleeping with both dad and son, no wonder her hair is that way

maya murkydoc haha i like that name.........

maya come on brookes straighten up your hair..

Presumably Rebecca will be arrested and charged -
 she can hardly claim she didn't know

R. Suppards 

Did you ask your reporters how they managed to get so many scoops over so many years Rupert or, as I suspect, were you only interested in profit at any price?. Furthermore I have a bet that you won't have the guts to tell us.

ALL of these people are in the same Masonic fraternities, that is why the rich tend to get away with murder (literally in some cases).

Richard Evans, Rebekah Brooks, Rupert Murdoch / PA

'Maybe she has dirt on one of the Murdochs'

Our News Editor Richard Evans argues why Rebekah Brooks is just as slippery as a Murdoch. 'Not a lot will change'

Related links

I would not trust murdock to run a ICE Cube factory on the SUN

Seize all News international assets,Freeze all financial accounts and stop the printing of their newspapers.This is what the government would do to so called terrorist organisations but will they do it to a media organisation who have intruded into people's lives illegally while apparently paying police officers to keep outof the way/give them the information?
I also think the police service of England and Wales should be investigated down to the very very tiniest detail..They can no longer be trusted.Its not something new.The murmurs of police corruption have been going on for years






Statement on the New of the World Phone Hacking Scandal

"no free news for you....".... Rupert Murdoch

by  James Kleck..Newly appointed editor of AWN.bz

It has been astonishing to most independent observers that Rebekah
Brooks, the former News of the World editor, still remains as Chief
Executive of News International, after being involved with closing
down New of the World, a 168 year old much loved and read Brtitish
Tabloid, that became an institution to expose wrongful and un
appropriate behaviour of immoral, corrupt, devious and guilty people
in British Society and also the rest of the world, which always looked
on each week with eager intent as to what breaking story will be on
the front pages of next Sunday's News of the World . The New of the
World was closed down on by Rebekah Brooks, Rupert Murdoch and James
Murdoch in the aftermath of the New of the World Phone Hacking Scandal
on three days notice and sacking 200 staff. A decision was made to
close down News of the World, one of the oldest, most sucussful and
profitable newspapers in the world, rather than hand it over other
management that are honest and respectable who would carry on running
the newspaper on the cutting edge, as that is the nature of the beast,
however withinthe law. This could havebeen achieved in tow ways. One,
by selling the newspaper and/or giving the management of the newspaper
to another indepependant management group under license with a profit
sharing arrangement. the saff could have been given the opportunity to
do a staff takeover of the newspaper, as it  is definately clear on
the evidence available to the public at present, with no doubt much
more evidence to come to light in the future, that Rebekah Brooks,
Rupert Murdoch and James Murdoch and their other senior management of
News International (UK) and News Limited (USA), would be now be being
fit and proper persons under the OffCom standards and the standards
the average person expects, to run any  media organisation in Britain
and/or the rest of the world. the sda reality we all face is that
Rebekah Brooks, Rupert Murdoch and James Murdoch  are simply have too
many powerful and well off people and organisations that have hundreds
of billion of pounds and dollars invested in Rebekah Brooks, Rupert
Murdoch and James Murdoch's media empire that has expanded into every
part of our society like an octapus sucking the blood of every man
woman and child int hr world on a daily basis, to make Rebekah Brooks,
Rupert Murdoch and James Murdoch and their associates and financial
backers, a group of the richest and most powerful people in the world,
to be able to to the right and honourable thing and close down their
whole media group altogether, just as they have chosen to close down
New of the World on three datys notice, because they themselves were
facing the risk of being officially rulled and publicly exposed of
being knowing concerned for a long time period in aiding and abetting
and accessories after the fact of serious criminal offences, with the
likihood of their eventual arrest and an official ruling that non of
the current senior management and directors of News International (UK)
and News Limited (USA) are fit and proper people to be running and/or
in charge of a media organisation anywhere in ther world.
Thye simply had to immediately close News of the World down and
pretent..."oh we all did not know what was goinng on all these
years..we had no real concept and/or idea that our newpapers wa son a
daily basis commiting criminal offecnes for the many years..and even
when we knowingly paid out millions of pounds in hush money to stop
people speaking publicly about our newspaper's involvement with
serious crimes including phone hacking and bribing London Metropolitan
Police...we still had no  idea that our newspaper was involved with
the serious criminal offence for many years..until we read in in the
Guardian newspapers and othe rmedai outlets and on the world wide
web...we were absolutely shocked when we read about it all in the
media and took immediate action and did what we considered the most
sensible and propper thing ..immediately close down News of The World
and sack 200 staff who in the main had done nother wrong...as it was
only a handfull of our staff that were involved and they have been
arrested and or investigated and we have co-operate with the police to
have them fully investigated and are happy they receive what is coming
to them to the full extent of the law... we had no idea why they keep
asking us for millions of pounds each years in cash money to pay
different people under that table and other millions in hush
payments... it was such a shock to us all in senior management of News
International (UK) and News Limited (USA) ....so we want nothing more
to do with a newspaper that has been involved with such serious
criminal and immoral behaviour and we are respectable and responsible
media people that belief in honesty, fairness and sticking by a good
morla code... and we are the right people to own ShyB, the most
profitable media organisation in Britain, and eventually take over
control and ownership of the loss making BBC from the British
Government for $1,000 billion, which is on the verge of bankruptcy....
after the British Government paid out over £1,000 billion to our
banker freinds to stop them from going into receivership....who have
been helping us finance our loss making Times Newspaper and our other
loss making media outlets when we have needed their financial help....
yes it is obvious to everyone that we and our associates and finacial
partners the Rothschilds and associated families are the right ones to
own and control all of the world's major media and news oulets and
organisation - TV-Film-Internet-managzines-
newspapers- etc as well
know what the average person needs to to know and be told..... we are
the Gods in the Media World and rightly so.... we are the chosen one
by the all powerful Rothschild family who own over 60% of the world's
wealth.... to control control the world media.. and lets face it....in
reality.... because of the financial, political and economic power
base that is behind us..... being partners with the richest and most
powerful people in the world...., the Rothschilds.. who decide who is
going to be the next president of the USA..the next Prime Minister of
Britain.. the next military dictator in an underdeveloped country.. or
the next head of an oil, mineral and/or goog land and water rich
county...whoin he end is going to stop us being the full controllers
of the world media, starting with controlling an downing SkyB and
eventually the BBC.. when is our main long term aim because the BBC is
the only large media organsiation in the owlrd that provided
independent news wioth the financila resources from TV licencing to
continue to have the funding to provide independant news for free....
the BBC are interfering with our pay wall concept that all news is
paid for and not for free... we have stated onmany occasions... no
free news for you... and the news that you will be forced to pay us
for will be the news we want you to read...news that we feel is
appropriate for you to read.."
Now getting back to the question as to why the Murdochs refuse to
consider the sacking of Rebekah Brooks, the former News of the World
editor, who still remains as Chief Executive of News International in
Britain... AWN.bz had been told by an internal source at New of the
World that the relationship bewteen Rebekah Brooks, the former News of
the World editor, still remains as Chief Executive of News
International and the Murdochs is not just strictly business.. so
there is no way the Murdochs are ever going to sack their precious
Rebekah Brooks... she is virtually familly now....

A demonstrator dressed as Rupert Murdoch protests against News Corp's proposed takeover of BSkyB

A demonstrator dressed as Rupert Murdoch …

News of the World axed as Coulson arrest expected

News of the World axed as Coulson arrest …

AFP via Yahoo! UK & Ireland 

David Cameron stressed that Britain's commitment to Afghanistan would endure

David Cameron stressed that Britain's …

Murdoch: NOTW Closure 'A Collective

Murdoch: NOTW Closure 'A Collective …

Sky News via Yahoo! UK & 

Anger of bewildered staff at News of the World

Anger of bewildered staff at News of …

AFP via Yahoo! UK & Ireland 

Prime Minister David Cameron speaks during a news conference at number 10 Downing Street in London

Prime Minister David Cameron speaks …

File photo of Rebekah Brooks, chief executive of News International, and Rupert Murdoch, News Corp chief executive, in Cheltenham

File photo of Rebekah Brooks, chief …

Murdoch heads to Britain as News of the World closes

Murdoch heads to Britain as News of …

AFP via Yahoo! UK & Ireland 

Murdoch heads to Britain as News of the World closes

Murdoch heads to Britain as News of …

AFP via Yahoo! UK & Ireland 

Cameron said he gave Coulson a "second chance" after he quit the News of the World

Cameron said he gave Coulson a "second …

Prime Minister David Cameron arrives to give a news conference at number 10 Downing Street in London

Prime Minister David Cameron arrives …


Last edition for News of the World

The headline of the final edition of the News of the World, which is rolling off the presses for the last time in 168 years, reads: "Thank you and goodbye".

Editor Colin Myler led his journalists out of the building for the final time to rapturous applause and cheering and paid tribute to his "professional" team and the paper's readers.

The moving scenes were played out at the red top's headquarters in Wapping as News Corporation boss Rupert Murdoch prepared to fly to the UK to deal personally with the swiftly unfolding crisis.

Meanwhile, embattled News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks remained defiant in the face of mounting criticism - telling MPs she had "no knowledge whatsoever" of hacking when she edited the Sunday paper.

And amid mounting pressure on David Cameron, Downing Street responded to Labour calls for a judge to be appointed to lead a public inquiry insisting it was acting "as rapidly as possible and legally permissible".

In a personal email to his journalists - seen by the Press Association - editor Colin Myler rallied staff together as they prepared to bid farewell to the tabloid. "It's not where we want to be and it's not where we deserve to be," he wrote. "But I know we will produce a paper to be proud of."

News of the World chief sub editor Alan Edwards defended his colleagues - all of whom had turned up for work. "What we really want to do is do a professional job as we always do and get the final edition of our paper out," he said. "We are like a family up there and there's very much that feel that we're all pulling together."

The words of solidarity came as police were poised to make more arrests in the phone hacking inquiry. In the last two days, three people have been quizzed by police.

A 63-year-old man arrested in Surrey in connection with alleged corrupt payments made to police officers has been bailed to return to a London police station in October. Officers would not confirm reports that he is a private investigator.

On Friday, former News of the World editor Andy Coulson was questioned for nine hours over suspected corruption and the scandal which forced the paper's closure. Ex-royal editor Clive Goodman, 53, has also spoken to police over claims officers were bribed following a dawn swoop on his Surrey home.

  • The front cover of the final edition of the News of the World newspaper (News International/PA)Enlarge Photo

    The front cover of the final edition of the News of the World newspaper (News In …

What a complete mess. Why sake journalists for hacking when you expect them to deliver the goods and the highest selling newspaper in the UK is providing those goods. To bring the people what they want these sort of tactics have to be deployed. The public clamoured for phone messages about Diana and her 'lover'. A big thing is being made out of something that has been going on forever and not just by journalists. No-one died as a result of the hacking, no abuse took place, no-one was at risk physically, no real harm has been done except loss of privacy so why are we treating it like a murder trial?

No stone unturned.....lets not forget that these newspapers until a few years ago supported the LABOUR government, thats the period that these allegasions come from,along with the brown envelopes, go for the throat Cameron and lets see just how these stupid labourites come out of it.After all they gave them the leash to do it.

Sad .... that a British newspaper with over 150 years history is destroyed because of an Australian's greed.

the notw has appologised and shut down
labour has not appologised and still wants to harm you

Lewis Willetts 
As they say "Thanks for the memories"

So long, and thanks for all the pish!

Good riddance to bad rubbish

What has not been examined (except perhaps than by Mr. Murdoch) is what happens if the NoW was not closed. It may be that when all the claims for compensation are accrued that it would not be solvent! I am unsure (but I will bet Mr. Murdoch will have it all worked out) as to whether being part of News International would extend its funding to cover all the compensation claims and law suit cost.

For Mr. Murdoch to say they had been let down is something that was within their gift to avoid and he can't shove responsibility off just like that.

he will just start the paper up with new name and same greedy corrupt two faced sneaky so called journalists,he should be banned from printing in U.K. hes a low life self centred @#$% ole

A sad day for the paper

Phone hacking, that’s down near the bottom of the morality ladder with such things as “sleeping with a ginger”, idnit?

corrupt yosalls

I would not trust murdock to run a ICE Cube factory on the SUN

what i want to know is why are the Met doing the "invesigation"? Surely an indpendent force with no ties to London or the paper should be brought in. That way we might stand a chance of the right people being prosecuted, instead of protected.
Also suprised the former notw journo who was jailed has said nothing publicly....Brooks was apparently a hands on editor, i.e always in the news room, so how can she not know what was going on? Why hasn't she been charged with bribing the police, she has admitted they were paid by the News of the World, thats bribery, and she should be charged....

He looks like he is melting!!

Well, if it's true, perhaps they got paid in 'coppers'.

I wouldn't be surprised if Murdog doesn't turn up, if he ends up neck deep in the brown smelly stuff he wouldn't be allowed to leave the country again. No, he won't have the bottle to come here, the scumbag will tackle this from afar.

I wouldn't be surprised if Murdog doesn't turn up, if he ends up neck deep in the brown smelly stuff he wouldn't be allowed to leave the country again. No, he won't have the bottle to come here, the scumbag will tackle this from afar.

Slippery Ginger Tom.!

Let's hope this is just the beginning of the fall of the house of Murdoch and his awful media empire.

shame for the current crop of innocent journalists
30 years ago it might have been a decent paper murdoch buggers up everything he touches good ridence to bad rubbish
cameron was soi wrong to appoint colson, he admits responsibility so he should resign, otherwise he is not taking responsibility

Well im going to miss New of the world.

Hypocrisy and cant are two words that spring to mind, when issues like this *storm-in-a-handset* bubble to the surface, albeit in the rattling death-throes of this now insufferably-overpopulated, drowning, suffocating, last-gasping erstwhile empire. It occurs to me that. instead of denigrating one of our most famous and much-loved English institutions - namely The News of the World, along with some of the cream of the Fourth Estate, who it seems to me have not done any one of us a scrap of real harm in the course of carrying out their divers and necessarily covert researching activities - we would do better to investigate the bribery and corruption, and other divers and dubious activities, which it would seem have now become part-and-parcel of this once *squeaky-clean* Green-And-Pleasant-Land. As to those who would pontificate and *Tut-Tut* over this recent judgement - a finding which it seems to me to be decidedly out-of-character for a trail-blazing island which once boasted its demonstrably hard-won freedoms, most of which now seem to have been eroded on the altar of this ridiculous Geo-Socio Communistic *political correctness* to that of a Police State, in a poverty-stricken Banana Republic - my advice is *let he who without sin, cast the first stone*...because, if it hasn't already occurred to you, there is the thought that journalists - shamed, disbarred or otherwise - are still capable, in the many of the other ways open to them, of monitoring the hmmmm activities of, and blowing-the-whistle on, anyone (and I do mean *anyone*)...and that even goes for their holier-that-thou critics, *unfrocked*, black-coated or otherwise... because, notwithstanding Judgement in a Court of Law, I wouldn't have thought that Orwell's *Big Brother* had carte blanch with impunity to exercise a priority-option on *news* judgement, as well; the latter which is always open to any crusading investigative reporter worth his salt, albeit one with a nose for a rattling-good *castle-tumbling* story, and on either side of the Bar, eh what ? Hic ! Indeed, if you were to ask me, I would be inclined to say, and quite confidently, at that: Watch this space, because if I've learned anything in this life, it is this: *Never, ever, cross a Newspaper Man, because - from the ill-fated Sea-Green Incorruptible, French Revolutionary butcher-advocate Robespierre, to the equally hell-destined *Peter-the-Painter*, who dispensed the same kind of summary Geo Socio justice in Stalin's murderous show-trials, 150 years later - nobody is fire-proof !

Robert to save the day! He better take over and tell Cameron what to do next!

iI suspect there will be some sort of cover up, kicked in to the long grass...
This country really has gone to pot, the rich will worm there way out and the poor will end up paying in the end...Where did it all go so wrong?

"millions of emails from an internal archive at News International may have been destroyed in what could be seen as a bid to obstruct Scotland Yard's inquiry".......

Why was the equipment not impounded when this mess went global a few days ago????? 
Most probably because the emails that have been allowed to be deleted contain information relating to the hundreds of corrupt police officers involved!! This behaviour is nothing short of disgusting, but who are we to complain...... we are the idiots who put these money grubbing cretins in power!

"Murdock flying in" or should that read, "Murdock flying out"? If he was doing this dirt in the UK he was doing it in the USA too, and things will get pretty nasty over there when the sleeping giant finally wakes and realises what has been going on. Paid cops and hacked victim families..... bad enough but there is much more dirt coming, I am sure, especially when Rebeka does a deal with the investigation cops.... she must know some important things about Murdock for him to be giving such protection -- when she coughs, he'll be in the slammer -- son-Murdock too, I guess. 

Far safer for Murdock to be over here where he has better air cover from Cameron et al, and less threat of punishment from softie UK.z

MARK  No stone left unturned.....sure

Forget a Judge, put the working man/woman on the panel and see what the real outcome would be. Then once found guilty by this panel let them go in front of a Judge and Jury of working people who have the power to impose sentence. I bet it would not be a slap on the wrist like a planted Judge would give (one of Camerons or Murdock mates) it would be a real sentence with no chance of parole until 9/10 of the sentence is carried out. But alas we all know this wont happen and it will be another fix just like Blair had on the Iraq enquirey. Money looks after Money and the people will just have to like it as we dont have the balls to stand up and fight to change it.

Should be enquiry in to the 2010 UK General Election 
and what funny business did Coulson as Communication Director get up to-- as now we know he had a Phone Hacking reputation 
how about the microphone incident with the woman from Rochdalle that costs Labour dearly? a reward for any info ? happy to offer ?

No stone left unturned.....sure...

Forget a Judge, put the working man/woman on the panel and see what the real outcome would be. Then once found guilty by this panel let them go in front of a Judge and Jury of working people who have the power to impose sentence. I bet it would not be a slap on the wrist like a planted Judge would give (one of Camerons or Murdock mates) it would be a real sentence with no chance of parole until 9/10 of the sentence is carried out. But alas we all know this wont happen and it will be another fix just like Blair had on the Iraq enquirey. Money looks after Money and the people will just have to like it as we dont have the balls to stand up and fight to change it.




old people lyin in there own mess ,unable to heat and eat the utility companies rippin off the public ,and whats the news about ,,,phone hackin hardly new news ,and ofc the goverment want an enquiry ,when as a nation are we goin to do something about the things that realy matter, like corrupt judges [i.e] the yuman rights idiots, who protect criminals but wont back an old lady who,s incontinent and wants her dignity back,the goverment talk big about everything ,but do little that actually matters .phone hackin who cares.

Seize all News international assets,Freeze all financial accounts and stop the printing of their newspapers.This is what the government would do to so called terrorist organisations but will they do it to a media organisation who have intruded into people's lives illegally while apparently paying police officers to keep outof the way/give them the information?
I also think the police service of England and Wales should be investigated down to the very very tiniest detail..They can no longer be trusted.Its not something new.The murmurs of police corruption have been going on for years

corrupt politicians,corrupt police,corrupt management ,but the public will never get to know the full story


Mickey, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. Cameron is big pals with these moral bankrupts.

The n.o.t.w got caught, but there all at it, corrupt to the core,there are several good books available about press corruption that prove beyond doubt there is no such thing as a free press,you only have to look at any paper to observe the ammount of government propaganda and lies perpetuated by these devils disiples, they are illusion weavers creating false belife systems for the public to blindly follow,And it doesnt stop with the tabloides ,this dumbing down of the people is a cancer that has infected every part of the media and humanity, the best thing everyone can do to escape this evil is refuse to buy papers, refuse to watch tv, dont use the banking systems, never trust the government or anybody who works and surrports these immoral systems, set yourself free and get a life,

its about right emails and any other documents will have simply dissapeared
the paper and the goverment will eradicate any information before the public enquiry
gets under way.and its not just down to the paper its the goverment and its den of thieves as well thats involved in corruption and dodgy dealings.,they try to tell us that dizzy dave the rave
didnt know about the under hand tactics used by coulson.yea right.course he didnt.
probaly gave him tax payers money to give the corrupt coppers.

Police commisioners get the sack if they dont do as their told by the government,
scientists get the sack if they dont toe the party line by the government
Reporters get the sack if they dont print the crap via editors via government



Cf says he's bored with the whole NotW saga. That's precisely why Murdoch controls us as if we were sheep and our leaders little more than shepherds to be raised or diminished at his behest. Suppose Cf would rather be watching football. Wonder whether he knows why he can't afford a ticket to see Chelsea or get the results of all the leagues read every Saturday afternoon on BBC 1 the way they used to be. Wake up Cf, you're mindless sense of boredom holds us all in thrall.

millions of e mails have been deleted .so what they can all be retrieved its not very difficult to do for those in the know
This horror of a human being clled Murdoch needs stopping NOW

murdog.lol is only coming here to hide his corrupt activities.and make sure
he doesnt get dragged in to the sleeze.he will be at number 10 behind closed doors
with dave the rave and the rest of the monkeys,getting thier excuses in order.
while they are at it they will probaly be getting it on with brookes and
shafting it ,for some thing to do....and all will come out in time,
and they will blame spiderman.and the daily bugle will close.

Horrible little man hope he gets arrested. Glad it is the end of the rubbish New of the World sunday paper.

Gerald, extraordinarily wordy but I think most will not understand.

I wonder if the reason Rebekah Brooks has kept her job is because she has dirt on those above her in News International.....

This latest saga reminds me of the expenses scandal, so we are now seeing only the thin end of the wedge. For ever since I can remeber in my 60+ years, ALL sectors of society have fiddled expenses, and we took it for granted that this would happen. In the same way I suspect that ALL media breaks the law to find the lurid scoops the public have a thirst to read. It is likely this is just taken for granted as an acceptab le practice in this industry, so many journalists right now will be having sleepless nights. At the top of this form of corruption stands Murdoch, who no doubt will escape justice. He is basically a foreign unelected leader of this country, who is able to influence the electorate into voting for whoever he wishes at the time. His arrival into his little "country" is as a former writer here says, a probable attempt to cover his own tracks. Pray to God that this will at least stop his BskyB takeover!


If there is "Suspicion" of important evidence on News International's Computer then 
why hasn't this been put beyond 
the reach of those who would benefit from it being destroyed? 
Wait, I know what's happened. Murdoch got in touch with Cameron and told him to delay the serious crime squad going in to give him time to dispose of the incriminating evidence of course!

David B
As the head of the company and ulimateley responsible for its actions he should be arresed on arrival
Bet that it dont happen.

All big business is corrupt,banks, papers, electric,gas, petrol, supermarkets,everything.
They all stink

Lets give him a good welcome. Dont buy any of his papers this Sunday.
Perhaps he will pull out of the UK completely. Job Done !

Murdock flying in - good I hope Immigration give him hell
and the police arrest him as soon as he enters the UK,
a few nights in the cells would do him good before he is deported
as an undesirable person, of course we would be sending him to where 
we used to send our criminals!!!!!!!

johnp I think the only reason Murdock is flying in is so he can talk to
others without the risk of his phone being tapped (legally). 
This was how Bin Laden did his communications, by word of mouth. 

He is coming here to tell certain people what he wants done and how.
Maybe he is worried that Robeka is going to spill and needs to re-negotiate her payment terms. Maybe he needs to agree similar with Coulson and others so they do not land him in the brown+smelly. 

Can't understand why else he would need to travel over to UK unless it is to strengthen his position. ie deal with a few politicians or maybe exec-cops -- ones that Sonny is not able to handle himself.
She looks like Crusty the Clown with that hair do.
But what sort of jobs does he provide?
I learnt to read using the News of the World in the 1940s,
but stopped reading it when I passed the reading
age it was set at, about six years old I think.

why does not the Met arrest murdoch senior at heathrow and
invite him to assist them with their enquiries 
- that would make a good headline

How about using the last edition to name everyone involved,,,

Sorry, I thought the photo was a 'This is him before and after'

Good Riddance.The News of the World was a horrible rag which based much
of its success in sticking its prurient nose into peoples private lives,
usually exposing sexual foibles with great relish. 
How many lives were ruined by these seedy journos over the years I wonder? 
How many families destroyed? They always claimed to be acting 
in the public interest,but rarely were. That the public were interested was not 
the same thing.

Arrest Murdoch on arrival in Britain. He must take ultimate responsibility. 
He probably knew what was going on but turned a blind eye.

Metal Mickey 
'No stone left unturned' quoth our illustrious leader. 
Now where have I heard that before, and could there just possibly be any truth in it this time Mr C. I await with my breath held!


I'm a little confused as to how this is only the NOTW's fault and not the police or the government. For how many years has this phone hacking been going on for and how much money has changed hands between the NOTW and the police force, not only the Met but regional forces as well for information and contact numbers. Is this going to be investigated by a third party and not the police, Who polices the police force? I think this is more worrying than the NOTW as this is our police force that is supposed to be protecting the public and our identity, not selling it for a tidy profit. It is sickening!z

Peter  Presumably Rebecca will be arrested and charged -
she can hardly claim she didn't know

new enquiries = whitewash part 2

What it will be really interesting to find out is why something that the police originally hardly touched and when asked to look at again said there was nothng to look at, has blown into the biggest ever media/police scandal.
Who knows how far this scandal will reverberate. Only yesterday a local paper revealed that since May 2008 ninety members of the West Midlands Police force have been disciplined, with seven prosecuted and sacked, for accessing confidential information for their own purposes.
Whilst this suggests the force does something about transgressions it begs the question what kind of people are employed to keep the rest of us on the straight and narrow.
Perhaps all forces need looking at.

The hog like, beers swilling, , charactors with dubious morals portrayed in " Spitting Image" all those years ago was spot on.

L  As soon as he lands, he should be arrested and made to pay all the tax he has dodged. That would help clear a large part of the national deficit

Madcow ]
Be sure your sins will find you out, what goes around comes around etc. What a devious, mean cruel, spiteful, uncaring world we live in, 'good' folk are surely in a minority, classed as 'old-fashioned' get kicked into touch, while the 'bad guys' ride high, on the crest of the wave, in the end though, the wave crashes onto the shore, and breaks up, hurrahhhhhhhhhhh. -_- Just got to wait for a while to see it happen......

What about the police officers involed in corrupt payments? How high up does corruption goes in the police force?
Replies (4)

Yahoo News - 09 July, 2011

New editor for AWN.bz James Kleck 
writes an editorial statement on AWN.bz

headed ..."  Rebekah your part of the family now.."..... Rupert Murdoch

Crystal Ball.
Should Murdoch get his hands on bskyb then,the name 
will come as no surprise to anyone.

You only have to look at the photo of Rebekah Brook and Rupert Murdoch to see there's more to it, as the saying goes, A PICTURE PAINTS A THOUSAND WORD, so i say no more, you decide.

Why haven't the police got search warrants for all Murdoch properties and so secured any evidence - are they still on the take ???

File photo of Rebekah Brooks, chief executive of News International, and Rupert Murdoch, News Corp chief executive, in Cheltenham
NORTH OF THE BORDER 10 hours ago Report Abuse

the red head must have been sleeping with both dad and son, no wonder her hair is that way

maya murkydoc haha i like that name.........

maya come on brookes straighten up your hair..

Presumably Rebecca will be arrested and charged -
 she can hardly claim she didn't know

R. Suppards 

Did you ask your reporters how they managed to get so many scoops over so many years Rupert or, as I suspect, were you only interested in profit at any price?. Furthermore I have a bet that you won't have the guts to tell us.

ALL of these people are in the same Masonic fraternities, that is why the rich tend to get away with murder (literally in some cases).

what do you expect from a jew or is he a catholic now. their god is money that is why the more you pay for a seat at the synagogue the closer to the front you get , and remember if you are not jewish you are not welcome at their temple. the reason being that they believe only in the old testament and it says that they are the chosen people. that is why they thing they are better than the gentiles.


you cant say no to israel because they keep bringing your guilty conscience of the holocaust to bare.
they use that as a sympathetic weapon then they go on their hunt to make their political gains. Most of the banking and media is owned by the jews and they have even infiltrated various areas of american govt - if it was that easy middle east would have wiped out israel in a heart beat - notice how it is one country surrounded by so many muslim countries - seems rather strange doesnt it. The jewish lobby is there to make sure israel stays and the views of all jews are protected. You can't even hold an opinion against them before they attack you as if what they say is the only correct opinion. They don't practice democracy they practice communist ideology - there is no sense of people - it is just them vs everyone else.
Hair Ball 
Murdochs find a hole,lie in it and die!!!.Save us,the public,a lot of money on this now pending court case.
And that other thing,It who knows nothing,LIAR!!! and you know it.Ashamed to call you family.
V for Vendetta 
Arrest him as soon as he lands and make sure he can't do a "clean out"

It does seem a touch strange that for something of the nature that has occurred at a newspaper, both, brooks and Coulson have both claimed they had no knowledge of these practices.
I suppose I can believe Mrs Brooks as there could be two reasonable explanations as to why she is still in gainful employment while the poor unfortunate muck rakers which are still in this venerable titles employ will loose their jobs....The first of these completely believable explanations is Mrs Brooks must have been busy beating up her husband for the 42nd at this time at this point during their deliriously happy marriage.....
Second completely believable explanation as to why Mrs Brooks is still enjoying gainful employment is she Is,,, Or Has,, Or Promised to,,, shagging one or more of the Rupert household.......!!!!!
Including Ms Rupert...!!!
As for Mr Coulson,,, I just really believe he's just a lying git who will do anything to avoid reprecussions of his actions....!!!
As for ,,, the person sitting in ten Downing st,,, saying he was just giving someone a second chance,,,, 
There are tens of thousands of people in this country who have lost their jobs,, trying to keep a roof over their heads,, trying to feed their families,, will be trying to keep their children warm this coming winter with the increacesd in fuel prices.
What would they give "For a second chance...?????"
And what did he do when he offered this clown from the gutter press a position on his staff even though he was definately aware of the allegations against this prat...???
He believed every word he told him.....!!!
Does not appear checked..!!!

Now it appears we will be getting another Sunday toilet tissue in place of the one that will depart this Sunday,,, and no doubt it will be read avidly by people who's entire existence is based around the Xfactor and who are intellectually challenged by Shaun the Sheep and think Jeremy Kyle is the person who will save this contry from certain doom....!!!!!

not another sheep 
One EVIL @#$% paper down in this zionazis empire now we can take down the SCUM aka the sun
this evil paper and its evil staff do not deserve to be bought by the decent people of this country for tooo long you have bought this vile filth thinking it was about democracy now you know its all about creating an evil mind set in us the british public to support evil polices of israel.

remember it was a zionist who did this to this nation and it fallen soliders its fallen victims of evil and their familes it was a zionist who embodies everything israel is about.

david cameron is in the pocket of this zionist and must be thrown out at the next election

You only have to look at the photo of Rebekah Brook and Rupert Murdoch to see there's more to it, as the saying goes, A PICTURE PAINTS A THOUSAND WORD, so i say no more, you decide.

Why haven't the police got search warrants for all Murdoch properties and so secured any evidence - are they still on the take ???

I saw it coming 1 hour ago Report Abuse
One can only hope that murkydoc and brookes will both be detained for questioning in the near future. The fact that an executive is reported to have wiped millions of emails signals the desparation surrounding this disgusting affair. If there was nothing to hide why wipe these files? This may well end up being a farce of knowing full well who's done what, but the available evidence fails to impress the judge and jury.
What a shambles (again). Hopefully the bskyb issue will not go murkydocs way, and that the share price continues to slide. These scumbags only know the financial bottom line, not how to treat workers and public with respect and dignity. They deserve our obsolute contempt.
michael 48 minutes ago Report Abuse
He certainly is here to cover things up. If he meets up with the PM or any other MP then it should be in public and the whole thing recorded There should be no meetings with politicians or police unless those 2 things are guaranteed.
billy 26 minutes ago Report Abuse
will someone jump out and shout BOO at this old criminal, with any luck he will have a stroke. sooner he goes the better. one less criminal in the world is always a good thing

Hugh 13 hours ago Report Abuse
Rebekah Brooks is teflon coated. It's a common compound associated with a megalomaniac. Of course Murdoch will stick to her, they are both made of the same evil compound. She will still rake in the money from her evil overseer and master.
Mike M 19 hours ago Report Abuse
I have never EVER read one Murdoch's papers and now you all know why. That does sound a bit smug, but HAIL to the Guardian for sticking with it and socking it to them. I really hope that BSKYEB falls flat on its face... I have never subscribed to it either. The Murdochs are ceratinly not fit and proper people to run a media empire... the fact that Murdoch funds Fox News speaks for itself... its prurient, zenophobic, rascist, claptrap and untruthfull to boot. If this government allows Murdoch to buy the whole of BSB then all hell will let loos.

Nigel 52 minutes ago Report Abuse
Well Brookes the awful slag said herself in that taped meeting, that "In a years time, when it's all come out, everyone here will except this was the right decision". So erm, you know a lot more than your letting on then?!

And we all thought Fred Goodwin was a *unt

ROBERT 1 hour ago Report Abuse
I bet AC & DC meet up with him.Every one of them are corrupt.
And when are they going to arrest the bent coppers.

Roma Fri 08 Jul 2011 10:33 BST Report Abuse
Hooray the THREE POWER CRAZY ENORMOUS PIGS are going to tumble! Cameron, Murdock and the Metropolitan police have been rumbled! Good old Prescott the old wolf has helped to blow their power house down! Love from Goldilocks ! I am glad I did not get into their CONCLAVE.They appear to prefer Gingerlocks! I can't bear to read the Times,the Sun and the News OF the World!
I want to go to the LEFT house not the RIGHT house!

LABOURHATER Fri 08 Jul 2011 17:38 BST Report Abuse
WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER POWER CRAZY PIGS - MILLIBAND/MILLIBAND & HARMAN! As for Prescott, all he's good for is a bit part in an advert! You need to the NUTHOUSE not the lefthouse!

Crazy H 
Rupert Murdoch and his hench men need to be arrested and sent to prison. They took journalism too a sick level. Murdoch and his empire also pressure the UK government to follow a foreign policy drawn up by Israeli think tanks. A Policy that is detrimental to the UK A policy that alienates the UK from other middle eastern countries. Think of the benefit our economy could have if we trade and make good with middle eastern countries; but instead we are forced to make enemies to satisfy the hawks of the Israeli government.. The USA also faces the same problem with Aipac. WE WANT THE ZIONIST ISRAELI LOBBY and media machine TO STOP BLACKMAILING OUR GOVERNMENTS and forcing them to FOLLOW POLICY DRAWN UP MY ISRAEL enforced BY RUPERT MURDOCKS EMPIRE. The politicians fear of they go against there agenda then the press with kill there political career it as simple as that.

Richard Evans, Rebekah Brooks, Rupert Murdoch / PA

'Maybe she has dirt on one of the Murdochs'

Our News Editor Richard Evans argues why Rebekah Brooks is just as slippery as a Murdoch. 'Not a lot will change'

Related links

Murdoch: NOTW Closure 'A Collective Decision'

Rupert Murdoch has said the decision to close the News Of The World was "a collective decision", as staff at the Sunday tabloid prepared its last ever edition.

The Sunday tabloid will double its print run to five million in expectation of bumper sales as the 168-year-old newspaper comes to an end.

Mr Murdoch, chairman of News Corporation - the parent company of News International (NI), which publishes the NOTW - made the comments on the final day of a media conference in Idaho.

The 80-year-old is due in London tomorrow on a scheduled visit.

Sky News sources said staff at NOTW were today putting together the tabloid's final edition with "dignity" amid a feeling of "anger and injustice".

On Twitter, the paper's deputy political editor Jamie Lyons wrote: "At my NOTW desk for the last time. Let's go out with a bang".

It is likely editor Colin Myler will lead all his employees out together after the last-ever issue has been put to bed.

Leaving his home this morning, Mr Myler said: "[It's] very sad, but they're a wonderful team of journalists, so they're the people I'm thinking about today."

Later, in a message to staff he said he knew they would "produce a paper to be proud of".

"I could not have been more proud or privileged to have you as my colleagues," he said.

"You have made enormous sacrifices for this company and I want you to know that your brilliant, creative talents have been the real foundation for making the News Of The World the greatest newspaper in the world."

He added: "Let's try to make the most of this incredibly sad but historic day.

"It's not where we want to be and it's not where we deserve to be."

Helen Moss, news and features sub editor at NOTW said emerged from the paper's Wapping site to tell reporters it was "an extremely sad day".

She said: "We're all extremely emotional. But every single one of us working up there today is very proud of working for the News of the World.

"We're very proud of our colleagues, we're very proud of our editor, and we go out with heads held up high.

Earlier, a 63-year-old man - understood be to a private investigator who worked for the tabloid - has been released on bail.

Former NOTW editor Andy Coulson and former royal reporter Clive Goodman were released on Friday night on police bail after being arrested earlier.

Speaking outside his home this morning, Mr Coulson said: "I think this is a very sad day for the News of the World.

"More importantly to the staff who, in my mind, are brilliant, professional people and I really feel for them."

Shares in BSkyB - owner of Sky News - tumbled amid fears over the future of News Corporation's bid for the satellite broadcaster.

By the end of trading on Friday the price of shares had fallen 7.6% to 750p .

Meanwhile, Prime Minister David Cameron has come under pressure to name a judge quickly to head the inquiry into phone hacking at the NOTW .

It comes after News International denied reports that police are investigating suspected deletion of emails by an executive.

The Guardian reports Scotland Yard is probing claims that a member of staff deleted "millions of emails" from an internal archive.

Police refused to comment on the allegations but a NI spokeswoman said the assertion was "rubbish". 

"We adopted a documented email retention policy in line with our US parent's records management policy," she said.

"We are co-operating actively with police and have not destroyed evidence."

Meanwhile, NI's chief executive Rebekah Brooks hinted to staff that more revelations were ahead, warning of "another very difficult moment in this company's history".

She met News Of The World employees and defended her decision not to resign, saying she wanted to "fight and get this paper's reputation back".

In a recording of the meeting leaked to Sky News , she appeared to suggest further damaging revelations were ahead and added, "in a year's time every single one of you in this room might come up and say, 'OK, well I see what you saw now'."

After his release from Lewisham police station in southeast London, Mr Coulson said: "There is an awful lot I would like to say, but I can't at this time."

The 43-year-old, former director of communications at Number 10, was released on police bail until October.

Mr Goodman, who was re-arrested by police in connection with alleged police payments, has also been released on bail until October.

The 53-year-old was held after a dawn swoop by officers at his home in Surrey.

Officers conducted a search of his property and his desk at work at the Daily Star Sunday, as well as Mr Coulson's residence.

Mr Goodman was jailed in 2007, along with private investigator Glenn Mulcaire, for phone hacking.

Mr Coulson resigned from Downing Street in January this year, saying the drip-drip of claims about hacking under his editorship was making his job impossible.

The reports concerning Mr Cameron's former spin doctor follow Thursday afternoon's news that this Sunday's edition of the best-selling tabloid is to be its last.

The axe fell on the newspaper after a series of increasingly damaging phone hacking allegations left its reputation in tatters.

The bombshell announcement came as advertisers deserted the paper in droves and police revealed 4,000 people may have had their phones hacked.

The BBC claimed the parents of murdered Soham schoolgirls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman could have been targets while The Guardian reported murder victim Milly Dowler's phone was also accessed illegally.

The NOTW also stands accused of paying thousands of pounds illegally to corrupt police officers.

Cameron said he gave Coulson a "second chance" after he quit the News of the World

Cameron said he gave Coulson a "second chance…

Anger of bewildered staff at News of the World

Anger of bewildered staff at News of …

AFP via Yahoo! UK & Ireland 

Murdoch: NOTW Closure 'A Collective Decision'

Murdoch: NOTW Closure 'A Collective …

Sky News via Yahoo! UK &Ireland

David Cameron stressed that Britain's commitment to Afghanistan would endure

David Cameron stressed that Britain's …

Ex-News of the World royal editor arrested

Ex-News of the World royal editor a …

Reuters via Yahoo! UK & 

A demonstrator dressed as Rupert Murdoch protests against News Corp's proposed takeover of BSkyB

A demonstrator dressed as Rupert Murdoch …

Prime Minister David Cameron speaks during a news conference at number 10 Downing Street in London

Prime Minister David Cameron speaks …

"....There are no comments yet...."

File photo of Rebekah Brooks, chief executive of News International, and Rupert Murdoch, News Corp chief executive, in Cheltenham

File photo of Rebekah Brooks, chief …

NORTH OF THE BORDER 10 hours ago Report Abuse

You only have to look at the photo of Rebekah Brook and Rupert Murdoch to see there's more to it, as the saying goes, A PICTURE PAINTS A THOUSAND WORD, so i say no more, you decide.

News of the World to shut: James Murdoch

News of the World to shut: James Mu …

AFP via Yahoo! UK & Ireland 

Murdoch due in Britain to tackle hacking crisis

Murdoch due in Britain to tackle hacking …

AFP via Yahoo! UK & Ireland 

Murdoch Folds News Of The World Over Hacking

Murdoch Folds News Of The World Over …

Sky News via Yahoo! UK & 

Prime Minister David Cameron arrives to give a news conference at number 10 Downing Street in London

Prime Minister David Cameron arrives …

Murduch said "...the allegations were deplorable and unacceptable..."

michael d Fri 08 Jul 2011 09:37 BST Report Abuse
The CEO at this stage has not been proven at fault, however there is evidence that things could have been managed so much more sympathetically towards those harmed and hurt by the voicemail listenings and families, staff and the general public. I am disappointed that the NOTW lied to parliament and agree that there should be consequence towards those SM who arranged that confirmation to Government. The statements delievered by Murdoch etc have not really been very sympathetic, but more strategically driven. I did give up reading this paper years ago, and now i know why.

Zadrack Fri 08 Jul 2011 08:43 BST Report Abuse
The Face of Evil and Immorality. Hitler had his delusion of the 'Aryan Supremacy'. This man's delusion of 'Power Is In Control of Media' crookedly written all over his contorted face. Most probably from birth. Delusion is a mental disease that leads to the distortion of perceptions of human facets such as Integrity,Morality, Respect of Self and Others,Truth-From-Fiction,The Importance of adherence to The Laws Of The Land. Hence, in the total sum of measuring the standing of a human being in society does not depend on the Amount of Dollars one has in his/her own Bank Account. There is more to the standing of a media mogul than the gazing into a stagnant pool and the enjoyment of his own reflection in it.

Dave Fri 08 Jul 2011 11:27 BST Report Abuse
Spat the dummy and put two fingers up to the rest of us. The maniac is irritated so heads will roll. 200 or more in this case. What else can he do before it's all over. Stop reading his papers is about all us lesser mortals can do.

Sellingarenadotcom Fri 08 Jul 2011 14:33 BST Report Abuse
Evil Evil and more Evil is all that is written on the faces of the culprit NOTW and its journalists.and their propagation of immoral media practices. They lost the credibility of human rights and with their powerful owner they have cut right deep into the devils meal. Time to say a nasty GOODBYE to ruper mudoch, his family, his empire and his sorry appologies. BSKYB deal should be cancelled completly for he has not shown he is a fit and proer person.
They have damaged lives in other to sell papers and now they too ARE BETTER OFF DAMAGED.

P BRIGHTWELL 4 hours ago Report Abuse
Murdoch is deplorable and unnacceptable in my opinion. He should be banned from holding a broadcasting licence

SLam 22 hours ago Report Abuse and yet, for all the comments below, Murdoch and his like know that the public memory will last for 3 weeks or until the next major diversion or "once in a lifetime" offer in his panoply of media channels.
He is shrewd enough to know that the average person has got more to worry about than the discovery of his minions' crimes and will seek to soothe their ire with empty offers and "unmissable", "cattle-class" holidays................and the majority will fall for it (again).

So the dance will continue.

R Fri 08 Jul 2011 08:53 BST Report Abuse
I think that the Murdoch family are too sharp, and their statement about being innocent of being responsible regarding all the skullguggery associated with the phone hacking etc. is nonsence

simon Fri 08 Jul 2011 11:41 BST Report Abuse
what a shame what happened to collective responsibility and moral?

Murdoch heads to Britain as News of the World closes

By Sam Reeves | AFP

Rupert Murdoch was heading to London to take charge of dealing with a phone-hacking scandal that has felled his News of the World tabloid, as journalists Saturday prepared the paper's final edition.

The News Corp. chief was due to arrive in Britain on Sunday, a company source said, as the sensationalist tabloid that has been in circulation for 168 years hits news stands for the last time.

Murdoch has been keen to limit the fallout from the crisis which has cast a shadow over his bid to take full control of satellite broadcaster BSkyB, on which the government is due to decide soon.

The opposition Labour party meanwhile ratcheted up pressure on Prime Minister David Cameron, a day after one of his former aides was arrested over the scandal, demanding the establishment of an inquiry be speeded up.

Murdoch's arrival comes as about 200 staff at the News of the World face an uncertain future as the paper closes its doors.

News of the World journalists said emotions were running high as the paper prepared to go to print for the last time. Editor Colin Myler said it was a "very difficult day for us all", in a personal e-mail to staff.

"It's not where we want to be and it's not where we deserve to be," he wrote. "But I know we will produce a paper to be proud of."

Chief sub editor Alan Edwards added: "We are like a family up there and there's very much that feel that we're all pulling together."

Murdoch took the decision on Thursday to close the publication, Britain's biggest-selling Sunday paper which is part of his British newspaper business News International, following days of fresh phone-hacking allegations.

Claims that the News of the World hacked the voicemails of a murdered girl and the families of dead soldiers rapidly deepened a crisis that has been dogging the paper for several years.

Despite the anger, Britons are expected to the snap up the final copy of the paper as a souvenir and a News International source said the print run had been substantially increased.

The paper normally sells some 2.6 million copies a week.

Political pressure meanwhile mounted on Cameron on Saturday, a day after his ex-media chief Andy Coulson was arrested on suspicion of involvement in phone hacking during his time as editor of the paper.

The Labour party demanded that the government take steps to speed up the establishment of a judge-led inquiry into the scandal following a report that a News International executive destroyed vital evidence.

The Conservative prime minister has announced a judge-led public inquiry into the furore, as well as a second inquiry into the way in which the British press is regulated.

"In view of the fact that the News of the World is shutting down, it is a matter of great urgency that any documentary evidence, including files and emails, is preserved to enable a proper inquiry into these serious allegations to take place," said the Labour party 's culture spokesman Ivan Lewis.

"It is essential that we engage in immediate discussions so that by the end of the day we are in a position to agree the appointment of the judge."

The call came after the Guardian newspaper reported that police were investigating whether an executive deleted "millions of emails" from an internal archive. A News International spokeswoman said: "This assertion is rubbish."

Cameron's Downing Street office however insisted it was acting "as rapidly as possible and legally permissible", in a statement.

Coulson, who was released on bail Friday until October after his arrest on suspicion of involvement in phone hacking and corruption, quit as Cameron's communications director in January as the hacking scandal grew.

This followed his resignation from the top job at The News of the World in 2007 after a journalist and a private investigator working for the paper were jailed over phone hacking.

As editor, Coulson said he took ultimate responsibility for the hacking but always denied any knowledge that it took place on his watch.

On Friday, police also arrested Clive Goodman, the News of the World's former royal editor and one of two men jailed in 2007 for hacking the voicemails of Princes William and Harry.

He was detained on allegations of corruption and later bailed until October.

A third man, aged 63, was arrested on suspicion of corruption late Friday and was later released on bail until October.

R. Suppards 

Did you ask your reporters how they managed to get so many scoops over so many years Rupert or, as I suspect, were you only interested in profit at any price?. Furthermore I have a bet that you won't have the guts to tell us.

the red head must have been sleeping with both dad and son, no wonder her hair is that way

maya murkydoc haha i like that name.......


whats the better this undeserved rich prick gets away with everything...

as per usual, the rich stay safe and the lowers get pushed aside. i feel for all the innocents. its not fair they get punished for the fat cats criminal antics.

It does seem a touch strange that for something of the nature that has occurred at a newspaper, both, brooks and Coulson have both claimed they had no knowledge of these practices.
I suppose I can believe Mrs Brooks as there could be two reasonable explanations as to why she is still in gainful employment while the poor unfortunate muck rakers which are still in this venerable titles employ will loose their jobs....The first of these completely believable explanations is Mrs Brooks must have been busy beating up her husband for the 42nd at this time at this point during their deliriously happy marriage.....
Second completely believable explanation as to why Mrs Brooks is still enjoying gainful employment is she Is,,, Or Has,, Or Promised to,,, shagging one or more of the Rupert household.......!!!!!
Including Ms Rupert...!!!
As for Mr Coulson,,, I just really believe he's just a lying git who will do anything to avoid reprecussions of his actions....!!!
As for ,,, the person sitting in ten Downing st,,, saying he was just giving someone a second chance,,,, 
There are tens of thousands of people in this country who have lost their jobs,, trying to keep a roof over their heads,, trying to feed their families,, will be trying to keep their children warm this coming winter with the increacesd in fuel prices.
What would they give "For a second chance...?????"
And what did he do when he offered this clown from the gutter press a position on his staff even though he was definately aware of the allegations against this prat...???
He believed every word he told him.....!!!
Does not appear checked..!!!

Now it appears we will be getting another Sunday toilet tissue in place of the one that will depart this Sunday,,, and no doubt it will be read avidly by people who's entire existence is based around the Xfactor and who are intellectually challenged by Shaun the Sheep and think Jeremy Kyle is the person who will save this contry from certain doom....!!!!!

not another sheep 

One EVIL @#$% paper down in this zionazis empire now we can take down the SCUM aka the sun
this evil paper and its evil staff do not deserve to be bought by the decent people of this country for tooo long you have bought this vile filth thinking it was about democracy now you know its all about creating an evil mind set in us the british public to support evil polices of israel.

remember it was a zionist who did this to this nation and it fallen soliders its fallen victims of evil and their familes it was a zionist who embodies everything israel is about.

david cameron is in the pocket of this zionist and must be thrown out at the next election

Hair Ball 
Murdochs find a hole,lie in it and die!!!.Save us,the public,a lot of money on this now pending court case.
And that other thing,It who knows nothing,LIAR!!! and you know it.Ashamed to call you family.

You only have to look at the photo of Rebekah Brook and Rupert Murdoch to see there's more to it, as the saying goes, A PICTURE PAINTS A THOUSAND WORD, so i say no more, you decide.


you cant say no to israel because they keep bringing your guilty conscience of the holocaust to bare.
they use that as a sympathetic weapon then they go on their hunt to make their political gains. Most of the banking and media is owned by the jews and they have even infiltrated various areas of american govt - if it was that easy middle east would have wiped out israel in a heart beat - notice how it is one country surrounded by so many muslim countries - seems rather strange doesnt it. The jewish lobby is there to make sure israel stays and the views of all jews are protected. You can't even hold an opinion against them before they attack you as if what they say is the only correct opinion. They don't practice democracy they practice communist ideology - there is no sense of people - it is just them vs everyone else.

maya come on brookes straighten up your hair..

maya the red head must have been sleeping with both dad and son, no wonder her hair is that way


I should think there may be many cases of constructive dismissals on the horizon. Hope the rest of the group go out to support their badly treated colleagues....what a way to run a company and he wants the balance of bSkyB..............I don't think so do you Mr. Dodgy Cameron who has already swallowed the Kings Shilling by his distancing from this monumental @#$% up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

not another sheep

maya come on brookes straighten up your hair.


Well Brookes the awful slag said herself in that taped meeting, that "In a years time, when it's all come out, everyone here will except this was the right decision". So erm, you know a lot more than your letting on then?!

And we all thought Fred Goodwin was a *unt

Crazy H 2 hours ago Report Abuse Rupert Murdoch and his hench men need to be arrested and sent to prison. They took journalism too a sick level. Murdoch and his empire also pressure the UK government to follow a foreign policy drawn up by Israeli think tanks. A Policy that is detrimental to the UK A policy that alienates the UK from other middle eastern countries. Think of the benefit our economy could have if we trade and make good with middle eastern countries; but instead we are forced to make enemies to satisfy the hawks of the Israeli government.. The USA also faces the same problem with Aipac. WE WANT THE ZIONIST ISRAELI LOBBY and media machine TO STOP BLACKMAILING OUR GOVERNMENTS and forcing them to FOLLOW POLICY DRAWN UP MY ISRAEL enforced BY RUPERT MURDOCKS EMPIRE. The politicians fear of they go against there agenda then the press with kill there political career it as simple as that

Dave Lewis 

Why haven't the actual hackers been arrested , why , cause its all about getting the top guns , its become politicial .This happened under Labours watch , they, however diddnt have the balls to do anything about it. just listen to them now though , the same as always , in denial about ever knowing the truth themselves.

V for Vendetta 

Arrest him as soon as he lands and make sure he can't do a "clean out"
what do you expect from a jew or is he a catholic now. their god is money that is why the more you pay for a seat at the synagogue the closer to the front you get , and remember if you are not jewish you are not welcome at their temple. the reason being that they believe only in the old testament and it says that they are the chosen people. that is why they thing they are better than the gentiles.


Let's hope the public don't buy the final issue. Let the scumbags know how the nation feels. It has always been a rag but has plunged the depths of depravity. The only way to show your disgust is to boycott Murdocks publications. They have the nerve to have doubled their publication numbers. Lets hope the supermarket chains, who account for the majority of sales, refuse to stock it.

bob i 

We cannot afford another white wash o the system could collapse.
I will keep repeating what I said in early 70's." Too many people milking the cow than feeding it"The truth HAS got to come out convincingly or the system will collapse.
Conservative and Unionist.


Not smiling now are they wonder why. Corruption at the highest level all trying to avoid being brought to justice. The same as the @#$% thugs in the death throws of the last war trying to burn all the evidence of the attrocities they committed no difference think they are above the law a law onto themselves. Stinks.

Robert M 

I read somewhere that andy coulson was told, by listening to police mobiles no doubt,that he would be arrested on thur.So was he phoned,texted or e-mailed on wed and why was he told why was he not just lifted like us mere mortals.This is why i hate this country people at the top are treated so much better than us scum at the bottom.Arrest them all.

One EVIL @#$% paper down in this zionazis empire now we can take down the SCUM aka the sun
this evil paper and its evil staff do not deserve to be bought by the decent people of this country for tooo long you have bought this vile filth thinking it was about democracy now you know its all about creating an evil mind set in us the british public to support evil polices of israel.

remember it was a zionist who did this to this nation and it fallen soliders its fallen victims of evil and their familes it was a zionist who embodies everything israel is about.

david cameron is in the pocket of this zionist and must be thrown out at the next election


For God's sake don't buy a final issue. It's worthless now and even more worthless in years to come. It's very difficult to wash blood from your sticky, grubby and grasping little fingers...really hope they take you to the cleaners and burn you good and proper !


Crystal Ball.
Should Murdoch get his hands on bskyb then,the name 
will come as no surprise to anyone.


He certainly is here to cover things up. If he meets up with the PM or any other MP then it should be in public and the whole thing recorded There should be no meetings with politicians or police unless those 2 things are guaranteed.


will someone jump out and shout BOO at this old criminal, with any luck he will have a stroke. sooner he goes the better. one less criminal in the world is always a good thing


will someone jump out and shout BOO at this old criminal, with any luck he will have a stroke. sooner he goes the better. one less criminal in the world is always a good thing

I bet AC & DC meet up with him.Every one of them are corrupt.
And when are they going to arrest the bent coppers.

Or is he here to supervise the cover up?

Why haven't the police got search warrants for all Murdoch properties and so secured any evidence - are they still on the take ???
Well Brookes the awful slag said herself in that taped meeting, that "In a years time, when it's all come out, everyone here will except this was the right decision". So erm, you know a lot more than your letting on then?!

And we all thought Fred Goodwin was a *unt

Wilbur 1 hour ago Report Abuse
Arrest him as soon as he lands and then deport him as an undesirable.

I saw it coming 1 hour ago Report Abuse
One can only hope that murkydoc and brookes will both be detained for questioning in the near future. The fact that an executive is reported to have wiped millions of emails signals the desparation surrounding this disgusting affair. If there was nothing to hide why wipe these files? This may well end up being a farce of knowing full well who's done what, but the available evidence fails to impress the judge and jury.
What a shambles (again). Hopefully the bskyb issue will not go murkydocs way, and that the share price continues to slide. These scumbags only know the financial bottom line, not how to treat workers and public with respect and dignity. They deserve our obsolute contempt.
philip 1 hour ago Report Abuse
Murdoch is a scumbag.. Suggest everybody boycotts myspace. hit him where it hurts and enjoy them go through the same crap that they use to dish out to everybody else. If you hang around with dogs you get flees. RIP Rupert

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Murdoch heads to Britain as News of the World closes

Rupert Murdoch was heading to London to take charge of dealing with a phone-hacking scandal that has felled his News of the World tabloid, as journalists Saturday prepared the paper's final edition.

The News Corp. chief was due to arrive in Britain on Sunday, a company source said, as the sensationalist tabloid that has been in circulation for 168 years hits news stands for the last time.

Murdoch has been keen to limit the fallout from the crisis which has cast a shadow over his bid to take full control of satellite broadcaster BSkyB, on which the government is due to decide soon.

The opposition Labour party meanwhile ratcheted up pressure on Prime Minister David Cameron, a day after one of his former aides was arrested over the scandal, demanding the establishment of an inquiry be speeded up.

Murdoch's arrival comes as about 200 staff at the News of the World face an uncertain future as the paper closes its doors.

News of the World journalists said emotions were running high as the paper prepared to go to print for the last time. Editor Colin Myler said it was a "very difficult day for us all", in a personal e-mail to staff.

"It's not where we want to be and it's not where we deserve to be," he wrote. "But I know we will produce a paper to be proud of."

Chief sub editor Alan Edwards added: "We are like a family up there and there's very much that feel that we're all pulling together."

Murdoch took the decision on Thursday to close the publication, Britain's biggest-selling Sunday paper which is part of his British newspaper business News International, following days of fresh phone-hacking allegations.

Claims that the News of the World hacked the voicemails of a murdered girl and the families of dead soldiers rapidly deepened a crisis that has been dogging the paper for several years.

Despite the anger, Britons are expected to the snap up the final copy of the paper as a souvenir and a News International source said the print run had been substantially increased.

The paper normally sells some 2.6 million copies a week.

Political pressure meanwhile mounted on Cameron on Saturday, a day after his ex-media chief Andy Coulson was arrested on suspicion of involvement in phone hacking during his time as editor of the paper.

The Labour party demanded that the government take steps to speed up the establishment of a judge-led inquiry into the scandal following a report that a News International executive destroyed vital evidence.

The Conservative prime minister has announced a judge-led public inquiry into the furore, as well as a second inquiry into the way in which the British press is regulated.

"In view of the fact that the News of the World is shutting down, it is a matter of great urgency that any documentary evidence, including files and emails, is preserved to enable a proper inquiry into these serious allegations to take place," said the Labour party 's culture spokesman Ivan Lewis.

"It is essential that we engage in immediate discussions so that by the end of the day we are in a position to agree the appointment of the judge."

The call came after the Guardian newspaper reported that police were investigating whether an executive deleted "millions of emails" from an internal archive. A News International spokeswoman said: "This assertion is rubbish."

Cameron's Downing Street office however insisted it was acting "as rapidly as possible and legally permissible", in a statement.

Coulson, who was released on bail Friday until October after his arrest on suspicion of involvement in phone hacking and corruption, quit as Cameron's communications director in January as the hacking scandal grew.

This followed his resignation from the top job at The News of the World in 2007 after a journalist and a private investigator working for the paper were jailed over phone hacking.

As editor, Coulson said he took ultimate responsibility for the hacking but always denied any knowledge that it took place on his watch.

On Friday, police also arrested Clive Goodman, the News of the World's former royal editor and one of two men jailed in 2007 for hacking the voicemails of Princes William and Harry.

He was detained on allegations of corruption and later bailed until October.

A third man, aged 63, was arrested on suspicion of corruption late Friday and was later released on bail until October.

  • Or is he here to supervise the cover up?
    A Yahoo! User 
    It does seem a touch strange that for something of the nature that has occurred at a newspaper, both, brooks and Coulson have both claimed they had no knowledge of these practices.
    I suppose I can believe Mrs Brooks as there could be two reasonable explanations as to why she is still in gainful employment while the poor unfortunate muck rakers which are still in this venerable titles employ will loose their jobs....The first of these completely believable explanations is Mrs Brooks must have been busy beating up her husband for the 42nd at this time at this point during their deliriously happy marriage.....
    Second completely believable explanation as to why Mrs Brooks is still enjoying gainful employment is she Is,,, Or Has,, Or Promised to,,, shagging one or more of the Rupert household.......!!!!!
    Including Ms Rupert...!!!
    As for Mr Coulson,,, I just really believe he's just a lying git who will do anything to avoid reprecussions of his actions....!!!
    As for ,,, the person sitting in ten Downing st,,, saying he was just giving someone a second chance,,,, 
    There are tens of thousands of people in this country who have lost their jobs,, trying to keep a roof over their heads,, trying to feed their families,, will be trying to keep their children warm this coming winter with the increacesd in fuel prices.
    What would they give "For a second chance...?????"
    And what did he do when he offered this clown from the gutter press a position on his staff even though he was definately aware of the allegations against this prat...???
    He believed every word he told him.....!!!
    Does not appear checked..!!!

    Now it appears we will be getting another Sunday toilet tissue in place of the one that will depart this Sunday,,, and no doubt it will be read avidly by people who's entire existence is based around the Xfactor and who are intellectually challenged by Shaun the Sheep and think Jeremy Kyle is the person who will save this contry from certain doom....!!!!!
    Arrest him as soon as he lands and then deport him as an undesirable.
    whats the better this undeserved rich prick gets away with everything...

    as per usual, the rich stay safe and the lowers get pushed aside. i feel for all the innocents. its not fair they get punished for the fat cats criminal antics.
    Murdoch is a scumbag.. Suggest everybody boycotts myspace. hit him where it hurts and enjoy them go through the same crap that they use to dish out to everybody else. If you hang around with dogs you get flees. RIP Rupert
    Why haven't the police got search warrants for all Murdoch properties and so secured any evidence - are they still on the take ???
    He certainly is here to cover things up. If he meets up with the PM or any other MP then it should be in public and the whole thing recorded There should be no meetings with politicians or police unless those 2 things are guaranteed.
    hang on guys, one thing that no one seems to have asked......who supplied all the telephone numbers....eh
    I bet AC & DC meet up with him.Every one of them are corrupt.
    And when are they going to arrest the bent coppers.
    I saw it coming 
    One can only hope that murkydoc and brookes will both be detained for questioning in the near future. The fact that an executive is reported to have wiped millions of emails signals the desparation surrounding this disgusting affair. If there was nothing to hide why wipe these files? This may well end up being a farce of knowing full well who's done what, but the available evidence fails to impress the judge and jury.
    What a shambles (again). Hopefully the bskyb issue will not go murkydocs way, and that the share price continues to slide. These scumbags only know the financial bottom line, not how to treat workers and public with respect and dignity. They deserve our obsolute contempt.
    Serenity Wolf 
    This will be another farse like that with banks. All wind and piss with action so late that there will be nothing left to find. I suppose Murdoch is here to give the back handers to the so called people we call honourable and lawful! This is hypocricy at the highest level with people who should be above suspicion, not ones that seem to be dancing to Murdoch's tune.
    If Cameron wants to stay in office he will have to show that the country comes before so called friends. Any MP's that have a clean conscience should now stand up and be counted for this is not about being the cause of the party, it is now about the integrity of Parliment and those who govern this country. 
    We the Britsh people were white washed over, the Banks, MP's expenses, bail outs in the EU and job cuts in the public sector when the councilors have salary increases and award themselves large bonuses.
    As we the tax payers are told we must tighten our belts as its all our faults, (funny I don't remember when I bought any sub-prime mortgages?) With everyone in charge on the gravey train with their snouts further into the trough.
    Along comes Merry Murdoch Christmas with gifts for all at the top. He is no doubt staying at chequers at our expense.
    Do not buy the sun bring that down. Same GANGSTERS.
    seize his assets as proceeds from crime, revoke his ukcitizenship which he only got because he's wealthy, send the police into the offices of the sun and the times ,members of the same group have access to the same brooks
    sorry crooks
    I should think there may be many cases of constructive dismissals on the horizon. Hope the rest of the group go out to support their badly treated colleagues....what a way to run a company and he wants the balance of bSkyB..............I don't think so do you Mr. Dodgy Cameron who has already swallowed the Kings Shilling by his distancing from this monumental @#$% up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Does anybody think it's only the NOW hacking? It stands to reason that most of the papers are doing it. Everybody should immediately change their remote access passwords. Better still, the mobile phone companies should make it essential to change it when you first turn a new one on.

  • JOHN
    nothing is deleted on the WWW, there is always a trace.
    R. Suppards 
    Did you ask your reporters how they managed to get so many scoops over so many years Rupert or, as I suspect, were you only interested in profit at any price?. Furthermore I have a bet that you won't have the guts to tell us.
    murkydoc haha i like that name.........
    will someone jump out and shout BOO at this old criminal, with any luck he will have a stroke. sooner he goes the better. one less criminal in the world is always a good thing

  • Stamp his passport undesirable alien and put him on the next plane out
    Definition noun
    a person who is not a citizen of a country, and who the government considers should not be allowed to stay in that country

    Accurate description don,t you think
    why did it take 4 years for the police to do anything,they had the 11000 pages of evidence and did nothing
    Robert M
    I read somewhere that andy coulson was told, by listening to police mobiles no doubt,that he would be arrested on thur.So was he phoned,texted or e-mailed on wed and why was

  • Robert Maxwell stole millions from his newspaper employees pension fund. Conrad Black milked his media empire for his own enrichment. But Murdoch is the most crooked of the lot and this scandal is going to get a whole lot bigger. So News International paid the Police we know. But so far the cover-up has been which politicians were bought by the evil Murdoch machine. When that information begins to leak out as it will soon the real scandal will unfold - this info is what Rebekah Brooks was alluding to in her talk to NOTW staff when she spoke of further revelations.
    Come on Andy, tell the police what you really know and bring down that smug Murdoch and his son and the rabid Rebekah Brooks.
    He should do the decent thing like Hitler did when his empire fell and blow his evil brains out. Of course he won't though cos he's a self righteous pr1ck. And yes those million email have been deleted because that's how deceitful lying criminals behave. They think it's their right to be above the law. The entire establishment is rotten to the core. Once they've gone through the motions of this farce of an investigation and they think they've got away with it, they should be killed in an unfortunate accident. Either way they should pay for their crimes.
    bob i 
    We cannot afford another white wash o the system could collapse.
    I will keep repeating what I said in early 70's." Too many people milking the cow than feeding it"The truth HAS got to come out convincingly or the system will collapse.
    Conservative and Unionist.
    V for Vendetta 
    Arrest him as soon as he lands and make sure he can't do a "clean out"
    TheRightReverendReverendW ...
    Once you start hacking where are you going to stop? What does Brooks mean about there being "worse to come" do we think? Bank accounts being hacked maybe? Or competitors financial records or security systems perhaps? How about a bit of insider trading while we're at it? The mind boggles. 
    Any ideas out there to add to the seething cauldron of speculation?
    Politicians, journalists, police and even Murdoch could be in real trouble this time.
    A British Watergate might be understating it.
    Da da da da!
    pete proton 
    It would be interesting to find out if Mrs Brooks gave Coulson a reference for his job with Cameron.
    what we got here is the government pi,,,,g in the wind over poxy N O W the paper was full of crap from when i was a kid and so was the people too what i see here is the government making lots of air time for a load of crap when the real issue here is about the state of our country and the many who r losing their jobs still in this recession i would rather more time and seriouse effort was put into getting people back into work and our economy kick started and cut taxes so we get more investment in this country and to end

  • If Camerons superior and paymaster is coming from the good old USA to give our misguided leader some more directions on how to mislead the British public, then it's just another farse like the control he instigated over the Bankers bonuses. I bet Cameron is shaking in his boots for speaking out about the NOTW now his boss is coming to chastise him for not playing the agreed game. Perhaps he will have to play kissy kissy with the red head all over again. How will they get elected the next time without Murdock pulling the voters strings and pouring money into the conservative trough. They have convieniently forgot who paid for the Kings election.
  • I saw it coming 
    The notw is a done deal. The only reason murkydoc is coming over here is to lean on politicians and keep the bskyb issue going his way. We'll soon know if camoron and his cronies have capitulated and given in, and been weak and spineless.
    It cannot be right for one person to own and control so much of the worlds media. At least milliband has nailed his colours to the mast and demanded the resignation of brookes, and not bowed to murkydocs henchmen.
    Watch this space for an apparent 'compromise' and back door deals that will seemingly not give in to murkydoc, but in reality will give him what he wants. The 'offering' of skynews being independant is laughable. This deception is so obvious why cannot our politicians see it?
    Chuck Blazer 
    Any one out there got a 'tap' on Murdoch's phone?
    dont hurry you old fool, its not like you're welcome!!

    not a good look for australia is it? their biggest exports are: 
    rupert murdoch, 
    mel gibson, 
    russell crowe, 
    men at work
    and weak soap operas. 
    really guys you need to hide all that and show the world the good stuff.
    The BBC and other left-wing critics had better cover their backs, Murdoch will have his revenge and it will not be pretty.
    lock em up and keep em locked up for their own safety. Some of them might just self harm so take their belts, socks etc off them and have them on suicide watch. Is this a case of what goes around comes around? They knew the rules, the law etc and to say that she didn't know what was going on is laughable surely a good boss knows what is going on. How much does Rebekah get a year???
    Crystal Ball.
    Should Murdoch get his hands on bskyb then,the name "Brooksky" will come as no surprise to anyone.
    Phil Stevens 
    I hope the 200 employess with 'an uncertain future' wind up on the dole or writing for some backwater local newspaper, or better still an obscure soft porn magazine or internet porn site (as befitting their talents). Anybody who has any scruples, genuine creativity, or pride in their cultural abilities, would not want to work for such a paper as NOTW in the first place. Good riddance to them all! As for Murdoch - seriously what the hel is he doing with such a sexy Asian wife? She's got to be bought, or a gold-digger - come on! Even if she could stomach having sex with him, would eh actually be capable of doing anything with her?!
    Asian guy 
    Dont buy the Sun, the Times or watch Sky News. Take this scumbag down!

  • I hope the 200 employess with 'an uncertain future' wind up on the dole or writing for some backwater local newspaper, or better still an obscure soft porn magazine or internet porn site (as befitting their talents). Anybody who has any scruples, genuine creativity, or pride in their cultural abilities, would not want to work for such a paper as NOTW in the first place. Good riddance to them all! As for Murdoch - seriously what the hel is he doing with such a sexy Asian wife? She's got to be bought, or a gold-digger - come on! Even if she could stomach having sex with him, would eh actually be capable of doing anything with her?!
    Albert Pierrepoint 
    where's WIKILEAKS when you need em? i hope some disgruntled IT geek at NOTW will hand over a big pile of CDROMS to WIKILEAKS with ALL the @#$% on everybody on them , Police, MP's, PM's go for it !!
    Reggie Rao 1 hour ago Report Abuse
    oh yea the most trusted police are in a massive scandle coruption get money to destroy inocent peoples images hacking [phones the are still hucking my phones if the dont stop my next move is to go on u tube and let the world know the truth about torture the police did to me for 8 years only waiting to see if scotland yard are going to investigate this case and bring the culprits to justice im positive that the are getting my messages and are going to help me with my 8 years torture case police fabrication has been on for years needs to end now innocent people serving life torture is a majour issue i reggie rao has been tortured for 8 years by the police hacking
    an interesting point would be , if murdoch takes over BSKYB will all our televisions have to be converted to two way screens to save him the expense of hiring private eyes to spy on our private lives ????????????? what about that then , no place to hide no more , 
    i see someone has managed to do a misprint on the P Ms name but i applaud it CA-@#$% really does have a good sound to it he should be in politics with a name like that , with a name like that he should go right to the top !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    as for all the rest of this debacle murdoch and brooksey deserve each other its just a pity they are rich enough to buy off the nation and reap the benefits of their ill gotten gains, as has been said were it you or i we would have been arrested on day one and wouldn't have seen the light of day for many o long year
    Neil K 
    nevermind him, how on Earth has she got away with what she has...

    ... is she really a banker?
    ...everybody look busy! the boss is here....!!
    Who is the Third Man?
    its funny all this is coming to light now when they wanna buy skybsb
    i dont give murdoch a solitary thought from one day to another 
    then suddenly i cant help but hear about murdoch n his evil empire & judging by the veiws on here we're all suddenly dislikin this bloke n his empire of deciete
    now if i was a bit scepical 
    i might just think someone wants to stitch him up n has released this stuff 
    could it be murdoch isnt part of the new world order n may be gettin to big for his boot n the powers have decided to slap him down
    just a thought but should we believe everything thats fed to us
    Here comes the Cavalery, Murdoch is now got to get these politicians in line. He's only here to get the BSkyB deal sorted, nothing else. The journalists are only cannon fodder they will always find some other ones. The Politicians either do what he(Murdoch) says or a Large can of worms will be opened.
    Not smiling now are they wonder why. Corruption at the highest level all trying to avoid being brought to justice. The same as the @#$% thugs in the death throws of the last war trying to burn all the evidence of the attrocities they committed no difference think they are above the law a law onto themselves. Stinks.
    Well Brookes the awful slag said herself in that taped meeting, that "In a years time, when it's all come out, everyone here will except this was the right decision". So erm, you know a lot more than your letting on then?!

    And we all thought Fred Goodwin was a *unt
    Can someone please explain something to me. Last week, the Government said that suspects were only allowed 4 days on bail. Why are these reporters etc on bail until October? Or have I got it wrong somewhere? I am genuine in my question. Please answer properly as I am unsure. Thanks.
    Murdoch was and is fundimentally anti-british. An old Colonial minded relic he has had it in for us Brits all of his life. Through his publications he has underminded our Britishness and has contributed to the dislike and hatred from former pre-historic colonialists. His view of ordinary people in this country has been so tainted that whatever methods of demeaning us is fair game to him. It is his hatred and direction to his media underlings with no holds barred that has led to this current disgrace to his publication. No one believes that he has been chastised or even rebuked over this affair. I'm with the USA. No foreigners should ever control any of our radio, newpapers or television stations. People like Murdoch, who hate us, use them to damage our own country.
    Jail the none tax paying bast@rd
    John Medved 
    The paper normally sells some 2.6 million copies a week.

    Can't imagine so many retards in one country. 

  • starting not to be proud of my country, There's something rotten in the state of England.
    For God's sake don't buy a final issue. It's worthless now and even more worthless in years to come. It's very difficult to wash blood from your sticky, grubby and grasping little fingers...really hope they take you to the cleaners and burn you good and proper !
    As soon as he lands in Britain he should be put back on the plane and told to p*ss of back to where he came from. There is no one in their right mind could say he new nothing about it.
    Hair Ball 
    Murdochs find a hole,lie in it and die!!!.Save us,the public,a lot of money on this now pending court case.
    And that other thing,It who knows nothing,LIAR!!! and you know it.Ashamed to call you family.
    ALL of these people are in the same Masonic fraternities, that is why the rich tend to get away with murder (literally in some cases).
  • maya 
    the red head must have been sleeping with both dad and son, no wonder her hair is that way...
    Dave Lewis 
    Why haven't the actual hackers been arrested , why , cause its all about getting the top guns , its become politicial .This happened under Labours watch , they, however diddnt have the balls to do anything about it. just listen to them now though , the same as always , in denial about ever knowing the truth themselves.
    come on brookes straighten up your hair...
    OK lets get some perspective here. Like the majority of you I am appalled at what has transpired with N.O.W.. But it is unfair to those who have no connection to the furore now surrounding that paper, the printers, drivers, warehouse workers. Because of unscrupulous journalists they have lost there jobs. That isn't a good thing surely?. If we start vilifying innocent workers because of mistakes made by their bosses then we are guilty of victimisation. Vent your deserved anger at those who are guilty. The printers, drivers etc have played no part in this but are being punished for it.
    have you ever met an aussie you could trust?

    me neither!

    shifty, self promoting loud mouths, and those are the good points